Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied

Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
Course Title:
Course Type:
Grade Level:
Course Code:
Credit Value:
Ministry Guideline:
Foundations of Mathematics
1.0 Credit
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, Mathematics, 2005
Course Description/Rationale:
This course enables students to consolidate their understanding of linear relations and extend their
problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and handson activities. Students will develop and graph equations in analytic geometry; solve and apply linear
systems, using real-life examples; and explore and interpret graphs of quadratic relations. Students will
investigate similar triangles, the trigonometry of right triangles, and the measurement of threedimensional figures. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and
communicate their thinking.
Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied
Unit Overview:
Unit 1
Measurement and Trigonometry
30 hours
Strand: Measurement and Trigonometry
Unit Description: Students will use their knowledge of ratio and proportion to investigate similar
triangles and solve problems related to similarity; Solve problems involving right triangles, using the
primary trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean theorem; Solve problems involving the surface areas
and volumes of three-dimensional figures, and use the imperial and metric systems of measurement.
Unit 2
Linear Relationships
45 hours
Strand: Modelling Linear Relationships
Unit Description: Students will manipulate and solve algebraic equations, as needed tosolve problems;
Graph a line and write the equation of a line from given information; Solve systems of two linear
equations, and solve related problems that arise from realistic situations.
Unit 3
Introduction to Quadratic Relationships
35 hours
Strand: Quadratic Relations of the form y = ax + bx + c
Unit Description: Students will manipulate algebraic expressions, as needed to understand quadratic
relations; Identify characteristics of quadratic relations; Solve problems by interpreting graphs of
quadratic relations.
Foundations of Mathematics 10 text (McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2007)
Foundations of Mathematics 10 Teacher Resource (McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2007)
Foundations of Mathematics 10 Student Workbook 1st Edition (McGraw-Hill Ryerson 2007)
Classroom Manipulative Kits
SGC Math Department Curriculum Support Materials
Reporting Student Achievement:
Formative Evaluation (70%)
Seventy percent of the grade will be informed by assessments and evaluations conducted
throughout the year that will reflect the following achievement criteria:
Knowledge and Understanding
Thinking and Inquiry
Summative Evaluation (30%)
Thirty percent of the grade will be informed by summative tasks, including a written exam
that will bring together all course material.
Performance-based Task
Final Exam
Student Expectations:
Regular attendance is an integral part of learning and assessment; irregular attendance will hinder a
student's ability to earn a credit.
Students are responsible for all material studied in class including work missed due to illness, field
trips and other excused absences.
Assignments - After the window of opportunity, and the final due date has passed, a contract may
be made with the teacher. If the student fails to complete the assignment then a mark of zero will
be assigned.
Tests - All students shall write tests on the scheduled dates and at the scheduled times.
o Students who are aware of a necessary absence from school on a scheduled test day are
responsible for discussing this with their teacher as far in advance as possible.
o Students with excused absences are responsible for scheduling their make-up evaluation
immediately upon return to the school.
o Students may receive a mark of "0" in the event of an unexcused absence.
Summative Tasks - A student who has an excused absence during a summative evaluation and
cannot arrange to complete the summative will have the percent missed added to the weighting of
the final examination. Students will receive a mark of "0" in the event of an unexcused absence.
Exams - All students must write the exam at the scheduled time. In the case of an unexcused
absence, the student will receive a mark of "0" for the exam and receipt of the credit may be in
jeopardy. In order to be excused, absences must be cleared through the Administration.
I, ________________________, have read and understand the Mathematics Department
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Email Address