Chapter 2 (sections 2.3 – 2.7)

Math 113
Review for Final Exam
On the final exam, I will focus on Calculus topics, though you will still need to be
able to do algebra in order to solve for critical points, simplify, etc.
Since I will write your exam, studying your tests 1 – 3 is wise!
Chapter 1
Sec. 1.1—The Cartesian Plane and the Distance Formula
Sec. 1.2—Graphs of Equations
Sec. 1.3—Lines in the Plane and Slope
be able to evaluate limits by direct substitution (when it works), by simplifying first
and then substituting, by making a table, or by looking at the graph as needed
understand one-sided limits
be familiar with the properties of limits (pg 51) as needed
be able to determine the intervals on which a function is continuous
identify whether a discontinuity is removable or not
Chapter 2 (sections 2.1 – 2.2)
2.1–Definition of the Derivative
be able to find the derivative using the limit definition (one question on the test
will REQUIRE use of the limit definition—shortcuts will earn 0 pts on this question)
understand what derivatives tell us
be able to write an equation for a tangent line
2.2—Rules for Differentiation
be able to differentiate using shortcuts
practice re-writing functions so that shortcuts can be applied
be able to write an equation for a tangent line
Review for Final Exam
Math 113
Formulas you need to know (from test 1 material):
a2  b2  c2
y y2  y1
x x2  x1
f ( x)  lim
f ( x  h)  f ( x )
(may use x in place of h)
c  0, (c is constant )
d n
x  nx n 1
cf ( x)  cf ( x) (c is a constant)
 f ( x)  g ( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
 
Chapter 2 (sections 2.3 – 2.7)
2.3 –Rates of Change: velocity and marginals
know how to find instantaneous rate of change and average rate of change
understand the relationship between position, velocity and acceleration
be able to find units of a derivative function
2.4 –Product and Quotient Rules
know them
be able to use them and recognize when to use them
2.5 –Chain Rule
know it
be able to use it and recognize when to use it
2.6 –Higher Order Derivatives
be able to calculate them (& understand meaning)
be comfortable with notation
2.7 –Implicit Differentiation
be able to find
don’t forget to use product rule or quotient rule when necessary
Math 113
Review for Final Exam
Chapter 3 (sections 3.1 – 3.4)
3.1 –Increasing/Decreasing Functions
be able to find where a function is increasing or decreasing (understand what the
first derivative tells us about the original function)
know what critical numbers are and how to find them
Critical numbers occur when__________________________________________
3.2 –Extrema and the 1st Derivative Test
know what extrema are (both relative and absolute)
be able to find them using the first derivative test
3.3 –Concavity and the 2nd Derivative Test
understand what the second derivative tells us about the original function
know what “concavity” is and what “inflection points” are & how to find them
be able to use the second derivative test to find extrema
3.4 –Optimization
be able to optimize any quantity using either 1st or 2nd derivative test
you should be able to write your own function if necessary (see homework &
suggested problems for examples)
Formulas from test 2 (not given)
 f ( x)  g ( x)  f ( x) g ( x)  g ( x) f ( x)
d  f ( x)  g ( x) f ( x)  f ( x) g ( x)
dx  g ( x) 
( g ( x)) 2
 f ( g ( x))  f ( g ( x))  g ( x)
you should also know things like the Pythagorean theorem, formulas involving
rectangles and/or rectangular boxes, etc. I’ll provide formulas for circles, spheres,
cylinders, cones, etc. if needed.
Chapter 3 (sections 3.6 – 3.8)
3.6 – Asymptotes
Relationship between asymptotes (both horizontal and vertical) and limits
3.7 – Curve Sketching: A Summary
This section pulls together continuity, differentiability, extrema, concavity, inflection
points, and asymptotes (see page 231 for sections referenced)
3.8 – Differentials and Marginal Analysis
Compute differentials and use them to approximate error.
Review for Final Exam
Math 113
Formula: dy  f ( x)dx (recall dx = x)
Chapter 4 (sections 4.1—4.5)
4.1—Exponential Functions
4.2—Natural Exponential Functions
4.3—Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Be able to find derivatives of exponential functions.
Formulas to know:
d ex  ex
 
e   e
g ( x)
g ( x)
 g ( x)
4.4—Logarithmic Functions
(Algebra review) – properties of logs can make differentiation easier!
4.5—Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
Be able to find derivatives of logarithmic functions.
Formulas to know:
ln( x)  1
ln g ( x)   1  g ( x)
g ( x)
log b ( x)  1  1
x ln b
b  b  ln b
 
4.6—Exponential Growth and Decay
Review problems from this section. It’s mostly algebra review, but there are some
questions involving calculus concepts.
Chapter 5 (sections 5.1—5.5)
5.1—Antiderivatives and indefinite integrals
Know what “antiderivatives” and “indefinite integrals” are.
f ( x)dx  F ( x)  C
Know the notation:
Basic rules you need to know: (next page)
Review for Final Exam
Math 113
 kdx  kx  C , k is a constant
 kf ( x)dx  k  f ( x)dx
 [ f ( x)  g ( x)]dx   f ( x)dx   g ( x)dx
* * x n dx 
x n1
n 1
**This last one is the “simple power rule”. Notice that it does not work for n = -1 (section
5.3 tells us how to deal with that).
5.2—The general power rule
Know and be able to use the general power rule:
g ( x)  g ( x)n dx 
g ( x)n1  C
n 1
(Again, this does not work for n = -1 —see section 5.3).
5.3—Exponential and Logarithmic integrals
Know and be able to use the rules for exponential integrals:
 e dx  e  C
g ( x)
g ( x)
 g ( x)  e dx  e  C
Know and be able to use the rules for logarithmic integrals:
 x dx   x
dx  ln x  C
 g ( x)  g ( x) dx  ln g ( x)  C
5.4—Area and the fundamental theorem of calculus
Be able to find area under a given graph. Recall that the area under f(x) between
x = a and x = b is given by
 f ( x)dx
Know that
 f ( x)dx  F (b)  F (a) , and be able to use this to find definite integrals.
Math 113
Review for Final Exam
5.5—The area of a region bounded by two graphs
Be able to find the area between two graphs. You may need to find points of
intersection first.
Chapter 6 (sections 6.1 and 6.2)
6.1—Integration by substitution
Be able to integrate by substitution.
Be able to solve definite integrals by substitution.
6.2—Integration by parts
Be able to integrate by parts.
I will give you the formula: udv  uv  vdu on the cover page of your exam.
Remember, if you try integration by parts and it makes your problem worse, try a
different choice for u and dv.
Chapter 7 (7.1, 7.3 – 7.5?) – coverage will depend on what we are able to finish in
class. We’ll discuss this further on the last day of class (review day).
7.1—The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
Finding distance between points in 3-dimensional space
Finding midpoint between points in 3-dimensional space
Finding equations of spheres
7.3 – Functions of Several Variables
Evaluating functions of several variables
Reading contour maps and associating them with 3D functions
7.4 – Partial Derivatives
 f x ( x, y )  z x   f ( x, y )  , etc. (see text
Finding partial derivatives; notation:
pg 484)
Evaluating partial derivatives (i.e. plugging in a point)
Finding second partial derivatives
7.5 – Extrema of Functions of Two Variables
Critical points of functions of two variables
Second-partials test for relative extrema (pg 498)
(Note: the First-partials test on pg 495 requires that you visualize the graph of the
function in 3 dimensions; the Second-partials test does not require this).
Chapter 6 Review questions: pg 450-451 #1 – 34
Chapter 7 Review questions: pg 544-546 #1 – 10, 13 – 14, 27 – 28, 39 – 54, 63 –