Appendix F - Protocol for reserves


Management of Reserves APPENDIX F

Protocol for the Management and Use of Reserves

1. CIPFA’s Guidance Note on Local Authority Reserves and Balances states that ‘it is important that local authority councillors take responsibility for ensuring the adequacy of reserves and provisions when set ting the budget’. The Guidance

Note requires the Section 151 Officer (the Head of Finance) to advise members about the level of reserves they should hold and to ensure that there are protocols for their establishment and use.

2. The Council’s Financial Regulations state that for each reserve established, the purpose, usage and basis of transactions should be clearly identified, and that authorisation and expenditure from reserves is by the appropriate Corporate

Director of Head or Service in consultation with the Head of Finance.

3. When a reserve is to be established, the Head of Finance must be satisfied: a) Of the reason for the reserve, and its purpose. b) That setting up the reserve complies with the latest version of the Code of

Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom

4. Contributions to and from reserves shall be included in the Council’s accounts, which are approved by the Head of Finance and the Audit and Governance


5. Control of Reserves shall involve: a) An annual review of the relevance and adequacy of reserves, as part of the

Head of Finance’s budget report. b)

Monthly budget monitoring of the Council’s overall revenue position to assess the potential extent of the use of general reserves in any year. c) A year end assessment by the Head of Finance of the potential use of reserves in order to optimise the Council’s financial position, with any such use reported to the Audit and Governance Committee as part of the report on final accounts. d) It should also be noted that the External Auditor may wish to review the level of reserves at any time, and that the Head of Finance will take into account any views expressed by the External Auditor on reserves as part of the budget report.

6. This report takes into account the assessment of reserve requirements in appendix B.

Reserve (usable reserves only)

General Reserve

(including future liability)


To fund any overspend on the

Council’s annual budget. To ensure that the Council has funds to cover unexpected events in the short and medium term. To provide a prudent basis for operating.

Management and Control

As per 5 (a) to

(d) above


To fund any overspend on the

Council’s annual budget – in which case, if the level goes below the minimum shown in Appendix B, the reserve will need to be replenished the following year

Estimated balances



In year use/transfer




Adequate, See

Appendix B,

Adequacy of

Reserves lxx

Management of Reserves APPENDIX F


(usable reserves only)

General Reserve

– Specific Risk


General Reserve

– Invest to save

General Reserve

– reorganisation etc

General Reserve

– Service

Provision & pressures

Housing Revenue

Account –

General Revenue


Housing Revenue

Account – capital reserve

Reason/Purpose Management and Control


In recognition of the specific risk resulting from reliance on donations from the

Airport Company to fund charitable partners of the

Council whose work would have to be funded by the Council if Airport funding was not available.

To provide funds to enable the Luton

Excellence project to use to deliver ongoing revenue reductions and service improvements, and to fund invest to save schemes essential to balance the budget in future years – see invest to save scheme

To ensure that the

Council can fund the costs of implementing the massive change necessary over the coming years and claims that may arise

To enable underspends to be carried forward for use in the following financial year

As per 5 (a) to

(d) above

As per 5 (a) to

(d) above, plus report to CLMT,

FPP and Exec in accordance with

Lex approval scheme and invest to save scheme on specific proposals for use

Approved by

Executive on the recommendation of the Head of


Use approved by Executive and implemented by

Head of Finance

To fund key partners if the Airport Board is unable to provide make donations in future – in which case, the base budget and reserve requirement will need urgent reassessment to determine future requirements

In accordance with the

Luton Excellence governance arrangements and the invest to save scheme

To fund costs arising from organisational development including claims that may arise

To fund carry forwards. To fund unexpected in-year pressures

To fund additions or improvements to the housing stock, or to meet any overspend on the HRA budget.

To ensure sufficient funds to cover unexpected events.

To provide a prudent basis for operating.

To fund HRA developments

As per 5 (a) to

(d) above

As per 5 (a) to

(d) above

To fund any overspend on the

HRA’s annual budget

– in which case, the reserve may need to be replenished the following year

To make improvements to existing homes or to provide new homes







Adequate at minimum level, see Appendix B

Adequacy of


31.3.14 £3.3m

Repayment net of new use £0.1m

31.3.15 £3.2m

Invest to save funding is essential to develop new efficiencies

31.3.14 £9m

In year use £0m

31.3.15 £9m in line with medium term strategy

31.3.14 £2m approx, in year estimated use

£2m, but est.

15/16 carry forwards £2m giving

31.3.15 £2m.

Not relevant for budget setting.

31.3.14 £7m

Add in year £2.8m

31.3.15 £9.8m


31.3.14 £1.6m

Add in year £0m

31.3.15 £1.6m

Question of adequacy not applicable to revenue budget lxxi

Management of Reserves APPENDIX F

Reserve (usable reserves only)

Central Insurance




General Reserve

– Planning, including development plan

Pension Reserve

Mercury Emission




Welfare Reform and Recession


Major Projects



To enable the Council to self-insure risks where no external cover is obtainable, and/or where self insurance is better value

To enable schools to carry forward funds not spent in any particular year for use on future projects

To allow for unpredictable costs of enquiries/income reductions in planning, and in development plan production

To fund future pension-related liabilities

Paid for replacement cremator

To share the benefits from Butterfield

Business Park

To enable the Council to respond positively to priority issues arising locally where there is significant impact on the Luton population and/or the

Council’s own financial situation.

To provide cover in relation to risks arising from major projects

Management and Control

As per

Insurance procedures

As per 5 (a) and

(b) above, with detailed assessments by

Children &


As per 5 (a) to

(d) above

Review by Head of Finance on receipt of pensions information plus annual reviews

As per 5(a) to


As per 5(a) to


As per 5 (a) to

(d) above

As per 5 (a) to

(d) above


To pay claims by departments for items/incidents which are met by selfinsurance, subject to validation and to any excess

Schools-specific reserves for their expenditure (also used for inter-schools loan scheme). Central funds limited to DSG spend.

To fund any overspend of the

Council’s overall budget resulting from a reduction in planning fees or a major planning enquiry. To fund major spend pressures in relation to development plan production

Funding of Council liabilities in respect of pensions costs including any early retirements, given deficit levels on pension fund.

Provided funds for replacement of the cremator in accordance with emission requirements rules

For additional spend on economic development activity, over and above the

Council’s base budget

To provide short term funding that may be needed to deal with: a) key economic and social pressures arising locally as a result of the recession b) further reductions in government grant funding

Funding of major project risk issues should it be determined that they should be funded from revenue rather than borrowing.

Estimated balances

31.3.14 £2.3m

Use in year £100k

Net projection for

31.3.15 £2.2m

(excs. provisions)- needs ongoing review based on updates of risks.

31.3.14 £13.7m net change in year


31.3.15 £14.7m


31.3.14 £0.2m use 0

31.3.15 £0.2m

31.3.14 £2.9m

Use in year £0m

31.3.15 £2.9m

In line with medium term strategy

31.3.14 £0.0m

In year use £0.0m

31.3.15 £0

Not relevant to adequacy

31.3.14 £0.6m

Use in year £0.1m

31.3.15 £0.5m

31.3.14 £1.6m

Use in year £0.2m

31.3.15 £1.4m


31.3.14 £15m

Use in year £0m

31.3.15 £15m lxxii
