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Eating Disorders
Go to www.nationaleatingdisorders.org and use the “Educator and Coaches” link under the “Information &
Resources” tab to answer the following questions:
1. Participation in organized sports can increase self-esteem and body image; however, athletics can
also place undue psychological and physical stress on young men and women. A study of Division 1
NCAA athletes found over one-third of female athletes reported symptoms of anorexia nervosa.
Male athletes were also found to be at risk, especially males participating in sports that place an
emphasis on what?
Now click on the “Athletes and Eating Disorders” link to answer these questions:
2. Name three risk factors for athletes?
3. The Female Athlete Triad includes:
Look at the Statistics under “General Information” link on the “Information & Resources” tab on
4. How many males and females are currently struggling with an eating disorder?
5. _______ percent of 1st – 3rd grade girls want to be thinner.
6. _______ percent of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat.
7. More than _____________ of teenage girls and nearly _____________ of teenage boys use unhealthy
weight control behaviors, such as, skipping meals, _____________, smoking cigarettes,
____________________, and taking ________________.
8. The average American woman is _______ tall and weighs _______ pounds. The average American
model is ________ tall and weighs _______ pounds.
9. How much money do Americans spend on dieting and diet-related products each year?
Go to www.mayoclinic.com/health/eating-disorders/DS00294 for the following.
10. According to the Mayo Clinic, what are eating disorders?
11. Name the 3 main types of eating disorders.
Use www.womenshealth.gov/faq/anorexia-nervosa.cfm for the questions below.
12. List at least six signs of anorexia nervosa.
13. How does anorexia affect pregnant women?
Visit www.nami.org and type “Bulimia” into the “Search” box. Select the Bulimia Nervosa article dated
14. What are the 2 types of bulimia nervosa?
15. How do people with bulimia control their weight?
16. What medical consequences are associated with bulimia?
Peruse www.webmd.com/mental-health/bulimia-nervosa/bulimia-nervosa-topic-overview and answer the
next set of questions using the information you find on that page.
17. Typically speaking how is bulimia different from anorexia?
18. What are the signs of bulimia nervosa? List at least four.
Use www.helpguide.org/mental/binge_eating_disorder.htm for the following questions and answers.
19. What is binge eating disorder?
20. How long is the typical binge eating episode?
21. What is the difference between bulimia and binge eating?
22. List 4 behavioral signs/symptoms of binge eating and compulsive overeating.
23. List 4 emotional signs/symptoms of binge eating and compulsive overeating.
The questions below can be answered using the information found at
24. Laxative abuse occurs when a person repeatedly attempts to get rid of unwanted calories, “feel thin,”
or lose weight through the misuse of laxatives. The belief that laxatives are an effective method of
weight control, however, is false. Laxative-induced bowel movements contain little actual food, fat
or calories. What do laxative-induced bowel movements actually contain?
25. What are the health consequences of laxative abuse? Name three.
Look at http://www.casapalmera.com/articles/bulimia-treatment-for-those-who-abuse-laxatives-anddiuretics/ for information on over-the-counter drugs and eating disorders.
26. Name three other types of non-prescription drugs, besides laxatives, commonly abused by people
with eating disorders.
27. Why do bulimics use Ipecac syrup?
Gain new insight into eating disorders at http://www.casapalmera.com/articles/7-lesser-known-eatingdisorders/
28. What eating disorder is known as “the opposite of anorexia?” What does a person with this disorder
obsess about?
29. What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder? What types of medical procedures do people with this disorder
often seek as a path to feeling better about themselves?
30. What is Pica? What four groups of people are most likely to suffer from Pica?
31. Name two other lesser-known eating disorders and provide a brief explanation of each.
Use http://www.edreferral.com/Celebrities_who_died_or_have_Eating_Disorders.htm to answer the next
32. Name three young celebrities (under 30) that have struggled with eating disorders.
Karen Carpenter and her brother made up one of the most popular duos of the 1970’s, The Carpenters.
Karen’s death in 1983 changed the way American’s viewed eating disorders and encouraged many to get
help. Answer the following questions using Karen’s story:
33. How much did Karen weigh the year she collapsed on stage in Las Vegas?
34. When the body is deprived of food, it looks to other places in the body for nutrients (i.e., the body
begins to eat itself). Where in the body can nutrients be found?
35. What caused Karen Carpenter to die at such a young age?
36. Weighing in at 80 pounds, in 1975, Karen Carpenter collapsed on stage in ________________.
Go to http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/problems/eat_disorder.html
37. List 8 effects of anorexia.
Use http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/. Click on the “Information and Resources tab at the top. Now
click on “General Information” and then scroll down to “Questions to ask when considering treatment” to
answer the following questions.
38. What type of treatment is the most effective and long-lasting?
39. When should a person seek inpatient care for treating an eating disorder?
Visit www.fairwindstreatment.com to learn about a treatment center in Florida.
40. According to the professionals at Fairwinds, what are the benefits of art therapy?
41. Name the 7 groups of people that make up the treatment team at Fairwinds.