Study guide one

Name __________________________
_______1. Socrates
_______2. Aristotle
_______3. Hippocrates
_______4.Middle Ages
_______5.Humanistic Perspective/Approach
_______6.Cognitive Perspective/Approach
_______7. Freud
_______8. Psychodynamic Perspective/Approach
_______9. B.F. Skinner
_______10. John B. Watson
_______11. Wilhelm Wundt
_______12. William James
_______13. Psychiatrist
_______14. Counseling Psychologists
_______15. Clinical Psychologists
_______16. Forensic Psychologists
_______17. Consumer Psychologists
_______18. School Psychologists
_______19. Developmental Psychologists
_______20. Gestalt Psychology
_______21. Experimental Psychologists
_______22. Precognition
_______23. Telepathy
_______24. Clairvoyance
_______25. Psychokinesis
_______26. Theory
_______27. Psychology
_______28. Cognitive Processes
_______29. Introspection
_______30. Behavior
_______31. Areas of study closely related to
_______32. Observe, describe, explain, predict
_______33. Functionalism
_______34. Survey/Experimentation
_______35. Objective sensations
_______36. Subjective feelings
_______37. Biological Perspective
_______38 Sociocultural Perspective
_______39. Education Psychologists
_______40. Biological Perspective
A. Job: study change that occurs though-out the lifespan.
B. Founder of Functionalism
C. approach that stresses the influence of unconscious forces on
human behavior.
D. Founder of Behaviorism
E. Believed that people were processed by devils/demons
F. Job: Medical doctor who can prescribe medication, a lot of
G. School: concerned with how mental processes help organisms
adapt to their environment.
H. Job: concerned with the theoretical issues that relate to learning,
measurement, of abilities, and child/adolescent development.
I. examining our own thoughts and feelings
J. Ability to perceive objects that are out of the range of human
K. Two methods of research by psychologists.
L. Ability to know about events before they occur.
M. Job: work with criminal justice system and testify on the mental
state of a person's status at time of incident.
N. Part of Structuralism: senses that accurately reflect the outside
O. Part of Structuralism: emotional responses and mental images to
the outside world.
P. influence of biology on our behavior.
Q. addresses such issues as ethnicity, gender, culture , and
socioeconomic status.
R. Founder of Structuralism
S. approach that stresses the human capacity for self-fulfillment
and the importance of conscious choices.
T. Approach emphasizes the role played by thoughts in
determining behavior.
U. Job; Studies shoppers to explain and predict behavior
V. Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
W. Make objects move by thinking of them as moving
X. Treats people who have adjustment problems rather than serious
psychological problems.
Y. Any action that other people can observe or measure
Z. Greek philosopher thought that confusion and madness were
cause by abnormalities in the brain.
AA. Wrote the first book on psychology (Peri Psyches)
BB. Private mental processes
CC. Added reinforcement to behaviorism (box)
DD. Approach that emphasizes the influence of biology on behavior.
EE. Job: Conducts research into basic processes such as functions of
nervous system.
FF. Transmission of thoughts or ideas from one person to another
without speech.
GG. Scientific study of behavior and mental processes
HH. Statement that attempts to explain why things are the way
theyare and happen the way they do.
II. Founder of psychoanalysis
JJ. Job: works with people with psychological problems (Ex.
KK. Said, Know thy self and thought of the concept of introspection
LL. Job: identities students with problems that interfere with
Ways scientists better understand human behavior.
NN. School: perceptions are more than the sums of their parts.
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