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In Good Hands
A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of Ward Beecher DC
“We can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts.” ~ Madeleine L’Engle
A Quick, Easy, and
Fun Way to Boost
Your Immune System
Plus, what you can do (and NOT do) after
a long, stressful day to relax and be healthier!
Also this month:
 Are Professional Athletes Making Your Children Fat and Sick? Top professional athletes
give “mixed messages” parents should be aware of.
 New Research: What mothers do that increases the rate of bipolar disorder in their children.
 The Real Life Batman You Should Know About! The amazing story that proves
Superheroes do exist and how you can become one…
ouston – Few would disagree that raising
children is more difficult today than ever before.
Many people believe the world has become
much more complex and children are exposed to many
things much earlier in life than their parents would like
them to be, if at all.
It's not uncommon for young kids to surf the net
unsupervised and see things not meant for young eyes.
When not online, children often watch hours and hours
of adult-oriented programs on countless TV channels.
Even when children are not exposed to adult
content, marketers have the ability to reach them in
many different ways with increasing frequency.
One example is the use of superstar athletes to sell
them products. When athletes are used to sell sneakers
and apparel, the only danger is to your bank account.
But, other products hawked by the top pros are not so
A study by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and
Obesity at Yale, and published in the November issue of
Pediatrics, shows that a majority of food and beverage
brands endorsed by professional athletes are for
unhealthy products like sports beverages, soft drinks,
and fast food.
Researchers selected the top 100 professional
athletes based on their endorsement value according to
a 2010 report in Business Week.
According to Yale News: “Of the 512 brands
associated with these athletes, food and beverage
brands were the second largest category of
endorsements behind sporting goods. We found that
LeBron James (NBA), Peyton Manning (NFL), and
Serena Williams (tennis) had more food and beverage
endorsements than any of the other athletes examined.
Most of the athletes who endorsed food and beverages
were from the NBA, followed by the NFL, and MLB.”
The top three athlete food endorsements came
from: #1 sports drinks, #2 soft drinks, and #3 fast
foods. One thing is shocking: Of the 46 beverages
endorsed, 93% received ALL of their calories from
added sugar.
The study’s lead author, Dr. Marie Bragg, writes,
“The promotion of energy-dense, nutrient-poor
products by some of the world’s most physically fit and
well-known athletes is an ironic combination that sends
mixed messages about diet and health.”
The researchers also opined that professional
athletes should be aware of the “health value” of the
products they are endorsing and use their star status to
sell healthier products.
Here is one issue that was not raised in the study:
Are these athletes telling the truth? Do they actually
eat this junk food and drink this sugar? Is it really
something that helped them become some of the world’s
greatest athletes?
Clearly, this is a difficult issue for parents trying to
raise healthy children. Do you tell your children that
their sports idol is probably not telling the truth and
only saying he or she eats those products just to make
Even if they actually do eat or drink what they
endorse, it is nearly impossible for adolescents to
understand that sometimes people succeed in spite of
something they do, not because of it.
Did LeBron James really become one of the
greatest basketball players who ever lived by eating fast
food burgers, donuts, and drinking sugar-filled soda?
Who knows? But we do know this, according to
Forbes, he gets paid $42 million a year in endorsements,
and a chunk of that is from companies selling fast food,
donuts, and sodas.
But the real question is: If he actually does eat
and drink this junk, how good would he be if he didn’t?
An even better question is: As a parent, what’s
the best way to counteract all that star power and
expert marketing?
There is no perfect answer, but two things will
help: (1) leading by example, and (2) communication.
The only person you can really control is yourself.
Choosing to eat healthy, exercise, reduce stress, and be
an honest, ethical person is not only one of the best
things for you, but it is one of the best things you can
ever do for your children.
If you are stressed out about all this, or life in
general, here is a great way to reduce stress
Research has clearly shown that stress is a serious
health problem. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart
disease, weight gain, and diabetes.
In other words, it makes you age faster, look older,
and shortens your life. The best possible scenario
would be to eliminate all stress from your life, but
everyone knows that is impossible.
That’s why is it so important to learn to deal with
and manage stress in a healthy way.
One of the biggest problems with stress is how it
affects sleep. Getting the proper QUANTITY and
QUALITY of sleep is one of the most important aspects
of staying healthy.
Sleep is when your body and mind repair and
rejuvenate. Many studies have shown how devastating
not getting enough quality sleep can be on the mind and
Here’s where it gets good: Most people think they
simply do not have enough time to get enough sleep.
But, in most cases, it is the quality of sleep that is
hurting them, not the total hours.
Those who have the ability to relax and enter deep
sleep need much less sleep than those who are stressed
and hardly ever reach deep sleep. This is one reason so
many people practice meditation. Experts at meditation
say they can induce a state of relaxation that achieves in
minutes what most people cannot after hours of restless
Now a recent study from Loyola University says
there is another great way to relax and reduce stress.
According to the study, taking a walk is a great way to
relieve stress and taking a walk in the woods or in
nature is much better for reducing stress and improving
According to Dr. Aaron Michelfelder, Professor of
Family Medicine at Loyola University, “When we get to
nature, our health improves, our stress hormones rise
all day long in our bloodstream and taking even a few
moments while walking to reconnect with our inner
thoughts and to check in with our body will lower those
damaging stress hormones. Walking with our family or
friends is also a great way to lower our blood pressure
and make us happier.”
Walking in nature increases your white blood cells,
lowers your pulse rate, lowers your blood pressure, and
reduces the stress hormone cortisol. But wait, there’s
more! Recent research from Japanese scientists shows
that walking in the woods may help fight cancer
because plants emit phytoncides, chemicals that helps
protect plants from rotting insects. Phytoncides help
your body’s immune response to cancer when they are
One last relaxation tip is to stay away from
electronic screens (like a computer) at night because
they “activate” the brain and can make it difficult to
Don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or
concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us
with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t
enjoy anything more than participating in providing
you natural pain relief.
Presented by Beecher Chiropractic Clinic1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston TX 77062(281) 286-1300
Inspirational Story Of The Month
(Names And Details May Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)
The Real Life Batman
You Should Know About!
The amazing story that proves Superheroes exist – and how you can become one...
One of the best things about being a kid is believing that superheroes really do roam the earth. But as we grow
older, we quickly learn they do not exist. There are no altruistic do-gooders with super powers dashing around in
tights and capes saving the world from the brink of disaster.
Well, what if I told you superheroes DO exist? I’m talking about REAL superheroes with REAL superpowers. I
can prove it to you, and I guarantee you will never look at the world the same way again. I also guarantee you will
be a happier person from this day forward.
Here’s the story (and proof)…
In 2012, police in Silver Springs, Maryland pulled over a car because of an issue with its license plates. The car
was a black Lamborghini and the license plate was simply the bat symbol. Who do you think was driving? You got
that right… BATMAN... in full Batman outfit, including mask, utility belt, and cape.
A picture of the incident quickly ended up on social media sites and was so popular that the late night shows
joked about it.
As it turns out in this case, Batman’s real name is not Bruce Wayne. It’s Lenny B. Robinson, and he had the
real license plates on the back of his “Batmobile.” So, he was set free to do what this Batman does: Bring hope and
happiness to sick children.
You see, Robinson, 48, is a self-made millionaire. He recently sold a commercial cleaning business he built
from the time he was a teenager. He now spends about $25,000 a year on Batman toys that he brings to children
fighting cancer.
Robinson brings them toys and memorabilia, backpacks, shirts, etc., and signs every book he gives them with a
simple “Batman.”
Batman visits hospitals at least twice a month and gives talks at schools about bullying. There is no doubt that
he brings a lot of joy to a lot of suffering children.
But there are other “rich” people who do good things and give to charity. Why is Robinson different from all
the other “rich guys who write a check to charity?”
Robinson actually spends a lot of his personal time doing everything himself. He is NOT just writing a check,
and the time he gives is much more valuable than the value of the toys he hands out.
But the most important reason is Robinson’s intention. Robinson has been doing this since 2001, and no one
knew he was doing it until he got pulled over in 2012. For 11 years, he did it without any expectation of recognition
other than the reward of giving.
This is clearly different from other people who donate to charity and alert the press. They do it for the great
publicity it will attract to them and their business.
Joel Goldsmith, author of many books on spirituality wrote, “the only measuring stick of our [charity] is how
much we give in secrecy without drawing the attention of others to our benevolence.”
With this definition, we can all be superheroes. All you really have to do is start helping others for the right
We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and
getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger!
Don’t be a stranger. You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!
Presented by Beecher Chiropractic Clinic1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston TX 77062(281) 286-1300
Did You Know?...
Lack of Sleep Can Cause Weight Gain
One of the more profound ways lack of sleep promotes weight gain is by influencing the hormones that
control both hunger and satiety. For instance, chronic sleep deprivation raises levels of the stress hormone
cortisol. Cortisol tells the body it needs more energy to meet the demands of stress, which causes an increase of
hunger and cravings.
Lack of sleep also increases grehlin, a hormone that promotes hunger and fat storage. Sleep deprivation
also decreases leptin, the satiety hormone that tells you when you’ve had enough to eat. So in a double
whammy, lack of sleep both increases hunger and inhibits the ability to feel full. The result is a natural
inclination to eat more and more frequently.
Unfortunately, weight gain due to sleep deprivation doesn’t only happen slowly over time. Just a few
nights of sleep deprivation can pack on pounds. Sleep deprivation makes fat cells less sensitive to insulin, the
hormone that ushers glucose into cells so they can produce energy. In effect, it makes a person more insulin
resistant, which is a stepping-stone to obesity and diabetes.
Tip Of The Month
Reduce Obesity with the 5 Meal Pattern
New research from Finland has added even more evidence to what a lot of doctors, nutritionists, and fitness
experts have known for a long time. According to a population-based study of more than 4,000 people, eating
five meals a day helps fight obesity, even in those with a genetic predisposition for obesity. The meals were
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. The information use in the study was collected starting in utero and
continued until the age of 16.
According to Science Daily: “A regular five-meal pattern was associated with a reduced risk of being
overweight and obese in both sexes and with a reduced risk of abdominal obesity in boys. Moreover, the
regular five-meal pattern attenuated the BMI-increasing effect of the common genetic variants. Conversely,
skipping breakfast was associated with greater BMI and waist circumference.”
Also, the weight and health of a child’s parents matters a lot. If either the mother or father is obese before
pregnancy, it was a clear risk factor for the child to be obese during adolescence. If both parents had a BMI of
25 or more throughout the 16 years of the study, the risk of obesity of the child was much greater.
BMI is Body Mass Index and is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. “Normal” BMI is 18.5
to 24.9, underweight is <18.5, overweight is 25 to 29.9, and obese is >30. There has been quite a bit of
controversy over the use of BMI because it may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have muscular
builds and it may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle mass.
What Mothers do that Increases the Rate of Bipolar Disorder in Their Children…
Smoking during pregnancy is known to contribute to significant problems in utero and following birth,
including low birth weight and attention difficulties. Now, a study published in the American Journal of
Psychiatry finds, “After adjusting for potential confounders, offspring exposed to in utero maternal smoking
exhibited a twofold greater risk for bipolar disorder... Prenatal tobacco exposure may be one suspected cause
of bipolar disorder.” Like almost all studies, the researchers report that more research needs to be done to rule
out other factors. But, no one needs more research to know that smoking is bad for you and your children both
before and after they are born.
Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal
and maintain the pain free body you deserve.
This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care
concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a healthcare professional who is familiar with your
updated medical history. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without a thorough exam or appropriate referral. If
you have any further concerns or questions, please let us know by calling 281-286-1300 or email
Presented by Beecher Chiropractic Clinic1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston TX 77062(281) 286-1300