Rob Brinded - The 5 Key Components To Daygame Body Language

There are 5 key components to DayGame Body language for approaching women. 1. Relaxed Tone
2. Movement and your Walk
3. Posture
4. Symmetry
5. Presence
These five cover a massive topic which is too much to condense into 1 chapter so I
am going to explain the first 2 components that are crucial to Day Game. If you do
not have these two covered it is like running a 10k with a 10kg (or 20 lbs) back
pack… you can do it but it makes it so much harder.
I am going to explain exactly why these two are critical in women becoming attracted to you and why you will NOT have to think about it when done correctly. If you consider your body language when approaching women, it sends
different messages to her subconscious. Sometimes that might be that you are a player
or that you are not comfortable. One that you do not want to send is the “Creepy guy”
vibe because women are ultra sensitive to this and flee quickly. You give off this vibe
when you consciously think about changing your body language.
But first let me explain why I think Body Language advise actually harms your ability
to attract women… and undermines you as a man.
When talking about body language most guys I have spoken to think of static poses
and how you're supposed to lean against walls a certain way… or maybe trying
something super advanced like sticking your thumbs in your pockets and pointing at
your groin to send a sexual message.
This is because the internet and books stores are swamped with articles talking about
this one area of non verbal communication and none of them tell you how to really
change it.
What's “CREEPY” To Women Science likes to keep things simple and can analyse these body language signals in
humans very easily. Unfortunately humans are pretty complex organisms and science
would like us to think you can study them like you can a watch… take it apart and
easily figure out how it tells the time by studying its gears.
Well Body Language experts or self development gurus just tell you to change your
posture… think about it and keep thinking about it until it changes. The only
problem with that… and it’s a serious one… is that the moment you think about
changing the way you stand or move you give off unnatural signals… CREEPY to
women. I’ll talk about this later.
The problem with body language today is that it is focused on the visible symptoms of
your body/mind. The two being inseparable.
Let me give you a prime example:
Everyone knows that you're lying when you touch your nose…
You might think “So don’t touch your nose!!”, but that is only part of the complex
problem of body language.
Another example:
When you fold your arms across your solar plexus region, your posture is both
defensive and insecure.
Again, you might think “So keep your arms by your side.”, but again that is only a
fraction of the things going on non verbally.
Well, you are starting to see the limitation of that kind of advice. Body language is a
symptom of the problem but to really fix it you really have to get at the root cause.
The problem, to put it bluntly, is insecurity. Your body is doing what it feels is best to
protect itself from signals sent to it from the brain.
Now If you try to change it consciously… you will give off an unnatural vibe,
unconsciously. This is because you are going against what the body unconsciously
thinks is best for you.
If you want to change the body language signals you are giving off… you must retrain
your body's nervous system to subconsciously accept a new position. It is like
reloading a computer operating system after it had a virus that crashed your hard
drive. Reprogram it and then it runs on it’s own. No more thinking about it.
The beauty of this is the body will instantly accept this reprogramming if it is more
efficient plus a side benefit is you get more oxygen into the body. Simply put, your
body says “Ahhh I like this new posture, I’ll keep it, the old version was harder to do
The other benefit of this is that it sparks the unconscious attraction triggers deep in
women’s brains that causes them to think of you as being confident, a protector and
fertile. They can’t help themselves from feeling this way because it is programmed
into THEIR minds to see you this way J…
I wrote ‘movement’ as Key point 2 and that’s exactly what body language never
covers and that’s a bit of a problem if you want to walk around in a café, bar or walk
up to women on the street… Movement has not been really looked at critically by
scientists and this is because it is much harder to analyse because people move in so
many different ways. It is hard to get a feel for empirical data with so many variables.
However there are core principles to male movement, especially in your walk, when
shown correctly, create attraction in women. Women simply can’t help but be drawn
to you like a magnet.
The main physical triggers are… •
Stride length
Flow and
These qualities trigger deep unconscious attraction in women’s ‘chimp’ brains
that tell her you are a good hunter, who is fertile and powerful.
You cannot DO these qualities… they have to be trained into your movement and
they have to be expressed naturally as part of who you are. The moment you actually
think about them when you walk… you become invisible to women.
I get a lot of emails asking me… “should I rotate my shoulders more or should I stride
out further”?
This is the problem, they are thinking about doing a sexual, confident walk which
creates awkward tension in you. You are really deep down saying to yourself…”I am
not good enough with the way I walk normally!”
When you reporgram your posture, walk and body subconsiously by using my system
you will have a huge weight off your mind because you will never have to think about
these things again. OOOF!!!
Before I jump into movement I have to talk about relaxation first. Now I’m not saying
“Relax mate… you’ll be fine” although that is important because it boosts your
confidence. Here’s a story from my life to explain in more detail.
That first 'Aha' moment I had was when I realized one of the first secrets that
‘naturals’ were using that I wasn't using, I kept it to myself for about 3 months to test
it out. I think I was worried that I would be proved wrong and that my main theory
was not right. I was standing in a bar surrounded by what are known in the game as
naturals...let's call them Big John, Cool Darryl and Smooth Tony, when it struck me
all of a sudden. They were just laughing about another joke Big john had cracked
when I realized what they all had in common...their bodies were super relaxed.
That might not sound like some earth shaking revelation but it’s a SPECIAL kind of
relaxed so bear with me. This was all the more obvious when I looked around the bar
and started noticing that all the other guys in the there who were not showing this
Natural Relaxation. They were ranging from muscular with a bit of tension to damn
right uptight.
As if on cue that I needed corroboration for my theory of naturals being super relaxed,
one of our friends walked past trying to look super cool in the bar, exaggerating a cool
walk and kind of saluting us.
I scanned his body as I have taught myself to do over more than 12 years working
with elite athletes and it was obvious that his body language was not congruent with
his message he was sending to everyone who was watching him. He was tense and
had poor posture, similar to a beetle or praying mantis. He was hunched over like a
gorilla, walking jerky and restricted in all his movements, and we all felt uneasy just
watching him, probably just like the woman he approached, until he then sat down
and stopped moving. I asked what they thought about how he moved, the comments
ranged from “Try hard” to “don’t know he’s just a bit of a dick”. Wow.
The try hard comment was interesting and ties in with one of my other theories. It
doesn’t matter how hard you try with pick-up lines, body language tricks and
conscious posture changes like lifting your chest up, your movement will always give
you away.
I’ll explain how to move in a moment but first lets go into this deep relaxation I
mentioned that Naturals have that most guys are missing.
Naturals Show No Tension So why don’t Naturals have tension in their body? I think there are many possible
reasons, which I go deeper into on my programs, but one of the main reasons is that
they don’t have many negative belief systems causing them to doubt themselves.
They are not constantly micro-managing their filters for possible dangers to their ego.
They simply are at peace with themselves and their world. Look at a filmed lion in the
wild and how relaxed and natural he moves then compare that to a lion trapped in a
circus or zoo where he is suffering from the trauma of being a prisoner. He will be
uptight and nervous, and very fearful.
Okay, we are not all traumatized or angry like that, but on a micro level, in today’s
society, many of us have had troubled upbringings, broken homes or stressful
relationships with others. My Mum brought my brother, sister and myself up on her
own and I remember being a really nervous kid. I have had to really look at my past to
understand where I am today in order to correct my beliefs. My posture always
reflected that I was a shy, nervous type or person and I wouldn’t hold my head up
when walking down the street or when going into bars.
In the wild, animals have a mechanism for releasing stress when they suffer a shock
to their system. Have you ever seen an antelope being chased by a cheetah and
managing to barely escape? Once it is safe the antelope will shake off that excess
stress by shivering. Then it goes back to grazing as though nothing had ever
We, as humans, have lost this ability and cannot shake off this stress energy. I believe
most Naturals somehow release this energy very efficiently and have been raised
where they don’t question themselves to death and get on their own backs or they
have learnt not to take it on board. The result is a super relaxed body in FLOW.
Why is this important... because women scan you for this stuff naturally and the more
tension and insecurity they read in your body, the more they are put off.
Mimicking and Scanning So women scan you like in the film ‘Species’ where Natasha Henstridge goes
clubbing, she is looking for a mate and gets taken back to this guy's house because
she senses he is a fertile male on the surface. Unfortunately for him, as she scans this
poor bloke, she discovers that he has a high probability of diabetes in his
she spikes him in the head! Fortunately this doesn’t happen to us when we approach
women... but it sure does feel like it when you get rejected, doesn't it?
Women are REAL good at figuring you out...and it takes them only a split second to
scan you. Research on six month old babies has shown that baby girls can already
differentiate 60 different facial expressions of their mother. Yep you guessed it, we
men are rubbish at it, but if you put a mobile phone in front of us, we track it like a
lion does a gazelle. This goes back to our ability to track prey when we are hunting,
but looking at faces is confrontational so we try to avoid doing that because in hunting
eye contact can give your position away. It is almost like a sixth sense that most prey
have when hunters are on the prowl.
Let me just explain that a little better, women are way, WAY better than us at reading
micro signals that we give off in our bodies and tonal inflection. It’s like me trying to
play basketball in the NBA...we are totally out of our league in what we think is
possible in reading the opposite sex like they read us. They call it women’s intuition.
Why is this important to the ‘Natural’...
When women scan you, they also use another mechanism to understand what you’re
thinking and see whether it is congruent with what your body is saying. They literally
copy your body and face and feel what you are feeling. Kind of like they step into
your skin and become you. Scary!
I don't mean that she just leans the way you lean and if you cross your leg she will
follow suit. This stuff is everywhere on google when you search body language. If she
is not copying, or mirroring, your every move you’re in trouble or they say you
should even try and mirroring her movements to build rapport. The latter is kind of
creepy if you ask me. This should play out subconsciously.
What I'm talking about is a far more sophisticated mechanism where the women will
change her whole physiology to replicate that of the male in front of her. She will be
able to actually feel what you are feeling and align herself to your thoughts.
Now this is where it gets interesting for you. When a woman is with a Natural she will
mimic his body language and therefore relax into the interaction.
Magnetic relaxation This is a very powerful relaxation though... almost magnetic.
Research has shown that when women are induced into relaxation, using music or
hypnotic suggestion, will find photos of men shown to them or the researchers
themselves more attractive than before they were relaxed. So when a natural is talking
to a woman, she is compelled to finding him more attractive because she will mirror
his relaxation. Remember that a Naturals body tone lacks restrictions and it’s almost
possible to press through to the bone if you poked his arm... a bit like a cat’s body
laying on a sofa. Women place themselves mentally in the body of the natural and this
causes endorphins and other happy hormones to be released, enabling this attraction
process to happen naturally. It will also imprint other favorable qualities to women on
a subconscious level but I will talk about those later in this book.
You need to learn this kind of total body relaxation so that when you are talking to
women they will quite naturally find you more attractive. You are just simply being
yourself and sparking sexual attraction without even thinking about it.
But it is not simply a question of asking your body to relax. If you try to relax your
body, you actually Tighten The Body instead.
If you have restrictions in your hip, a foot problem or even if you have a convergence
issue with your eye, these will all influence the way you move and cause a
dysfunction somewhere, if not in many places in the body and directly relates to how
you move. You cannot just say “relax” to the body and expect tension and
dysfunction to disappear. You have to reprogram your movement so that the joints
and muscles re-learn what they have forgotten from the when we were born. This also
reprograms the mind to follow suit.
Turn Her On by reprogramming her nervous system That’s a bit of a fancy title...reprogramming, but it’s kind of true. If you are talking to
a gorgeous girl on the street or out on a date, you may have tension in your body...
what do you think that will do to her? Well in a lot of cases, the woman will mimic
you and thereby change her physiology so that she can feel what you are thinking and
feeling. Subsequently, this new tension from your body, that she has subconsciously
adopted, will make you less attractive to her because she is less relaxed but there is
also another mechanism that gets triggered... the flight or fight reaction.
If she picks up on the tension in your body and then herself becomes tense, this will
activate her sympathetic nervous system to switch on high alert. This is the part of
your body that speeds up heart rate and takes the blood from your vital organs to your
arms and legs to get the hell out of there because the body believes there is some kind
of danger or threat... kind of like an imaginary tiger coming up the tree after you. This
is all happening in the reptilian brain deep down in the back of your head that deals
with core survival issues. It also deals with sustenance (food gathering) and sex but in
that order and if the body feels threatened, sex is the last thing on the menu.
In other words if I am talking to a woman in a coffee shop and I am nervous, she will
mimic the tension in my face and body and start to feel uneasy herself. Her body will
sense this tension and see this change in the physiology as if there is some sort of
potential threat present. This in turn triggers her flight or fight system producing
adrenalin to increase heart rate, for the possibility that she needs to quickly escape. If
she is in 'danger mode' she is not going to be thinking about sleeping with you.
When a crocodile chick first leaves the egg, the order for her survival is like this:
First...Safety, Second...Sustenance(food/water) and Third...Sex
If you are stressed with work (safety) it will affect your libido. Or you are dying of
hunger, you’re not going to be looking for sex are you? Actually I know one soccer
player who probably would, but he’s just odd.
On the other hand if you are naturally relaxed you will activate her parasympathetic
system which slows down her heart rate which has to do with regeneration and
building. This is a great state to be in for her body to want to procreate.
So let’s recap... naturals are creating relaxation in women’s bodies, without even
being aware that they are doing it.
1.This creates good feelings for her, the opposite is being tense
2. She finds him more attractive, which is scientifically proven
3. This activates the best condition for sex to happen
There are many other reasons why my system helps you with women though. My
systems force your right-brain activation of the parasympathetic nervous system into
being dominant, helping you tell stories, be funny, to displaying you are an Alpha
male in the club and that you own the place, because of your posture and relaxed vibe.
When you are in your own home you are relaxed and not uptight, this is what you
want to give off when you are in a bar or club. The list goes on...
So what can you do right now to start releasing this tension…Here is some FREE
steps right from my material.
The Tennis Ball Trick
First off, bend forward and touch your toes to see how far you can stretch. This will
show you the trick has worked in the end. Take a tennis ball and place it under one
foot while standing. Now roll the ball on the underside of your foot for 30 seconds to
1 minute. Press firmly down on the balls to smooth out any achy points. Repeat on the
other foot.
Retest by touching your toes. Can you go further towards them? I bet you can.
Why this is important is because you feet connect up through your hamstrings right
up into your neck via the back fascia line of connective tissue (see illustration). Gary
Gray, Michael Jorden’s former physical therapist taught me this idea, that the
hamstrings and neck muscles are like best buddies so in releasing your hamstrings
you have released the neck and therefore the major muscles involved in posture.
Also when the neck muscles relax your whole body will follow suit. This is as close
to a magic bullet as you can get for loosening up.
Do this exercise before you go out in the day… and you won’t ever have to tell
yourself to relax, which never works anyway.
Movement & The Animalistic Walk Health & Fertility on display... the subconscious Trigger
Now I will show you another part of my system...the animalistic movement pattern,
that will trigger sexual attraction in women on an subconscious level. This is an area
that even not all naturals have under control.
In a bar or club where everything takes place at close quarters, naturals don’t have to
worry too much about women scanning the way they walk. Out in the open though or
walking in front of a crowd, there is no hiding.
Let me tell you a quick story about one famous athlete I know, who is blessed with
being a natural(most guys think that famous athletes are all naturals...false. When you
put a lot of these guys in a country where nobody knows them, they have no luck.
This famous athlete moves like a warrior, you can just tell he is deeply comfortable
with his body, his muscles are intelligent and he has no restrictions in his hips or
I was relaxing after work in a hotel which had a cool lounge bar in it. I was sitting at a
table watching the dynamics of the room when he walked in. This guy is not known in
the country where this hotel was. As he walked through the mingling crowd, I
watched women at the bar almost seem to sense him move. I saw three beautiful
women turn around, they could not see him unless they had eyes in the back of their
heads, and very subtly showed him they were interested. He did not look at any of
Reflecting back on this moment, it is almost like when a man moves in this raw
animal way women pick up on this naturally, like when you sense someone is looking
at you and you look up at a window and see them staring at you. Which goes back to
what I was saying earlier about prey and predators.
Through my studies in alternative medicine, I believe there are many areas of energy
and vibration studies in the west that are still catching up with eastern philosophies.
My belief is that we are all sort of tuning forks that attract similar types of people to
the beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the world. In the case of this athlete,
when he moved he gave off subconscious signals that he had IT, and women are
drawn to IT like iron to magnet.
I believe they were not only picking up on his sexual presence but as a parallel to that,
to his health and fertility. Women unconsciously look for a good mate and when a
man moves, she gets all the information she needs within micro-seconds.
Picture again the male lion in the wild...majestic when he walks, strong, powerful and
totally relaxed. Looking at his muscles on his body they seem to ripple and are
coordinated like a well oiled machine and move like silk. They hold no tension as he
swaggers along, but you know that if needed he could explode into action and defend
his females he could do it easily.
Now imagine another lion with big, puffy muscles in the front of the body that don’t
seem to move when he moves. They appear stuck on and the lion doesn’t really rotate
when he moves. You look at the front legs and they are out of proportion to the back
legs that are skinny and weak. Something is not quite right with this picture. Picture
another lion that is tense and holding restrictions, when he moves there is asymmetry
and he holds his head down because of those restrictions. Sound familiar... that is
what most guys look like when they have either tried to improve their physiques in a
gym or they have internal doubt. How many lionesses will be drawn to these kinds of
Let's break this down to understand more about how movement is vital to being
sexually attractive.
Intelligent Muscles When the body moves there is an incredibly complex chain reaction combined with
gravity, ground reaction forces and momentum. This is far more complex than any
space ship and the amount of communication taking place between muscles, joints,
ligaments, fascia and bones is extraordinary.
Understanding this chain reaction is what I endeavor to do when asked to consult on
an athlete. Everything in the body works as one.... It is a supremely intelligent
But when you start doing isolated weight training and start changing this finely tuned
machine or you wear shoes that change the dynamics of how your feet impact the
ground you walk on. You may sit at the computer all day which tightens the front of
your hips, shutting down your abdominals and pulling your shoulders forward. Or you
may have been brought up in a single parent family and were a nervous child, so now
you lack confidence and hold this in your posture.
The list goes on, but the point of this is that when you lose the intelligent movement
that we are born with and start to walk with restrictions, stuck on muscles and
asymmetries...women pick up on this on an unconscious level, as they scan for
fertility and health, and reject you before you have even had a chance to open your
mouth. In a horse race this is akin to tripping out of the gate.
Your muscles might need to be switched on Through my studies in applied functional science and my experience of working with
some of the best athletes in the world, I have discovered that we are simply made up
of many elastic bands (muscles) and elastic bands need to be lengthened first to fire.
This is how we move. When your muscles lose this ability... their mobility, stability
and strength, they begin to change length, becoming too tight or too long. If you have
an elastic band that is long and floppy and then stretch it, it will not respond and
rebound very well. Conversely when a band is really short and tight and you try to
stretch it, it does not give... or worse, it snaps!
This is just what happens with the muscles of the body. Take for example the abs.
Most guys have weak abs that are long and protrude out... beer belly. When you walk
they should lengthen and fire to help propel you forwards but when they are weak,
they stop helping you move, and other parts of your body overwork to compensate.
Think back to the gorilla I mentioned earlier.
But when your abs are working, which they will be, when you start my program, you
will literally start to feel them like elastic bands, lengthening and contracting in a fluid
motion and this shows women you are strong (a protector) and healthy (fertile).
Bodybuilding and Symmetry I do believe it is great to see people going to the gym in our society today. With the
lack of physical activity and poor lifestyles, it is essential to exercise for the health of
the body. Women find guys attractive when they have low body fat and are
muscular… all signs of health and fertility.
However, it is what guys are doing in the gym that is the problem. Traditional weight
training using isolated movements literally makes your muscles dumb. In the wild
when you pick something up you don’t keep your back straight, your body still and
your elbows pinned to your sides... like bicep curls that are religiously practiced in
gyms the world over. What this does is it tells the body to stop talking to all the other
larger, and smaller muscles, and the arms will eventually learn to move on their own.
This causes tension in the body (remember naturals don’t hold tension) and it also
changes the way you walk and move around. You lose the sexual animalistic flow that
women are so drawn to.
Symmetry is also a big player in attraction as well and if you have a big biceps and no
triceps or big arms and chest, but ‘Wednesday’ legs...women will pick up on this as
incongruent or asymmetrical on a subconscious level. You communicate that you are
not actually that strong and sexual but your muscles are artificial, similar to pick up
lines when your body is not following... you will be found out in the end. Research
has also shown that bodybuilding muscle is proportionally weaker than athletic
muscle of the same size.
Big arms and no legs looks wrong … especially to a woman’s congruency test.
The Warrior Walk Another huge attraction trigger for women is the warrior walk. When a man walks
with the sexual flow of all his muscles working as one, intelligent and without tension
it shows to a woman that you will be able to handle problems and you will be able to
protect her. She’s not actually thinking this consciously, this happens in a split second
and she will register you as a potential mate or not. If you approach her, this will be
congruent with the signals she has already picked up off a confident male. The game
has almost been won before you open your mouth. Compare this to approaching
without this sexual movement, she will be neutral or even defensive, if she has picked
up on incongruent behavior I believe she will need to test you more now with
'bitchness' tests to figure you out.
Which one would you prefer? Effortless attraction or having to work for it?
The hub of your walk action takes place at the hips. When your hips move in the
correct way it is literally like an atom bomb going off in a woman’s brain. When a
mans hips don’t show these qualities and 95% or better of men don’t… women quite
simply ignore you on a sexual attraction level.
Recent research shows that when erotic photos are shown to groups of subjects, men
and women will look at both the genital/hip area and the face within the first few
seconds… to determine your status in the pack.
This is surprising… Men looked at the face first then the hip area but women looked
at the genital/hip area first THEN the face!!! Women are instinctively drawn to your
hips…. It is a Fact.
In addition in all of the studies and polls done on what women prefer in men… the
hips, buttocks, stomach and genital region are all in the top 4 places out of a possible
10. Not the arms, chest or shoulders…Don’t get me wrong you may start talking to
the women and get to know her and create comfort with her and then win her
around… that happens but the initial spark was not there and that makes things much
harder… and in the majority of cases it will simply never happen because it never gets
that far
Consider the following statements:
David DeAngelo says that “Attraction is not a choice”
Rob Brinded says “Movement is not a choice”
In fact I realized that this was a key reason that men were not attracting women
sexually even if they had the internal issues resolved… their hips were too tight and
shut down.
This is why I created a dynamite product aimed at creating massive attraction from
your hips by releasing the built up tension that huge number of men have in this
region that they don’t know how to get rid of…
It is hands down the number one reason guys are not meeting and attracting women
more easily because it affects how they move, what they look like and how they
trigger the instinctive attraction button in women.
Here are 2 quick moves to free up your hips and walk.
You can watch them here on youtube…
In the photo above you will see me leaning against a wall but you can use anything
NOTE: Always be very gentle with your body and remember you are training the
nervous system which does not need to be hard.
Lean into wall keeping your back leg straight. This will create a small stretch in your
back calf.
Gently drive your opposite knee up and across your body. Repeat this 10 – 20 times.
This will open up your hip to create a stride legth that shows a confident, sexual man.
Plus it will create the correct biomechanics in the back foot when walking.
Repeat with other leg.
Frontal Plane Driver Stretch. Photo 1 In the photo above you will see me with my foot on a bench, you can also use any
elevated surface that puts your forward leg at a right angle.
AGAIN NOTE: Always be very gentle with your body and remember you are training
the nervous system which does not need to be hard.
Move your weight onto the front foot (up on a bench) and ease into the stretch at the
front of your hip.
Put your arms above your head and lean over to the side that your leg is is elevated
on. This will be to the left side if your left leg is up. Keep the arms in that postion.
Now gently move your hips as follows:
A) Backward and forward feeling a gentle stretch at the hip for 10 reps (like air
B) Side to side (keep your hips forward) feeling a gentle stretch at the hip for 10 reps
C) Rotate left and right (keep your hips forward) feeling a gentle stretch at the hip for
10 reps
Repeat on other leg
Transverse Plane Driver Stretch. Photo 2 Move your weight onto the front foot (up on a bench or elevated stable surface) and
ease into the stretch at the front of your hip.
Rotate your arms to the side at chest height on the same side as as the elevated leg.
This will be to the left side if your left leg is up.
Now gently move your hips
A) Backward and forward feeling a gentle stretch at the hip for 10 reps
B) Side to side (keep your hips forward) feeling a gentle stretch at the hip for 10 reps
C) Rotate left and right (keep your hips forward) feeling a gentle stretch at the hip for
10 reps
Repeat on other leg.
These are a very powerful 3Dimensional stretches.
Now test your new walk and FEEL THE HUGE DIFFERENCE?!?
So I hope you now see that there is a lot more to ‘Body Language’ than what the
experts talk about. I also hope you start to relax in your bodies and the more you let
go of restrictions and start to flow as if you had no body… the better you will feel and
the more women you will attract.