**1 Sottolinea l'alternativa corretta. 1 I am studying / study English

Present simple/continuous + state verbs
**1 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
1 I am studying / study English nearly every day.
2 I usually go / am going to London once a year.
3 My brother skis / is skiing in the Dolomites this
4 How many people work / are working in this
5 Who drives / is driving your car? I can see it over
6 Do you have / Are you having a mobile phone?
**2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del
Present simple o del Present continuous.
0 I know (know) Sarah very well, she’s one of my best
1 Suki _______________ (live) in the city, but only
until she finishes her studies.
2 I _________________ (not understand) this exercise.
It’s quite difficult.
3 Food prices ____________ (get) more and more
expensive these days.
4 John’s brother __________ (love) his new school. He
says it’s great.
5 Oh, be quiet. I _______________ (not believe) a
word of what you’re saying.
6 Lessons _______________ (start) at 8 o’clock every
morning. Don’t be late.
**3 Individua le frasi che contengono errori e
riscrivile in modo corretto.
0 Are you always getting home at five o’clock?
Do you always get home at five o’clock?
1 Teachers often say that students don’t study enough.
2 Mobile phones are becoming more sophisticated all
the time.
3 My cousin is speaking four different languages.
4 My English friend flies from London to Rome today.
5 The colour of the trees is always changing in October.
6 I hate going to my Music lesson on Saturday
**4 Completa i mini dialoghi con la forma corretta
del Present simple o del Present continuous dei
verbi tra parentesi.
1 A What is happening (happen)?
Why _____________ (Sam / run) down the road?
B He ___________ (want) to get home quickly
because his mum always __________ (cook) gnocchi
on Fridays.
2 A That girl _____________ (talk) to your boyfriend
again. ______ (know) her?
B Yes, she ______________ (do) the same drama
course as me this term. I _____________ (not like)
her very much.
3 A ______________ (you / read) a book at the
B Yes, I ___________ (read) a book about CIA spies.
It _____ (be) really good.
4 Barbara wrote to say she ____________ (enjoy) her
holiday in England this week. She ___________
(make) lots of new English friends but she _________
(not understand) them very well because they
_________ (speak) very quickly.
**5 Traduci.
1 Non sto lavorando, sto scrivendo un’email al mio
amico di Roma.
2 Che cosa fai alla mattina quando sei in vacanza?
3 Hai tempo per bere un caffé o devi partire?
4 Ci sta raccontando una storia incredibile.