Project Steering Committee Members

Project Steering Committee
Reinhold Buttgereit, Director, Vattenfall
Europe AG
Achim von Heynitz, Senior Adviser,
Ralf Dickel, Director for Transit, Trade
and Relations with Non-Signatories,
Energy Charter Secretariat
Rolf Hempelmann, Member of German
Parliament/Spokesman for Energy Affairs,
Thomas Geisel, Vice-President, E.ON
Ruhrgas AG
Jörg Himmelreich, Senior Transatlantic
Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the
United States
Randy Gossen, President, World
Petroleum Council
Dagmar Graczyk, Manager for South
Asia, Office of Non-Member Countries,
International Energy Agency
Jing Huang, Senior Fellow, China
Studies, The Brookings Institution
Julia Nanay, Senior Director, PFC Energy
Mehmet Gürcan Daimagüler, World
Fellow, Yale University
Joachim Pfeiffer, Member of German
Parliament/Coordinator of Energy Politics,
Enno Harks, Political Adviser, Deutsche
Paul Saunders, Executive Director, Nixon
Alan Hegburg, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for International Energy Policy,
US Department of Energy
Charlotte Streck, Director, ClimateFocus
Role of the Steering Committee
In order to both raise the profile of the project and ensure that it carries as much relevance as
possible, the research process will include consultations with the Project Steering Committee.
The responsibility of the Steering Committee, made up of a group of experts from industry,
academia, civil society and government and serving in an individual capacity, will be to:
1. help guide the project from beginning to end and provide substantive feedback
throughout the process;
2. support fundraising efforts; and
3. assist with the dissemination of the final product,
We believe that by incorporating different perspectives into the fabric of the project, the end
result will carry more weight and, ultimately, more relevance to academics and policymakers.