Ministry of Tourism and Culture Tourism Policy and Development

Convention Development Fund
Fiscal Year 2011 – 12
Ministry of Tourism and Culture
Tourism Policy and Development Division
Investment and Development Office
Hearst Block, 9th Floor
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
Please consult the Application Guide before completing the Application form.
Applicants must use the Application form to submit their applications. Fill out all sections of the Application form and review it to ensure that
you have answered all questions as asked, and incorporated all requirements.
The Application form, duly completed and verified by an authorized official of your organization, constitutes proof of your acknowledgment
and acceptance of the Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and the Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting
Requirements. Applications which do not meet all the Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and Acknowledgement, Oversight
and Reporting Requirements will not be considered.
In an attempt to move towards a paperless program, the authorization check box will replace the signature component in the application,
enabling applicants to submit applications by email. If your application is successful, an authorized Signing Officer must sign the Ontario
Funding Agreement.
Applications must be submitted by a Regional Tourism Organization or Destination Marketing Organization as the lead applicant.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their application via email. Applications will also be accepted by mail/courier or in person.
Applicants submitting an electronic application by email
Applicants must include an electronic application and, completed and signed agreements between all parties involved in the
Convention Development Fund (CDF).
The electronic submission must be emailed to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture at by 5:00 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time), November 1, 2011.
Applicants submitting a paper copy by mail/courier or in person
Applicants choosing to submit applications by mail/courier or in-person must submit one original hardcopy and an electronic
version in Microsoft Word on CD or USB flash drive to the following address:
Ministry of Tourism and Culture
c/o Convention Development Fund
Investment & Development Office
900 Bay Street, 9th Floor, Hearst Block
Toronto ON M7A 2E1
Mailed or couriered applications must be postmarked no later than November 1, 2011.
Applications submitted in person must be received at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture by 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time),
November 1, 2011.
Applications postmarked after the deadline or applications received by facsimile will not be accepted.
Submission Check List
A duly completed and signed Application form.
A 2011 business plan and/or annual reports for the past two years from a CDF Partner providing a marketing strategy for attracting
conventions to your city.
Evidence of past advertisements in at least two international meetings and conventions association publications or websites from a
CDF Partner.
A 2011 marketing budget from a CDF Partner dedicated to the international and national convention segment.
A list of international and national conventions secured over the past two years from a CDF partner. (The list must include convention
dates, number of delegates, peak room nights and economic impact ($)).
Completed and signed agreements between all parties involved in the Convention Development Fund.
Successful applicants must sign a standard Ontario Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
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© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2011
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Section 1: Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting
Using the checkboxes below, indicate your acknowledgment and acceptance of the Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and
Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting Requirements.
Eligibility Requirements
On behalf of and with the authority of the applicant, I/we certify that the convention(s) being proposed for funding:
takes place in the Province of Ontario;
is a new international or national convention.
Mandatory Requirements
On behalf of and with the authority of the applicant, I/we certify that:
Applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of
All of the proposed expenses will be incurred for the new international and national conventions and none of the proposed expenses
will be used for recurring costs for local, provincial and already-secured conventions.
Applicant has at least $2 million commercial general liability insurance coverage.
Agreements between all parties involved in the Convention Development Fund have been completed and signed.
Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting Requirements
If successful in obtaining funding through the 2011-12 Convention Development Fund, the applicant will:
report back in writing to the ministry upon completion of a grant agreement, on the use of transfer funds, service deliverables and
outcomes achieved;
permit the Province to verify/audit information submitted (at the discretion of the Province) to ensure that it is complete and accurate,
and that funds were used for purpose(s) intended;
agree that if the funds were not used/will not be used for the intended purpose(s), specified services were not delivered, or intended
outcomes were not achieved, the Province has the right at a future date to recover the funds transferred;
obtain the ministry’s approval for any change to the use of funds through the Convention Development Fund;
in accordance with the funding agreement, acknowledge Ontario’s support for the project.
Section 2: Lead Applicant Identification
Regional Tourism Organization or Destination Marketing Organization Information
Regional Tourism Organization or Destination Marketing Organization Name
Unit No.
Street No.
Corporate Registration Number (if applicable)
Street Name
PO Box
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Postal Code
Email Address
Organization Website
Is your organization and/or a CDF Partner a member of at least two professionally recognized convention industry organizations?
If “Yes”, specify
► 1.
Has your organization and/or any CDF partner received Convention Development funding in the past?
Contact Person Information
Last Name
First Name
Unit No.
Street No.
Street Name
PO Box
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email Address
In which official language do you prefer to communicate?
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Postal Code
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Section 3: Partnership Details
List below the confirmed partners for the purpose of contributing financially to the fund, making decisions on the use of the fund, and
managing the fund. List below each confirmed partner’s respective financial contribution. If in-kind contributions are involved, indicate the
value of in-kind contributions provided. Please submit a separate list if more space is required.
Partners (list)
Regional Tourism Organization:
Destination Marketing Organization:
Convention Centre:
Total Contributions: 
Section 4: Conventions Description
Describe below the conventions you propose to bid on using the Convention Development Fund, including:
Description - an overview of the conventions being proposed, and indicate if they are international and/or national in scope.
Critical path - a schedule of key dates for bidding on, securing, hosting and completing the tentative conventions.
Performance Measures and Estimated Economic Impact - number of international/national/Ontario delegates travelling less
than 40 km (local delegates) and Ontario delegates travelling more than 40 km but less than 640 km (non-local delegates),
estimated peak room nights, estimated increase in tourism spending ($), impact of spousal programs (if applicable), and the
estimated economic impact of the tentative conventions ($).
Please attach any additional information that you feel will support the application, such as:
Analysis - of the benefits to the parties involved in hosting the tentative conventions.
Organizational capacity - your organization and/or CDF Partners’ history of attracting new international and national
conventions, relevant staff experience in managing city-wide international and national conventions.
Marketing or promotion plan - how the marketing plan for your tentative conventions will generate positive media exposure
for the Province of Ontario, target markets, anticipated provincial, national, U.S. and international media reach, in-kind or
sponsored publicity.
Please submit attachments if more space is required. Include methodology and calculations for the estimated economic impact of the
tentative conventions.
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Section 5: Funding Request
List below the conventions being proposed for funding. Ministry will cost-share up to 50% of total eligible project costs, to a maximum of $250,000 per convention.
Please submit a separate list outlining the eligible costs for each of the convention targets listed. Any additional information to be made available upon the Ministry’s request.
Convention(s) Targets
Event Start
Economic Impact
Eligible Costs
CDF Funding
(50% of Eligible
Total CDF Funding Request: 
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Section 6: Contact Information of Person in Applicant Organization Authorized to Sign Legal Agreement
Applicants are expected to be compliant with the Ontario Human Rights Code and all other applicable laws. The Ontario Human Rights
Code provides for equal treatment in the areas of services, goods, facilities, accommodation, contract and employment without
discrimination on the grounds of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability,
age, family status, marital status, the receipt of public assistance (in accommodation only), and record of offences (in employment only).
Failure to comply with the letter and spirit of the Ontario Human Rights Code will render the application ineligible for a grant, and in the event
a grant is made, liable to repay the grant in its entirety at the request of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
2011-12 Convention Development Fund grant recipients should be aware that the Province is bound by the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F. 31, as amended from time to time, and that any information provided to the Province in
connection with their 2011-12 Convention Development Fund application may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the requirements
of that Act. Please note: If applicant is successful, the Signing Officer must sign the Ontario Funding Agreement.
Authorized Signing Officer Information
Last Name
First Name
Unit No.
Street No.
Street Name
PO Box
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Postal Code
Email Address
I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true, correct and complete.
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