April 2007

April 2007
IBBY SA Box 847 Howard Place 7450 South Africa
email info@ibbysa.org.za
Books for Africa newsletter email booksforafrica@iafrica.com
website www.ibbysa.org.za
IBBY SA is the South African section of IBBY.
IBBY is the International Board on Books for
Young People.
IBBY SA’s area of interest is everything to do
with South African books for children and
young people.
 If you are a member of IBBY SA, you are
also a member of IBBY.
 IBBY’s 2004 World Congress was hosted by
IBBY SA in Cape Town.
 Its next World Congress will be in
Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2008
O amohelehile! Re tshepa hore o tla thabela ho bala pampitshana ena e fupereng tse
thahasellisang le tse susumetsang.
The Big Announcement
Additions to IBBY SA Exec 100 Books List @ CTBF
Specialist Children’s Bookshops
VinnigVra Kompetisie
Astrid Lindgren Award
The Big Announcement!
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We are really pleased and proud to announce the inauguration of
The Exclusive Books IBBY SA Prize
This will be awarded every second
year to the best original picture book
or illustrated children’s book by a
South African writer and illustrator.
The prize will be shared equally by the
writer and illustrator. It will not matter
in which South African language the
book is written. The prize is open to
any and all published books and all
publishers in South Africa.
The sponsor of the prize is Exclusive
Books. The prize money is R5 000 for
the writer and R5 000 for the
illustrator. If one person is both writer
and illustrator, that person is awarded
the prize of R10 000. If there are two
or more authors or two or more
illustrators, the respective prize is
shared equally.
The prize will be presented to the
winning author and illustrator at an
event sponsored and arranged by
Exclusive Books. The judging of the
prize will be entirely in the hands of
The first award will take place in 2007.
Books published from 1 January 2006
to 30 June 2007 are eligible. The
closing date for submission is 30 June
2007. The Award will be announced at
an event in September 2007.
The next award will be in 2009, and
books published from 1 July 2007 to
30 June 2009 will be eligible; and so
on into the future. Should the number
of entries warrant it, the sponsors will
consider making the award an annual
The Exclusive Books representative in
charge of the administration of the
award is Penny Hochfeld, while IBBY
SA is represented by Lona Gericke and
Veronica Behm. The IBBY SA Jury will
have on it a publisher of children’s
books, a Fine Arts academic in the
field of design and illustration, book
selectors, librarians and university
lecturers in librarianship and information science.
IBBY SA is deeply grateful to Exclusive
Books and its Managing Director Fred
Withers for this commitment to South
African children’s books, and we look
forward to a long and happy
association in this prestigious venture.
We feel confident that all of our
children’s writers, illustrators and
publishers will embrace this acknowledgement of their talents and skills.
Exclusive Books will put out a call to
all authors, illustrators and publishers
to submit entries for the 2007 prize
between now and 30 June 2007.
To obtain a copy of the Rules of the
Exclusive Books IBBY SA Prize, please
email any of the following:
The rules will be placed on the IBBY
SA website within a week or so: go to
Additions to the IBBY SA Exec
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We are happy to announce the following additions to the IBBY SA Exec:
Ons is bly om die volgende nuwe lede van die IBBY SA UK aan te kondig:
Isabel Essery
Fourie Botha
Jean Williams
Nonikiwe Mashologu
Rozelle van Schaik
of New Africa Books
of Nasou Via Afrika
as the representative of Biblionef SA
as the representative of the Centre for the Book
as Treasurer and Accountant
As you see, we have strengthened our links and ties with our close partners
Biblionef SA and the Centre for the Book by inviting them each to have a
representative on the Exec. We welcome all the new members, and look forward to
their valuable contributions. Hartlik welkom aan al die nuwe lede! Namkelekile!
We hope soon to announce a strengthening of the Exec in the north, specifically in
The 100 Books List at the Cape Town Book Fair
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The updating of the IBBY SA 100
Books for Children and Young
People 2007 is now very nearly
We are happy to announce that this
list will be unveiled and the exhibition
of the books displayed at the IBBY SA
Stand at the Cape Town Book Fair
(CTBF), which takes place 16–19 June
Watch out for all the details of our
stand in the June Books for Africa
newsletter, which will be sent out early
in June.
In addition, the 100 Books Display
participation in the Nami Island
Children’s Book Festival in Korea from
1 May to 1 July 2007, and will then be
exhibited in the South African Embassy
in Seoul. This has been achieved
through a collaboration between IBBY
SA and the Children’s Literature
Research Unit at UNISA.
Our warm thanks to all the publishers
for so willingly and readily supplying
copies of the books for these
exhibitions. They can be assured of
the influence that the exhibition will
exert on libraries, schools and the
public, both here and abroad.
After the CTBF, the physical exhibition
of the 100 Books will be housed at
Biblionef SA in Pinelands, Cape Town.
In due course, the 100 Books List will
become a virtual exhibition on the
IBBY SA website: www.ibbysa.org.za .
Specialist Children’s Bookshops
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There are three such bookshops in Cape Town, and this month we review them.
Please send us a review of any others that you know about, elsewhere in the country
– email your review to booksforafrica@iafrica.com .
KEiDA Children’s Books
Shop G4 Richmond Centre 146 Main Road Plumstead Cape Town
Tel 797 7117 email sales@keida.co.za
bookshop, situated next to the ABSA Bank
in Plumstead with lots of free parking, has
been operating for about nine months. The
owner Kitten Matthews was away when I
visited and the shop was manned by her
very helpful and knowledgeable assistant.
She told me they personally select all their
stock and read it too so that they can
advise their clients.
uninspiring space, beige carpets, yellow
walls, a few beanbags and some plastic
bookshelves, one for each age group from
age 0 up to teens, contain a small but wellchosen selection of South African and
overseas fiction titles. Almost all the books
are shelved with the covers facing
outwards which is most inviting.
When I remarked that they were carrying
rather a small stock, the manageress
hastened to explain that a huge order had
left a couple of days earlier for a school in
Jo’burg and they were waiting for their new
stock to arrive. She said they had had to
spread out their stock, in fact, to fill up all
the gaps so maybe the books don’t always
face cover-out!
A large wall unit houses non-fiction and
titles in other languages, especially those
spoken in SA. I found the SA stock up-todate and well-chosen. Most of the leading
SA children’s authors are represented. SA
authors are regularly invited to give
readings of their books. Niki Daly read to a
packed shop, Janet Keegans read from her
collection of short tales Kubuka and the
Magic Kalabash (Struik, 2004), and Wendy
Hartman has agreed to talk in the future.
All clients are added to the mailing list and
receive invitations and other news.
Discounts of between 10 and 15 % are
given to schools.
I left the shop impressed with the passion
and commitment to children’s literature,
especially South African, and I plan to
return soon.
– Kathy Madlener
a is for apple – the children’s book store
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16B Kloofnek Road Tamboerskloof Cape Town
Tel 021 424 5409
General Comments:
Is the shop child friendly? Are there
comfortable places for children to sit
and browse?
Aesthetically A is for Apple is beautiful. It
has lots of space for children to browse,
and to engage with the books. There is
also a coffee shop where adults can look at
the books while their children are in the
What is the stock like generally?
A is for Apple has an impressive stock of
mainstream current children’s books, as
well as classics like the Eloise books, The
Railway Children, CS Lewis, etc. South
African titles are a bit thin on the ground,
unfortunately. and South African books for
young adults are barely represented as far
as I could see.
What is the customer service like? Is
the staff well informed?
Both the booksellers behind the desk were
friendly and well informed. They are
obviously well liked and well known by
their customers and people felt free to ask
them any number of questions.
How well are South African books for
children represented?
Indigenous languages
There did not seem to be many indigenous
languages represented.
There were a few multilingual texts, and
the Afrikaans versions of the Harry Potter
books were available.
Picture books
It appeared that there was one shelf
dedicated to South African children’s
displayed. Niki Daly’s books were well
represented, but there did not seem to be
a large selection of local picture books
Chapter books for younger children.
I did not find anything displayed; however,
I may have missed these.
Books for teenagers
As I mentioned, the Harry Potter books
were available, as were a few of the other
Human & Rousseau titles.
How are these categories presented:
At the front of the shop, prominently
displayed or tucked away out of sight?
The picture books were on a separate
shelf, for the most part spine out rather
than face out. There was a pile next to the
till of the new book UTshepo mde / Tall
Enough by Mhlobo Jadezweni and Hannah
Morris, which was good to see.
Are there posters advertising local
series, authors, readings, etc.?
I did not see any posters advertising local
authors and readings, although there was
a local children’s magazine for sale.
– Isabel Essery
Silwood Centre, Campground Road, Rondebosch
General Comments:
Is the shop child-friendly? Are there
comfortable places for children to sit
and browse?
The shop stocks toys, puzzles, games and
books. The books are in one section, but
share the space with other things. There is
no space to sit and browse – the shop is
more functional.
What is the stock like generally?
There is not much variety in the stock, and
there is nothing that immediately grabs the
attention as being different or special.
However, South African titles seemed to be
better represented here than in A is for
How well are South African books for
children represented?
Indigenous languages
There were not a lot of indigenous
languages on display.
Picture books
There was a good selection of South
African picture books on display, most of
which were on the shelves face out.
How are these categories presented?
The South African and international titles
were displayed together.
– Isabel Essery
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VinnigVra Kompetisie
QuickQuiz Competition
There was only one entry for the last competition, and that one was 100% correct!
Die oplossing van die anagramme is:
Mia se ma (I am a mes)
The Hidden Star (Dash the Tinder)
Vaselinetjie (Jane is v. elite)
‘Geluk!’ aan Jaco Jacobs. A copy of The Hidden Star is in the post to you.
This month’s competition:
Where does the Nami Island International Children’s Book Festival take place? Before
the smarty-pantses of the world put me on the spot, I’d better rephrase that: Where
is Nami Island?
Send your answer by email to booksforafrica@iafrica.com before 15 May and win a
trip to Nami Island for the Festival. Kidding. We’ll send you a book, instead.
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Neem deel aan Storiewerf, die webtuiste vir kinder- en jeugboeke, se
jaarlikse skryfkompetisie. Vanjaar is
die tema Kreatiewe Kreature met
illustrasies van Josh en Ian Marley as
skryfprikkels. Skrywers moet hierdie
illustrasies as vonk gebruik om 'n eie
storie mee te skryf. Die kompetisie het
vyf afdelings: 7-9 jaar, 10-13 jaar, 1418 jaar, volwassenes, asook 'n afdeling waar 'n ouer/volwassene en
kind/ers saam 'n storie mag skryf.
Meer as R8 000 se pryse kan gewen
word. Pryse sluit in 'n naweek vir vier
by 'n ATKV-vakansieoord, versamelaarsboeke, Storiemanreekse, Afrikaanse speltoetsers, boeke en boekbewyse. Die algehele prys is die
bywoning van 'n skryfkursus van die
ATKV-Skryfskool (Herfsskool 2008).
Kompetisieborge is die ATKV, ATKV-
Skryfskool, LAPA-Uitgewers, Storieman, CTexT (NWU), Storiewerf en
Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is
15 Mei 2007.
Volledige besonderhede op Storiewerf
Vir navrae kontak Franci Greyling by:
franci@storiewerf.co.za of 018 2991781.
Storiewerf is die inisiatief van Franci
Greyling, 'n jeugboekskrywer, en word
belangstellendes in kinder- en jeugliteratuur.
Isn’t the book world wonderful?
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Found on the website of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 24–27 April 2007:
“ Admission to the Bologna Children's Book Fair is strictly reserved ...
Strictly NO children or under-18s. ”
I know it’s a trade fair, but still … it sounds so bizarre!
Astrid Lindgren Award
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Unfortunately, it didn’t go to our South African nominees, First Words in Print or
Biblionef SA. Instead, congratulations to …
The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2007 goes to the
Venezuelan institution Banco del Libro.
The jury’s motivation is as follows:
’In a true pioneering spirit, with ingenuity and a sheer
determination, the Banco del Libro has constantly
sought new ways of disseminating books and promoting
reading among children in Venezuela. Enthusiasm,
professionalism, closeness to the children and a
refreshing lack of bureaucracy are the hallmarks of the
Banco del Libro’s work, whether in shanty towns,
mountain villages, universities or out in cyberspace.’
Read more by going to http://www.alma.se/page.php?pid=3214
IBBY SA Member honoured by English Academy
Elwyn Jenkins, Professor Extraordinarius in the Department of English Studies at
Unisa, has been awarded the Gold Medal of the English Academy of Southern Africa.
The medal, for conspicuous service to English, recognises his contribution as writer,
editor, educationist and leader of organisations serving the English language and
education. He also holds the Carl Lohann Award of the South African Institute of
Librarianship and Information Science. The medal will be presented to him at a
function in Johannesburg in June.
Congratulations, Elwyn!
Publishers ’n’ Pizza was the first
BookBash informal get-together of the
year, held at Huis der Nederlanden on
Thursday 15 March 2007. Four publishers
introduced us to some of their new and
recent books. The publishers were New
Africa Books, Electric Book Works, Umuzi,
and Jacana Media.
The New Africa Books presentation
included an update on the newest titles in
the Siyagruva Series of novels for South
African teens; the new NAB-PRAESA
collaboration on an African Pinnochio with
the illustrator Elzette Prins; and PRAESA’s
Little Hands series of stories for the whole
of Africa, introduced by Carole Bloch.
Jacana Media talked about their series on
South Africa’s national days; the series of
source-books on the provinces; and two
new picture books, Three Friends and a
Taxi and The Cool Nguni, both written by
Maryanne Bester and illustrated by Shayle
Electric Books Works introduced us to their
bilingual book UTshepo mde / Tall enough
by Mhlobo Jadezweni, while the illustrator
Hannah Morris gave us an insight into the
particular interests and challenges of
interpreting the story visually.
Umuzi, a division of Random House South
Africa, posthumously published The Hidden
Star by K Sello Duiker, a magical book for
young people. The actor Marty Kintu read
from the book.
There was lively discussion around some of
the issues raised by the books, and
members enjoyed looking at the books and
chatting to the publishers over pizzas,
kindly provided by the publishers. A good
evening, all round.
Stories Across Africa
Stories Across Africa (StAAf), in collaboration with a local publisher from each of
Southern, West, Central, East and North Africa, is publishing three anthologies of
writing for children: Early Childhood (0-8), Middle Childhood (9-12) and Teenagers
(13+). They invite you to submit stories and poems in any African language (with a
summary or translation in English, French or Portuguese) or any of the AU official
languages. For more info, contact Carole Bloch email: carole.bloch@uct.ac.za
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Dolfynedag deur Wendy Hartmann,
vertaal deur Simone Hough, met
illustrasies deur Robert Foote (Human
& Rousseau, 2007) - Lona Gericke
Ster met strepe, ’n deur Wendy
Maartens, met illustrasies deur AnnaCarien Goosen (LAPA, 2006), ook in
Engels beskikbaar as A star with
stripes. – Lona Gericke
Eighth Man, The by Michael Williams:
(Oxford University Press Southern
Africa, Cape Town, 2002, 2006) –
Robin Malan
SuperZero by Darrel Bristow-Bovey
(Tafelberg, Cape Town, 2006) – Robin
Hidden Star, The by K Sello Duiker,
with cover designed by Niki Daly
(Umuzi, Cape Town, 2006) – Robin
Tintin (in Afrikaans Kuifie) (Human &
Rousseau, 2006): Bestemming maan,
In die land van die swart goud,
Verkenners op die maan. – Lona
Is daar plek op jou besem? deur Julia
Donaldson (Human & Rousseau, 2002;
tweede druk 2006) – Lona Gericke
Totsiens Tommasino, ’n verwerking
van Philip de Vos se Trazom wat in
1992 gepubliseer is (Human &
Rousseau, 2007) – Lona Gericke
Loergaatjie-reeks, Die: Bome, Plante,
Water, en Voëls deur Penelope Arden,
vertaal deur Daniel Hugo (Human &
Rousseau, 2007) – Lona Gericke
Net vir ouens deur Tiaan Wessels
(LAPA, 2006) – Lona Gericke
Trompie die dromer deur Topsy Smith
(Human & Rousseau, 2007)
Trompie die speurder deur Topsy
Smith (Human & Rousseau, 2007) –
Lona Gericke
Saartjie se nuwe maat deur Betti
Naude (Human & Rousseau, 2007)
Saartjie se slim plan deur Bettie Naude
(Human & Rousseau, 2007) – Lona
UTshepo mde / Tall Enough by Mhlobo
Jadezweni, illustrated by Hannah
Morris (Vuvu Books, Electric Book
Works, Cape Town, 2007) – Robin
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