o Discovering French Nouveau!, Rouge 3. McDougal Litell Inc., 2004.

Expectations de la classe
Français 3 et 4
Mme Grimes
Salle G206
Bienvenue! Préparez-vous pour cette année avancée ? Bien sûr ! Maintenant on
continue l’aventure d’apprendre et comprendre le français, en utilisant les outils que
nous possédons. Il y a beaucoup de choses magnifiques qui vous attendent dans vos
troisième et quatrième années. Les élèves dans la troisième année sont introduits aux
verbes réfléchis, une autre expression du temps passé, et vont créer les histoires pour les
enfants. Les élèves de la quatrième année commencent des projets de voyage, une
expédition de la littérature différente, et les conversations d’un niveau plus haut.
Ensemble nous explorons l’impressionnisme et regardons des films amusants. Je ne peux
pas attendre un jour plus et je suis ravie de vous voir encore !
Les Choses Nécessaires par jour:
Notebook and folder (use folder only for this class)
Textbook and workbook (workbook only for French3)
o Discovering French Nouveau!, Rouge 3. McDougal Litell Inc., 2004.
Recommended supplies:
3 ring binder
French/English Dictionary
Grading Scale:
59% or below
Grade Distribution:
70% -- Tests, quizzes, and projects
15% -- Homework and assignments
15% -- Oral/classroom participation
Weekly Actualités will help students not only keep in touch with current European and
France-specific events, but they will also be practicing their listening comprehension,
verbal questioning, and writing skills on a daily basis. Quiz and test dates will be
announced in advance, so students are responsible for being prepared to take the test,
even if the are absent the day before, unless key material was discussed. There will be
an assortment of both individual and group projects, which will allow students the
opportunity to use their creativity and discover more about concepts discussed in class.
Homework and assignments are necessary to develop the essential skills of reading,
writing, speaking, and listening. Homework must always be completed and turned in
at the beginning of class. Late homework is appreciated, but not awarded any points.
PARLEZ le français! Soyez courageux! To work towards fluency and effective usage of
the language, speak French as much as possible! Oral participation is very
important so we need to work hard to create an environment where everyone feels
comfortable to participate and try new things. Asking questions, responding, and
having conversations in French will only make you a stronger communicator and will
earn you daily points. Mistakes are très cool!
Retakes are not only a privilege, but a responsibility. In French, you will almost always
have the ability to retake an assessment, but the process is as follows:
1. You must approach Mme and let her know about your desire to retake a quiz/test.
2. You must set up a time to do corrections and go over them with Mme.
3. These corrections must be done on a separate sheet of paper, in complete sentences
whenever possible, to practice the material fully and thoughtfully.
4. You must provide a reflection to Mme of the mistakes and demonstrate your
improved understanding.
5. You must set up a time to retake the assessment within 1 week of the taking the
original quiz/test.
1. Respect the teacher, respect each other, and respect the classroom. Everyone
deserves the right to a positive experience learning French.
2. Be prepared and on time. If you are late or come unprepared, it’s disrespectful
to your classmates and the teacher.
3. PARLEZ LE FRANÇAIS! Don’t be lazy! You are here to speak French, so do it!
4. Use time effectively. If you finish tasks early and have free time, do not disturb
your classmates. Ask Mlle. before doing anything else.
5. No food or drink or gum. You don’t want your French accent to compete with a
mouth full of gum. Food will be allowed in the classroom only on fantastic fête
6. Attendance counts. Make sure you take responsibility for the days you were
absent and get the work turned in!
7. Be positive. An open mind and a positive attitude will get you very far in this
class. More than anything, a positive attitude keeps one open to fun and
enjoyment of French.
Consequences for not meeting expectations:
1. The “look” and or verbal reprimand of teacher.
2. Brief conference at the end of the period or day.
3. Discipline referral and parental contract.
4. Student contract.
5. Recommended withdrawal from class.
Tips for success:
1. COMMUNICATE with me and ask lots of questions. Do not hesitate to approach
me with questions about the material; I’ll make time to go over things with you
to ensure your success. You may also email me at any time.
2. Take good notes and write down assignments. This goes along with being
organized and prepared.
3. Do your homework and pay attention to corrections. We can learn a lot from
our mistakes!
4. Study. With class periods of only 50 minutes, it’s imperative to your success that
you take time to study, review, and complete homework.
5. Speak French as much as possible because practice improves fluency,
pronunciation, and increases comfort level in using the language. Try using
what you learn outside of class to teach your family or converse with classmates!
6. Join French Club!!!!
About Grades: Grades will be updated in a timely manner and are always available
to you before or after class. As the technology continues to develop at SHS, these
grades will be visible to your parents/guardians in an effort to keep everyone involved
and active in your success. So….do your homework! Also, a Pacing Guide is available to
you on the high school website to follow along with the curriculum and outlines all
important tests/projects/units !
Comme une grande classe avec beaucoup d’outils et niveaux différents, il est impératif
d’être ouvert et respectueux à l’un l’autre à tout le temps. Cet environnement est
spécial, et tout le monde peut gagner beaucoup d’expérience et avantage ici. Utilisez
les opportunités que vous recevez à devenir mieux. Il n’y a pas de limites, ni succès sans
l’effort ! Je sais bien que vous réussirez avec les couleurs volantes !
Allons –y!