View Syllabus

MGT 6257: Performance Management & Development
Section Section 10 (Monday, 4:30PM - 07:00PM)
Duques 353
Meredith Burnett, Ph.D.
Department of Management
2201 G St., NW; Funger 309
Google voice:202-681-4833
Office hours:
Monday 3:30pm-4:30pm, Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am, or by appointment
This course introduces master’s level students to the measurement and development of the performance of
individuals and groups in organizations. Specifically, this course is designed to expose students to the
methods, theories, research findings, and issues regarding employee performance in organizations. At the
end of the semester, students can be expected to have a grasp of how to design and implement
performance management systems. The class will consist of a combination of lectures, class discussions
and analysis of readings and cases.
1. To expose students to fundamental theories and best practices in performance management.
2. To illustrate the dynamic nature of performance management through the presentation of new ideas and
controversial issues.
3. To provide a forum for students to discuss personal experiences as they relate to performance
management practices in organizations.
4. To provide students with the opportunity to use the knowledge acquired in class in the design of a
performance management system.
5. To aid the development of students leadership and interpersonal skills through in-class experiential
exercises and discussion.
Textbook: H. Aguinis, Performance Management (3rd ed). (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,
Harvard Business School Cases.
1. Compensation and Performance Evaluation at Arrow Electronics
2. Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau-Hellas AE (A)
3. A Day in the Life of Alex Sander: Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care Products
4. Webster Industries (A) 9-476-110).
Evaluation & Grading
Course grades will be based upon the following:
Two closed book quizzes (60 Points)
4 Case Analyses (60 points)
Class participation and attendance (15 points)
a. Team Project: Performance Management System Proposal Paper (45 points)
b. Oral Presentation (15 points)
5. Team Participation (5 points)
6. Individual “newsflash” Presentation (20 points)
Quizzes.Students are required to take two quizzes scheduled for October 7 and December 9. The quizzes
will cover topics discussed inclass as well as readings from the articles and textbook covered prior to the
quiz day. The quizzes willrequire you to provide short answers, list and discuss, draw figures, etc... For
example, “Draw a figureexplaining the components of the performance management process”, “What are
the characteristics ofgood performance objectives?”, “What are the major arguments made by the authors
in the article “Let’shear it for C Players?”. The quizzes will take no longer than one hour. They will be
administered at thestart of the class session. You are expected to take the quizzes when scheduled.
Students for whom thispresents a problem should speak to me prior to the quiz date. Make-up quizzes
will only be granted witha legitimate excuse (illness, work travel, etc.).
Case Report.You are required to work members of your team in order to answer case questions. Each
team is expected to a case report that includes the following:
(a) summary of the major issues in the case and
(b) answers to the case questions following the case.
Each team should complete its case report prior to the day the case is discussed in class. The case reports
should be typed and should not exceed five to seven double-spaced pages. In order to receive maximum
credit on its case report students should do the following:
1. correctly identify the major issues in the case
2. correctly use and interpret case facts
3. provide compelling rationale using course materials and readings for answers to questions
4. submit well-written case reports that are free from typos and missing words in sentences
Class Participation: Your participation points will be based on attendance throughout the semester and
the quality of your participation in class discussions of the articles and cases.
Team Project:
Background Information: In order to give students hands-on experience students are given an
opportunity to complete a team project. Your team is to assume the role of aPerformance
ManagementConsulting group. Its task is to design a performance management system. Student
teams will play the role of a performance management consulting group attempting to sell its
performance management system. The rest of the class will play the role of members of the
organization potentially interested in purchasing your system.
Choice of Job and Organization: Each team will choose a job for which the performance
managementsystem will be used. Your chosen job should be approved by me before you begin to
work on your project. Inaddition to choosing a job, you will choose an actual company that
includes such a job. This will help youwith the strategic planning portion of the proposal.
Project Components: At a minimum, the proposed system should include the following
Strategic Planning: This component requires that you find the existing strategic plan for
the company youhave selected (e.g., vision, mission statement, strategy). A good place to
find a company’s strategic plan isits home page on the Web or in the company’s annual
report. Read the strategic plan and describe how youwill link it to your performance
management system. How will your system be designed so that thecompany’s vision,
mission, and strategies are met?
Job Description: This component requires that you write a job description or revise an
existing one for thejob you have selected. Be sure to include a brief description of the job,
task statements, and knowledge,skills, and abilities.
Results: This component requires that you write accountabilities, objectives, and
performance standardsfor your job based on the strategic plan and the job description.
Behaviors: This component requires that you write competencies for your job based on
the strategic planand the job description.
Performance Appraisal Form: This component requires that you design the appraisal
form and ratingschemes.
Performance Appraisal Discussion: This component requires that you describe how
appraisal discussionswill be conducted and the logistics of the meeting. How often will
you meet? Will you use self-appraisals?What will you discuss in the meeting (e.g., past
performance, pay, development)?
Employee Development: This component requires that you describe how you will develop
youremployees. Will you use 360-degree feedback? Will you design individual
development plans? Includeany forms that you will use.
Training: This component requires that you propose what types of training will be
provided and to whom.Also, this requires that you outline the training session.
Written Proposal: Each team is asked to write a proposal summarizing the above
components of the suggested system.Proposals should also include the following:
 a statement of needs (i.e., why is a new performance management
 a recommended work plan, benefits, pricing (both labor and materials, and
pricing assumptions)
 atimeline, and a statement of qualifications (e.g., short biographical information
regarding each of theconsultants).
Team Project Grading Criteria
Your team project is worth a total of 60 points. The grade is calculated based on the following criteria:
 Content (45 points) - Extent to which your team’s project meets the requirements described in
this document. The format and appearance of the proposals are important aspects to be
considered. There are minimum or maximum length requirements for the proposal. The paper
should be landscaped, doubled spaced, in 12 point font of your choice (Times New Roman or
Arial are preferred). Use an Appendix for sample materials, PowerPoint slides, etc. Ten percent
of your grade on the proposal paper will be based on the quality of your writing: Grammar,
spelling, presentation, etc.
Presentation Delivery (15 points) – Extent to which the project presentation
is well-organized with a logical flow
uses visual aids that are clear, support the content, and free from grammatical errors
is well-rehearsed, i.e., demonstrates adequate preparation and meets the time limit
is delivered with effective audience engagement (voice projection, enthusiasm, eye
includes effective responses to questions from the audience
is completed within 20-25 minutes (**Every team member does not have to present).
Peer evaluation: Each student will also conduct a peer evaluation of other teams for use
in determining team presentation grades.
Team member evaluation: Each student will also conduct a peer evaluation of team
members for use in determining team participation grades.
HR Newsflash (50 points):
Each student will choose a recent PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT-related news event in the business
world to present to the class. You will have approximately 5 minutes to present to the class. Each
presentation should include the following: (1) a brief summary/discussion of the article, (2) a discussion
of why you believe the article is relevant for you and your classmates’ professional careers, and (3) the
article should directly relate to the book chapter(s) and/or topic(s) discussed on the day in which the news
item is presented. Please also do the following: (1) be sure to communicate so that your classmates learn
the information that you discuss in your article, (2) make certain that your presentation includes 2-3
PowerPoint slides that are easy to read, and (3) make certain that you indicate the source of the article on
your first slide. I recommend you look for articles in top Human Resource Management publications such
as HR Magazine, HR Focus. Academy of Management Perspectives, Compensation & Benefits Review,
CompFlash, Employee Relations Law Journal, Employee Relations Weekly, HRMagazine, Human
Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Labor Notes, Monthly
Labor Review, Organizational Dynamics, Personnel Journal, Public Personnel Management, Supervisory
Management, Training & Development, Workspan, &WorldatWork Journal.
Course Assignments
Students are responsible for any additional instruction and clarification provided in class that is not
included in the syllabus.
The expectations for this course are the following:
1. Preparation. Each student needs to read the assigned material and participate in class discussion.
2. Respect. Both the instructor and the students must treat each other with the utmost respect.
Disagreement will be encouraged throughout the course, but respect for others is a key tenet of
today’s workplace and should be practiced in class discussions.
3. Professionalism. Students should conduct all communication (including e-mail) with a
professional tone and style. This is a must in the business world and as such will be expected for
this course.
4. Quality. The work turned in for this course is expected to be of high quality. Expectations for
each assignment will be clearly written and students should strive to meet these expectations.
Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. All work must be completed in accordance with The George
Washington University Code of Academic Integrity. For any questions regarding the Code, please refer
to Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, falsifying University documents,
and facilitating academic dishonesty are among the behaviors that constitute violations of the Code of
Academic Integrity. Any alleged violations of the Code will be brought to the attention of the Academic
Integrity office and the recommended sanction may include, but is not limited to, a zero on the
assignment or failure of the class.
Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation, based on the impact of a disability, should
contact the instructor privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact the Disability Support Services
office at (202) 994-8250 to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodation. For
additional information you may refer to Any student requesting an
accommodation for a religious holiday, athletic team commitment or any other reason should speak with
the instructor during the first week of the semester. Failure to do so may result in the denial of the
Grade Appeals
If you believe you have earned a higher grade on any graded work, please write down your concerns and
send them to me within 3 days of receipt of the grade in question. I will review your written request and
give you a written response.
Late Assignments/Exam Days.Late assignments will NOT be accepted. Exams must be taken on the
scheduled day.
Course Schedule
This is an outline of material to be covered. Additional readings, guest lecturers, or activities may
be assigned as the semester progresses. You are responsible for keeping informed of changes
in the syllabus. All changes will be announced in class.
Chapter 1: Performance Management and
Rewards Systems in Context
Course Introduction, Team assignments
Closed 9/3)
Society of Human Resource Management
Performance Management Report
Case Study 1-2 “Performance Management at
Network Solutions” (read and prepare to
discuss the case questions)
Chapter 2: Performance Management Process “A Players or A Positions”
“The Results Chain”
Case Study 2-2 “Disrupted Links in the
Performance Management Process at Omega”
(read and be
prepared to discuss the case questions)
Chapter 3: Performance Management &
Strategic Planning
*****Newsflash Presentations*****
HBS Case: Webster Industries (A)
1. Stevens suggests five possible criteria for developing a termination list. If you were Carter
which of
these criteria (or combinations of criteria) would you use to identify employees for termination?
Explain the process you would use to develop the termination list. Provide a rationale for the
criteria and process you recommend.
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) and
Audit? Should they be used in deciding which employees are included on the termination list?
or Why not?
Chapter 4: Defining Performance and
Choosing a Measurement Approach
*****Newsflash Presentations*****
10/7-10/13 Chapter 5: Measuring Results and Behaviors
*****Newsflash Presentations*****
*** Quiz #1***
10/14-10/20 Chapter 6: Gathering Performance
*****Newsflash Presentations*****
HBS Case: Compensation and Performance Evaluation at Arrow Electronics
WEEK 9 1. What problems are they having with the Employee Performance Review (EPR) system?
10/21-10/27 2. What suggestions would you make for improving the EPR appraisal form and the appraisal
Chapter 7: Implementing a Performance
Management System
11/4-11/10 Chapter 8: Employee Development
Case Study 7-1,7-2,7-3 (Read and be prepared
to discuss the case questions)
Case Study 8-2 and 8-3 (Read and be prepared
to discuss the case questions)
HBS Case: A Day in the Life of Alex Sander: Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care Products
WEEK 12 1. What recommendations do you have for improving the 360 degree feedback process?
11/11-11/17 2. What would you tell Alex in a meeting reviewing his 360 results? What are his strengths and
weaknesses? What developmental goals and activities would you recommend?
Chapter 9: Performance Management Skills
Closed 11/21
to 11/24 -Thanksgiving
Case Study 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 (Read and be
prepared to answer the case questions)
HBS Case: Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau-Hellas AE (A)
1. What is your analysis of the situation at Konigsbrau-Hellas?
2. How would you evaluate Petrou’s performance as commercial director? In which ways have
strengths contributed to his performance? How have his weaknesses detracted from his
3. How effective has Keller been in managing Petrou? What should Keller do now? Describe the
action plan that Keller should pursue and your rationale for the plan.
Case Study 10-2 and 10-3 (Read and be
Chapter 10: Reward Systems and Legal Issues prepared to discuss the case questions)
Chapter11: Managing Team Performance
*****Newsflash Presentations*****
***Quiz #2***
Week 16