La Salle University

La Salle University
MUS 150 Art of Listening
Final Exam Answer Sheet
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II. True or False. For each statement, indicate if it is true or false. *BONUS - change each false
statement to make it read true.
76. ______The most common meter you will encounter in music is four.
77. _____ "Art" music that centers around a key is said to be from the "Common Practice" period.
78. ______ The Common Practice Period was from 1700-1800.
79. _____ The term absolute music refers to a piece of music with a story.
80. _____ The Recapitulation generally does not change key, but remains in the home key.
81. _____ A symphony is a multi-movement work for orchestra with a solo instrument.
82. _____ All "twelve-tone "music is atonal.
83. _____ All atonal music is "twelve-tone ".
84. _____ A "classic" sensibility stresses an awareness of form and balance.
85. _____ The Exposition is the first time you will hear Theme 2 in the home key.
86. _____ The end of the Common Practice Period is marked by an adherence to key.
87. _____ Any work that is in sonata allegro form is automatically the first movement.
88. _____ The first movement of most all works from the Classical period is in sonata allegro form.
89. _____ It is generally unacceptable to applaud between movements of a composition.
90. _____ The art music of the twentieth century is characterized by a strengthening of tonality, reinforcing
a central "key", and following all rules of the “Common Practice Period”.
91. _____ The start of the Development section occurs when the music runs out of steam, and we hear the
home key and theme 1 again.
92. _____ The Italian term "bel canto" probably refers to instrumental program music.
93. _____ A cadenza is a multi-movement work for orchestra with a solo instrument.
94. _____ The term program music refers to a piece of music with a story.
95. ____ The texture of a musical work will always remain constant all the way through.
96. ____ A cadenza is usually found in a concerto.
97. ____ Polyphonic texture, by its definition, contains harmony.
98. ____ When you hear a piece of music, timbre might not necessarily be present.
99. ____ An opera is a multi-movement work for orchestra with an instrumental soloist.
100. ___ Art music that centers around a key is said to be from the "Common Practice" period.
*Bonus: Please feel free to add an extra page to answer these questions if you need more room!
For each question, provide as much detail as you are able. Each correct “point” you make in your
discussion will result in an extra credit “point” being applied to your final grade. Feel free to make your
answers in essay or list form.
Follow the example that compares the plot of The Wizard of Oz to Sonata Allegro form. Use examples
from the drama, and give the structural names from the form.
Additional bonus: Follow the same example, but use a different dramatic work of your choosing.
Describe the organization and order of the movements of a symphony and a concerto (how many, speed
What does the composition 4'33" mean to you?
List the 3 Bs of music.
Describe how the elements of music are most commonly used in everyday popular music
Please submit the last two pages (completed) to me by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 6. Be sure your name is on
the first answer sheet! Thanks for a great semester! Best of luck for the remainder of your academic