The Aeneid Book 2 The Fall of Troy Pages 25

The Aeneid Book 2 The Fall of Troy Pages 25‐47 Workbook Name: 1 Aeneas tells the story of the fall of Troy to Dido at the banquet The horse 1
Lines 1‐268 Describe in brief the building of the horse and its appearance on the shore L13‐40 2
What is the message of Laocoon and how is it received? 3
Describe the treachery of Sinon – what is his cunning story? And what are the consequences? 4
Describe the awful fate of Laocoon? 5
What do the Trojans decide to do with the horse? 6
What is the Trojan reaction to Cassandra’s prophecy? 7
What happens at night after the horse enters the gates of Troy? 2 The last battle of Troy Lines 268‐434 8
Describe Aeneas’s dream of Hector and Hector’s message for Aeneas. 9
What does Aeneas compare the final battle with in lines 302‐310. 10
How does Aeneas react to the furor and what does he consider noble? 11
What does Panthus tell Aeneas? 12
What words of encouragement does Aeneas give the warriors who join him 348‐356? 13
How does Aeneas describe the horror of the battle to Dido? L358‐369 14
Describe what happens to Cassandra? 3 Priam’s Palace – the death of Priam Lines 435‐568 15
Describe the battle around the palace of Priam L435‐453 16
How does Virgil describe Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles? L470‐476 17
Describe the death of Polites, Priam’s son and the death of Priam? L510‐555 18
How does Aeneas describe the dead Priam? L 555‐559 19
What makes Aeneas remember his family? Helen and Venus’s message to her son Lines 568‐622 20
How does Aeneas feel when he sees Helen? L568‐590 21
Describe the action of Venus and summarise her words to Aeneas.L591‐622 4 The fall of Troy and the departure from Troy L625‐L804 22
How does Aeneas describe the end of Troy L625‐634 23
Describe Anchises’ reaction to leaving Troy. 24
What is Aeneas’s reaction to his father’s words? 25
Describe Creusa’s reaction. 26
What amazing thing happens to Iulus, Aeneas’s son?L680‐690 27
What omen does Jupiter send in response to Anchises’s prayer? 28
Describe the departure of Aeneas and his family L708‐729 29
What happens to Creusa and what is Aeneas’s reaction? L730‐775 30
What important message does Creusa have for Aeneas? 5 1
General Questions at the end of Book 2 What aspects of Aeneas’s character appear in Book 2? How might he appear to be a hero?  Long suffering, ready to face dangers, encourage his men in adversity  A warrior – wants to die a noble death – wants to defend Troy  How he is viewed by the gods – chosen by destiny to found the new Troy – Rome Role of Venus Jupiter’s omen Dream of Hector – his destiny Creusa’s message  Loved by Creusa – attractive – he loves Creusa – his grief  The pious hero – takes family, penates, follows his destiny  The family man 2
How are the ‘human relationships’ ‐ mother son/husband wife / father/ son relationships portrayed in Book 2? Venus and Aeneas – mother and son  Venus reveals the end of Troy – the responsibility of the gods – intervenes in his desire for revenge against Helen Aeneas and Creusa – husband and wife 
Aeneas and Creusa – they love each other – she reminds him of his duty to family‐ he suffers grief and anguish when she disappears – seeks her‐ she allows him to leave – prophesies his future destiny Anchises and Aeneas –father and son 
Anchises and Aeneas – Aeneas’s view of his father ‘his own dear father’. Pietas His father prayerful, interprets omens of Jupiter, goes with son. Aeneas afraid for both father and son. To what extent does the role of the gods cause the fall of Troy? Consider the following:  The treachery and trickery of the Greeks  The inability of the Trojans to listen to prophecy  Helen and her abduction by Paris  Venus and her statement to Aeneas  Fate and destiny – the dream of Hector, the omen of Jupiter, the death of Creusa and her message of hope to Aeneas 6 Commentary on Book 2 The translation of D. West I shook the sleep from me and climbed to the top of the highest gable of the roof, and stood there with my ears pricked up like a shepherd when a furious south wind is carrying fire into a field of grain, or a mountain river whirls along in spate, flattening all the fields, the growing crops and all the labour of oxen, carrying great trees headlong down in its floods while the shepherd stands stupefied on the top of the rock, listening to the sound without knowing what it is. Then in that moment I knew the truth. The treacherous scheming of the Greeks was there to see. Soon the great house of Deiphobus yielded to the flames and fell in ruins. Virgil, Aeneid, Book 2, line 302 ff. (a) What part did Sinon play in tricking the Trojans? Give four details. (4 marks) b) In this passage, how effectively does Virgil build up the tension of what is happening? (6 marks) (c) How heroically does Aeneas behave in events at Troy in Book 2? Explain your answer and support it by reference to Book 2. (15 marks) 7 