hoemlearning 13.3

Please use chunking to help you with these division
Translate your rocket 1 up and 3
Please write the new coordinates for
each point.
Home learning: My hero
In literacy we are going to begin thinking about famous
myths and legends such as Robin Hood and King
Arthur. One of the main features of this kind of writing
is a heroic main character.
We would like you to think of a hero that you know.
They may be real or fictional, historical or modern.
We would like you to create a profile of this person.
What to include:
Your hero’s name
Your hero’s age
Your hero’s appearance (what
they look like)
What makes them your hero?
A drawing or photo of your hero.
Please ensure that you think carefully about the things
that make them heroic. You may like to include a brief
explanation of some of their heroic actions.
This home learning will be due on Friday 27th March