Media Studies Curriculum Overview

Media Studies Curriculum Overview 2014-15
Media Studies Year 10
Year 10
Half Term 1
Half Term 2
Half Term 3
Unit Title/s
Understanding Genre Conventions in print based
Textual Investigation of Genre Conventions in print
Based Media
Creating own products focus on understanding;
Genre, Representations, Narrative and Audience.
Half Term 4
Textual Investigation - Representation of gender in
music videos.
Half term 5
Preparation for exam topics in Year 11
Half Term 6
Investigating Media Productions for Year 11.
Research section
Focus skills
Applying theory and Analytical skills
Applying theory and Analytical skills
Applying theory, Research skills, analysing
and evaluating, creative skills especially on
computer, developing editing skills using
fireworks or photoshop.
Applying theory and Analytical skills.
Inference skills, debating social and ethical
Film Posters and Trailers analysed using
appropriate theories. Project based skills.
Group and individual.
Investigating and research skills. Exploring
the construction of their chosen Media
Media Studies Year 11
Year 11
Half term 1
Unit Title/s
Completion of Research and Planning Section
Half term 2
Completion of Production task 1 and 2
Half term 3
Exam preparation also built in to lessons to aid
performance in Mock Exam
Half term 4
Completion of all production tasks and evaluation
Half term 5
Exam Preparation
Half term 6
Exam Preparation
Focus skills
Research Methods, Use of terminology and
theory, Analytical skills, English Language
skills, understanding of audience theories.
Creative skills used in planning
Computing skills, editing images and
creating a media product. Demonstrating
understanding of theories taught.
Analytical skills based on print based advert
and creative skills for tv adverts.
Appropriate terminology and theories
revised and taught.
Creative and analytical skills. Computing
and business skills needed when evaluating
the potential commercial success of the
Advertising theories based on print and TV
adverts. Analytical skills and creative skills
both tested in exam. Deconstructing
professional image and then creating and
deconstructing their own production piece
(eg. tv advert storyboard)