MassJCL Mythology Exam 2010 1 1. What pious mythological

MassJCL Mythology Exam 2010
1. What pious mythological couple survived a great flood and followed the advice of Themis to
repopulate the world?
a) Pyrrha and Deucalion
b) Baucis and Philemon
c) Apollo and Artemis
d) Creusa and Aeneas
2. What two Greek warriors claimed the armor of Achilles after his death?
a) Menelaus and Odysseus
b) Odysseus and Ajax the Greater
c) Odysseus and Patroclus
d) Menelaus and Agamemnon
3. What son of Zeus and Hera is the Greek god of war?
a) Apollo
b) Ares
c) Dionysus
d) Erebus
4. What Arcadian girl was transformed into a bear and then became the constellation Ursa Maior?
a) Deiopea
b) Antea
c) Semele
d) Callisto
5. Who was the second wife of King Priam of Troy?
a) Arisbe
b) Hecuba
c) Laodice
d) Hesione
6. What Greek hero encountered the Laestrygonians, the Lotus Eaters, and the Phaeacians on his way
a) Odysseus
b) Jason
c) Heracles
d) Theseus
7. Megara, Deianira, and Hebe were all wives of what hard-working hero?
a) Theseus
b) Ajax the Greater
c) Heracles
d) Achilles
8. What Theban king was named for his “swollen foot” by his foster mother?
a) Proteus
b) Pentheus
c) Podarces
d) Oedipus
9. What Corinthian hero fought the Solymi, the Amazons, and the Chimaera?
a) Heracles
b) Polyphontes
c) Sisyphus
d) Bellerophon
10. What offended goddess sent a giant boar to ravage Calydon?
a) Athena
b) Artemis
c) Hera
d) Demeter
11. What deity rescued Ariadne from abandonment on Naxos?
a) Hermes
b) Dionysus
c) Priapus
d) Apollo
12. What hospitable king of the Doliones was accidentally killed by Jason and his crew?
a) Dexamenus
b) Molorchus
c) Lycurgus
d) Cyzicus
13. Into what river were Orpheus’s lyre and severed head thrown?
a) Alpheus
b) Hebrus
c) Enipeus
d) Anaurus
14. Which of these animals is most closely associated with Dionysus?
a) Dolphin
b) Quail
c) Cuckoo
d) Stag
15. What Greek goddess of grain initiated the Eleusinian Mysteries?
a) Marica
b) Pomona
c) Flora
d) Demeter
16. What brother of Melampus needed prophetic help to pay the bride-price for his wife?
a) Pero
b) Neleus
c) Bias
d) Phylacus
17. Whose daughters were driven mad and were transformed into bats for resisting Dionysus?
a) Alcathous
b) Minyas
c) Icarius
d) Orchomenus
18. What Sicilian king of Camicus gave Daedalus refuge from Minos?
a) Catreus
b) Oeneus
c) Cocalus
d) Glaucus
MassJCL Mythology Exam 2010
19. What Lapith friend of Theseus was doomed to stay in the Chair of Oblivion for all eternity?
a) Ixion
b) Coroneus
c) Pirithous
d) Pylades
20. What centaur attempted to carry off Heracles’ wife while she was crossing the river Evenus?
a) Eurytion
b) Chiron
c) Philoctetes
d) Nessus
21. Ino, Autonoe, Semele, and Agave are the daughters of what child of Ares?
a) Cadmus
b) Euryphaessa
c) Harmonia
d) Teledice
22. On which island did Odysseus visit Calypso?
a) Aeaea
b) Scheria
d) Ogygia
c) Thrinacia
23. What two rivers did Heracles divert to clean the Augean Stables?
a) Peneus and Alpheus
b) Hebrus and Strymon
c) Achelous and Meander
d) Calpe and Abyla
24. What island did the bronze giant Talus guard?
a) Sicily
b) Crete
c) Scheria
d) Delos
25. In Aeneid IX, what pair of Trojan soldiers and lovers died tragically during a nocturnal raid of the
Rutulian camp?
a) Euryalus and Nisus
b) Evander and Pallas
c) Dares and Entellus
d) Arruns and Opis
26. Who was the mother of Neoptolemus?
a) Cyrene
b) Briseis
c) Chryseis
d) Deidamia
27. Where was Polydectes king?
a) Thera
b) Seriphos
c) Chalcis
d) Chios
28. According to Ovid, what Nereid spurned the love of Polyphemus?
a) Galatea
b) Thetis
c) Amymone
d) Psmathe
29. Who was the wife of Poseidon?
a) Ceto
b) Doris
c) Eurybie
d) Amphitrite
30. What wise mother of Athena did Zeus swallow?
a) Themis
b) Metis
c) Mnemosyne
d) Thetis
31. What woman slept with her father and bore a son Adonis?
a) Byblis
b) Myrrha
c) Canace
d) Chalciope
32. Who buried the body of Melicertes and founded the Isthmian Games in the child’s honor?
a) Autolycus
b) Glaucus
c) Sisyphus
d) Amphiaraus
33. Who beat Atalanta in a race by dropping three golden apples?
a) Milanion
b) Hippolytus
c) Eris
d) Lycurgus
34. Trophonius and Agamedes attempted to steal from the treasury of what king?
a) Croesus
b) Hyrieus
c) Oeneus
d) Midas
35. What daughter of Salmoneus was loved by a disguised Poseidon and bore Neleus and Pelias?
a) Pero
b) Side
c) Tyro
d) Sidero
36. What elder son of Lelex invented the mill?
a) Perdix
b) Myles
c) Daedalus
d) Myagro
MassJCL Mythology Exam 2010
37. What father of Penelope erected a statue to Modesty after he let his daughter go marry Odysseus?
a) Icarius
b) Oebalus
c) Tyndareus
d) Perieres
38. What son of Demeter and Iasion was a god of wealth?
a) Liber
b) Polydamas
c) Pittheus
d) Plutus
39. What Thespian youth offered himself to a dragon in order to save his friend Cleostratus?
a) Erysichthon
b) Catreus
c) Lycus
d) Menestratus
40. What daughter of Agenor did Zeus seduce in the form of a beautiful white bull?
a) Telephassa
b) Io
c) Europa
d) Argiope
41. What Cypriot youth loved Anaxarete so desperately that when she mocked him, he hanged himself
from her doorpost?
a) Metion
b) Iphis
c) Ligdus
d) Phaenon
42. What daughter of Sinis the Pine-bender bore a son to Theseus?
a) Perigune
b) Alcimede
c) Sinope
d) Sylea
43. What daughter of Cronus was the mother of Tantalus, king of Siplyus?
a) Rhea
b) Demeter
c) Pluto
d) Hestia
44. Who was the concubine of Ajax the Greater?
a) Briseis
b) Chryseis
d) Lysippe
c) Tecmessa
45. What Egyptian king took the advice of a Cypriot seer and sacrificed strangers in his land to Zeus
before he was killed by Heracles?
a) Busiris
b) Lityerses
c) Emathion
d) Syleus
46. What fire-breathing son of Vulcan stole the cattle of Geryon from Heracles and was later killed by
a) Eurymedon
b) Cacus
c) Antinous
d) Porphyrion
47. What Theban noble, descended from the Sparti, was the father of Creon and Jocasta?
a) Labdacus
b) Menoeceus
c) Lycus
d) Pentheus
48. What daughter of Epopeus was raped by her father and transformed by Athena into an owl?
a) Dryope
b) Nyctimene
c) Clymene
d) Harpalyce
49. Who was the father of Menoetes, the herdsman of Hades?
a) Lycotherses
b) Pelorus
c) Broteas
d) Ceuthonymus
50. Forty-nine of Lycaon’s fifty sons were destroyed by Zeus. What son of Lycaon was saved Zeus’s
wrath by the intervention of Ge?
a) Apis
b) Atymnius
c) Nyctimus
d) Pelasgus
MassJCL Mythology Exam 2010
Answer Key:
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