Volcanic Activity Pages 93-102 WS Questions 1-15

Name: ____________________
Volcanic Activity
Pages 93-102
Answer the following using complete sentences.
1. Why does magma in the mantle rise through the crust above it?
2. As magma rises toward the surface, what happens to the gases in it? Why?
3. What three things determine how thick or thin magma is?
4. What are the differences between pahoehoe and aa? What kind of eruption
produces these types of lava?
5. How does an explosive eruption produce a pyroclastic flow?
6. What are two uses of geothermal energy?
7. Identify three hazards of volcanic eruptions.
13. What are the stages that lead up to a volcanic eruption?
14. Compare and contrast quiet and explosive eruptions.
15. A geologist times a passing lava flow at 15 kilometers per hour. The geologist also
sees that lava near the edge of the flow is forming smooth-looking ripples as it hardens.
What type of lava is this? What type of magma produced it?