MINUTES 2015-02-10

10 February 2015
CALL TO ORDER – by Dick Kline at 1:00 p.m. Others present were Mike Bennett, Joe
Deckman, Nancy Evoy, Elaine Frost, Pete Lane, Lois Mulligan, Andy Palmer, Jack
Schultz, and Jack Williams. Dick asked everyone to introduce themselves to Joe, who
was representing Tom Kopach at the meeting. Joe is KCC’s Plant Operations
Supervisor. Joe said he came here 29 years ago today.
MINUTES OF JANUARY MEETING – Jack Schultz reported that he’d received no
adverse comments to the corrected minutes that he’d issued on January 22. Mike
Bennett said he thought it was unethical for the minutes to report what was said in other
committee meetings – it was up to those committees to report what was said. Jack
disagreed. Mike gave Dick a marked-up copy of the minutes that showed the
statements by Dick and Pete Lane to which he objected. Mike also objected to Jack
posting the corrected minutes before they were approved. Jack acknowledged that
Mike had previously raised this objection but, since this was a long-standing custom to
which no one else objected, he’d posted the corrected minutes anyway. Dick tabled
further discussion of the January minutes until the February meeting. Mike left the
meeting briefly to remove the corrected minutes from the bulletin board.
NEW MEMBER – Dick asked for committee approval for him to appoint Nancy Evoy to
committee membership. Everyone agreed and Nancy was appointed.
MISSION and GUIDELINES – Dick said our committee has so many activities that we
need more members. He wants to discuss changing our Guidelines at our next
meeting. Jack S. said we should also consider updating our Mission statement. Mike
said our list of Climate Control Proposals violates our Mission statement. He gave Dick
a marked-up copy of the existing statement to show how he thought it should be
changed. Dick asked Jack to send everyone a copy of our Mission and Guidelines for
discussion at the next meeting.
CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVES – Jack S. discussed page 1 of the Climate Control
Proposals that he’d sent everyone on February 1. The basic premise underlying these
proposals is that we’ve asked Staff to spend money to reduce our carbon footprint
without regard to the financial payback that would result. The CRA endorsed this
request in December. The list is arranged to show which proposals are the most cost
effective from a carbon reduction standpoint.
Mike thought the first entry, Obtain 50% Renewable Energy Credits, was
misleading because Pennsylvania already requires 10%. Jack said we’re currently
paying a premium to obtain 30% and Tom Kopach proposed in November that we
increase this to 50%. Mike questioned the accuracy of the estimated 4,000 tonnes per
year saving for this proposal based on Pennsylvania’s mix of energy sources. Jack said
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our energy comes from a grid that includes many more states than Pennsylvania. His
information (page 2) was for non-baseload sources nationally and came from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Jack Williams said that renewable energy credits
pay existing renewable energy generators who would generate the energy whether we
paid them or not. Mike agreed. Jack S. said that was true but these sources couldn’t
continue to generate green energy if nobody paid them for it.
Jack S. said that our proposals to Install More Efficient Boilers, Chillers, and
Cooling Towers were based on Tom Kopach’s reports at previous meetings. Joe
Deckman said that contracts for new chillers and cooling towers at Kendal had already
been signed. The new Kendal equipment will not have unusually high efficiency
because the cost for that would not have provided a good financial payback.
Elaine Frost said our committee has become more aware of the need to reduce
CO2 emissions and the desirability of Staff and residents working together to
accomplish that. Dick said the next step is for Staff to evaluate our CO2 proposals.
ENERGY ASSESSMENT – Joe reported that an energy assessment by Marvin
Waxman Engineers was conducted at Kendal in 2012. Joe is currently working with
Waxman to provide the advance information they’ll need to conduct a similar study at
Crosslands. The Crosslands study of energy usage, sources, and equipment in the
Crosslands Community and Health Centers is expected to be completed by the end of
2015. Dick asked Joe to send him a copy of the Kendal report.
ENERGY INITIATIVES – Joe thought it might be desirable to improve the thermal
insulation and sealing of empty cottages and apartments before they’re turned over.
Jack W. said his first electric bill with added insulation and a geothermal heat pump was
very favorable. Dick asked if committee members could come to see his geothermal
equipment. Jack said it’s too cold to see the outdoor part now but we’re welcome to
come in March or April.
LIGHTING SENSORS – Joe reported that lighting sensors were going to be installed in
the new Health Center.
INFRA-RED SURVEY – Jack W. said he needs to get together with Mike and Pete
McBrien to plan the IR program. Mike said he’d spoken to Pete about this and would
tell Jack what was discussed. Dick wondered if an IR survey would benefit the
refurbishment of the Community Center. Jack said it’s too late for that. Mike agreed.
DASHBOARD PROPOSAL – Pete Lane reported that there would be a meeting in the
George Fox Room at 2:30 on February 12 at which the vendor of Westtown’s display
(Lucid) will make a web presentation regarding their equipment and answer questions.
Nancy Evoy wondered if this concept was limited only to Crosslands. Joe said he
thought we should try a dashboard at Crosslands first – then extend it to Kendal.
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SUSTAINABILITY TELECONFERENCE – Elaine reported that the SPG teleconference
in the Mott House on January 22 was a failure because the speaker phone didn’t work.
Elaine will send everyone copies of the minutes she receives from David Jones.
KENDAL AFFILIATE WIKILINK – Elaine reported that she, Nancy, and Dick had posted
some Crosslands information. Barclay, Hanover, Ithaca, and Lathrop have also posted
information. The Kendal Sustainability WickiSpace can be reached at
CRA OPEN HOUSE – Elaine reported that she had four volunteers to help with our
committee information table on March 3 – Jack S., Nancy, Pete, and Sharon Sundial.
The event will be held in the Wm Penn Room and Lounge from 9:30 to 11:30. Elaine
asked the volunteers to tell her when they could come. Pete said he’d come at 9:30.
Jack said 10:30. Elaine said we’d have the customary handouts at the table but no light
bulb display. She will ask Rob Truslow to bring his LED display to the Earth Week Fair
on April 22. Mike asked if our Ways To Save Energy handout would be updated before
the Open House. Dick said that Sharon was handling the update and asked everyone
to send their suggestions to her. Mike gave Dick an Energy Tips leaflet to pass on to
and two students will be making the Westtown presentation on March 31 at 7:30.
GENERAL COMMENTS – Andy said February 18 and 19 will be Fossil Fuel Divestment
Days. Nancy said the Welcoming Committee is confused regarding apartment heating
and cooling controls. They want more information for the Green Book. Mike said
everyone should have digital thermostats.
NEXT MEETING – March 10 in the Brooke Worth Room at 1:00 p.m.
Jack Schultz, Secretary
10 March 2015
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C:\Documents and Settings\Jack\My Documents\Word Documents\ENERGY CONSERVATION\MINUTES 2015-02-10.doc