Flashcards 22

Unit 8
Women of the
Support the
Ch 22
Ch 22
Ch 22
Unit 8
Ch 22
Battle of
Bull Run
Battle of
Ch 22
Unit 8
Ch 22
Unit 8
Civil War
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Battle of
Unit 8
Unit 8
The North's three-step strategy for
Rose Greenhow - spy for the South who
winning the war. 1. Surround the South
informed it of the planned Union attack on
by land and sea to cut off its trade. 2.
Richmond. Dorothea Dix - appointed
Divide the Confederacy by taking control
director of the Union army's nursing
of the Mississippi River. 3. Capture
service. Clara Barton - tended to fallen
Richmond, Virginia (the Confederate
troops on the battlefield.
First major battle of the Civil War. The
During the Civil War, women ran farms
Union intended to end the war quickly by
and businesses, worked in factories, and
capturing the Confederate capital of
served in the military as nurses (like Clara
Richmond. Rose Greenhow informed the
Barton), messengers, guides, scouts,
South of the attack. The Confederacy
smugglers, soldiers, and spies (like Rose
won the battle and drove the Union
army back to Washington.
Confederate General Robert E. Lee led an
Many soldiers came from rural
army into Maryland (a Union border state
(country) areas and had no fighting
experience. Many died from destructive near Washington, D.C.) in the hope that it
would persuade Maryland to join the
weapons and disease. Southern soldiers
Confederacy and convince European
were more poorly equipped with weapons,
nations to support the South. But the
supplies, and clothing than northern
Union won the battle.
President of the U.S. during the Civil War.
Declared slaves in all Confederate
He was against slavery, but his primary states to be free. Issued by President
Lincoln who hoped that it would
goal was to preserve the Union. He is
known for his "House Divided" Speech, discourage Europeans from assisting the
Confederacy and deprive it of a large part
Emancipation Proclamation, and
of its workforce. Turned the war into a
Gettysburg Address. Assassinated by
crusade for freedom.
John Wilkes Booth.
President Lincoln's speech to dedicate a
Lee invades the North with the hope of
new cemetery honoring those who died at
capturing a northern city so he can
the Battle of Gettysburg. It emphasized convince the North to seek peace. Lee's
the ideal of equality upon which our forces are outnumbered and he loses onenation had been founded (because it's third of his men. Lee loses and would
only fight a defensive war on southern
discussed in the Declaration of
soil from then on.
Unit 8
Civil War
Ch 22
Ch 22
Ch 22
Draft Riots
Seige at
Ch 22
Unit 8
54th Regiment
Unit 8
Ch 22
Key States
Texas- westernmost Confederate state
Maryland- border state near Washington, D.C.
Virginia- Confederate state near Washington, D.C.
Unit 8
Ch 22
Unit 8
Ulysses S.
Ch 22
Unit 8
Ch 22
Fort Wagner
Robert E. Lee
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Total War
Unit 8
March Through
Unit 8
The Civil War was the first to: 1. Use
railroads to move troops and to keep
them supplied. 2. Use telegraphs to
communicate. 3. Have combat between
armor-plated steamships (the first two of
these were the Merrimac and the Monitor)
In New York City, there were riots
against the draft. Federal troops had to
be called in to put the riots down. Crowds
of angry white New Yorkers burned draft
offices and battled police, but they also
targeted African Americans (killing almost
The Union needed Vicksburg to gain
One of the most famous black
complete control of the Mississippi
regiments of the war. Its members
protested being paid less than white
River and split the Confederacy in two.
solders. Nearly half of the regiment was For six weeks, Union gunboats shelled the
killed at the battle of Fort Wagner, but
city from the river while Grant's army
their bravery won the respect of other
bombarded it from land. Eventually, the
Union soldiers.
Union won the city.
Commander of the Union army that led
it to victory. His plan was to lead a large
force against Lee to capture Richmond,
while General Sherman led a second
army into Georgia to take Atlanta. He
enacted the policy of total war. Future
U.S. President.
Fort Wagner was a Conferate fort on the
Commander of the Confederate army
South Carolina coast. The attack on Fort
throughout the war. He is considered to
Wagner was an impossible mission. To
be one of the greatest generals in U.S.
reach the fort, troops had to cross 200
history even though he was on the losing
yards of open, sandy beach. The 54th
side. He spent the last years of the war
Regiment failed in their attempt, but won
fighting a defensive war on southern soil.
War strategy that Grant used to win the
Union General William Tecumseh
Sherman set fire to Atlanta in order to war. It refers to a war on the enemies
destroy its resources. He then marched will to fight and its ability to support an
toward Savannah, destroying everything
army. As part of this strategy, Union
found to be of value. Fields were
generals burned Virginia's grain-rich
trampled or burned and houses were
Shenandoah Valley and the city of
ransacked. This was total war.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Ch 22
Surrender at
Ch 22
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Legacy of the
Americans Join
Civil War
the War
The Union
The Draft
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Election of
Unit 8
Unit 8
Ch 22
Ch 22
Border States
Unit 8
Civil War
Unit 8
Less than a week after Lee's surrender to
Grant, Abraham Lincoln was
assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, an
actor and Confederate sympathizer.
Lincoln had been attending a play at
Ford's theater in Washington, D.C. with
his wife when it happened.
On April 9, 1865, General Lee arrived at
the village of Appomattox Courthouse
in order to surrender to Grant and end
the war. Grant's terms of surrender were
generous; Confederate soldiers were
allowed to go home if they promised not to
fight any more.
African Americans were not allowed to join The Civil War left many issues unsettled.
the military until 1862. Many who did
Many white southerners resented their
were former slaves. They often received defeat. Secession and slavery were
little training, poor equipment, and less gone in America, but conflicts over
states' rights and the status of African
pay than white soldiers. They also
Americans would continue long into
risked death or enslavement if
the future.
During the Civil War, a huge fleet of Union When the North and the South ran out of
ships formed a barrier to block any ships volunteers to fight the war, they imposed a
from coming or going from southern ports. draft where men were forced to join the
This was done to prevent the south
military if their names were picked. A
from trading its cotton for weapons in drafted person was allowed to pay for a
substitute to take his place, which upset
Europe. The blockade was very
Bombing raids forced people to seek
protection in hillside caves. Because of
the blockade, imported goods
disappeared from stores. Invading Union
forces cut railroad lines and destroyed
crops. Clothing was patched rather than
President Lincoln ran for reelection in
1864 against Union General McClellan,
who promised an immediate end to the
war. Lincoln, himself, doubted that he
would be elected, but Union victories
(including the capture of Atlanta) helped
him win.
were slave states
that stayed in the Union.