Volcanoes Guided Reading

Volcanoes Guided Reading
Read 88-102. Then define the terms.
Lava- ___________________________________________________________________________________
Hot Spot-________________________________________________________________________________
aa- ______________________________________________________________________________________
Answer the following questions.
1. In what ways are volcanoes a constructive force?
2. Why do so many of Earth’s volcanoes occur along plate boundaries?
3. Explain how hot spots create islands.
4. What is the difference between magma and lava?
5. Why does magma in the mantle rise through the crust above it?
6. As magma rises toward the surface, what happens to the gases in it? Why
7. What three things determine how thick or thin magma is?
8. What are the differences between pahoehoe and aa? What kind of eruption produces these types of lava?
9. Identify three hazards of volcanic eruptions.
10. Where do most volcanoes occur on Earth’s surface?
11. How can oceanic crust eventually become magma?
12. What process forms island arcs?
13. Name the continents where volcanoes are found.
14. What are the 3 location types where volcanoes can be found?
15. What causes hot spot volcanoes to form?
16. Name two rocks created from volcanic lava.
17. What types of lava are produced from quiet eruptions?
18. What causes an explosive eruption?
19. How are volcanoes related to igneous rocks?
Draw a picture of a volcano on the back of this page. Be sure to include labels of the different parts!!!