9th Grade Integrated/Coordinated Science - Alliance Gertz




Grade Integrated/Coordinated Science

Ms. Strom, Room 117


Welcome to 9 th grade integrated science! I am pleased to have the opportunity to work with you this year as an instructor, mentor, motivator, and believer in your ability to excel in this class and beyond. I am committed to your success and will do all that I can to help you achieve.

However, it is important to remember that YOU are ultimately responsible for your learning. I have confidence in your abilities, and I expect nothing less than your best. There will be no excuses for not working to excel in this class.

Course Description

We are all scientists. We all observe, question, investigate, and discover things about the world surrounding us. Science is the most natural of all disciplines because it allows us to answer questions about the world we live in. Most of these questions about our world, however, cannot be fully answered with just one branch of science. In this class, we will explore the four major disciplines within science —Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, and Biology—and the ways in which they overlap, or integrate.

This knowledge will allow you to understand many natural phenomena and will serve as a foundation for a future of scientific study. The material will also allow us to learn and practice the skills that will make us effective problem solvers, researchers, and thinkers so that we may approach any challenge with confidence and purpose.

This class was designed to teach the California state standards for Integrated

Coordinated Science (ICS). At the end of the year, all students will be required to take the

California Standards Test (CST) that covers all of these standards. The standards will be grouped into units that will be the basis of instruction and grading. Units are listed below.

1 st Semester 2 nd Semester

1. Atomic Theory and the Periodic Table

2. Chemical Bonds

3. Electricity and Magnetism

4. Waves

5. Plate Tectonics and CA Geology

1. Biogeochemical Cycles

2. Ecology

3. Evolution

4. CST Preparation

5. Special Interest Topics: TBD


We will have 2 quantitative (number based) goals for the year. Every class will aim for the following:

1. A class average of 80% on ALL exams

2. An average of proficient on the end of year CST exam

Although numerical goals are important, it is also necessary to set qualitative goals for the class because we will make significant gains in areas that cannot be directly measured by test scores. These skills and understandings will stay with you longer than the grades from this course, and thus are just as important. During our year long progress towards understanding all concepts and standards, it is my goal that you also develop the following:

1. A more complete understanding of the world and universe

2. More advanced critical thinking skills

3. Improved reading and math skills

4. Readiness for future science courses

**I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus as necessary. You will be notified of any changes.


There are two expectations for this classroom:

1. Be RESPECTFUL of others, yourself, and your school. Respecting others includes everyone at this school: students, teachers, administrators, office staff, parents, etc.

Respecting yourself means you will not act or speak in a way that degrades your integrity. Respecting your school means you will treat materials, facilities, and technology well and use them properly. I will follow this rule by always respecting you, your opinions, and your property; I expect the same in return.

2. Take RESPONSIBILITY for your own success.

If you have questions, are struggling, or need support, YOU must seek out help. I will always do my best to help you, but I cannot do things for you.

These expectations are simple, straight-forward, and set in place so that ALL students in this classroom may get the most out of their education. Violations WILL NOT be tolerated.

Grading Policy

100% of your grade in this class will be come from standards-based assessments.

These assessments will come in the form of exams, quizzes, lab work, and projects. All exams will be cumulative, and quizzes will be given weekly. These categories will be weighted as follows:

Exams: 60%

Projects and Labs: 25%

Quizzes: 15%

As mentioned above, all grades will come from your performance on standards-based assessments. This system ensures that you will be graded on how well you have learned and are able to show understanding of each standard. You will be given a grade based on your percentage on, and thus understanding of, the standards-based content according to the following scale (standard for GRHS):

Letter Grade




90% -- 100%

80% -- 89%






Required Materials

70% -- 79%


– 69%


Below Basic

The following materials must be here no later than Tuesday, September 8. You must bring them EVERY day.

3 ring binder (1½” -3”)

Loose leaf paper

Pen or pencil

Dividers for binder (recommended)

Extra Help

I am willing to offer help outside of class whenever necessary. I will hold office hours one day per week; the day will be determined after sports schedules have been set. If you cannot make office hours, you should meet with me to set up an alternative time. You can contact me outside of school via email. My email address is elizabeth.strom@gmail.com.

**I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus as necessary. You will be notified of any changes.
