flyer11-05 - of Student Organizations @ Penn State

A Test Preparation Course
Nature of the course:
This is a complete preparation course for the LSAT, Law School Admission Test, but as
with all such courses preparation outside of class will be necessary. You will receive
fourteen hours of expert classroom instruction and extensive handouts. Real LSAT questions are
used. Because the LSAT is a test of general reasoning ability, the test-taker needs a clear
understanding of the types of reasoning tested and a sensible procedural approach to the test. The
course syllabus is on and available in 212 Boucke Building.
Registration fee:
103C MBNA Career Service Center, Penn State University, University Park.
Dates and times:
November 19 and 20, 2005, 9:00 to 5:00 on both days. A box lunch will be provided each day.
James Yoho, J.D., Ph.D. Dr. Yoho has been teaching test preparation since 1996 at Penn State,
La Salle, Temple, Rutgers, Marist, and Lehigh. Now a full-time standardized test coach, he taught
for twelve years at colleges and universities, including two law schools. (Questions may be
directed to Dr. Yoho at
For more information:
Contact Debra King, staff assistant, Pre-Law Advising, 212 Boucke Building at 814-865-5196 or
Penn State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity university. Penn State encourages persons with disabilities to participate in
its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access
provided, please contact Debra King at 814-865-5196 in advance of your participation. U.Ed. UGE 04-12
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration for LSAT Preparation Course
The registration deadline is Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 5:00 pm unless the class fills before this date.
Name (please print)
Day Telephone (with area code)
Number and Street
Evening Telephone (with area code)
City, State, and Zip
Send or bring this form with payment to LSAT Prep Course, Division of Undergraduate Studies, 212 Boucke Building, University Park, PA
16802. No refunds are available after 5pm, Tuesday, November 15, 2005. Registration is complete upon receipt of this form with payment. Payment may be
made in one of two ways, a check for $250 payable to Penn State or a direct charge of $250 to your Penn State student account. If you wish to
charge this cost to your student account, please read the statement below, sign your name, and include the date and your student ID number.
I authorize the Division of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of the University Bursar to charge $250 for the LSAT Preparation Course to my student account.
I understand that by signing this agreement any federal aid in my student account may be applied toward these charges.
Sign above only if you wish to have this course charged to your student account