Sue Day-Perroots

Sue Day-Perroots
330 Vorbach Drive
Morgantown, WV 26508
304-594-1387 (home)
304-293-2852 (office)
Ed.D., 1991. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Major in Curriculum and
with minor in Counseling and Guidance.
M.A., 1978. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Secondary Education with
in Language Arts Education (K-12).
B.A., 1975. Fairmont State College, Fairmont, WV. Elementary Education (K-8).
Dean of Extended Learning (2001-present) West Virginia University. Responsibilities
include oversight of academic outreach for WVU from on-site programs located
across the state to web-based courses across the world. Oversight includes five WVU
Regional Centers; WVU on-campus Summer Sessions; distance education; high school
specials; adult learning and non-credit programming. Through design and application
of entrepreneurial funding model, returned $3.9 million to Colleges in 2004.
Implementation of Call Center with marketing database. Provide leadership for
WVU’s e-Learning initiative through: a) institutional grant funding for online course
and program development; b) WebCT Vista implementation; and c) chair of the IT
Dialog Committee.
Participant on Enrollment Management Council.
Special Assistant to the Provost for Academic Programs (1996-7) West Virginia
University. Duties include student issues, special projects, academic correspondence, and
other responsibilities as necessary for the Office of the Provost. Initiated an entrepreneurial
model for on-campus summer sessions with a focus on enrollment and incentives for
Colleges. Returned $2.1 million as net revenue to Colleges for summer 2004.
Director of Extended Learning (1993-2000) West Virginia University. Responsibilities
include facilitation of all off-campus credit and non-credit courses, including distance
education and traditional on-site delivery. Responsibilities also includes on campus
summer sessions and an adult learning program. Transition from central allocation and
fee structure to enrollment driven model is a major accomplishment.
Program Director (1993-present) West Virginia University Extension Service. Bridging the
Gap Program Director and academic representative to SatNet, West Virginia Satellite
Network. Duties include statewide leadership for satellite based distance education
credit activities for West Virginia University and partner colleges and universities.
Project Manager (1989-1993) West Virginia University Extension Service. Coordinated
statewide telelearning interest inventory and needs assessment. Proposal author
for Annenberg/CPB New Pathways Award. Responsibility for Project
Breakthrough satellite distance education activities which include strategic
planning, recruiting faculty from WV public higher education institutions,
facilitating project research, coordinating centralized student support and services,
developing marketing initiatives and materials, preparing reports, and conducting
national, state and local presentations.
Coordinator of Field Experiences (1987-88) West Virginia University College of
Human Resources and Education. Identified and arranged field placements for
undergraduate education courses, coordinated student teacher supervision and
evaluation, planned large group seminars with Directing Teachers and served as
University liaison with principals, superintendents, and others interested in field
placement information. In conjunction with Indiana University, Bloomington,
Indiana, promoted student participation in the Cultural Immersion Project for
student teaching.
Lecturer (1983-86) West Virginia University College of Human Resources and
Education. Supervised student teachers and taught language arts methods and education
Teacher of the Gifted (1978-81) Monongalia County Board of Education, Morgantown,
WV. Initiated programs at the junior high and elementary levels primarily based on
Renzulli model. Conducted screening tests and served on Placement Advisory
Teacher (1975-78) Monongalia County Board of Education, Morgantown, WV. Taught
fifth grade in a federally funded program with a focus on multicultural education
and mainstreaming.
North American Association of Summer Sessions – 2004-06 Regional Vice
Academic Continuity Planning (invited) sponsored by Sloan-C, September, 2006
Southern Regional Education Board (invited)– Distance Education Town Meeting (2002)
American Council on Higher Education – institutional member
Leadership West Virginia (Class of 1995) - a program sponsored by the West
Virginia Chamber of Commerce that includes selected leaders from
the state.
Claude and Alma Rowe Award "Excellence through Equity" Research Award (1992)
Who's Who in American Education (1989-90)
Meritorious Student (1986)
Outstanding Young Women in America (1981)-a national award for scholarship
and service to the community.
Phi Kappa Delta
Phi Kappa Phi
National and State 2000 to present:
American Distance Education Council – Institutional Point of Contact
Co-chair of Distance Education Policy Council (2000- 2005)
Consultant-Evaluator for Higher Learning Commission, A Commission of the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools (1999 - present)
Accreditation Review Council of the Higher Learning Commission (2004 – present)
Governor’s Council on Educational Telecommunications (2005-present)
West Virginia Virtual Learning Network – (2000 – present)
USDA-Rural Electrification Administration-Regional Consensus Coordinator of
USDA-REA Distance Learning and Telemedicine proposal review (1994).
West Virginia University:
Enrollment Management Council (2001- present)
Deans Council (2000- present)
Social Justice Council (2000- present)
Instructional Technology Dialog Chair/Vista Advisory Council – (2003- present)
Interactive Video Network Executive Committee – (2000-2006)
Tuition and Fee Assessment Committee (2000-03, 2005-2006)
Residence Hall Assistant Mentor (1995-99)
Video Technology Coordinating Council (1994- 1999)
Extension Service Leadership Team (1994-1996)
University Studies Committee (1993-1999)
Assessment Advisory Committee (1992-1998)
Associate Provost of Extension & Public Service Search Committee (1994)
Distance Education Subcommittee (1992-97)
Off-Campus Task Force (1992-93)
Human Resources & Education Alumni Association Executive Committee (1986- 2001)
Women's Studies Executive Committee (1986-88)
Faculty Representative on Student Grievance Committee (1984-86)
2006 – NAASS Creative and Innovative Award for Substitute Teacher non-credit course.
2006 – Bureau of Prisons – Educational Contract for credit, non-credit and speakers,
2003 – Author of WVU System Collaborative Online Program RFP. Awarded $110,000
for internal grants from Extended Learning funds for development of 4 online degree
2001 – Author of Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative RFP. Awarded $284,061 in internal
grants to 7 programs from Extended Learning funds.
1999 – Author of Instructional Technology Application for Large Enrollment Classes.
Awarded $163,457 to 12 course development projects.
1993-01 Principal Investigator and Academic Coordinator, Bridging the Gap, Office of Secretary
of Education and the Arts $196,000 (annually).
1991-93 Principal Investigator. Annenberg/CPB, Pathways to a Degree, $300,000. Distance
Learning Delivery Initiative.
1992 Co-author. Board of Trustees Technology Initiative Request for Proposal.
1992 Principal Investigator. NUCEA, $250. Planning grant for needs assessment for
Women in Higher Education.
1992 Consultant. WVU Strategic Initiative for instructional computer applications in
the College of Human Resources and Education.
1993 Co-author and Program Director. WV Legislature, Bridging the Gap, $132,000.
Distance Learning Program.
Day-Perroots, S. (April, 2005) North Central Association of Colleges and Universities Higher
Learning Commission Annual Conference. Changing Mindsets: Strategies for Institutional
Change, Chicago, IL.
Day-Perroots, S. (December 2004 – draft) WVU Policy for WVU off-campus Travel Study.
Risk management and legal scope for faculty and students engaged in instruction beyond the main
Day-Perroots, S. (December 2004) presentation to West Virginia Academic Affairs
Administrators. Summer Sessions - Enrollment Management, Revenue Source,
Student Service , WV Higher Education Office, Charleston, WV.
Day-Perroots, S., Martin, B., (November, 2004) presentation at North American Association
Summer Sessions Annual Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Day-Perroots, S (June, 2004) paper and presentation to WebCT Impact Conference, Using
Internal Grants to Support Online Development, Orlando, FL.
Day-Perroots, S. (March, 2003) invited presentation to ACHE Region V Annual Conference.
Managing Expectations through Accountability in Turbulent Times OR How to Nail Jello to a Tree
in a Wind Storm and Provide Proof that You Did It, Pipestem, WV
Day-Perroots, S., Flack, B. (March, 2002) paper for North Central Association of Colleges
and Universities Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference. Guidelines for Best Practices
of Electronically Delivered Programs and Certificates for C-Es and Institutions . Guidelines
posted on WICHE website:
Available upon request.