English 1301 - Harlandale High School

English IV
Harlandale High School ( 210- 989-1000
Joseph Segura (Joseph.Segura@harlandale.net)
Course Objectives
This British Literature/writing course is the last phase in a four year journey. This class is designed
to prepare students for sucessful completion of ENGL 1301 Freshman Composition I. This class will
examine words and language, the exploration of the human condition, the development of
interiority, the establishment of authorial presence, the force of humanism, Carpe Diem, repression
and class struggle, and the evolution of the self. This course focuses on developing thesis
statements, through the use of synthesis of various sources to enable the student to create an
original idea as a developing writer. The course will emphasize reading and critical thinking skills
through written, oral and visual rhetorical methods. This course incorporates substantial use of
peer review workshops and diverse readings. Successful completion of a research paper is required
to pass this course. The focus is also on various British Literature topics and themes.
In this course, you will:
1. Develop a unique writing voice.
2. Develop prewriting techniques to generate ideas for essays.
3. Develop the ability to think critically by questioning written works, identifying premises,
assumptions and underlying claims.
4. Compose essays of various types that are well-organized and appropriate to audience and
purpose, with strong thesis statements; strong, developed paragraphs including topic sentences,
ample supporting details; and appropriate conclusions that will demonstrate clear and original
5. Revise organization and content of essays in structure, style, format, standard grammar and
syntax, taking into account peer responses, instructor suggestions, and the writer's own reflective
6. Engage in the research process and complete a 4-6 page research paper with MLA-style
standards, develop library skills, understand reference materials, and learn to use technological
7. Experience a student-centered community that supports diverse ideas and learning styles by
engaging in collaborative and active learning.
8. Reflect on and assess learning through construction of a writing portfolio.
Tutoring: Individual tutoring is available daily. Check teacher tutoring schedule.
Extra Credit: No extra credit will be accepted.
Rules and Consequences: For Academic and Personal Success in this class-Be Prompt, Be Prepared,
Be Polite, Be Productive, Be Positive.
Teacher/Student Conference
Teacher/Parent Phone Call
Teacher/Parent Conference
Referral to Counselor
Referral to Vice-Principal
An English IV folder with loose leaf paper and writing utensils is required.
* A USB/flash drive to hold your draft essays would be advantageous.
Course Requirements
The distribution of your six weeks grade is as follows:
Essays, Exams, Reseach Paper, Presentations (50%)
Daily Work/In-Class Writing Participation/Vocabulary Assignments/Quizzes, Attendance
Participation and Late Work:
You cannot succeed in this course without participating, and you cannot participate if you do not
attend. Be aware: your attendance is necessary for success.
Late work will not be accepted, excluding matters of extreme emergency (e.g. your computer
crashing IS NOT an extreme emergency). If you know that you are going to be late/absent on the
day a major paper is due, then you should turn in that paper the class before. If you are late/absent
for an unforeseen circumstance, you must still get your paper to me. You may email your paper
before the start of class, to show that you completed it, and then on the next day of class, bring in a
hard copy of that exact same version of your essay.
The majority of your overall class grade comes from essays. Please be aware of the following
guidelines for turning in a major paper: (1) If for any reason you are having trouble writing your
paper, then you must talk to me as soon as possible. Please do not wait until the last minute to do
so. (2) All papers must be typed in 12 pt font, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Calibri and use
standard MLA format. (3) Your paper must meet the page requirements listed in the syllabus for
each paper, no more—no less. Two pages mean that your paper reaches to the bottom of the
second page. Also, it is your responsibility to have your paper printed out and stapled before the
start of class. Please do not come to class expecting to print out your essay while class is in progress,
it is then considered late and will not be accepted.
Academic Integrity
At Harlandale High School, students and faculty value academic achievement, lifelong learning,
diversity, and personal and social responsibility. We embrace our values out of commitment to
families, peers, neighbors, and ourselves. Integrity, one of our core values, is characterized by
honesty and fairness, and is essential for an open exchange of ideas, and to the collaboration
necessary for learning. In upholding integrity, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating
on assignments, plagiarism (unauthorized use of another person’s work, or inadequate
documentation), and collusion through unauthorized collaboration will result in a zero for that