
Lesson Plan Template
School Counselor: Marlene Neal
Date: May 30th, May 31st, June 3rd, & June 4th
Activity: Leaders Are Explorers
Grade(s): 6th
ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies): Career Domain
Standard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge
of self and to make informed career decisions.
Competencies: C:A1.1, C:A1.3, C:A1.7
Standard B: Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and
Competencies: C:B:1.1 C:B1.2 C:B1.8
Learning Objective(s): After completion of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Understand the need for “middle-skill” workers in South Carolina.
2. Understand the difference between two-year college programs and four-year college programs.
3. Learn to access South Carolina Career Information System (SCOIS).
4. Identify three occupations within a career cluster of interest.
5. Identify which careers are considered “middle-skills.”
Materials: Computer lab with Projector, Pre-test and Post-test, PowerPoint, SCOIS Worksheet, and Internet
1) Administer Pre-test to determine career interests and understanding of two-year college programs and four-year
college programs.
2) Show PowerPoint and follow steps 3-6.
3) Slide 3- discuss the options after high school and explain two-year colleges (certificates and Bridge Program),
four-year colleges, and graduate school.
4) Explain the shortage of middle skill workers in South Carolina and the types of jobs in this field. Have students
brainstorm what can happen if companies cannot find workers for jobs.
5) Explain the Lexington School District One Curriculum Framework, Schools of Study, and Clusters and how this
will apply to the students during their 8th grade year. Show the video within the PowerPoint on the Centers of Study.
6) Ask students to login to the SCOIS website from their school issued iPads. Introduce the purpose of using SCOIS
to enhance the students’ ability to identify career interests and clusters.
7) Give the students the SCOIS worksheet. Allow students to complete the SCOIS interest inventory and worksheet.
Research careers of interest and determine which are “middle-skills.”
8) Administer the Post-test to determine career interests and understanding of two-year college programs and fouryear college programs.
9) During this lesson, you learned about specific careers that may be interesting to you based on your interests as a
sixth-grade student. In the seventh grade, we will look at your spending lifestyle to determine if your current career
interest will support your lifestyle. We’ll also look more in-depth at colleges and the programs offered to determine
your educational needs in the future.
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
A Pre-test was given at the beginning of the lesson. Students responded Yes or No to four questions and provided a
closed-end response to question number five. The same five questions were given on the Post-test. Students also
completed a SCOIS worksheet in which they researched one career they found interesting in their career clusters.
Process Data: (Evidence that event occurred – Who received the lesson, where, when, and for how long)
- Held 10 large classroom guidance lessons for sixth-grade students during math class.
-Pre and Post data collected for middle skill knowledge.
-Students used SCOIS worksheet to research one interesting career.
-Students and parents are able to access SCOIS from home to review interest inventory. Students have iPads for use
at home.
Perception Data: (What students learned – What they believe, know, or can demonstrate as a result of the lesson)
Middle Skills Pre/Post Test
(Circle Yes or No)
1). I have an idea about the type of job I want to do after high school graduation. YES
2). I know about the certificate/degree programs offered at Midlands Technical College. YES
3). I know about the careers/occupations you can obtain by attending Midlands Technical College or any two-year
4). I know the difference between a two-year degree/certificate and a four-year degree.
5). Name one career or occupation someone would be qualified for after attending a two-year program at Midlands
Technical College.
Figure 1. Yes Responses to Pre Test and Post Test Questions 1-4
Figure 1 was used to reference the perception data for the Pre-test and Post-test results. Posttest results indicated 98% could identify careers they were interested in. The most growth
occurred for students in questions two and three regarding awareness of programs available at a
two-year college with over a 50% increase from the Pre-test results. Every student completed a
SCOIS worksheet and researched one job they found interesting. Students also determined if this
job was considered “middle-skill.”
Outcome Data:
Figure 2. Outcome Data: Pre & Post Test Question 5 Correct Responses
Question five was used for outcome data. Post-test results indicated that 59% could name one
career they qualify for after attending a two-year college, an increase of 39% from the pre-test
Follow Up:
In 7th grade, students will complete another career-related lesson in SCOIS using the Reality Check tool to
understand how lifestyle choices affect job choices. They will also be exposed to specific careers/occupations that
can be obtained by attending a two-year college for a degree or certificate.