Foundations of American Foreign Policy

Shaping the Foundations of American Foreign Policy
As you study the era of the Early Republic, research the following events, and explain the significance of each in
shaping or defining the foreign policy of the United States. Complete as you read and take notes for Chapters 10 -13.
A reference textbook in diplomatic history might also be useful. Such texts can be found at any local library. Note the
items with asterisks. These are particularly important events!
George Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793:
Jay’s Treaty, 1794
Citizen Genet’s protest of American neutrality, 1793
*Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796
XYZ Affair, 1797
Louisiana Purchase, 1803
Chesapeake Incident, 1807
Napoleon’s Continental System, 1807
Embargo, 1807
Henry Clay urges war, 1810
*President Madison’s War Message to Congress, 1812 / War of 1812
Hartford Convention, 1814-1815
*Monroe Doctrine, 1823