Dr. George Pavlich - University of Alberta Faculty of Law

Dr. George Pavlich
Books, Collections, Manuscripts, etc:
Hird, Myra and George Pavlich (eds). Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, Oxford:
Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
Brannigan, Augustine and George Pavlich (eds). Governance and Regulation in Social Life:
Essays in Honour of W.G. Carson, Routledge-Cavendish (forthcoming).
Pavlich, George. Governing Paradoxes of Restorative Justice, London: Glasshouse Press. 2005,
142pp, index.
Nominated for the Hart/SLSA Book Prize. 2006.
Hird, Myra and George Pavlich (eds). Sociology for the Asking, (New Zealand Edition) Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2003, 251pp, index.
Wickham, Gary and George Pavlich (eds). Rethinking Law, Society and Governance: Foucault’s
Bequest, Oxford: Hart Publishers. 2001, 176pp, index.
Pavlich, George. Critique and Radical Discourses on Crime, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000, pp 191,
Pavlich, George. Justice Fragmented: Mediating Community Disputes Under Postmodern
Conditions. London: Routledge, 1996, 202pp., index.
Reprinted: Taylor and Francis, e-book, 2001.
Selected Sections in Books:
Pavlich, George. ‘Deconstruction’ in George Ritzer (editor), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Sociology, in progress.
Pavlich, George and Augustine Brannigan. ‘Introduction’ in Augustine Brannigan and George
Pavlich (eds). Governance and Regulation in Social Life: Essays in Honour of W.G. Carson,
Routledge-Cavendish (forthcoming).
Pavlich, George. ‘The Law of Subaltern Discipline’ in Augustine Brannigan and George Pavlich
(eds). Governance and Regulation in Social Life: Essays in Honour of W.G. Carson, RoutledgeCavendish (forthcoming).
Pavlich, George and Myra Hird ‘Introduction’ in Myra Hird and George Pavlich (eds),
Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming
(revised article).
Pavlich, George ‘Am I free?’ in Myra Hird and George Pavlich (eds) Questioning Sociology:
Canadian Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming (revised for Canadian
Pavlich, George. ‘Is an Ethics of Restorative Justice Possible Without Universal Principles’, for
Gerry Johnstone (ed), Handbook of Restorative Justice, in progress for Willan publishing.
Pavlich, George. ‘Accusation: Landscapes of Exclusion’ in William Taylor (ed), 'The Geography
of Law, Landscape and Identity,' Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp 85-99, 2006.
Pavlich, George. ‘Restorative Justice’s Community: Promise and Peril’, in Barb Toews and
Howard Zehr (eds) Critical Issues in Restorative Justice, Criminal Justice Press, 2004.
Pavlich, George and Myra Hird ‘Introduction’ in Myra Hird and George Pavlich (eds), Sociology
for the Asking, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Pavlich, George ‘Am I free?’ in Myra Hird and George Pavlich (eds), Sociology for the Asking,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Pavlich, George. ‘Deconstructing Restoration: The Promise of Restorative Justice,’ in Restorative
Justice: Theoretical Foundations. Elmar Wietekamp and H.-J. Kerner (eds). Portland: Willan
Publishing, pp322-338, 2002.
Reprinted As: Pavlich, George. ‘Deconstructing Restoration: the Promise of Restorative Justice.’
in A Restorative Justice Reader: Text, Sources, Context. Gerry Johnstone (ed), Devon: Willan
Publishing, 2003.
Pavlich, George. ‘Towards an Ethics of Restorative Justice.’ In Restorative Justice and the Law.
L. Walgrave (ed). Portland: Willan Publishing, Pp 1-18, 2002.
Pavlich, George. ‘Sociological Promises: Departures or Negotiating Dissociation’, in Laurence
Simmons and Heather Worth (eds), Derrida Downunder. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press, Pp.
216-232, 2001.
Pavlich, George. ‘Introduction’, in Gary Wickham and George Pavlich (eds), Rethinking Law,
Society and Governance: Foucault’s Bequest, Oxford: Hart Publishers. Pp 1-13,, 2001.
Pavlich, George. ‘The art of critique, or how not to be governed thus…’, in Gary Wickham and
George Pavlich (eds), Rethinking Law, Society and Governance: Foucault’s Bequest, Oxford:
Hart Publishers. Pp 141-155 , 2001.
Selected Articles:
Pavlich, George. ‘The Lore of Criminal Accusation.’ Invited contribution to Springer and Co.’s
inaugural edition of Philosophy and Criminal Law, in process.
Pavlich, George. ‘Responding to my Interlocutors: a Subject in the Making…’ Philosophy and
Criminal Law, in process.
Pavlich, George. ‘Experiencing Critique’ Law and Critique, 2005, 16: 95-112. (special edition on
critique with Antonio Negri, Costas Douzinas and others)
Pavlich, George. ‘Critical genres and radical criminology in Britain.’ British Journal of
Criminology, 2001, 41(1): 150-167.
Pavlich, George. ‘Nietzsche, critique and the promise of not being thus…’ International Journal
for the Semiotics of Law, 2001, 13: 357-375.
Pavlich, George. ‘Forget crime: governance, accusation and criminology.’ The Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 2000, 33(2):136-152.
Pavlich, George. ‘Just promises: tracing the possible in criminology.’ Current Issues in Criminal
Justice. 2000, 11(3): 327-336.
Pavlich, George. ‘Summoning sociology: response to a beckoning finger’. New Zealand
Sociology. 1999, 14(2): 258-261.
Pavlich, George. ‘Criticism and criminology: in search of legitimacy’. Theoretical Criminology.
1999, 3(1): 29-51.
Pavlich, George. ‘Phrasing injustice: critique in an uncertain ethos,’ Studies in Law, Politics and
Society, 1998, 18: 245-269. (Responses and comments by Peter Goodrich and Rosemary Culvert,
pp 270-75 and 276-281 respectively).
Pavlich, George. ‘Political logic, colonial law and the land of the long white cloud,’ Law and
Critique, 1998, IX(2).
Pavlich, George. ‘Justice in fragments: the political logic of mediation in “new times”’, The
Critical Criminologist, 1998, 8(2): 20-23.
Pavlich, George. ‘Advocating community mediation in British Columbia: a discourse and its
dangers.’ Australian Journal of Law and Society, 1997, 13: 145-165.
Pavlich, George. ‘Criticism: the forgotten concept’, The Critical Criminologist, 1997, 8(1): 1- 6.
Pavlich, George. ‘The power of community mediation: government and formation of self’, Law
and Society Review, 1996, 30(4): 101-127.
Selected Invited Addresses
George Pavlich, ‘Accusations of Criminal Identity’. Faculty of Law, McGill University, 17th
November, 2006
George Pavlich, ‘The Subject of Criminal Identification’. Declensions of Self: a Bestiary of
Modernity, University of Alberta, Keynote Speaker, 28-29 September, 2006.
George Pavlich, ‘The Lore of Criminal Accusation.’ The British Academy, London,
Philosophical Analysis and Criminal Law seminar, 21-22 October, 2005.
George Pavlich. ‘Experiencing Critique’. Plenary Address, British Society of Criminology
Theory Network Symposium, The School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London, 24th
September, 2004.
George Pavlich, ‘Fragmenting Justice’, Opening address, Breaking Out or Breaking Down? Legal
Action Group Seminar, London Metropolitan University, 5th July, 2004.
Pavlich, George. ‘Associating Without Society’. Contemporary Governance and the Question of
the Social Conference, University of Alberta. June 11-13, 2004.
Pavlich, George. ‘The Harms of Restorative Justice.’ Green College, University of British
Columbia, February 27, 2003.
Selected Grants/Awards
2002 SSHRC Standard Research Grant ($42 430)
2001 SSHRC Travel Grant ($1400)
2000 Special Capital Equipment Fund ($5758)
1997 Search for Legitimacy Royal Society of New Zealand (NZ 185,000)
1994 Justice Fragmented University of Auckland (NZ $7000)
1992-1993 Academic Development in a Post-Apartheid South Africa, Project Leader,
Ford Foundation (US $250 000).