Number:______ Printed: Family Name First Signature

Printed: Family Name First
Signature: _______________________________________
Name of your instructor: _____________________________
Section number: _______
APRIL 2014
Be sure that you have a complete copy of
the exam, 9 pages plus the cover.
Present your UBC card when you hand in your
Page 1, ex. I.A-B (10)
Page 2, ex. I.C-D (15)
Page 3, ex. I.E (10)
Page 4, ex. I.F-G (15)
Your conduct in this examination must be in
accordance with UBC Policies and Regulations.
Note especially the following:
Page 5, ex. II (10)
You may not enter the examination room later than
a half hour after the start of the exam, nor may you
leave before a half hour has expired.
Page 7, ex. IV (10)
You may not ask any questions of the invigilators
unless you find some ambiguity or apparent error in
the paper.
You may not use any books, papers, memoranda or
electronic equipment of any kind whatsoever.
You may not speak or communicate in any other
way with other students, nor may you look at their
exam papers or expose your own paper to their
Page 6, ex. III (10)
Pages 8-9, ex. V (20)
Total (100)
Total: exam (40)
Total: term (60)
Total: final grade (100)
(50 points)
A. Les adjectifs.
(10 blanks / 5 points)
Choose one of the appropriate adjectives, make the necessary agreements, and insert it in the right
place to complete the sentences below. In [some cases] you should also make the necessary changes to
de/des and ce/cet (= strike through whichever one isn't necessary).
EXAMPLE: Votre professeur n'est pas pessimiste ; elle est ____________ (laid, aggressif, optimiste)
→ __optimiste__
B. Les possessifs.
Insert the appropriate possessive adjective, making the necessary agreement:
(10 blanks / 5 points)
EXAMPLE: J'ai beaucoup de livres. ___ livres sont dans ___ bibliothèque.
→ _mes_
C. Les articles et les prépositions
(10 blanks / 10 points)
Add definite articles, indefinite articles, the prepositions de or à or a combination of both, or nothing
at all, as required.
EXAMPLE: Mon meilleur ami a ___ cheveux bruns et ___ yeux gris. Il aime ___ ordinateurs.
→ _les_
D. La chambre, il y a, les articles indéfinis, les prépositions.
(5 sentences / 5 points)
Look at the image below and reply to the questions, in complete sentences. For each one, provide
two elements including two different prepositions of place.
EXAMPLE: Le chat est sur le tapis, en face de la souris (mouse).
E. Les questions.
(10 sentences / 10 points)
Ask the question that would elicit each underlined expression above the answer provided. Use
the "est-ce que" structure or inversion; you should use inversion at least once.
EXAMPLE: ______________________?
Réponse : Je m’appelle Alain.
→ __Comment vous appelez-vous ?___
F. Les verbes au présent, au futur immédiat, et à l'impératif.
(10 blanks / 10 points)
Conjugate the verbs in parentheses with the right form of the present tense, the immediate future, or
the imperative.
EXAMPLE: Mon meilleur ami ________ (être) très intelligent et très beau.
→ _est_
- Non, Monsieur le professeur, j'ai raison, j'ai toujours raison, je suis le meilleur, vous êtes bête !
- Non, _________________________ (être calme / être à l'heure)
→ _Soyez calme !_
G. Les nombres.
(5 numbers to write out / 5 points)
Write out the following numbers in full.
EXAMPLE: 2014 =
→ _deux mille quatorze_
(10 points)
You will have an unseen text to read. Read it, then reply in French in complete sentences to the
questions that follow it.
(10 points)
You have a choice of TWO OPTIONS for this section of the exam: please do ONLY ONE of them.
A. For the situation below, compose a short paragraph in French, in complete sentences. Use ALL
the elements provided, and limit yourself to them—this is not a composition. Do not translate the
part in square brackets at the beginning [SITUATION:...]: it is just there to set the scene for you!
EXAMPLE: [SITUATION: You are describing your home to your new friend.] My house is very big. It
has ninety rooms. There are eighteen bathrooms and three elevators, but we have no windows.
_Ma maison est très grande. Il y a quatre-vingt-dix pièces. Il y a dix-huit salles de bains et trois
ascenseurs, mais nous n'avons pas de fenêtres.___
B. An open-ended question in French. Reply to it in French in 2-3 sentences.
EXAMPLE: Aimez-vous votre maison ? Pourquoi ?
___Non, je n'aime pas ma maison parce que c'est une prison. Nous n'avons pas de fenêtres et c'est
trop grand. Et aussi, il fait toujours froid._____
Write out the dictation in French that you hear read, in French.
(10 points)
(20 points)
Minimum length: 100 words
You will have a choice of topics: please write about only ONE of them. Avoid subjects that would
require specialized French vocabulary that you would not know at this point.
Required minimum length: 100 words. It is to your advantage to mark the 100th word clearly. (We
count mistakes in French only up to that point.)
Criteria for grading: in marking, your instructor will take into account:
the required length
the correctness of your French grammar and spelling
the use and variety of sentence structures and vocabulary learned in this course
the organization, style, and content of your composition