Archive of Rebecca's emails about WSBC to members Emails are

Archive of Rebecca's emails about WSBC to members
Emails are sorted by dates in descending order.
Message to Vancouver Island members, Mar 19, 2014
Please sign up for the in-person town hall meeting on April 1st from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.
I’m very sorry to say that due to the wifi limitations of the venue, we are unable to broadcast the meeting through our
live webstream.
If you can’t make it, watch the presentation we recorded at the Mar 7th session then email me your questions. And
here is the PowerPoint.
Please also vote for your VI President, Patrick Jadan, to be your man in Ottawa. Patrick is running for a CPA Board
Director position. You received an email yesterday with the election information and link; you’ll get CPA reminders
too, and I’m urging you respond to the call to vote, then put your X for Patrick so we have a PABC voice nationally.
You’ll see on Patrick’s election statement that his focus is on advocating the value of physiotherapy, easing member
access to practice resources, and retaining new grad membership. Go Patrick Go.
Click here for contact information and details on the 2014 Board Elections.
Message to Okanagan members, Mar 19, 2014
Please sign up for the in-person town hall meeting on April 1st 5:30pm - 7:30pm.
I’m very sorry to say that due to the wifi limitations of the venue, we are unable to broadcast the meeting through our
live webstream.
If you can’t make it, watch the presentation we recorded at the Mar 7th session then email me your questions. And
here is the PowerPoint.
Message to all members, Mar 18, 2014
Greetings Members,
Yet more resources to help you navigate through the new WSBC agreement; I hope you aren’t wearying of my
missives {;o).
But before the 3 new WSBC items, an urgent word about student placements. Sue Murphy, UBC-PT Assoc
Department Head released an alert this morning about the crisis in student placements for the summer blocks for
MPT2 students; 90 more spots are needed for June 9 – July 11 and August 25 – September 26 periods. Please
let Sue know you’ll take on a 5-week stint with a future physio
Now to the WorkSafe model supports:
1) Q&A blog: for your questions about the actual model and managing it clinically, Jamie MacGregor has started a
discussion blog on our Virtual Forum. Go here for answers on “how do I make the switch from fee-for-service to the
block treatment model?” We’ll also be holding a Q&A at the Physio Forum (April 26).
2) Recording of “How-To RFQ” webinar WSBC held on Thursday now available here. I attended and think you’ll find
this really helpful as you step through the application; fill it out while watching and save yourself some time.
3) Letter from your President, Jason Coolen:
Dear Members,
As your President, I want you to know that PABC has negotiated the WorkSafe contract
with the best interests of your practice and our profession at heart. Our volunteer negotiating team
has put in some long hours over a 2-year period to achieve our goals of fair compensation for the
highest quality care of injured workers. Worksafe has acknowledged that physiotherapists are their
top rehab providers, and I know you all take great pride in providing the best care possible. PABC’s
Board of Directors believe this contract will allow our members to maintain and strengthen this
We also understand and acknowledge that all things new bring change and that change
brings a host of emotions including fear and excitement. Our PABC staff and volunteer leaders, led
by our CEO, RBT, have been working hard to address all of you concerns regarding the contract
and its new service and fee model. Among emails, web postings, town halls, phone calls, meetings,
and webinars they have been working tirelessly on your behalf.
There have been rewards; there have been challenges. One of the challenges has been
WorkSafe’s contracting process through the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). I want to make clear
that PABC does not approve of the RFQ. It was not negotiated with WorkSafe; in fact, we opposed
it in negotiations. Yet, we are providing you all the support that is possible; your PABC executive
have been in constant contact with our WSBC counterparts and have successfully encouraged
them to reduce the RFQ requirements, extend the deadline, and provide you with how-to
In closing, we will continue to work tirelessly to support you through the RFQ submission
and more importantly through the implementation of the new contract for May 1, 2014. Should you
have any questions or concerns, please contact me, but send all
questions regarding the RFQ to Worksafe.
I hope this message finds you all in good health and I sincerely thank you all for your time
and support.
Jason Coolen, PABC President
Message to all members, Mar 12, 2014
Here is the registration link for the RFQ WEBINAR, THURSDAY MARCH 13 at 3pm. Register by 10pm tonight.
Dilemma: PABC opposes the RFQ process, but supports you to succeed in it. We’d like to sign the contract on your
behalf as we always have; with a $25m contract though, WSBC wants to hold members personally accountable. We
do appreciate that WSBC has made a number of conciliations on the RFQ process because of our advocating on
your behalf:
- Dropping the POP requirement
- Dropping the binding/tabbing requirement
- Providing a How-to guide (on the members’ site)
- Providing a How-to webinar (tomorrow)
- Providing Addendum Q&As
Watch Thursday’s info session here
Note: The video recording is a large file, please allow 5-15 minutes time to load/download before viewing. For optimal
sound and picture, download the video recording, rather than watch it online.
Register for the evening info in Victoria (April 1) and Kelowna (April 22) here, and also attend through livecast.
FYI: Here is a rough draft of PABC’s Press Release for April 1st to inform the province of the changes to the model.
Suggestions are welcome, please forward them to
Absolutely everything we've ever communicated on the agreement is on the PABC members' site.
Message to all members, Mar 10, 2014
Here is the recording we made of Thursday night’s info session on the new WSBC model:
Presenting were four physios: Jamie MacGregor & Bill MacDonald for PABC, and Gabi Jacobson & Karen Takai for
WSBC. They describe the model, fees, and reports. Click here for the PowerPoint.
We will be presenting in Victoria on April 1, and Kelowna on April 22 in the evenings, and are looking for a date for
Prince George later in April. At our Forum on April 26 we will have a Q&A following the wine & cheese.
Associates: I’m thrilled to tell you PABC got a big win regarding the RFQ. WorkSafe agreed to drop the requirement
for POP (personal optional protection). This means there is no additional cost of doing the contract for associates. In
addition, you no longer need to bind and tab your submission (see the Quick Guide I sent you on Friday, item 1.3
note). Just send an easy to read format.
Some other things to help you
- General Comprehensive Liability insurance (RFQ item 3.4.2) you do not need your own– say YES that your
organization (ie, clinic where you practice), is in compliance; you don’t need to have your own when you are covered
by the clinic.
- privacy protection information (RFQ items 3.5.2 & 3.6.1), you don’t need to create anything, just assure
WorkSafe that you are aware of the privacy protection information and have policies.
- WorkSafe agreed to our request (in addition to providing the Quick Guide) to do a webinar this Thursday at 3pm –
get your clinic manager to attend, and there will also be a recording. WorkSafe WEBINAR, THURSDAY MARCH 13,
3:00pm. They will post the registration link and further details later today at as Addendum #4.
Look for bid “To Provide Physiotherapy Services for WorkSafeBC Injured Workers”
For all the information PABC has provided to date on this agreement, login here.
Again, my apologies for the RFQ (which PABC has nothing to do with), but I’m grateful that WorkSafe has
heard our concerns and has acted to address what they can.
Message to all members, Mar 7, 2014
Some bad news and some good news
- Bad news: we didn’t convince WSBC to drop the RFQ
- Good News: WSBC did agreed to several of our suggestions:
--- extend deadline for submission to April 8
--- the POP insurance is no longer a requirement
--- WSBC will host a webinar on “How to fill out the RFQ” next Thursday (details to come)
--- WSBC has created a How to guide
--- New WSBC addendum from March 7 here
--- Read the March 7 WSBC addendum here
--- Read the March 7 WSBC addendum revision to Section III here
And while most members struggle with the time &/or effort of the RFQ, one benefit is that it is providing a
valuable review for owners and associates of their Independent Contractor status relative to CRA.
Yesterday’s info session: Huge apologies for the techno trouble that didn’t allow us to connect to you. We
recorded the session and will post it on Monday.
Here is the PowerPoint.
One theme that emerged is that members see the model as a positive one, but one that requires so different
an approach from fee-for-service that they need time to think it through. You’ll see on the recording that
PABC is creating a number of tools to help you at each step of the way.
Please enjoy your weekend, and please continue to provide me with any input you have.
Click here to find all WSBC updates and supporting documents, and my previous emails regarding
Message to all members, Mar 5 2014
Put your pens down. Today, I’ve discussed with WorkSafe the many challenges you are having with the
RFQ. We asked that the RFQ be cancelled. They will discuss it today, but cancelling doesn’t seem likely at
this point.
They have have agreed to PABC’s suggestion that they provide a sample of a completed RFQ and a stepby-step guide to explain what the questions are looking for. By the end of tomorrow, we’ll have that
support available to you.
I’m guessing it will save you many hours and will reduce the stress and worry of filling out the RFQ.
We also are happy to partner on a webinar to walk you through it, if you like. Please respond the poll
question below to let us know if you'd like to attend a webinar. If you cannot see the poll below, please
click here to let us know.
I want to reiterate that PABC had no part in the decision to put this out to an RFQ, and that the WorkSafe
healthcare folks imagined something less complex. The WorkSafe procurement team is now working to help
you get signed on to the contract.
WorkSafe acknowledges and thanks us for our support of our members and for helping them understand the
problems with the process; they intend to make significant improvements based on the lessons learned.
Please go to PABC’s members only site for all the support material.
Any questions you have about the RFQ please send to Matilda; they’d like to know what your challenges are, and want you to know that
there are no ramifications to your application if you’ve sought their clarification.
Message to all members, Mar 4 2014
1. Physio Forum, April 26
Register here. If you want to reconnect with peers, learn the emerging trends in practice, hear how Alex
McKechnie (Director of Sport Science for the Toronto Raptors) built his physio career on challenging elite
athletes like Shaq, hear the latest on exercise and the brain, and what’s hot/not in exercise prescription.
Enjoy the co-hosts AGMs (CPTBC, PABC) and visit the UBC lounge to chat with human books, learn the
latest physio apps, and judge the posters. Food, fun, wine, cheese, and the Trade Show round it out. Space
is limited; registration closes April 5. The Forum will be live-webcast so you can watch from home too.
Buy those girlz a coffee! Erin Gagne and Regan Daoust were the first to sign up, from Prince George no
less, at 8am this morning! We are sending them a Timmy’s card in the mail {;o)
2. WorkSafe Contract Support
Your questions and concerns continue to flow this way, and our response flows right back. We have our Part
2 Q&A (click here), and WorkSafe has their second Addendum to their RFQ that answers your questions
about the process
Any questions for Matilda at WorkSafe about the RFQ are toll free now: 1-844-276-3344.
We are doing town hall meetings to explain the contract and why we think it is a good thing for you and the
Thursday, March 6. Burnaby, 5:30-7:30pm PST: Register here
Monday, March 24 in Kelowna
Tuesday, April 1 in Victoria
Prince George will be mid-April.
Watch for deets on all these with registration link and location.
The Business Affairs Committee met on Friday and discussed at length all the resources we will be offering
you for the implementation of the agreement. First, let’s get you through the RFQ, then we’ll focus on clinic
administration and clinical tips.
For all WSBC updates and documents, click here.
3. Free Webinars
a. See what your peers have been up to on the C-Spine task force –their magnum opus is about to be
launched. Register here for the webinar on March 11 at 7:30 Register here.
b. Missed the free webinar last month by John Nieuwenburg, a business coach? Watch it here.
In one hour, you will learn how to:
- acquire customers when you test and measure
- stop using your “rear-view mirror and start using your windshield” to manage your business
- reverse engineer the number of prospects needed to reach your Revenue/Profit goals!
- create your Tactical Marketing Plan to support those Revenue/Profit Goals
as well as learning the 4 Keys and the 7 Elements to multiplying business profits
4. A word from our sponsor - Clinicmaster, a valuable partner
Clinicmaster has shown to be stronger than ever and is expanding its presence with newly hired BC staff.
With a 96% retention rate, having 70% of new clients coming from referrals, repeating sponsor title at the
PABC Forum year after year.
Highly engaged in working closely with BC clinics, Clinicmaster’s mission remains, even after 13 years, in
helping clinics improve their efficiency and profitability. Clinicmaster goes beyond continuously improving
the software, but extends their engagement in providing accompaniment to clinics on various topics, from
Worksafe BC contract awarding coaching to how to setup for archiving files and being compliant with the
Please read in the upcoming PABC’s Spring Directions newsletter (early May), more details on best
practices shared in clinics with management systems, and drop by our booth at the Physio Forum tradeshow
on April 26.
Message to all members, Feb 27
This is a long missive FILLED with important info and resources for the new agreement with WorkSafe. It
1. Extension of RFQ deadline to March 20th at 2pm PST
2. Recording of last Friday’s session at WorkSafe
3. RFQ Q&A Addendum
4. Thursday, March 6 info session
5. PABC support for members completing the RFQ
6. Think-tank for your clinic managers
1. RFQ deadline
We heard from you that the RFQ is daunting and time is too short. Thanks go to Marc Rizzardo (Chair of
PABC’s Fee Negotiation) for advocating an extension on the RFQ; WorkSafe responded immediately and
announced a new deadline of March 20th and a commitment to flexibility if members find the date too
difficult to meet.
We have also heard from members who have completed the RFQ and found that it takes about 2-4 hours; to
shorten that timeline, we are providing a number of resources – see #5 below.
WorkSafe has reiterated that “Physiotherapists play a key role in assisting Injured Workers in returning to
work, and therefore the RFQ is not a competitive process - all Physiotherapists who wish to treat Injured
Workers will be able to do so. We also have no intention of limiting the size of the Physiotherapy network or
of not continuing to receive RFQs and issue contracts to eligible Physiotherapists once the initial RFQ
2. Recording of WSBC info session from Feb 21
Click here for the recording.
Every speaker except Matilda (procurement – RFQ) is a physio. The 2-hr recording starts with info on the
contract for an hour, followed by the RFQ info; you will find the attached 24 questions answered to be of
seminal import, many of which clarify questions that arose in the RFQ session.
3. RFQ Q&A Addendum
These 24 RFQ questions are NOT the same as the Q&A I sent you on Tuesday (that was all the questions
you’ve asked PABC about the contract). Please read! Most of the questions you are asking are answered
here. Keep asking, they’ll keep updating you with answers!
WSBC wants you to know that, because the RFQ session lacked clarity: “For those of you who attended the
information session on Friday, either in person or online, we hope that it is has provided some useful
information on the new model and RFQ process. However, it has been brought to our attention that some
significant concerns and questions remain in regards to completing and submitting a response to the RFQ.”
WSBC promises henceforth that you will receive a response within 1-2 business days to any RFQ
questions. These questions and answers will also be compiled into an addendum that will be posted for
future reference so that all interested Physiotherapists will have access to the same information. We want to
be able to provide you with as much assistance as possible.”
If you don’t get the response you need, let me know
4. Info Session on March 6
Our session will cover the model in more detail, offer tips for the RFQ, and suggest implementation ideas for
your clinic. Your clinic manager is welcome to attend and pick up on the administration part of our discussion
and allow you to focus on the treatment model. Attend in-person, by live webcast, or watch the recording
(available the following week, it will be posted on the PABC website, and emailed to all members).
Register Here: for in-person or for live webcast
5. Material for your consideration on our website
Thanks go to Bill MacDonald (Golden Ears Physiotherapy and member of our Fee Negotiations team) for
creating the “RFQ 101: An Easy-Peasy Guide” that walks you through each part of the RFQ process!
We are also providing the following materials to help with your RFQ application:
Created by PABC
- Confidentiality agreement between clinic and service providers
- PIPA explained for physiotherapists
- Privacy breach checklist
- Privacy brochure for patients
- Privacy policy for clinics - sample
- Privacy policy for patient information
- Privacy statement - sample
- Q&A document about the new agreement (Feb 25)
- RFQ 101: An Easy-Peasy Guide to completing the form
Issued by WSBC
- FIPPA fact sheet
- Privacy statement
- RFQ Information Session recording (Feb 21)
- RFQ Q&A addendum (Feb 26)
6. Think-tank for your clinic managers?
Would your clinic manager like to work with me on ironing out some of the bumps along the way, and offer
tips to clinics as helpful information is found? Let me know.
And a final word for today. We are focusing today on the RFQ. Tomorrow we focus on the model roll-out and
what it means to you. The Business Affairs committee is meeting tomorrow to discuss further tools (how to
talk to employers, how to pay associates, what’s involved in the RTW planning, what’s on the report forms,
what is expected in the functional assessment, and more).
Watch for a missive on Monday. Thanks for your patience, and please know that PABC’s fee negotiation
team has worked relentlessly in your interests. We believe the new model and the fee will be better than the
current approach, and that at the end of the year we’ll see that this pain was worth it. Thanks to Jamie
MacGregor for his tireless attention, and to Marc Rizzardo, Bill MacDonald and Perry Strauss for negotiating
with vision and integrity. We also thank the WSBC’s Gabi and Karen who get it and are working in
partnership with us.
Message to Vancouver members, Feb 25
Next Thursday, March 6, PABC & WorkSafe are co-hosting a town hall meeting that we’ll live
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Fortius, 3713 Kensington Ave, Burnaby
Register Here: for in-person or live webcast
Deadline for Registration: March 4th; the session will be cancelled if fewer than 20 are registered by the
Presenters: Physiotherapists from PABC - Jamie MacGregor & Bill MacDonald, and from WorkSafe Gabrielle Jacobson & Karen Takai will talk in detail about the new treatment model, the fees, and the
logistics. All your questions will be answered.
We will live-webcast it and will also record it for those who can’t make it in real time in person or virtually.
We have fielded hundreds of questions. Click here for our Q&A document on the treatment model that we
will continue to develop as more questions arise.
We will also be providing some suggestions to help you navigate the RFQ, so watch for that at the end of
the week. We recognize that it appears to be complex and that Friday’s session did not answer all the
This morning, we asked our partners in healthcare at WorkSafe to simplify the process. I have just received
their response: “we are committed to helping physios complete this process. We want every physio who
wants to provide service to injured workers to be able to do so.” They have extended the RFQ deadline by
one week, and will provide some “plain language” messaging on the RFQ, as well as an addendum with
answers to your RFQ questions. This is a great example of our members sharing concerns with us so that
we can discuss them with WorkSafe in order to improve things; thanks WorkSafe.
NOTE for clinic owners and independent contractors.
PABC recommends that independent contractor associates sign their own agreement. If you are an
independent contractor or a clinic owner whose associate is an independent contractor, you must consider
the risk of being deemed employee/employer if you sub-contract in this agreement. We believe that such a
sub-contracting arrangement jeopardizes one of the CRA pillars for independent contractor:
Control, degree of autonomy (this is the pillar that exposes you in this contract since it puts the
clinic owner in the position of control)
Tools and Equipment
Financial risk
Responsibility for investment and management
Opportunity for profit
By having clinics sign the contract and sub-contract to independent contractor associates, the
relationship looks like employer/employee.
See our Autumn 2013 Directions article pg 20 for the tenets of being an independent contractor
And a note about ICBC - You will now be paid for some phone calls:
If you are contacted for functional status and progress regarding an ICBC client involved in a
multidisciplinary pilot project, take note that you are able to bill ICBC for this $46 (if you offer information
such as that on a CL20) as per Linda Calbick at ICBC. This fee is not billable through Teleplan and would
need to be faxed, mailed or emailed
Message to Vancouver Island members, Feb 20
We are doing town hall meetings in key locations throughout BC with WorkSafe to explain the new model
and answer questions. We thought to give Nanaimo and Victoria sessions, but wonder if we can present just
one instead of two?
Given that Jamie MacGregor our Liaison is also a busy clinic owner with a full caseload, and that both our
WorkSafe healthcare partners (Gabi Jacobson and Karen Takai, both physios by the way) have tight
schedules over the next month, we wonder if the whole island would come to a session in Victoria? We’ll be
live-casting it too so everyone has access from home.
Yes for one session?
Thanks to Tanja Yardley for serving as your regional Director of the PABC Board for the past 5 years; Tanja
is stepping down before the end of her third 2-year term. Prior to Tanja offering her leadership to the Board,
she was on our Business Affairs Committee where she also served as chair. Her time as a PABC volunteer
is marked by a legacy of the Private Practice Toolkit (on the members’ site), and the Value of Physiotherapy
stakeholder documents. We are very grateful to Tanja for the enthusiastic and energetic dynamic she brings,
and the success she helped us reach.
At the Forum in April, Tanja will pass the mantle of VI leadership to another.Patrick Jadan, your VI
President, has agreed to complete her term and is also interested in committing an ongoing role. Thanks
The position is still open for other nominations however, and if you’d like to be the VI Director, let me know
asap and I’ll provide the nomination form and we’ll hold an election. Deadline for applications is February 28.
Should the position go uncontested, Patrick leaves open his position as VI President, and as committee
member on the Business Affairs Committee and Professional Development Advisory Committee. So he
leaves lost of room for others to develop leadership experience with PABC – lemmeno if you want to fill one.
Thanks for feedback on these items, and for any questions or concerns or great ideas you’d like to share
with me.
Message to all members, Feb 19
Greetings Members,
This is my 3rd in a series of weekly info missives about the new WorkSafe agreement, to keep you informed
as we develop Q&As, RFQ resources, and other resources to help you shift your injured-worker-practice to
the new model. For ongoing reference, these missives and Jamie MacGregor’s blog posts (with Q&As) are
on the Members Only site (login with your email & CPA number – keep logged in for perpetual easy access)
Business Matters > Insurers:
Today, 3 things:
Friday’s info session, in-person and web-based
Fee structure clarification
RFQ process questions
1. Friday’s info Session
Today is the last day to sign up for the session (Friday, Feb 21 3-5pm):,P=25311,C=25239,L=0
Attending by web-link? You need to register so that WorkSafe can email you on Friday morning a ‘Join the
Meeting’ invitation & connection instructions; the invite will be for registrants only and not to be shared with
others who have not registered (as this may cause technical problems).
The session WILL be recorded, so if you can’t join in-person or by web, you will be able to get all the info
soon after.
2. Fee structure
We’ve had many questions about the fees and a general misconception about how they work. PLEASE
consider the whole model, not just the Tx block. Here is the typical question, and our response:
Q: Is the fee schedule correct - if we treat an injured worker attended 3 times/week for the 6 week Tx block,
we will make less than what we are paid now?
A: When treating injured workers, we have never averaged 3 sessions/week over the claim. Stats over the
past decade show our average (combined Streams 1 & 2) is 13 SESSIONS. With NO CHANGES in our
current treatment pattern, and with the new funding for an assessment block and discharge report fee, we
will bill $790 for the claim.
Ax: up to 1 week, report, call to employer: $215
Tx: up to 6 weeks: $525
Discharge Report: $50
Total: $790
Over 13 sessions = $61/session, which is close to the provincial average market rate fee. In the block fee
model some will be better, some worse than this average fee, but over all your claims we assumewill hit an
average of $61/session.
However, the new model assumes a change due to our early access, no physician referral, our involvement
in return to work planning, and improved communication with claim owners. If our average private practice
client visit rate is 6-7 treatments, won’t the frequency for injured workers approach that average too, given
we have more control now on the claim? And the Standard treatment is the vast majority of what most
physios treat; for those who see a lot of complex and post-surgical workers, the numbers look different and
there are provisions for more frequent visits – and we’ll be monitoring with WSBC how this model works for
that population.
The Ax and discharge reports are forms we have developed with WSBC, and which we believe are fairly
compensated for the time and expertise required. WSBC will share them with you in due time.
3. RFQ Questions
We’ve had many questions about the RFQ process; the WSBC folks in “procurement” are responsible for
the process and have asked that all questions go directly to them. They are creating an addendum that they
will post for all to have equal access to. Questions to go to
We encourage all physios to sign up. The intent of this RFQ is to open the agreement to everyone; it is not a
competition. Follow the guidelines, refer to the Section IV Evaluation Process and Criteria (pg21 of 23), and
watch for my emails and our Members’ site for info we are at liberty to share:
We’ve created a Q&A based on the deluge of questions you’ve sent to us about the contract (not about the
RFQ). It will be posted on our member site.
Next week we’ll share highlights of the info session, info on billing software considerations, and other
Message to all members, from Feb 13 eblast:
The first of a few info sessions on the new physio agreement is on: Friday, February 21st at 3:00pm PST at
the WorkSafe Richmond office.
If you can make it, DO IT. This one will include info on the Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Can’t come in person? Join from home/office through Microsoft Linc and ask questions via the
messaging function
You must register whether you attend in-person or online; click here
It will NOT be recorded so please try to make it. Detailed notes will also be posted after the session
The session will be jointly presented by WorkSafe’s Quality Assurance Supervisor Karen Takai,
BScPT MSc, and by PABC’s Liaison Jamie MacGregor, BScPT CHT (Priest Valley Manual Therapy
Centre/Okanagan Hand Therapy)
They will describe the change from the current fee-for-service model to the new block funded model
that focuses on return to work
A representative will also answer provide info on the RFQ process
The RFQ launched yesterday; links here to apply for a contract, to register for the Feb 21 session, and to see
a Q&A sheet.
This BC Bid link offers a Word version. Click here to download (click Supplier Attachments,
then click the Word icon and choose Read Only)
The WorkSafe site is a pdf version. Click here to download
It is a lengthy document, but don’t be scared - most of it is explanation and helpful info, plus a
sample of the new contract and fee schedule. The application work for you is only a few pages; you are
asked for basic information about your clinic and practice. You can apply as a clinic or as and
independent contractor. Please be sure to read the agreement carefully; don’t just skip to the fee
schedule. They go hand-in-hand, and to excel in this new landscape you must understand the model
RFQ deadline is March 13, so give yourself several hours to read the document fill out the form
before then
If you have questions about the RFQ procedure, ask Matilda Groom, Procurement Analyst:
Phone 604-214-6707
Fax 604-276-3260
Also, check out the Q&A link on the RFQ page, click here
PABC endorses this agreement; we also stress that PABC is the co-designer in the new model; both physios
and WorkSafe were not happy with the current model so we created a best practice model that requires more
of you and a different focus of care; it also pays a more competitive rate.
What we like:
Immediate access
No physician referral
RTW involvement with call to employer and functional testing
Strong physio voice early and throughout return to work process
Block funding that enables you to treat as often as you want, while overall improving funding
Standard and post-surgical streams are clearly defined; fee “uplift” for complex conditions
We will provide more info on the model itself, and will co-present town hall meetings in your ‘hood over the
coming months. We will also be providing you with support and information as a steady diet for the coming
months {;o)
And a closing quote from our Business Affairs Committee chair, Perry Strauss BScPT, MHA:
“This model of an open-door to employers by PHYSIOs is an opportunity to move the profession
forward and further bridge the gap between healthcare and employment. Purposeful work is a
social determinant of health and we just increased our influence in this key area.”
If you have questions or concerns (after you read the agreement), ask us.
Message to all members, from Feb 7 eblast:
We’ve had some questions from you in response to my missive yesterday that I’d like to address in some
Q&As below.
First, we’d like to emphasize that this new Agreement is a landmark change to how we currently treat injured
workers. We are moving beyond a fee-for-service to a block model that gives physios more control over
treatment, direct access, and a new role in return-to-work. It is imperative that you learn all you can; we
commit to providing you all you need to know. Please mark February 21 as the tentative date for the first
info session held at WorkSafe in Richmond, late afternoon (in-person and web-cast).
The new agreement process starts with the Request for Qualifications (RFQ), and then specifics will roll out
from there and culminate in a launch early in May.
Q: What is the RFQ?
A: The RFQ is a document providing WSBC with basic info about your clinic/practice that assures you meet
the requirements to provide contracted services. In order to be able to treat WorkSafeBC Injured Workers
under the new Agreement you MUST submit a response to the RFQ to be considered for contract award.
Q: How much time do I have to submit the RFQ?
A: The RFQ period is currently schedule to begin the week of February 10th (next week) and close
approximately 4 weeks later. Following this period, submissions will be reviewed, and successful
respondents will be awarded a Physiotherapy Services Agreement.
Q: How do I respond to the RFQ?
A: Next week, WorkSafeBC will post the RFQ document that outlines the process required to qualify for a
Physiotherapy contract, on the following 2 websites:
Q: What help will be available to me?
A: WSBC will post a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on both their site and PABC site that will answer
most questions you have in regards to the changes to the Physiotherapy contract as well as the RFQ
Process. WSBC and PABC contacts will answer any questions and continue to add to the FAQ.2
Q: Will there be an in-person info session on the new Agreement?
A: Yes, there will be several held throughout the province co-hosted by WSBC and PABC, with a webcast
option for those not able to attend in person. The first RFQ Information Session is currently scheduled to be
held on/around February 21 in Richmond. An invitation to this event will be sent out next week.
PABC recognizes the hundreds of volunteer hours by our Fee Negotiation Team: Marc Rizzardo (chair),
Perry Strauss, and Bill MacDonald; and by our WSBC Liaison Jamie MacGregor. We thank them for having
represented your interests in this new model that they believe meets the interests of the worker and of
Thanks also to the WorkSafeBC Team in Health Care Services: Andrew Montgomerie, Director of Financial
Services & Health Care Programs; Gabrielle Jacobson, Program Manager; Karen Takai, Quality Assurance;
as well as Dave Florkowski, past Program Manager.
Message to all members, Feb 6:
The negotiations for a new Worksafe agreement have just been completed, and we are now in
implementation planning for a launch date of early May. That may seem soon, but we’ve been trying to keep
you updated over the past eight months through the newsletter and emails.
PABC has been in discussion with WorkSafeBC (WSBC) over the past few years regarding a model that will
better serve the worker, the physio and WSBC. The Liaison Committee (Jamie MacGregor for PABC)
agreed on the philosophy and essential structure of model by fall 2012, whereupon WorkSafe and PABC
began negotiating the agreement for a new model. The negotiations are complete, and the process is
beginning to provide you education about what it means for you and your practice.
WorkSafe is managing the contractual obligations as they did a few years ago, by having you sign the
agreement. To this end there will be a process for you to respond to a Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) which is open to everyone. This is NOT as complex or lengthy as an RFP, and we will help you with
any snags you may encounter. The process is open from Feb 10 - March 10. WorkSafe will provide you
details on February 10. You will receive a bulletin within the next 24 hours with more information.
Once everyone has submitted their RFQ, WorkSafe will review them and sign you up (if you qualify).
PABC and WorkSafe will hold a series of information sessions and provide online resources. This will be a
significant change to how you’ve been treating injured workers, and we are here to help you with the
transition to what we are endorsing as a best practice model that is better for the worker, for you and for
The first info session will be in a few weeks; we’ll provide you with details.
Login and visit the Insurers section for all updates on WSBC and more: