The Progressive Impulse

The Rise of the Progressivism
Chapter Twenty-One/Twenty Two
Key Terms
Alice Paul
Bull Moose Party
Gifford Pinochot
Hetch Hetchy
Hull House
IWW or Wobblies
Jane Addams
Louis Brandeis
New Freedom
New Nationalism
Robert La Follette
Social Gospel
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
W.E.B. DuBois
Nineteenth Amendment
Niagara Movement
Eighteenth Amendment
Federal Trade Commission
Chapter 21
The Progressive Impulse
1. Varieties of Progressivism
Describe the following reform impulses: knowledge, anti-monopoly, modernized government, and social cohesion.
2. The Muckrakers
Who are they and what did they target?
3. The Social Gospel
What is it, what caused it, and give three examples of it.
4. The Settlement House Movement
How did Progressives counter disagree with Social Darwinists? What are settlement houses, who ran them, and which
one was most famous?
5. The Allure of Expertise
What was the solution to social and economic problems proposed by those who favored “knowledge and expertise”?
6. The Professions
Describe the new middle class and their values. What were some of the new professions?
7. Women and the Professions
What professions were women most likely to enter into and why?
Women and Reform
8. The “New Woman”
Why did family size decline? What was the role of social class in defining the “New Woman”? Why did women become
such a greater part of the reform movements?
9. The Clubwomen
What were women’s clubs and give three examples of causes for which they advocated.
10. Women’s Suffrage
Why did some men oppose women’s suffrage? What reasons did supporters give for supporting women’s suffrage? Why
was there a split within the women’s suffrage movement? Use information from ALL of the previous sections to answer
the following question: What role did women and women’s organizations play in the reforms of the progressive era?
How did progressive-era reforms affect women?
The Assault on the Parties
Read ALL of the following sections and answer the question as SPECIFICALLY as possible in 4-5 sentences.
11. Early Attacks, Municipal Reforms/New Forms of Government, Statehouse Progressivism, Parties and Interest
What changes to politics and government did progressive reformers advocate at the local, state, and federal levels?
How did government change as a result of their reform efforts?
Sources of Progressive Reform
12. Labor, the Machine, and Reform
What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory? What other labor reforms took place at this time?
13. Western Progressives
Why did the West have so many progressive leaders?
14. African Americans and Reform
Compare and contrast the approaches of Booker T. Washington To WEB DuBois.
Crusades for Order and Reform
15. Temperance Crusade
Why did progressives dislike alcohol? What was the result of their crusade against it? What “moral” crusades did
progressives undertake in their efforts to reform the social order?
16. Immigration Restriction
What is eugenics? What does it have to do with immigration reform?
17. The Dream of Socialism
Why was the Socialist Party of America so popular at this time? What was the IWW and what did it advocate?
18. Decentralization and Regulation
Who is Louis Brandeis? What did he advocate?
Chapter 22
Read through Chapter 22 and answer the following questions in 4-5 sentences each:
1. How did Woodrow Wilson’s progressivism differ from that of Theodore Roosevelt? In what ways was it similar to
2. What was Theodore Roosevelt’s “New Nationalism”?
3. What was Woodrow Wilson’s “New Freedom”?
4. What were some of the approaches progressives used to challenge the power and influence of capitalist
corporate America?
Thesis Statement Questions
1. Analyze the relationship of the Progressive Movement to the rise of large cities that occurred in the late
nineteenth century.
Explain the conditions that gave rise to the Progressive Movement at the end of the nineteenth century and
describe the major goals of the Progressive Movement at the local, state, and national levels that attempted to
address these conditions
Describe the people (including their occupations) at the forefront of the Progressive Movement and the
philosophies that motivated these men and women to become Progressive reformers. (Focus on the goals of the
urban-middle-class reformers, upper-middle-class reformers, working class reformers, and socialists if the
information is available in your textbook.)
How did the muckrakers contribute to the Progressive Movement? List at least seven muckraking authors, their
works, the subject matter of their works, and the extent to which their efforts were successful. Be sure to also
describe any magazines that were important instruments of the muckrakers.
List at least six of the prominent organizations that either came into being or grew stronger as a result of the
Progressive Movement. Explain why these organizations began and what the specific goals of each organization
Describe and identify opponents of the Progressive Movement and why they did so.
Explain the new view of government that emerged by the turn of the century. Identify the political and social
reforms that had been accomplished by 1918 at the local, state, and national levels and the attitude of
Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson regarding the Progressive Movement.