action - The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong

Minutes of the 68th Council Meeting of the Federation of Medical Societies of
Hong Kong held on Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 8:50 p.m. in the Council
Chamber of the Federation, 4th Floor, Duke of Windsor Social Service
Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Dr. Chan Chok Wan
Dr. Dominic F.H. Li
Dr. Chan Chi Kuen
Dr. Susanna S.C. Lo
Dr. Raymond S.K. Lo
Dr. Cheung Tse Ming
Dr. Ho Chi Kin
Dr. Kwok Tin Fook
Dr. Catherine Lam
Dr. Albert Lee
Dr. Louis C.K. Low
Dr. Benjamin Wong
Dr. Chiang Chung Seung
Dr. Wong Pit See
Dr. Godfrey Chan
Dr. Chow Pak Chin
Dr. Dawson T.S. Fong
Dr. Walter King
Dr. Richard Lo
Dr. Donald K.T. Li
Ms. Flossie Man
Mr. Robert Siu
Dr. Alice Tsang
Mr. Stephen Wong
Mr. Jimmy Wu
Dr. Chan Kin Sang
Dr. William Wei
Dr. Henry Chan
Dr. Francis Lee
Dr. Chan Chi King
Dr. Jason Brockwell
Ms. Mavis Lee
Dr. Ng King Cheung
Ms. Ruby Ho
Dr. Dai Lok Kwan
Dr. J.J. Lam
Dr. James H.B. Kong
Dr. Wan Kai Yiu
Dr. Yau Chun Chung
Dr. Leung Lai Kuen
Dr. Vincent F.S. Leung
Dr. William Wei
Mr. Chiu Kai Sun
Dr. Helen H.L. Chan
Mr. Cheung Tat Tang
Dr. James C.K. Cheng
Dr. Chik Ki Wai
Dr. Niko K.C. Tse
Dr. John A. Rudd
Dr. Chan Wai Chi
Dr. Samuel P.Y. Kwok
Dr. Ng Man Ho
Dr. Eric Yuk-tat Chan
Dr. Tony K.C. Ng
Prof. Sally Wai-chi Chan
Dr. Ip Wing Yuk
Dr. Lee Sai Kit
Dr. Lam Sui Yue
Prof. Ken Wing-keung Liu
Dr. Lo Fai Man
Dr. Siu Wing Tai
Dr. Au Yong Ting Kun
Dr. Caesar Wong
Dr. Vincent F.S. Leung
Dr. Joseph C.Y. Chan
Dr. Doris M.W. Tse
Dr. Francis W.Y. Ho
Dr. Matthew K.L. Tong
Dr. Mok Chun On
Mr. Raymond H.K. Leung
Dr. Chan Wai Ming
Dr. Rudolph L.C. Ngai
Dr. Chan Wing Kwong
Dr. John Kwok
Dr. Levi H.K. Lee
Dr. Cheung Pik To
Dr. Au-yeung Cheuk Lun
Dr. Raymand Lee
Dr. Michael C.M. Poon
Dr. Lo Hong Yuen
Dr. Chan Nam Kwan
Prof. Cheung Lim Kwong
Dr. Anthony T.C. Chan
Dr. John Liu
Dr. Winnie W.Y. Chan
Prof. Maurice P. Leung
Dr. Lo Chun Wai
Dr. John Fenn
Dr. Felix H.W. Chan
Dr. Yu Kai Man
Dr. Poon Tak Lun
Dr. Chan Yee Shing
Ms. Siana Lau
Prof. Lawrence K.S. Wong
Dr. Wong Chi Keung
Dr. Warren T.K. Lee
Dr. Yeung Yat Ming, Barry
Dr. Victor Abdullah
Dr. Chan Kwok Chiu
Mr. Wong Pak Leung, Apollo
Dr. Thomas M.K. So
Dr. Ada Yung
Dr. Thomas Chung
Dr. Leung Kit Hung
Dr. Henry W.K. Luk
Dr. Ko King Man
Dr. Anida Chong
Dr. Sydney S.C. Chung
Dr. Yeung Yat Wah
Dr. Luk Wai Fan
Dr. Kenny Lei
Dr. Tsang Wai Ming
Dr. Wong Kim Ming
Dr. Ken K.L. Yung
Dr. Lo Tsun Yan
Dr. William Foo
Dr. Chan Tak Hin
Dr. Chung Ka Fai
Dr. Nelson L.S. Tang
Dr. Pierre Lam
Dr. Wong Kin, Denis
Dr. Grace Lau
Dr. Joseph Lui
Mr. Benjamin Lee
Dr. Yu Chak Man
Dr. Lau Fei Lung
Ms. Wong Wai Yin
Dr. Anthony S.K. Tse
Ms. Kitty Leung
Ms. Kelly Lei
Introduction of Council Members
The President welcomed council members to this meeting.
To approve the minutes of the 67th Council Meeting
held on May 29, 2003
The minutes of the 67th Council Meeting held on May 29, 2003 was
adopted in the meeting.
To discuss matters arising from the minutes
Attached report on follow up actions of the last meeting was circulated
before the meeting.
3.1 The Medical Diary would be sent to all medical and dental
practitioners in Hong Kong for September and October 2003 issues.
An insert would be placed in the Diary urging them to submit their
email addresses and join the email alert system for the Diary.
3.2 Application form for the Caltex StarCard was inserted in the Medical
Diary. Successful applicants can enjoy discount of HK$0.80/L on
gasoline purchases till January 31, 2004 and HK$0.40/L thereafter.
3.3 The President stated that as Mary Cheung & Associates had not
secured fund-raisers for the concert, the HKFMS Foundation Ltd.
would not proceed with the fund-raising concert.
To approve membership application
Ordinary Member – Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong
Proposed by Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and
Reproduction and seconded by the Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology,
the ordinary membership application of Osteoporosis Society of Hong
Kong was approved by the Council.
At present, there were 71 ordinary member societies and 46 associate
member societies.
To receive report from the President
5.1 Termination of contract with the Executive Director
The employment contract with Ms. Kingie Mak, the Executive
Director, was terminated. Ms. Mak was experienced in social work
and successfully completed the SARS project for the Federation.
However, her probation period was extended by a further three
months since the officers had doubts in her administrative power and
her integrity. The progress of work for coming conferences was
very slow. Besides, she had not prepared any minutes after
attending meetings with the conference organising committees.
Therefore, the officers decided to terminate contract with her. The
New Way Travels Ltd. was appointed to arrange conference
organising services for the Federation.
The President commented that recruitment through placing
advertisement might not be good since the Federation might not be
able to get personal reference of candidates and know their
5.2 Presidents’ Dinner
Attached programme for the Presidents’ Dinner to be held on
September 25, 2003 at the Chater Room, Hong Kong Jockey Club,
Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong was tabled at the
meeting. Dr. Susanna Lo was requested to propose topics for table
discussion. Executive Committee Members were urged to give
suggested topics to Dr. Lo.
Dr. S. Lo
Exco Members
It was resolved that table discussion with Presidents of member
societies at the Presidents’ Dinner should be in the format of
questionnaire. Those society presidents who were absent in the
meeting would be invited to fill in the questionnaire.
Dr. C.K. Chan suggested to consult member societies their reasons of
joining the Federation at the Presidents’ Dinner. The President felt
that the Member Relations Committee should design a questionnaire
to new member societies to consult their reasons of joining the
Federation, their expectation and suggestions that the Federation
should do for them. It was agreed by members.
Dr. W. King
-65.3 The Chancellor Club
The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre issued a Platinum
card of the Chancellor Club to the President together with an
introductory gift of dining and complimentary car park coupons.
The Card would entitle the Federation to enjoy discount of meeting
facilities of the Centre. The Secretariat would keep the Card and
coupons. Dr. Susanna Lo suggested that the coupons could be used
as lucky draw prizes at the Presidents’ Dinner.
5.4 The Hang Seng Hong Kong Cup
The Hang Seng Bank wrote to invite the Federation to participate in
the Hang Seng Hong Kong Cup. Dr. Kwok Tin Fook had arranged
a team to participate.
5.5 Taskforce for FMSHK Communication Network
Minutes of the Meeting of the Taskforce for FMSHK
Communication Network held on August 13, 2003 was circulated to
members before the meeting.
5.6 FMSHK Directory for Health Professionals
The FMSHK Directory for Health Professionals would be
launched in October 2003.
As only 200 entries were received from health professionals, the
Editorial Board proposed to download information of health
professionals from the websites of respective boards for
production of CD ROM. However, the boards did not approve
our proposal due to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
The production would be self-subscribed. An advertising
income of around HK$120,000.00 was secured.
5.7 Invitation to a one day tour
The President would invite the Executive Committee Members and
Secretariat Staff to a one day tour to be held on September 28, 2003
To receive report from the Hon. Secretary
Communication from member societies
Attached news from members were tabled in the meeting.
The Hong Kong Medical Technology Association had changed its
name to Hong Kong Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Ltd.
A copy of minutes of Extra-ordinary General Meeting, the Certificate
of Incorporation and constitution regarding the change of name was
Feedback from Council Representatives through Advocate System
Attached feedback were received from council representatives.
The Institute of Biomedical Science (HK Branch) commented that
rental for video equipment e.g. LCD Projector was too expensive.
The Council resolved to reduce the rental charge of LCD Projector
from HK$600.00 to HK$500.00 per session.
To receive report from the Hon. Treasurer
The financial report for the month of June 2003 was adopted in the
meeting. The net assets as at June 30, 2003 was HK$3,085,982.80.
The revenue was HK$604,063.76 while the expenses was
HK$868,524.80 from April 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003. A loss of
HK$264,461.04 was made.
The President commented that more income would be secured with
organization of certificate courses in the second half of the year.
Appointment of two Returning Officers
for Postal Ballot Election of Exco Members and Officers
The President informed that all officers and 7 Executive Committee
Members would be due for retirement at coming Annual General Meeting
in November 2003 but would be eligible for election. Council members
were welcomed to nominate candidates for the posts.
Dr. Chiang Chung Seung and Dr. Timothy Poon were appointed as
Returning Officers for Postal Ballot Election of Officers and Executive
Committee Members.
To receive reports from the various committees
Publicity & Publications Committee
a. Medical Directory
No report was made.
b. Members’ Journal Abstracts and
Members’ Educational/Professional Publications
No report was made.
c. Medical Diary
The Medical Diary would be sent to all medical and
dental practitioners in Hong Kong for September and
October 2003 issues. There would be an additional
charge of HK$16,000.00 for each issue from Medcom Ltd.
It was approved by members.
An insert would be placed in the Diary urging readers to
submit their email addresses and join the email alert
system for the Diary. It was suggested to let readers to fill
in if they would like to continue to receive the Medical
Diary. As the insert for the September issue had already
been printed, Dr. T.F. Kwok would make amendment for
the insert of the October issue.
Dr. T.F. Kwok
d. IT Committee
It was suggested to post minutes and meeting materials of
council meetings on the website for Council Representatives,
Presidents and Hon. Secretaries of member societies to gain
access with password. Dr. Louis Low would arrange an area
for this section.
External Affairs Committee
No report was made.
Member Services Committee
Conference Organising Committee
The net assets of COS was HK$1,161,561.63 as at July 31,
Dr. L. Low
The Federation would sign a contract with New Way
Travels Ltd. appointing the company to arrange conference
organising services for the Federation. The New Way
Travels Ltd. would charge the Federation HK$35,000.00
per month for arranging the services for the Federation
from July 16, 2003 to May 15, 2004. The company would
share a certain percentage of profit for contracting new
conferences. Discussion would be made before December
31, 2003 if the agreement would be extended for two years
after May 15, 2004.
Service Committee
Mr. Stephen Wong was negotiating with Bank of East
Asia, Hang Seng Bank and Wing Lung Bank on terms of
credit cards for members. The Service Committee was
requested to provide proposals from the banks in next
As on August 6, 2003, Caltex Oil Hong Kong Ltd.
received 91 application forms of Caltex Starcard Personal
Account from members of member societies of the
Social Committee
No report was made.
Member Relations Committee
20 Presidents and 8 representatives of member societies
confirmed that they would attend the Presidents’ Dinner to
be held on September 25, 2003.
Production schedule of the FMSHK Directory for Health
Final Call for collection of information and
sponsorship for Directory
Final proof-reading
Printing and binding
Directory ready for distribution
Aug 28, 2003
Aug 31, 2003
Sept 30, 2003
mid Oct 2003
late Oct 2003
Mr. S. Wong
- 10 e.
Education Committee
1. Revised schedule of Certificate Courses jointly with
member societies
Certificate Course on Basic Nutrition & Healthy
- jointly organized with HK Dietitians Association
- held from June 2 - July 7, 2003 (Every Monday)
- There were 64 participants.
Certificate Course on Basic Course on Specific
Learning Disabilities
- jointly organized with the HK Society of Child
Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics
- to be held from July 8 - August 12, 2003 (Every
- There were 84 participants.
iii. Certificate Course on Update on Gynaecology
- jointly organized with the Obstetrical &
Gynaecological Society of HK
- to be held from July 15 to August 19, 2003
(Every Tuesday)
- There were 98 participants.
Certificate Course on Child Neurology &
Developmental Paediatrics
- jointly organized with the HK Society of Child
Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics
- to be held from September 15-October 20, 2003
(Every Monday)
- There were 62 participants.
Certificate Course on General Ophthalmology
- jointly organized with HK Ophthalmological
- to be held from October 7-November 11, 2003
(Every Tuesday)
- There were 13 participants.
vi. Certificate Course on Advanced Course on Specific
Learning Disabilities
- jointly organized with the HK Society of Child
Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics
- to be held from October 16 - November 20, 2003
(Every Thursday)
- 11 vii. Certificate Course on Childhood Epilepsy
jointly organized with the HK Society of Child
Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics
to be held from November 13-December 18,
2003 (Every Thursday)
- There were 14 participants.
viii. Certificate Course on Continence Care for Health
Care Professionals
- jointly organized with the HK Continence Society
- to be held from November 17-December 22, 2003
(Every Monday)
- There were 2 participants.
ix. Certificate Course on Clinical Nutrition &
Therapeutic Diets
- jointly organized with HK Dietitians Association
- to be held from January 5-February 9, 2004 (Every
- Posters had been prepared and sent.
2. Certificate Courses organized by the Federation
Infection Control Course for Elderly Home Staff
- to be held on September 8, 2003 (Monday)
- There were 100 participants.
Certificate Course in Dental Surgery Assisting
- to be held from September 9-September 25, 2003
(Every Tuesday and Thursday)
- There were 100 participants.
3. Regarding the certificate courses for general public, the
Education Committee would try to update the
communication network with the general public.
9.4 Administrative Committee
House Committee
The employment contract with Ms. Kingie Mak, the Executive
Director, was terminated on July 11, 2003.
Secretariat Committee
No report was made.
- 12 9.5 Finance Committee
Dr. Dominic Li suggested to explore the feasibility of securing
sponsorship from non-medical organizations.
Dr. T.F. Kwok suggested that the Business Committee could
offer package sponsorship to potential sponsors and co-ordinate
the sponsorship. The President reminded members that Dr.
C.K. Ho had previously written to all committee chairmen
seeking their proposal of items for package sponsorship.
However, not much feedback was received. Dr. C.K. Ho would
try to work out a list of package sponsorship to potential
Dr. C.K. Ho
10. Any Other Business
10.1 The Hongkong Bank Foundation
During the SARS crisis, the Federation’s application for donation
from the Hongkong Bank Foundation for a project was approved.
The theme would be changed to “Women and Men’s Health”. Dr.
Raymond Lo was the co-ordinator of this project. The Federation
would participate in the Wong Tai Sin Festival with this theme on
September 7, 2003. Dr. T.F. Kwok would provide information on
men’s health to the Secretariat for preparing posters for the function.
10.2 The President had verbally thanked Dr. Margaret Chan on behalf of
the Federation for her support as Director of Health in the past years.
It was resolved that the President should write to Dr. P.Y. Lam, the
new Director of Health to congratulate him on the appointment.
11. Adjournment
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Dr. Chan Chok Wan
Dr. Susanna S.C. Lo
Hon. Secretary
Dr. T.F. Kwok
Dr. C.W. Chan