1 August 2011 - The Telecare Learning and Improvement Network

1 August 2011
Updated list of news links and journal articles - 25 July 2011 to 1 August 2011
Prepared by Mike Clark
This week:
*** There were 468 applicants for DALLAS at the 27 July close
DALLAS _Connect Sub Group
Join the Sub Group at:
Innovate 2011 11 Oct 2011 - Business Design Centre, London
Slides from the WSDAN Roadshow (Hull) - Mainstreaming Telehealth and Telecare (30th June
2011) - #WSDANHull
ATA 2012 – call for papers
Abstracts required before September 15, 2011
TSA Conference and Crystal Award - update
The International Telecare and Telehealth Conference 2011 takes place at the London Hilton
Metropole Hotel, on 14-16 November 2011. This is the largest event in Europe focusing exclusively
on telecare, telehealth and mHealth, and this year features a wealth of keynote speakers from
across the globe, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Global Ambassador for eHealth, Dr Peter
Carter, Royal College of Nursing, Jonathan D Linkous, American Telemedicine Association and John
Turner, NHS 24, Scotland. The conference carries CPD certification, and with twenty-five breakout
sessions to choose from, sixteen keynote speakers, panel discussions and an Exhibition Zone
showcasing the very latest in telecare and telehealth innovations, this is a prime opportunity to
Learn, Challenge and Network. A call for posters has been announced – see the conference website
for more details and to book your place: www.telecare-and-telehealth-conference.com
The TSA Crystal Awards 2011 are now open and the deadline for entries is 19 September 2011.
Following the success of the inaugural award in 2010, there are four awards available for 2011:
For Service Providers
Real benefits for the service user or patient: what demonstrable differences has your telecare or
telehealth service made to individual(s) using your service?
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
For Suppliers
Best Innovation: what creative or innovative telecare or telehealth technology has made a real
difference to the patient or service user, commissioners and/or service providers?
For All
Going the extra mile: demonstrate how a member of your team has gone beyond the call of duty to
ensure the best possible product and/or service for your customers?
Overall Winner 2011
Chosen from the shortlisted entries, the overall winner will demonstrate the very best in telecare
and telehealth delivery.
The TSA Crystal Awards have been designed to recognise this excellence within telecare and
telehealth across the UK, and are open to all members of the TSA (who supply the majority of the
telecare and telehealth connections and most of the industry technological innovations, across the
UK). All entries are anonymised and are judged by an independent panel of judges from across the
UK, including Mike Clark (England), Jonathan G Wallace (Ireland), Lee Davies (Wales), Dr. George
Crooks (Scotland) and Trevor Single, TSA. Further information and the entry form can be found at:
WSDAN - the Whole System Demonstrator Action Network funded by the Department of Health officially ended in June 2011 following a successful roadshow held in Hull.
The King’s Fund has now taken on direct responsibility for the continuation of this work. Over the
coming months, relevant content of these WSDAN web pages will be transferred to the main King’s
Fund website.
In the interim, relevant news items will continue to be posted each weekday here on the WSDAN
site. The evidence database will continue to be updated and remains accessible via the Resources
tab on this page. We will also report here the details of any news on the publication of evidence
around the WSD pilot evaluation.
Registered users will continue to be kept updated on the latest evidence and developments via enewsletters.
For the future, The King’s Fund will focus on the evidence-base for telehealth and telecare as part of
its priority programme looking at integrating services for people with long-term conditions. It will
run a major international conference in March 2012 and also develop a study tour to the USA to
study innovations in telehealth adoption.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
We are grateful to our funders, the Department of Health, and all the members and registered users
of WSDAN for their support over the past three years. We hope that our future work can build on
the legacy of the WSDAN project.
This week’s Headlines
Sir John Oldham: A chronic problem for the health service
Sir John is in charge of improving how the national health service deals with Long Term Conditions
and Urgent Care - two of the most costly and complex problems facing the service. He says the £15
billion ‘Nicholson Challenge’ is an opportunity for the NHS to get ahead of the curve.
“Sir John says he has seen some of the country’s telehealth schemes in action, and says the most
technologically simple are often the best. At the same time, he said elderly patients with chronic
illnesses should not be underestimated in their ability to manage their conditions with new
technology. Shortly it will be the Facebook generation who will want to download an app about their
diabetes on their phone. They will be quite happy to input their data about blood pressure and get
some information, and pull in resources as they need them. He says a technological revolution is
coming to healthcare, and that it can make a big difference to how services are provided”.
Cochrane Review: Telehealthcare for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
In this review, ten trials met the inclusion criteria. The authors conclude that telehealthcare in COPD
appears to have a possible impact on the quality of life of patients and the number of times patients
attend the emergency department and the hospital. However, further research is needed to clarify
precisely its role since the trials included telehealthcare as part of more complex packages.
New telehealth service set to take sector to next level (UK)
Appello will provide nurse-led, home-based, personal monitoring, advice and support without the
need for a large capital outlay. Appello plans to provide a complete service for a low, monthly ‘payas-you-use’ charge. Appello brings together the expertise of CarelineUK, CentriHealth, Numera
Health and commences later this year.
Use of Telehealth to Improve Chronic Disease Management (US Study)
Bonnie Britton’s article available as a pdf reports on a feasibility study on 198 patients with
CVD/Diabetes in North Carolina. Information is provided about hospital charges, bed day and ED use
“The total charges for hospital care among these patients decreased from $1.34 million during the 6
months before implementation of the telehealth model to an average of $121,000 per 6-month
period after discharge from telehealth. This represents a reduction in hospital charges of more than
$1.2 million every 6 months”.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Feasibility and Impact of Telemonitor-Based Depression Care Management for Geriatric Homecare
This US study examined home healthcare telemonitoring technology to deliver depression care
management (DCM) to48 elderly homebound recipients of homecare services. Preliminary clinical
outcomes suggest improvement in depression severity, although these findings require testing in a
randomized clinical trial.
The evidence base for telehealth and telemedicine in the management of obesity (WSDAN)
Mobihealthnews: WellDoc publishes mobile diabetes study
WellDoc have released a pre-print version of an RCT (n=163) using an mHealth solution to track
reduction in blood glucose levels over one year compared against usual care. The mean decline in
A1C was 1.9% in the intervention group and 0.7% in the usual care group, a difference of 1.2%. A
clinically significant change in A1C was seen whether patients began the trial with a high or low A1C.
Mobile Phone Technology Helps Patients Manage Diabetes
Best In Class: Remote Monitoring Products
DH: A simple guide to Payment by Results
The aim of this guide is to provide an introduction for newcomers to PbR.
Health IT Doesn't Please Insurance Customers (US)
Despite major technology investments, insurance users in the US do not see a customer service
benefit, says Accenture study.
Guardian: A barrel of contradictions
The Patient from Hell worries whether the government has thought through how to sort out the
conflicting demands of competition and integration in healthcare.
“What happens when a commissioning consortium decides to go with one organisation, but the
patient wants another. One of the speakers at the forum pointed out that "commissioner choice is
not patient choice". And what happens when a commissioning consortium wants to go out on a limb,
against the wishes of the central NHS Commissioning Board? Or what if a GP commissioning
consortium decides not to play ball with a county council in implementing a telecare initiative, or any
"integrated" service that requires input from the NHS and social services?”
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
3 Ways to Make a Phone Age-Friendly
Kyocera’s new Mi-Look phone has three large buttons to control its three basic functions:
It’s a very basic cell phone
It’s a tracking device. Mi-Look tracks how many steps the user takes and automatically sends
this data, via email, to a caregiver
It’s an alarm. In the event of an emergency, the Mi-Look user pulls the phone’s strap
Tunstall Healthcare launch new myclinic@home telehealth solution
Mayo Clinic and remote patient monitoring
A recent edition of the Mayo Alumni Magazine (Page 2) covers remote patient monitoring.
Chronic Care, Chronic I.T. Problems
Interesting, Long US article covers health records, telehealth etc.
Summit on mHealth: The Device Dilemma
When adding mobile and wireless technology to its IT infrastructure does a healthcare organisation
buy the smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices outright or manage what caregivers bring
through the front door? The wildcard is data that’s stored on personal devices. What if a nurse takes
a photograph of a wound on her personal smartphone, in order to show the doctor and then later
loses the device?
Pulse: One in three calls to NHS 111 service diverted back to GPs
Data on the performance of four NHS 111 pilot sites in County Durham and Darlington, Lincolnshire,
Luton and Nottingham, show 42% of callers are told to attend primary care. 33% of all callers – are
told to attend general practice. In June there were 33,632 calls to the 111 service - this would
represent 12 million calls per year across England – with nearly four million patients then referred
back to their GP.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Eldercare robots ready to help tend to needs of aging population
‘Fast’ blood testing system unveiled
AssayQuest is a portable analysis platform that performs point-of-care testing from a finger-prick
blood sample. The Test-card contains blisters filled with customisable reagents that are ruptured in
an automated sequence. AssayQuest will connect to smartphone devices. The smartphone will
control the system, capture the result and analyse it. The application enables transmission and
sharing of test data over 3G cellular networks as well as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS location tagging.
Crimestoppers and Openreach join forces to tackle cable theft in Doncaster – telecare services
could be affected
Dave Hunter, Crimestoppers’ Regional Manager for Yorkshire and Humberside, said: “Cable theft not
only causes inconvenience to the local community, but it is also dangerous as it can impact the 999
network, phone-based telecare systems and isolate vulnerable individuals with no other means of
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring as an Intervention to Control Hypertension
The justification of out-of-office BP monitoring is that there is steadily increasing and substantial
evidence that both ambulatory and home BP measurements give a better prediction of risk when
compared with office BP monitoring.
Guardian: Japan earthquake survivors find comfort in robot seals
Robotic therapeutic Paro pets befriend residents of retirement home 17 miles from stricken
Fukushima nuclear plant.
NICE COPD Quality Standards - Review within 2 weeks of discharge
Local services and commissioners should agree the specific service arrangements for reviewing
patients within 2 weeks of discharge, following an admission with an exacerbation of COPD. This
review may take place in primary or secondary care depending on local agreement. Last updated: 28
July 2011.
HS reforms: Issues MPs and the media have missed in Lansley’s bill
A letter in the BMJ suggests that the alteration of "any willing provider" to "any qualified provider"
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
in the Social Care Bill does not significantly change the procedure or procurement issues.
Integrating Social Media into Emergency-Preparedness Efforts
Summit on mHealth: Mobility Liability
Healthcare providers face varying risks during two distinct phases of mHealth technology roll-outs:
implementation and ongoing operation examples include simple errors, inconsistent use, bugs or
defective applications, documentation gaps, more encounters = more exposure, thoroughness,
negligence, timeliness, information overload.
It helps when patients get the message (Australia)
MumBubConnect, run in conjunction with the Australian Breastfeeding Association, showed that
SMS support for new mums improved breastfeeding rates. The women were sent weekly messages
and were asked to respond with a predetermined word that most accurately described their
breastfeeding experience at that time, such as "great", "tired" or "sore". At the end of eight weeks,
nearly 80% of the women were still fully breastfeeding, compared to a national average of 46%.
"Text messages are ubiquitous, relatively simple, personal and cost-effective. These qualities make it
a particularly attractive tool for mental health."
In a project lead by researchers at Oxford University, an SMS system allows people with bipolar
disorder to monitor their own condition and keep GPs updated.
Julie Walker, a bibliotherapist in Yorkshire has commenced a scheme that sends short passages from
fiction and poetry by SMS to help people with depression.
HSJ: DH announces commissioning reform milestones and single comms service (requires
This new document covers the development of commissioning up to 2013.
Milestones include:
July 2011 - Clusters will ensure that 90% of GP practices are in CCG pathfinders
August 2011 - Clusters will have begun ensuring that a clear percentage of budgets are
delegated to CCG pathfinders
September 2011 – Clusters identified staff current involved in directly commissioning services
which will pass to the NHS Commissioning Board
October 2011 – All CCGs have completed authorisation self diagnostic
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October 2011 – All GP practices are within an emerging viable CCG
October 2011 – Establish regional communication and engagement hubs in line with SHA
December 2011 – Clusters agree with CCGs their commissioning support arrangements
March 2012 – Clusters operating according to single model for functions which are due to be
transferred to NHS Commissioning Board
April 2012 – Clusters “started delivery of at least 3 any qualified provider community and mental
health services”.
April 2012 - Nationwide shared comms and engagement service “will be fully functioning”
DH: Shared Operating Model for PCT Clusters
This DH publication supports the development of PCT Clusters to help ensure they deliver their twin
objectives of overseeing and accounting for delivery during transition and supporting the
development of the new system. Structured around six key business areas, it also sets out where
there are processes or functions that all PCT Clusters will need to perform and where it is important
that there is consistency between them.
The future of mHealth and the signs that’ll tell us we’ve made it
Guardian: Top tips: Older people's services
Summary from the Guardian’s recent live discussion about providing services for older people.
Telecare reference via Surrey County Council.
“Offer choices to ensure independence: Housing is a critical ingredient for supporting older people to
live independently in the community for as long as they wish to do so. Investment in telecare is an
important way of ensuring this independence whilst maintaining safety and unintrusive support”.
U.S. advisers call for new medical device regime
The Institute of Medicine found the fast-track approval process, called 510(k), does not adequately
protect patients and recommended a more thorough approval process likely to raise the costs.
Critics say the accelerated process is too widely used and leads to inadequate testing for some risky
devices, but it is defended by the industry as necessary to speed technologies to patients.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Burnside Telecom: the largest mobile phone manufacturer – telecare reference
This UK-based designer and manufacturer produces a variety of mobile devices.
Managing director Colin Aitken plans include: “…..a series of new products targeted to the telecare
market, where you’ve got a lot of elderly residents that would love to have a telephone in their home
but unfortunately the expense of leading a landline to it is often prohibitive.”
Major improvements in support for people with learning disabilities (North Yorkshire)
“In Scarborough, the council will spend £2.4 million redeveloping the Elder Street resource. New
facilities will include day care for people with learning disabilities and complex needs and it will
provide activity rooms, two sensory rooms, a quiet room, a kitchen, changing facilities, a community
café, an assisted technology (telecare) demonstration room, and numerous meeting and activity
rooms for the wider community”.
Everybody's talking...about mobile medical apps
While the 30-page draft establishes three categories of devices that would fall under FDA perusal, it
leaves out – either specifically or by omission – several other uses. Among them: App sellers (like
Apple), telecommunications providers and handset manufacturers, to name a few.
“What we have done is we have taken that approach and formulated policies that were narrowly
focused on a very small subset while allowing apps that are out there to foster and continue
developing that space,” said Bakul Patel, an FDA policy advisor who helped draft the guidelines, in
news reports. “We wanted to make sure that we are consistent in regulating medical devices so
nothing has changed. … (If) somebody makes a stethoscope on an iPhone, it doesn’t change the level
of oversight we have of a stethoscope.”
GPs and Pharmacists working together to improve patient care
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) have
produced a joint statement detailing how GPs and community pharmacists can work together to
improve the care provided to patients in the community.
New data-based strategies and treatment models can improve diabetes care for older AfricanAmericans
Better data are needed to evaluate access to care by minority groups at increased risk for diabetes.
The authors focus on treatment models that incorporate advances in information technology such as
telehealth and geo-mapping for improved data sharing, Diabetes Self-Management Education and
Training (DSME/T) programs, national collaboratives, and a multilevel diabetes education team
approach that relies on less-skilled team members such as community health workers, supervised
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
and supported by a multidisciplinary team of professional health care providers to facilitate
community-based diabetes care, education, and prevention.
Telehealth expansion bill gets a push from home care group (US)
The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) is advocating for a bill in Congress that
would incentivize home care agencies, which often are owned by hospitals, to offer telehealth
services. The Foster Independence Through Technology (FITT) Act of 2011 (S. 501) seeks to "expand
the use of telehealth under Medicare by offering incentives to home health agencies who
demonstrate the use of remote monitoring and communication technologies that serve rural and
underserved urban communities," according to NAHC.
“No incentive payments will be paid to the participants of these pilot projects unless savings have
been documented, a background paper says. It is unclear whether the home care agencies would
have to make the initial investments in remote patient monitoring before receiving any incentives”.
The background paper also notes that the Department of Veterans Affairs achieved substantial
reductions in hospital admissions and bed days by using remote monitoring devices.
mHealth: Helping Americans with Chronic Disease (video)
CTIA Vice President of Public Affairs John Walls spoke on Capitol Hill at the Institute for Policy
Innovation panel on “Mobile Health: Innovations in Care & the Spectrum Challenge.” He explains
how mHealth applications can save the health care industry approximately $21 billion by remote
monitoring chronic diseases.
A new device from HP (HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution) to check your blood pressure
HP has developed a new medical device called HP Mobile Health Monitoring Solution which is able
to check blood pressure.
New Healthcare Technology to Save the United States $700 Billion
“38 of the Fortune 50 companies currently have substantial investments in the space, compared to
just five companies 10 years ago”.
Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) Extends Reach Into Patient's Homes
Using Vidyo technology, OTN will bring videoconferencing into homes and onto PCs rather than
requiring patients to go to a facility with telepresence capabilities. OTN is used by more than 3,000
healthcare professionals in more than 1,175 sites. The network uses videoconferencing systems and
tele-diagnostic instruments. Last year, the network hosted nearly 135,000 patient events, which
included 450 instances in which neurologists were linked to emergency rooms to diagnose stroke
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
patients through its tele-stroke service.
Digital health care from home
The eSteth is a digital stethoscope that allows users to log their vital readings online from home,
which doctors or nurses can then access.
Redesigning reablement: why these services need to focus on patient independence (HSJ requires
Reablement services must be designed as a route to greater independence and not reliance on care,
says the Social Care Institute for Excellence’s director of adult services David Walden. Latest thinking
and evidence on reablement.
NICE: Initial assessment for long term oxygen therapy – updated 28 July 2011
People with #COPD who may need long-term oxygen therapy are assessed in accordance with NICE
by specialist oxygen service
How Cloud Computing Will Change IT: 6 New Predictions
“For example, we won't be looking at our watch to read our blood pressure. The watch will take the
blood pressure, send it off to the blood pressure monitoring system, which will raise an alert for a
health care professional, if warranted based on typical medical experience and the specifics of our
individual health situation. We will be surrounded by these kind of devices and won't even pay
attention to them, unless we need to.”
Medicare rule would decrease payments to hospitals with high re-admission rates
In an effort to save money and improve care, Medicare, the federal program for the elderly and
disabled, is about to release a final rule aimed at getting hospitals to pay more attention to patients
after discharge. Hospital care is the largest chunk of Medicare spending; Medicare says readmissions alone cost $26 billion a decade.
DH: NHS Health & Well-being Improvement Framework
The King’s Fund: Health and wellbeing boards: Making them work
Health and wellbeing boards are an important feature of the NHS reforms and have emerged from
the NHS listening exercise with strengthened powers. This project has three main aims.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
To gain insight into how local authorities and their health partners are implementing health
and wellbeing boards in the context of the government’s NHS reforms, its vision for adult
social care and the localism bill.
To capture the overall approach of a sample of English councils in establishing these new
arrangements, supported by a more detailed examination of the experience of two early
implementer sites whom The King’s Fund has been assisting.
To identify the lessons that could be applied to the roll-out of health and wellbeing boards
elsewhere, the issues that local authorities and their health partners need to address in the
next stage of their development and the implications for policy.
Report: Telehealth Could Ease Health Disparities in Rural U.S.
Americans living in rural areas are less likely to have access to quality health care than people living
in urban areas, but telehealth technology could help address the disparity, according to a report by
the UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform and Modernization, Reuters reports.
DH: Healthy Staff, Better Care for Patients: Realignment of Occupational Health Services to the
NHS in England
Pulse: NHS Direct to offer medical advice via Facebook
The proposals were revealed at the NHS Direct annual general meeting, with Alan Bentall, the chief
information officer at NHS Direct, saying that offering patient confidential advice via Facebook could
be an option for the future.
He said: ‘We may decide that we want to offer an entry to our services via the social media channel
and under those circumstances, similar to the way that we have with our use of third party websites
for access to our health and symptom checkers, we would make sure that we held patient
information and any advice given in a confidential way, under appropriately signed off terms and
Community Care: Government promises standards for personal assistants
Personal assistants employed directly by service users on personal budgets will have access to
minimum levels of training, and service users given guaranteed support in employing them as part of
a new DH framework for PAs.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Guardian discussion on providing older peoples care – comment re Cheshire West
“I feel that HIAs, and their ability to provide low-level re-ablement interventions and by the
deployment of handyperson services can demonstrate a significant impact in this area. I draw your
attention to the innovative work happening in Cheshire West local authority, where they have
negotiated a deal with their local PCT whereby if the LA can demonstrate 'x' number of people have
been prevented from being re-admitted to hospital, or facilitate a speedy discharge - the PCT will redirect the daily tariff fee for that hospital bed stay back to the local authority”
FDA regulation of mHealth, part 2 (of 3): FDA scope & culture
Qualcomm employees compete via health devices
The Qualcomm Wireless Fitness Challenge (QWFC), which started earlier this month, features 32
Qualcomm employees divided into four teams spread out over four countries and three continents.
The groups will compete over eight weeks to increase activity and weight loss. Each participant will
use a Withings weight scale and/or a BodyMedia FIT armband to track their weight loss, calories
burned, sleep and activity levels. The aggregated data will be sent to an online information platform
that Qualcomm has built specifically for the challenge.
USARAD.com launches national tele-echocardiography program (USA)
Imaging firm USARAD.com has announced a new echocardiography remote reading program
available to mobile ultrasound companies, imaging centers and hospitals nationwide.
Home health devices, mobile apps need to be connected to providers (USA)
“Unfortunately, the guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on mobile apps and the
report from the National Research Council on flaws in home health devices--both released last week-failed to address one of the main problems in health IT for home use: a general lack of connectedness
between home and provider information systems. To really apply the new technologies in ways that
will prevent readmissions, doctors must be online with their patients and their caregivers, and must
receive relevant data from both in a way that's easy to use”.
Azumio collects $2.5m to turn smartphones into health monitors
Instant Heart Rate, is an iPhone app (8m downloads in 9 months) that measures a user’s heart rate
through a smartphone camera. Users hold their finger over the camera for ten seconds, and the app
is able to detect and measure their heart rate. Azumio will use the $2.5m to expand its product line,
which now includes two new stress and treatment monitoring apps called Stress Check and Stress
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
China’s chronic disease problem threatens its future: World Bank report
Non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and chronic
respiratory illnesses are China’s number one health threat, accounting for over 80 percent of annual
deaths and contributing to 68.6 percent of the country’s total disease burden, says a World Bank
report. According to the report, the number of cases of cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive
pulmonary diseases, diabetes and lung cancer among Chinese people over 40 will double or even
triple over the next two decades if effective prevention and control strategies are not implemented.
Free app for Crohn's, colitis patients
The free app helps patients track their pain, food, stool and frequency of bathroom visits on their
mobile devices. It also provides access to educational tools and the latest information on managing
their symptoms.
Management of COPD (UK)
“All GPs and trainees should have a comprehensive evidence-based and up-to-date knowledge of the
management of COPD. Chronic management of COPD involves a multidisciplinary approach and the
GP should be at the centre of this”.
This article aims to review current management of COPD, using latest national guidelines and best
available evidence.
African American Participation and Success in Telephone Counseling for Smoking Cessation (USA)
This study evaluated how effectively African Americans are served by telephone counseling (quitline)
for smoking cessation based on empirical data from 45,510 callers and randomized clinical trial data
from 3,522 participants. The study demonstrated that telephone counseling is a promising tool for
addressing health disparities related to smoking among African Americans.
Abortion via Videoconference?
Fetal Monitoring From Your Phone
AirStrip takes clinical information that's usually tethered to a patient's bedside, including real-time
and historical monitoring waveform data, and streams it to a physician's mobile device. Doctors can
see data from fetal monitors "anytime, anywhere," says Bruce Brandes, AirStrip's executive VP and
chief strategy officer.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Healthcare Today - The World of Health Care Applications
California Center for Tech & Aging: $447K in mHealth grants
The Center for Technology and Aging (CTA) announced this week that they have issued grants
totalling $477,150 to five organizations developing mHealth technologies for older adults with
chronic health conditions. The five successful applicants are:
CalOptima – “Preventing or delaying transitions of Medicare members with heart disease to higher
levels of care settings using mHealth and wireless solutions.”
Family Services Agency of San Francisco – “Using a cloud-based electronic health record with a
tablet-based touchscreen assessment and care planning tool to improve assessment, service
coordination and outcome evaluation for frail and isolated, low-income seniors, including some with
behavioral health or substance abuse issues.”
Front Porch Center for Technology Innovation and Wellbeing – “Addressing medication adherence
among active, independent older adults using a medication adherence app for cell phones.”
HealthInsight – “Using a SMS-based mHealth intervention to improve diabetes education and care
management in older adults.”
Sharp HealthCare Foundation - “Managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) care by
remotely monitoring patients.”
Test Measuring Blood Glucose Control May Help Predict Risk of CVD Events in Patients With
Measuring HbA 1c levels in patients with diabetes is associated with improvement in models for
predicting risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a report published by Archives of
Internal Medicine.
Guardian: NHS competition study splits academic community
Almost 1,000 lives were saved because the NHS was subject to competition, a study by Dr Zack
Cooper of the London School of Economics has found. This has led to a war of words in the academic
community over claims the research was "extremely flawed" according to the Guardian.
The Co-operation and Competition Panel (CCP) has found that patients are losing out as a result of
restrictions on their choice of provider of NHS care. Nearly 50% PCTs were blocking competition by
guaranteeing NHS providers set amounts of work before patients can be sent to the private sector,
or restricting the number of services that private hospitals can offer at all. The panel said that the
expected benefits of patient choice – both to patients and taxpayers – will not be realised to their
full potential and recommended that commissioners such as GPs would in the future have to explain
why patients were not being offered alternatives to the NHS.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Telegraph: NHS delays operations 'in hope that patients die or go private'
Daily Mail: NHS ‘cuts waiting lists by letting people die’
BBC: NHS trusts 'delaying operations' to cut waiting lists
Telegraph: 300 heart attack patients saved a year under competitive NHS
The lives of 300 heart attack patients have been saved every year since competition was introduced
to NHS hospitals, according to a new study.
BBC: NHS bosses warned over anti-competitive behaviour
Independent: Cataracts, hips, knees and tonsils: NHS begins rationing operations
GP Online: PCTs restricting GP referrals may undermine Any Qualified Provider benefits
GP Online: PCTs move to control spend on clinical consumables
PCTs have introduced a range of measures to control spending on clinical consumables such as
glucose test strips and wound dressings, GPonline.com has found.
Pulse: Major report concludes PCTs 'excessively' influence GP referral decisions
Co-operation and Competition Panel website
Pulse: GP commissioning is struggling against a rising tide of bureaucracy – Dr Howard Stoate from
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
On Twitter:
"It's easy to use, I'm more involved in my care & I feel safer with it in my home" - COPD patient
experience of a telehealth monitor #NHS
Trinigyal44 Jackie Marshall-Cyrus
And #DALLAS astonishes with over 900 registrations and 468 applications! Absolutely thrilled!
Raja Rajamannar says Humana now lifelong wellbeing co not insurance co. Describing many hi-tech
wellness pilots #mhealth11 #whccinnovations
See our new QIPP case study to find out how text reminders reduced DNAs in one trust by 40% in
under six months http://bit.ly/orn2NX #QIPP
Study of Medical Device Rules Is Attacked, Unseen
The Institute of Medicine, is scheduled to release a report on 29 July 2011 that could propose a
tougher approval process for a wide range of devices like hip implants, hospital pumps and external
heart defibrillators. The report, commissioned by the FDA comes after several well-publicized recalls
in recent years of devices that have failed in thousands of patients, causing numerous injuries. A
business group and others have taken the step of making a pre-emptive strike, arguing that the
report is biased.
HIT Must 'Go Rural' (USA)
US statistics:
50 million Americans live in rural areas.
There are only 65 primary care physicians per 100,000 rural Americans — approximately 40
less than the 105 per 100,000 urban or suburban Americans.
Rural areas have less than half the number of surgeons and other specialists than urban and
suburban areas.
In 70% of rural markets quality of care was measurably worse than in urban areas.
Rural Americans are more likely to suffer from chronic health conditions such as diabetes,
heart disease, and cancer.
More than half of rural Americans must travel more than 20 miles for specialty care, with an
average reported distance of 60 miles.
“Rural uptake of EHR and HIE technology will allow for the seamless exchange of patient data
between rural and urban healthcare facilities, and specialists and primary care physicians. Patient
portal technology and PHRs (personal health records) will allow rural patients to become more
engaged in improving and managing their own health. However, telemedicine and telehealth
technologies offer, arguably, the greatest potential to transform rural healthcare — improving the
accessibility, quality, and affordability of care. For example, with teleconferencing technologies, a
rural patient can be seen by an urban specialist without either party ever leaving their own backyard.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Remote patient monitors and other devices can provide physicians with real-time visibility into
patient conditions without ever requiring the patient to come in for an office visit. These technologies
can be vital to streamlining and improving chronic care management. However, to make full use of
telemedicine's potential, a number of changes to the current healthcare system and technology grid
will be required. These include:
Expanding rural broadband capacity (estimated at approximately 60% in rural areas as
opposed to 70% in urban areas).
Improving public and private reimbursement models for telemedicine technologies and
provider/patient interactions.
The removal of outdated regulatory barriers to telemedicine adoption.
New UnitedHealth Group Report Identifies Innovative Solutions for Rural Health Care Coverage,
Access and Quality Challenges
Rural Americans experience more chronic health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease than
urban and suburban residents, have greater difficulties accessing high-quality care, and from 2014
millions more of them will likely participate in Medicaid and government-subsidized insurance,
according to a new paper released today by the UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform &
Innovations in care delivery, particularly telemedicine and telehealth, can absorb future strain on
rural health care systems. At the same time, more use of technology, such as broadband access that
would increase telehealth solutions, can help ease strain on the system and further promote
healthier outcomes in rural communities.
Change of Patients' Perceptions of Telemedicine After Brief Use
Brief use of a Web-based telemedicine service has a significant positive effect on patients'
perceptions of this service.
Patient care via video could cut bills
A US study pairs teleconferencing and patient care coordination.
Telepresence - Telemedicine To Extend To All Parts of Globe if Doctors, Technologists Work
Telemedicine has been around in the U.S. for quite some time, but experts at the IEEE (News Alert) have just announced that its “technologically ready to meet the growing demand” in
developing nations and remote areas around the world, according to a press release posted at
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
finance.yahoo.com. But there’s a caveat. Widespread use of telemedicine will only happen if
technologists and clinicians work together to ensure it can be used everywhere in the world, the
story says. Towards this end, the IEEE will hold two conferences in Boston later this year.
EMR Adoption to Drive e-Health Market Growth in US
Group cognitive processing therapy delivered to veterans via telehealth: A pilot cohort
The treatment was delivered to 13 veterans with PTSD residing on the Hawaiian Islands. Results
support the general feasibility and safety of using VT.
10 Benefits of Health IT – infographic
Telehealth moves forward in the empire state
A new $9.8 million telehealth network will link 48 medical facilities in eight counties in upstate New
York in order to provide broader access to telehealth in less populated areas.
Medicare to expand coverage for telehealth, but leaves out critical care services
The CMS has recently proposed increasing its coverage of telehealth services. While Medicare has
covered telemedicine dating back to 1999, it has historically used a “comparability standard” in
which physicians had to prove that their specific telehealth service was equivalent to in-person care.
Now, the CMS may switch to covering telehealth that has “proven clinical benefit.” This would
increase the range of services eligible to be covered, and in turn could increase access to providers,
especially in rural and under-served areas.
An important caveat, however, is that the CMS specifically states that they will not cover telehealth
in the context of critical care. They argue that there is not strong enough evidence that technology
such as tele-ICUs and remote care for stroke patients have the same diagnostic/therapeutic
outcomes as having physicians in the actual ICUs.
The King’s Fund: Learning from variations to increase value for money in the NHS (Prof Al Mulley's
first blog for the Fund)
Guardian: Cost of NHS changes rising by £1m a day, official figures show
The cost of the government's plans to restructure the NHS is rising at almost £1m a day, the
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Guardian has learned. Buried in a spreadsheet put out by the Department of Health as part of its
revised business plan, officials admitted that the cost of transition was now £1.49bn.
Telegraph: Elderly care: expert to review quality and regulation
Ministers will set up an independent review of elderly care in England.
Warning over prescriptions 'waste'
In 2010, there were 927 million prescription items dispensed across England - a 68% rise on 2000,
costing as much as £8.83bn. This compares with a 4.6% rise on 2009 levels. For every person in
England, the average cost per head was £169 in 2010, compared with £113 11 years ago and £165 in
Nation’s Health Care Bill To Nearly Double By 2020 (USA)
A report by the Medicare Office of the Actuary estimated that health spending will grow by an
average of 5.8 percent a year through 2020, compared to 5.7 percent without the health overhaul.
With that growth, the nation is expected to spend $4.6 trillion on health care in 2020, nearly double
the $2.6 trillion spent last year.
The Lancet: Policy summary: Provider competition and health care quality
Patients want online communication with doctors, and more clinicians are listening (USA)
24% of physicians report “widespread” use of email to communicate with patients. 21% of
physicians are regularly using a portal or website. Fewer than 1 in 10 doctors report “widespread”
use of IM and videoconferencing. There is some limited use of social media, wikis, IM and
videoconferencing, indicating the clinicians are stepping toes into these emerging platforms for
patient communication. Most from the groups surveyed are not keen to connect on Facebook. Some
providers are experimenting and learning about how to create trust and productive relationships in
such online platforms, such as the Mayo Clinic which has a Facebook page and encourages patients
to tell their stories on a YouTube channel.
The most popular digital records include patient portals that can enable people to check on their lab
results online, tap into personal health records, and schedule appointments.
The American College of Physicians has stated that, “e-health activities have the potential to
transform the healthcare delivery system” and “advance the patient-centered” medical model.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Intelligent OrthoSensor Devices Provide Real-Time Reporting on The Condition of Your
Orthopaedic Implant
The technology includes an electronic sensor module which can be designed to be embedded into
various orthopedic implants. The module provides remote, real-time monitoring of a range of sensed
parameters such as kinematic and force data. The data is relayed wirelessly to the surgeon and
displayed on a custom interface.
Intel-GE Care Innovations Connect Targets Social Isolation in Older Adults
Guardian: NHS Top Leaders seeks help with QIPP
The NHS Top Leaders programme is setting up a contract to provide expertise in enabling the health
service to deliver improvements as part of the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention
(QIPP) transformation programme.
Karen Lynas, director of NHS Top Leaders, said that although the NHS has had no real terms
reduction in funding, the growing pressures on the service from new technologies, drug treatments
and an ageing population creates challenges in reaching the £20bn efficiency target.
She told Guardian Healthcare: "One of the ways we can bridge this gap is to redesign services with
patients in ways which provide better levels of care at a reduced cost and there is a strong
connection between the redesign of services and the increasing use of technology.
"There are lots of good examples of where these changes are being made, but they are not
widespread enough and not happening quickly enough to realise the benefits we need to see. So we
are looking to work with companies who have real expertise in these areas and bring those skills into
the NHS by working with some of our very senior leaders to better understand the possibilities for
change and improvement through technology."
UK investment in healthcare IT to top £3bn by 2016
Ovum found that the UK's ageing population and the urgent need to cut costs in the sector is driving
increased investment.
"Of all the regions we analysed, the UK will experience the strongest growth over the forecast
period," said Cornelia Wels-Maug, Ovum's healthcare technology analyst. "A key driver for the
investment is the urgent need to do more with less, owing to the ever-increasing number of patients
with chronic illnesses as the population lives longer," she said. Telehealth, which includes services
that monitor conditions via telecommunications technology, and health information exchanges (HIE)
are expected to see the strongest growth.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Invicta Telecare secures second contract with the Guinness Partnership
The latest contract means Invicta Telecare will provide the alarm monitoring service to a further
1500 Guinness Partnership residents living in 70 sheltered and supported housing schemes. This
brings the total number of residents receiving the service to 4,500. Invicta Telecare is part of Circle
Living and provides a service to over 94,000 people.
DH: Apply now for funding to support voluntary projects in health and social care
The 2012-13 Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development Fund is now open for applications. In
the last round (2011-12), 57 projects benefited from funding under the scheme, at a total cost of just
under £3.5 million for the year. These projects – from cancer services to mental health projects for
young adults - are now benefiting patients across the country. Applicants are invited to submit
proposals to develop new, innovative approaches to health and care, actively share excellent
practice or improve integrated care and greater efficiency.
On Twitter:
The TSA Crystal Awards recognise UK excellence in #telecare and #telehealth - eligible entries by 19
September 2011 bit.ly/pGiltw
Int'l #Telecare and #Telehealth Conference 14-16 Nov 2011, London. Programme and booking.
Poster and abstract call soon bit.ly/oYL9Vi
Bruce Keogh's vision of NHS in 5 yrs inc: customer focus, telehealth keeping people out hosp, 7 day
service, outcomes & safety priorities
IPhone Detects Blood Sugar, Without Blood
Professor Heather Clark at the North Eastern University has modified an iPhone to measure blood
using "non-invasively monitor biomarkers." Instead of drawing blood, the system requires a person
to be injected with a small amount of "nanoparticle solution," which glows when exposed to
molecules such as glucose.
Medical device companies keep pushing for medical device tax repeal
The medical device industry is keeping the pressure on Congress to push for a vote to repeal the
medical device tax, a 2.3 percent levy on U.S. sales of medical equipment from 2013, which was
contained in last year’s landmark health care reform law.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Diabetes HbA1c test not so reliable for adolescents, according to study
A new study has found that the widely accepted HbA1c test may not be as effective for diagnosing
and monitoring diabetes in adolescents as previously thought.
What is HbA1c - Definition, HbA1c & Diabetes, HbA1c Testing & Blood Glucose Comparison
Hemoglobin A1c As a Screen for Previously Undiagnosed Prediabetes and Diabetes in an AcuteCare Setting
Older doctors embracing tablets faster than younger counterparts
A survey by QuantiaMD shows that physicians who have been in practice 31 years or more are about
as likely as those fresh out of medical school to own a tablet computer or plan to purchase one. The
survey of 3,798 physicians by QuantiaMD, an online learning collaborative, found that 19% of
doctors in practice 31 years or more use a tablet in their work. An additional 25% said it's extremely
likely they will get one in the future. Among physicians in practice less than 10 years, 20% use a
tablet and 38% said it's extremely likely they'll obtain one.
FDA Regulation of mHealth, Part 1: FDA basics
Part one of a three part series on the current FDA consultation on medical devices used in mobile
The future of mobile medicine hangs on the subtleties of “use”
Open app and say aah: the perils of medical diagnosis on a mobile
New National Research Council Report on Home Health Technology
Mobihealthnews: 7 medical phone peripherals you should know
Telehealth enables virtual cancer board meetings
The University of North Carolina's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center is using web-based
telehealth to widen the reach of its multidisciplinary oncology tumor boards and provide a service to
other specialists in the State. The weekly board meetings discuss diagnoses, treatment plans and
other patient-specific issues. They include imaging, labs and test results.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Chied Medical Officer, Sir Bruce Keogh speech at transparency event on 7 July 2011
A transcript of a speech by Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS Medical Director, during a transparency event on 7
July with Cabinet Minister Francis Maude (7 July 2011).
“…How long, I ask you, before people expect to be the navigators and controllers of their own
healthcare? I think the desire is already there. I think all they need is enough information, and I put
it to you that today’s technology allows that. I think we should encourage it and lead it”.
“I’d just like to finish off by saying, as Medical Director, my vision for the future of healthcare is
underpinned by greater availability and the processing of data. I see a future where those who wish
can take responsibility for their own healthcare. I see a future where the NHS is a service industry
that will help people to achieve that aim. I see a future where patients have access to good
information on the pros and cons of different treatments, and the relative outcomes of those
treatments in different places. I see a future where they have greater knowledge which helps their
doctors and nurses understand what they want. This will make consultations so much more
meaningful and focused….”
“I see a future where patients own their own records. A future where patients can book their
appointments online. I see a future of digital consultations which will bring clinicians into the home
via broadband. It’ll speed diagnostic times. I see that, in time, it will break down frustrating
geographic and institutional boundaries. It will bring seven-day-a-week access to help from people
who are fearful of their medical conditions. And, in time, access to personalised international
consultations will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, around the world. Appreciation of
the impact of these new technologies is limited only by our imagination….”
Medilink Yorks and Humber - Mobile applications in healthcare technologies; it's in your hands Sheffield (6 Oct 2011)
Medilink, has joined forces with DesignIT, a leading design agency, to provide an insight into the
development and integration of mobile applications and social media in healthcare systems.
Guardian: Palliative care outsourced to voluntary sector at two trusts
While some PCTs chose to transfer responsibility for palliative care to foundation trusts or
community foundation trusts under transforming community services, Rotherham and Berkshire
West outsourced to the voluntary sector.
Telemedicine Technology is Ready but Deployments Need a Boost to Meet Exploding Demand for
Healthcare Access Around the World, Say IEEE Experts
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Telemedicine is technologically ready to meet the growing demand for access to health services in
developing nations and remote areas around the world, say experts from IEEE, the world's largest
professional technical association. However, widespread use of telemedicine will require greater
collaboration between technologists and clinicians to ensure it delivers on its promises in the real
world – millions more people reached, with measurably better outcomes for those patients.
Cambridge Healthcare going full throttle following launch of patient portal
Cambridge Healthcare has launched its first product, e-health portal NHS.info and is planning a UK
wide roll-out by the end of the year. NHS.info allows patients with long-term health conditions to
take a more active role in their treatment by giving them a secure communication channel with their
clinician as well as intelligently suggesting more information about a particular condition.
The system is being piloted in the East of England before wider roll out during 2011. New features
will be added to the system with the ability to video conference added in August; patient groups and
the ability to give feedback on services in September; and a UK wide directory of GPs with
‘interactive practice applications’, like choose and book an appointment and an online triage service
in October.
Cambridge web portal liberates patients
Survey analysis: Telemedicine crucial part of health IT
In the survey, 79 percent of respondents said that telemedicine is an important part of their health
IT infrastructure.
Telemedicine the answer to physician shortage and cost cutting?
According to a recent US report, telemedicine could transform the way medicine is practiced for
COPD and other respiratory diseases. In addition, telemedicine may allow isolated, rural hospitals to
gain access to other resources.
"There is currently, and will remain until about the year 2030, a shortage of health care workers to
meet the demand for care. This warrants a change in the delivery of health care and may indeed alter
the way individuals and populations receive health care."
Revolutionary Baseline E-Health Platform for Kidney Disease Launched by Shad Ireland Foundation
Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease, (CKD), End Stage Kidney Disease, (ESRD), and kidney
transplant recipients can easily monitor their health, tracking key indicators, nutrition and exercise,
plus receive information regarding the disease 24 hours a day.
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Veterans use smartphone apps to fight PTSD
Apps such as "T2 MoodTracker," "PTSD Coach" and "Breathe2Relax" have been developed by the
Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department to provide information about what the military calls
"invisible wounds" of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and techniques for managing the symptoms.
Telemedicine, What Is It All About?
FDA's mobile medical app guidelines get everybody talking
Digitally driven healthcare here by 2020, says report
Some of the 20 possible future scenarios include: advanced genetic profiling becoming
commonplace; customer data being instantly available for all parties and being used in a way to
target advertising; Radio Frequency Identification implants monitoring our bodies’ vital signs;
patients routinely sharing information and experiences online; a variety of healthcare at home
becomes possible; health tourism will be popular; there will be advances in regenerative medicine;
robodocs will exist; personalised medicine will be commonplace with pills containing monitoring
microchips; and the power of the mind will be harnessed for the healthcare setting.
Said Dickon Laws, digital account director at OgilvyOne worldwide (authors of report): “Nothing is
impossible anymore. There are no walls. We just have to find the time and effort to put it together.”
Digital Tattoo Gets Under Your Skin to Monitor Blood
Using smartphones for objective diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson’s patients
More than 10 million people in the US suffer from tremor-related disease, including Parkinson’s,
essential tremor and multiple sclerosis. iTrem uses the iPhone’s built-in accelerometer to collect
data on a patient in his or her home and/or office. Currently the App directly tracks tremor
information as the patient holds the phone in their hand for an extended period at predetermined
intervals over the course of days or weeks.
Melding technology and health reform for 'patient empowerment' (USA)
In January, Lygeia Ricciardi became the first national policy advisor for ‘consumer e-health,’ part of
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
the Department of Health and Human Services' health information technology office. She is working
to bridge the divide between the traditional health system and a nascent world of digital health tools
for the public, such as smartphone applications, text reminders, sensors, and online communities
focused on particular health conditions.
“The use of technology in the move toward greater patient engagement is vital, she said. Its potential
to transform health care is extraordinary--and it's accessible now”.
To help bring out the cultural shift the office is putting together an ambitious outreach campaign to
educate consumers and providers about how technology can improve people's health and
streamline the health care delivery system. And they're shaping policies that they hope will knock
down barriers to data-sharing.
IOM proposes blueprint for tracking chronic disease (USA)
Federal regulators should take the lead in creating a national system to keep tabs on chronic
diseases and provide guidance for stakeholders across the country, the Institute of Medicine has
said. The IOM has released a blueprint for building a national chronic disease surveillance system
focused primarily on cardiovascular and chronic lung disease.
Google Health's Demise Shows Limitations of PHR Market
4 Ways iPads Are Changing the Lives of People With Disabilities
New Japanese Cell Phone Aimed at Seniors
BodyMedia is using wearable sensors to fight the obesity epidemic one step at a time
BodyMedia FIT is a holistic weight management system consisting of the BodyMedia Armband
monitor, online Activity Manager, and free apps for Android and iPhone. The system is regulated by
the FDA as a Class II Medical Device. The BodyMedia FIT Armband uses four sensors to automatically
collect more than 5,000 data readings every minute. The armband costs $259, plus $7/month
subscription for the data.
Guardian: Leicestershire gets portal for personalised care
Leicestershire county council and Leicester city council have set up an online marketplace for
personalised social care. They have launched choosemysupport.org.uk to give social care recipients
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
more control over which services they receive. Registered users are able to search for services from
approved providers and make payments with debit cards. Social care recipients can use the service
to spend the budgets provided to them by the councils, and the system is also open to others who
wish to obtain relevant products and services.
The Glucose Level Monitor, And Four Other Futuristic Medical Smartphone Apps
Toyota to Integrate ECG Sensors Into Steering Wheels
In an experimental system installed in a Prius, the chart of the driver’s heartbeat and
electrocardiogram can be viewed on the display of the in-car navigation system. In addition to
alerting of any serious conditions, Toyota also sees the system being used as a daily health check.
DH: Supporting personal assistants working in adult social care
A new ‘Framework for Personal Assistants’ aims to make it easier for people with disabilities to
employ PAs to help them to live as full a life as possible.
BBC: NHS unprepared for obese patients (video)
Merton, Nottinghamshire and Bury issue smart cards for social care
Three councils have begun to issue smart cards for social care recipients to pay for services under
the personalised budget agenda.
GP Online: GPC warns rising expenses could drive GPs out of business
BBC: Fragmented sleep 'harms memory'
Broken sleep affects the ability to build memories, a study of mice suggests. The Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science findings could help explain memory problems linked to conditions
including Alzheimer's and sleep apnoea.
Give Patients Complete Access To Their Data (USA)
“If there's one thing that's going to revolutionize healthcare, whether it's IT, ACOs, or any aspect of
health reform, what you're going to see is patients taking back healthcare from their providers."
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
That's the prediction Neil Calman, MD, the CEO and co-founder of the Institute for Family Health,
made at InformationWeek Healthcare's IT Leadership Forum in New York City recently.
Events, conferences, courses
Living independently with the help of technology – Yorkshire and Humber HIEC, 13 September 2011,
Public Sector Digital Comms & Social Media Convention 2011 14 September, London
American Telemedicine Association Fall Forum 2011 September 19–21—Egan Convention Center,
Anchorage, AK
CUHTec: Using telecare to reduce the cost and increase the effectiveness of re-ablement and
intermediate care, University of York 18 October, 2011
General details about costs, link for booking form etc are here:
CUHTec: Assistive technology and telecare for learning disability services
University of York 19 October, 2011
General details about costs, link for booking form etc are here:
EHI Live 7-8 November 2011, NEC in Birmingham 7-8 November 2011
The International Telecare & Telehealth Conference 2011, London, 14-16 November 2011
2011 mHealth Summit December 5–7, 2011—National Harbor, MD
The Kings’ Fund - International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare 6-8 March 2012 (early booking
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Global Health & Innovation Conference 2012: New Haven, CT, USA: 21-22 Apr 2012
Other Links
"Super Mobile" doctors represent new type of professional mHealth user
A Physician's Perspective on Self-tracking - How can we get the average patient to take charge of
their health?
ABCD2 Score to Identify People at Risk of Stroke Has Limited Clinical Application, Experts Say
AHRQ: Telehealth empowers docs to treat underserved
Alarms and CCTV are a life saver (South Ayrshire)
American Well Gaining Converts To Telemedicine
Care Innovations Connect: A Tablet To Keep Seniors From Getting Lonely
Cloud-based video conferencing for telemedicine. Interview with Nefsis
Doctors driving IT development with their mobile technology choices
E-Health Case Study: Sprint
EMR Adoption to Drive e-Health Market Growth in US
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
EU: New Project To Implement Telemedicine Solutions Into Everyday Practice
Evidence based decision making taken to a new level by the BMJ
FDA clears Telcare’s 3G blood glucose meter
FDA guidelines for Mobile Health apps - How to find a balance between regulation and innovation?
Forecasting Diabetes Prevalence in California: A Microsimulation
Frontline Innovation: Home Telemonitoring for High-Risk Patients (Health Care Innovations
Got the Picture? Using Mobile Phone Technology to Reinforce Discharge Instructions
Growing diabetes levels in the young presents challenge to NHS
Health Care Of The Future: Non-Invasive Blood Tests, Brain-Connected Avatars, Digital Pill Boxes
Helping seniors live at home longer
Hemoglobin A1c Predicts Healing Rate in Diabetic Wounds
Hospitals turn to telemedicine for remote care of patients
How Mobile Tech Can Fight War On Diabetes
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
How telemedicine helped a stroke patient
How to schedule nurses via text, phone, email
mHealth: iPhones to Provide Mobile Means for Monitoring Blood Pressure
Nearly 70,000 Americans die needlessly each year because they are not given optimal heart failure
New Home Health Aide Guide Offers Free Information And Resources For Home Health Aides And
NEW TRANSPLANT TOOL: Smartphone images of donor organs can speed critical consultations
North Yorkshire patients reap the benefits of telehealth
Obesity Epidemic May Make Mortality Gains Short-Lived
Philadelphia's Temple University uses text messaging to reach underserved communities
Remote Home Patient Monitoring for Home Health
Remote monitoring of cardiac devices is catching on gradually, but it still has much to prove
Report: Telemedicine companies should explore granting free trial period
Slideshow: Demos of Sprint's telehealth, monitoring IT
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to empower mental health patients with online
personal health record
Southern Telecare falls devices
Tech firms push 'e-health' to help boost medical tourism in PH
Telehealth benefits and adoption: Connecting people and providers across Canada
Telemedicine broadband network construction to start (USA)
The evidence base for telehealth and telemedicine in the management of obesity (WSDAN)
The New Paradigm of Home Health Care
TIGER: Preparing nurses and health professionals to use technology & informatics to improve patient
Timeline: Medical milestones for the iPhone
Top 10 Healthcare Systems Are IT Innovators
Tough targets can be hit say Fife fire service
Transplant Patients Benefit from Telemedicine Follow-Up Care
1 August 2011
1 August 2011
Tweeting about Health Care
Using Information Technology to Improve the Quality and Safety of Emergency Care
Note: Mike Clark is not responsible for the content of external links and there is no endorsement of
any suppliers or their products. Any claims made by organisations should be carefully evaluated as
part of normal commissioning and procurement arrangements.
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1 August 2011