Human Body Systems Lesson Plan (Carter)

The 5 E’s Lesson Plan Template
Name: Anna Carter
South Carolina
Standards- include the
full standard not just
Date: 10/15/12 Lesson Name: Anna Carter
Standard 7-3:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the functions and
interconnections of the major human body systems, including the breakdown in structure or
function that disease causes. (Life Science)
7-3.3 Summarize the relationships of the major body systems (including the circulatory,
respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems).
The Central Ideawhat is the central idea
you want the students to
take away from this lesson
Students will be able to describe how the human body systems works together in order
for the body to function normally and maintain their daily lifestyle.
Engage- a way to
1. Hold up an apple in front of the class
2. Ask them what body parts would I use to cut and eat this apple.
connect past and present/
assess prior knowledge
through discrepant event,
intriguing question, acting
out a problematic
situation, etc.
1. Have students discuss in small groups the body parts that work together when cutting,
biting, chewing, swallowing, and digesting the apple.
2. Create a chart on the board to record students’ ideas.
Expected Outcome:
Students will list parts of the body we use to cut, bite, chew, swallow, and digest the apple.
Explain that many body systems work together and function as a system rather than
individual units. When you cut and eat an apple, it takes multiple systems working together.
Explore- students have
the opportunity to get
directly involved with
phenomena and materials
and develop an experience
with the phenomenon.
The teacher acts as a
facilitator providing
materials, etc.
Activity: Power through our Human Systems
Introduction: You will join a team of scientists to become an expert on one human body
system. You will be learning about the functions, systems, and proper care of the human
body. At the conclusion of this activity, you will learn the diseases that affect the human
body and how your body fights disease. You will explore the digestive, respiratory, and
circulatory system. You will learn how the skeletal and muscular system interact with each
other. You will also explore the nervous system and endocrine system. As you learn about
the system you are assigned, you will examine the need for proper nutrition and exercise.
Finally, you will discover the function of food and the impact of stress upon the body
functions. Have fun taking your virtual tour through the body. Sit back and enjoy the trip!
You will begin your power through the human systems by doing the following:
1. Each lab group will be assigned a human system and a job.
2. First read about the role and function of the human system using web sites,
and your textbooks. Then use your notes guide to take notes on what you read.
3. Each person that has the same human system is assigned one
of the following jobs:
A. Doctor- research a human system that you are assigned focusing on one disease that
affects the human system
B. Physical Trainer-you will concentrate on the human system that is assigned to you.
You will find exercises that affect the human system
C. Dietitian-You will research the foods that will increase the health of the human
D. Graphic Designer-you will find graphics and images, with a graph, or diagram about
your assigned system followed by a description about your graphic.
E. Integrator-you will explain how the system you are researching relates to the other
4. Finally, each human system team will present their human system orally to the class with
a poster or power point or some other representation.
Explain- the learner
begins to put the abstract
experience through which
she/he has gone through
into a communicable
form. This is where the
teacher can further assess
misconceptions of
Students should use the information presented by the group presentations and write a one
page summary explaining how the systems of the body work together.
Elaborate- the
Question Students and Lead Discussion
students expand on the
concepts they have
learned, make
connections to other
related concepts, and
apply their
understandings to the
world around them.
Evaluate- an on-going
diagnostic process that
allows the teacher to
determine if the learner
has attained
understanding of concepts
and knowledge.
Evaluation and
assessment can occur at
all points along the
continuum of the
instructional process.
Challenge students to explain how the skeletal system may be affected if it did not function properly
and the body couldn’t maintain homeostasis.
Which two main body systems work together to allow a body to move? What would happen if one of
these systems were damaged and the body could not maintain homeostasis?
The students will be assessed on the completion of the information included in the lab station
research and presentation. The one page paper will be graded formatively with feedback in order to
assess if students are grasping the concept that human body systems work together. Students will
also be assessed through questioning throughout the lesson and after to assure understanding.
Students will also be assessed on their ability to critically think and work collaboratively.
Adapted from: tp://