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Letter from the Villa Manager
On behalf of the Villa staff and myself,
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Will Phil see his shadow for six more weeks of winter or is
summer around the corner? My prediction is an early
spring. Remember, you heard it here first.
As for this month, really not a story but rather an education.
Thank you all once again for all the great comments on my stories/adventures. I am
happy to share them with you.
As you will all know I am English, born and bred. Having said that, and after some
questions from some of you, I wanted to give you some insight into the English
language. A language that we all speak! Or is it?
Sometimes when I say things, you look at me with a bewildered look in your eyes.
What did he say? Even though I have been in the states for 28 years now, longer
than I actually lived in England, I pretty much had to teach myself “American”
English in order to be understood. Every once in a while I tend to slip and revert
back to “English” English.
As in Pittsburgh, you drive on the parkway and park in the driveway. For
someone from England, that makes no sense. You also have Eat n Park. How
many of you actually eat before you park?
How about cars? Not so long ago, I was asked to change a flat tire for one of our
residents. Not thinking, I asked them to “open the boot” so I could get the spare
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tire out. In England, we have boots and bonnets not trunks and hoods. And we
have an actual spare tire! You have something called a donut. Going back to a
previous newsletter, isn’t a donut something that was cooked in a helmet and eaten
by soldiers in WWII and is now celebrated with a National Donut Day?
Now, just to confuse you even more, if I go down the apples and pears for a cup of
rosy lee what am I doing? We’ll get back to that in a bit.
England is a very small country in comparison and has more dialects than I can
possibly count. One particular part of London has a dialect that is different to no
other. I call it a dialect for want of a better word. A dialect I am familiar with but,
in no way proficient. One that I’m trying to teach my wife, Karen. It is perhaps
the most unique dialect in the world. It is called Cockney Rhyming Slang.
There is a church in London called Bow Church; its real
name is St Mary-le-Bow Church in Cheapside. This
church has bells, as do most churches but if you are born
within the sound of these bells you are considered a
Cockney. My dad was born in London, Fulham to be
precise. Fulham is not within the sound, so Dad is not a
cockney, but really close. Cockney Rhyming Slang
phrases are derived by making a phrase which rhymes
with a word and then uses that phrase instead of the word. For example the word
“look” rhymes with the last word in the phrase “butcher's hook”. In many cases the
rhyming word is omitted - so you won't find too many Londoners having a
"butcher's hook." but you might find them having a "butcher's" meaning they are
having a look. The rhyming word is not always omitted so Cockney expressions
can vary in their construction, and it is simply a matter of convention which
version is used.
So getting back to the “apples and pears” and “rosie lee.” Based on the above
definition, how many of you can guess what “going down the apples and pears for
a cup of rosie lee” stands for???
It basically means going down the stairs to have a cup of tea. Pears rhymes with
stairs and lee rhymes with tea. In short, if you drop the rhyming words we are
going down the apples for a cup of Rosie. Simple isn’t it? Or are you as confused
as my trouble and strife? If you don’t get that one see below. But I have to say, it
is quite appropriate.
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What does the following mean? (Simple to start with)
Appels and pears?
Rosie lee?
Now getting harder …. 3.
Trouble and strife?
Dog and bone?
Porky pies?
The first two you all should have gotten. As for 3, 4 and 5, I will use them in a
sentence. I called my trouble on the dog and she told me a porky! Got it now?
No! Oh well, I will have to keep on going then.
Answer to the quiz.
Apple and Pears = Stairs
Rosie lee = Tea.
As for the last 3, here is what the sentence means in English. I called my wife on
the phone and she told me a lie. So,
Trouble and strife = wife (as I said, quite appropriate)
Dog and bone = phone
Porky pies = lies.
All good? Got it now? OK then, let’s take a butcher’s at this next sentence. If you
remember butcher’s hook = look.
Would you Adam and Eve it, my skin and blister is going up the frog and toad in a
jam jar and she is totally mutt and Jeff?
Translation: Would you believe it, my sister is going up the road in a car and she
is totally deaf?
Eve= believe; Blister= sister; Toad= road; Jar=car and Jeff=deaf.
Now you get it, right? No, didn’t think so. But whether you get it or not, it is
actually a language spoken by a lot of Londoners to this day. A few well-known
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phrases are used all over England. Even Dad has been known to throw a few in
once in a while. I’m not 100% sure if the queen gets it either, so you are not alone.
Read this a few more times and it actually starts to make sense. I will give you
another quiz at the next luncheon and we will see how many of you are taking
I thought you might enjoy the education as it was something that in England I was
used to. Now in Pittsburgh, I had to get used to words like, Yinz! The day I say that
is the day I book a flight back to England.
Going to Sliberty to watch the Stiller game. Yeah right, Yinz are not that much
different. No, I did not say it, I only spelt it!
I hope you have enjoyed an insight into the not-so-English, English language.
By the way, my nephew Greg, or “Chunk” as he is
affectionately known, weighed in at a whopping 23lb 10oz. in
December … 95th percentile, or average for a 15 month old (he
is only 9 months). He is 31 inches long, can’t give you the
percentile on that as the 9 month chart does not go that big.
Next weigh in will be his 1st birthday. Will keep you updated.
As the picture shows my brother has him trained well. Miller
Next month’s newsletter will feature a story. As I know you like then so much. It
involves, me, a dog, and would you believe a pub!
~ Larry
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The Amazing Cucumber
Submitted by: Leah Thomas
This information was in the New York Times several weeks ago as part of their “Spotlight on the
Home” series that highlighted creative and fanciful ways to solve problems. Below are just a
few facts.
 Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one
cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5,
Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus,
Potassium and Zinc.
 Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a
cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates
that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours and will help
fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge. Cucumbers have been
used for centuries and often by European trappers, traders and explorers for
quick meals to thwart off starvation.
 Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a
cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a
soothing, spa-like fragrance.
 Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and
rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
 Stressed out and don’t have time for massage, fascial or visit to the spa? Cut
up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water. The chemicals
and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be
released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been
shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final
 Just finished lunch with friends/family and realize you don’t have gum or
mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with
your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath. The phytochemicals
will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
 Looking for a ‘green’ way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel?
Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not
only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t
leave streaks and won’t harm your fingers or fingernails while you clean.
Pass this along to everybody you know who is looking for better and safer ways
to solve life’s everyday problems.
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Most Interesting Moments in our World History
Photos Courtesy: Larry / Karen Hayward Samurai warriors taken between 1860 and 1880
A shell-shocked reindeer looks on as war planes drop bombs
on Russia in 1941.
(Look for more Moments in Our World History next issue)
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What’s Up and Where We’re Going
The Villa Management office which is located in the Apartment Building #911 is
open during the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday. Office number is
Remember Maintenance/Security is on the campus 24/7.
Between the hours of 7 am - 3:30 pm call …. 412-592-5352
Between 3:30 pm and 7 am call …. 412-592-5704
Many of your family and/or friends live out of the area. Please remind concerned
loved ones not to leave messages on the office phone stating that they were
attempting to get in touch with you and were not able to do so.
As “peace of mind” for them, please provide them with the number/s for
This way if they are attempting to contact you and you are not at home, they can
call Maintenance/Security and have them check to be sure that you are ok.
In an attempt to make things as convenient as possible for you, please note what is
listed below:
The information bulletin board which includes the monthly sign up sheets
for up and coming events is located just inside the front doors in the foyer of
the Apartment Building #911. A mail slot just inside the front doors in the
foyer of the Apartment Building #911 is for your convenience. This can be
used to drop off your menus, other correspondence such as forms, or your
monthly fee check (or it can be mailed to the address found on your
Information ONLY is posted at Club House for your convenience.
Remember: If you are planning on using Villa Transportation for a Villa
sponsored event, you MUST sign up and/or notify Sandie as seating is limited!
Please mark your calendar for the following up and coming events:
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Specifically note the “Sign Up By Date”:
Second Wednesday Every Month (Unless Otherwise Noted)
Immediately following monthly Resident luncheon
Club House
Social Committee Meeting
All Residents Invited to Attend
Call Sandie at 412-364-6592 to schedule
Every Monday (Unless Otherwise Noted)
6:00 p.m.
Club House
Games & Card Night – Bring Snacks
Call Sandie at 412-364-6592 to schedule
Every Thursday (Unless Otherwise Noted)
9:00 a.m. (McIntyre Square)
12:30 p.m. (McIntyre Square & Pine Creek Plaza)
Pick up at your home or apartment
Thursday Weekly Giant Eagle Shopping Trip
Call Sandie at 412-364-6592 to schedule
Every Thursday (Unless Otherwise Noted)
3:00 p.m.
Club House
Tai Chi
Call Sandie at 412-364-6592 to schedule
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Medical Corner - The Stomach Flu
I am sure that many, if not all of us, have gotten our flu shot for this flu season, so I
decided for this installment of the “Medical Corner” to address viral
gastroenteritis. It is often referred to as the “stomach flu”, although it is not caused
by the influenza viruses.
We have just gotten through a very busy time of year when people are out and
about, traveling and visiting, perhaps not getting the rest we need and/or eating
foods not necessarily high on the food pyramid/ladder. All of these factors
contribute to putting us at risk for picking up one of the viruses such as rotaviruses,
noroviruses, or adenoviruses that cause the dreaded “stomach flu.”
What are the symptoms of viral gastroenteritis?
Watery diarrhea
Abdominal cramps
In general, the symptoms begin 1 to 2 days following infection and may last for 1 –
10 days depending on which virus that causes the illness.
Is viral gastroenteritis a serious illness?
Not for most people
If unable to drink enough fluids to replenish what is lost you are at
risk for dehydration
Those who are immune compromised are at greater risk and may need
Is the illness contagious? How are these viruses spread?
Yes, viral gastroenteritis is contagious
It is mainly spread through close contact with an infected person
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Can be infected by eating or drinking contaminated foods or
How does food get contaminated by gastroenteritis viruses?
Food may get contaminated by food preparers or handlers who have
viral gastroenteritis ESPECIALLY if they do not wash their hands
regularly after using the bathroom
Where and when does viral gastroenteritis occur?
It occurs all over the world
Each virus has its own seasonal activity
In the US rotavirus and adenovirus infections occur during the cooler
months usually October to April
Norovirus illness can occur around the year but also increases in the
cooler months
Norovirus outbreaks occur in institutional settings such as schools,
child cares, nursing homes, banquet halls, cruise ships, and
Who gets viral gastroenteritis?
Anyone – all ages and backgrounds
How is viral gastroenteritis diagnosed?
Generally by a physician on the basis of symptoms and examination
Rotavirus can be diagnosed by lab testing and stool specimen
How is viral gastroenteritis treated?
Preventing severe loss of fluids
Your physician may give specific instructions about what kinds of
fluids to replace the loss
Medications including antibiotics (which have no effect on viruses)
and other treatments should be avoided unless specifically
recommended by a physician
Can viral gastroenteritis be prevented?
Reduce the chance of getting infected by:
 Frequent hand washing
 Prompt disinfection of contaminated surfaces with household
chlorine bleach-based cleaners
 Prompt washing of soiled articles of clothing
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The Number 1 Line of Defense – Proper Hand Washing!
When to wash your hands:
Before –
 Touching your hand to your mouth including eating and drinking
 Smoking
 Brushing your teeth
 Helping someone who is ill
After –
 Going to the bathroom
 Changing diapers
 Touching high-hand contact surfaces like door knobs
 Helping someone who is ill
 Blowing your nose
How to wash your hands:
Wet your hands with warm water – leave the water running
throughout the hand washing process
Apply a generous amount of soap
Rub your hands together for 20 seconds
Rinse your hands trying not to touch the inside of the sink
Dry your hands with a paper towel
Use a clean paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the door
Dispose of paper towel in waste
The use of hand sanitizers:
CDC recommends an ethanol-based (minimum 62%) hand sanitizer,
preferably in a gel form
Use only when soap and water are not available
Hand washing is always best
Is there a vaccine for viral gastroenteritis?
Currently there are two licensed rotavirus vaccines available that
protect against severe diarrhea for infants and young children given to
children in their first year of life along with other childhood vaccines
Bacteria, parasites, medications, or other medical conditions may cause similar
symptoms. Your physician can determine if the diarrhea is caused by a virus or by
something else.
As always contact your physician and follow his/her instructions.
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Taste of Villa
German Potato Pancakes
Makes about 18 pancakes
½ cup bisquick
½ cup milk
1 tsp. salt
3 eggs (beaten)
3 cups finely grated uncooked potatoes
¼ cup finely grated (mild) onion
Vegetable oil for frying
Peel potatoes. Using a grater or food processor grate the potatoes and onion.
Combine ingredients until blended.
Heat griddle and coat with a thin film of vegetable oil
Pour batter by about ¼ cupfuls onto griddle – do not over crowd
Fry until edges are dry and golden brown. Flip and brown the other side.
Serve with applesauce or cling peaches or sour cream.
If you have a recipe you would like to share, please submit to the Villa Office.
Make sure you include your name
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There are many reasons why you chose to come to Vincentian Villa to live but one
of the important reasons was to take the guesswork out of where to go if and/or
when you would require the services of assisted living and/or a nursing home.
This is part of the “Continuum” of care. If you end up in the hospital and the
doctor tells you that you need to go to an assisted living or a nursing home for
rehabilitation, you need to:
 Call the Villa office to let them know you are in the hospital
 Inform the Social Service worker assigned to you that you are a resident of
Vincentian Villa, therefore, they need to contact Admissions at Vincentian
 You yourself can call Julie Schell, Admissions Coordinator at Vincentian
Home @ 412-366-5600 Ext. 1526 to inform her of your need for a bed
Remember to check the bulletin board in the Apartment Building foyer
and the bulletin board at the Club House for event postings, changes
and/or corrections, and items of general interest.
As a reminder, Maintenance/Security is here 24 hours a day / 7 days a
week. If you need assistance…do not hesitate to call them.
Update the Villa Management Office of any/all changes you may have
since your original move in, i.e. new vehicle, phone number change, etc.
Transportation Services – As a reminder ALL personal transportation
requests MUST be scheduled through the Villa Management Office.
You need to call the Management Office for available dates and times
BEFORE scheduling any/all appointments or requesting transportation
to a function sponsored by the Villa. Please refer to page/s 52 & 53 of
your Resident Handbook under the heading “Transportation Services”
for further clarification. If you have any questions, and/or to schedule a
trip, call Sandie at 412-364-6592.
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