ch 8 review sheet participation

AP Government
December, 2015
Chapter 8 Political Participation
1. Why is voter registration the key to voter-turnout?
2. What have some states adopted to increase their voter registration?
3. How has the ability to vote changed since the early days of our Republic?
4. What was the purpose of literacy tests, poll taxes and grandfather clauses enacted
in the South after the Civil War?
5. How did the 26th Amendment affect voting patterns?
6. What is the role of technology in the voting process today?
7. What other forms of participation besides voting are available to the public?
8. How does income affect voting behavior?
9. How does the number of elections (federal, state and local) affect voter turnout?
10. What are the groups your textbook looks at when describing who participates?
List a few attributes of each group
Key terms Chapter 8
VAP Voting age population
VEP Voting eligible population
Motor voter law
Australian ballot
Literacy test
Grandfather clause
Poll tax
voting specialist