By Thomas M. Costa
Special thanks to Shawn Carmen, Ernie Halal, Joseph Charneskie, Keith Millar, Matt “Sliver,” Mike “Gamemaster1972,” Pat Tracy, Tommy
Brownell, and Steve Kunec.
and Giant Crow [Strength 6D, Agility 6D. Natural Weapons;
Aerial Combat. Claws +6, Enhanced Vision 6, Flight 6] forms
only) 12, Body Transformation (Lightning; Energy Form) 12,
Paralysis (Remove Paralysis; Limit: Eye Contact) 14, Regeneration
(Disease Remission, Healing, Purification only) 14, Telepathy
(Telelocation; Limit: With Captain America only) 14, Weather
Control (Fog Cloud only) 14. Equipment: Bow & Arrows +2, Knife
+2, Spear +3. Calling: Exemplar. * Jesse Black Crow has very
different statistics: Strength 3X, Agility 2D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 10. Construction. Equipment:
Wheelchair. Calling: Peace of Mind. Hindrance: Physically
Disabled (Unable to Walk). Note: Black Crow is the spirit of
Native America.
Aegis (Trey Rollins): Strength 5D, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Survival (NYC
Streets). Equipment: Aegis Breastplate (Body Armor +4, Energy
Reflection [Power Storage; Unique Trait: Surprise negates
contingent reflection action], Force Field [Force Bolt (Striking
distance only), Suffocation]) 12, CommLink. Calling: Protector.
Hindrance: Triggered Powerless (Loss of Aegis Breastplate).
Note: Aegis is a member of the New Warriors.
Bandit (Donyell Taylor): Strength 8D, Agility 7B, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Thievery. Power Theft 6.
Equipment: Wrist Crossbow +2, Taser (Energy Blast
[Electricity]) 8. Calling: Outcast. Note: Donyell is the jealous
half-brother of Night Thrasher.
Black Jack Tarr (Jack Tarr): Strength 8, Agility 6, Intellect,
Willpower, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling;
Marksmanship; Espionage; Military. The British Tarr is a
professional adventurer for hire, heading up Freelance
Restorations. Equipment: Firearms +4. Calling: Adventurer.
Bantam (Roberto Velasquez): Strength 14D, Agility 6D, Intellect
3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing; Fast Exit.
Regeneration 10, Resistance to Kinetics +3. Calling: Protector.
Hindrance: Frenzied. Note: Bantam is a lone hero. [by Second
Black Widow (Natalia “Natasha” Alianovna Romanova): Strength
6B, Agility 8A, Intellect 6C, Willpower 8A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4
(25). Boxing, Brawling, Stunning; Acrobatics, Marksmanship,
Martial Arts, Piloting; Criminology, Espionage; Leadership,
Manipulation, Military, Performance (Dance). Equipment:
CommLink, Suction Cup Gloves and Boots (Wall-Crawling) 8,
Widow’s Bite (Ensnarement, Stun Blast, Poison [Soporific; Poison
Gas only], Web-Slinging) 8, Disc-Charges (Energy Blast
[Explosion]) 8. Calling: Investigator.
Black Widow II (Yelena Belova): Strength 6B, Agility 8A,
Intellect 6D, Willpower 6C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Brawling, Stunning; Acrobatics, Demolitions, Marksmanship,
Martial Arts; Espionage; Military, Survival. Equipment: Firearms
+3 to +5, Widow’s Bite (Firing Weapon +3, Web-Slinging) 8
Calling: Soldier (Vengeance – Black Widow I). Note: Belova is a
Russian agent, who feels she must demonstrate she is a better
Widow then Romanova.
Battlestar (Lemar Hoskins): Strength 14B, Agility 6C, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Shields, Wrestling;
Acrobatics, Martial Arts; Military. Equipment: Body Armor +2,
Shield (Cannot be thrown) +4. Calling: Gloryhound, then Soldier.
Note: Battlestar is illiterate. He is the former partner of
USAgent and current employee of Silver Sable.
Black Cat (Felicia Hardy): Strength 5C, Agility 8A, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Health 17. Climbing, Jumping; Acrobatics,
Contingent Attack, Martial Arts, Thievery; Observation.
Equipment: Claws (Unique Trait: Claws also give a bonus to
Climbing) +2, Tightrope (Web-Slinging 8). Calling: Thrill-Seeker.
Note: Black Cat at one time had one of two sets of powers: (1)
Luck Control (Limits: Bad Luck only, Uncontrolled) 15, or (2)
Strength 8D, Agility 12A, Claws +3, and Enhanced Senses
(Infravision) 6. She may once again be exhibiting a variation on
Luck Control (Limit: Good Luck only, Uncontrolled) 15. Black Cat
is a former foe and love interest and current occasional ally of
Blue Shield (Joseph Cartelli): Strength 11C, Agility 8D, Intellect
4D, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Health 17. Boxing, Wrestling;
Acrobatics; Criminology; Law Enforcement. Force Field (Shield
from Cold, Gases, and Heat; Limit: Self only) 13, Lightning Speed
4. Calling: Protector. Note: Blue Shield is the head of security
for Project: Pegasus.
Project: Pegasus: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Black Crow (Jesse Black Crow*): Strength 12B, Agility 12C,
Intellect 6D, Willpower 14A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Knives,
Spears, Wrestling; Archery, Martial Arts; Occult (American
Indian); Meditation, Observation, Survival, Tracking. Animal
Form (Crow [Strength 1D, Agility 6D. Claws +1, Natural
Weapons; Aerial Combat. Claws +1, Enhanced Vision 6, Flight 6]
Bolt (Chris Bradley): Strength 4X, Agility 5X, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Trivia (Superheroes);
Survival. Electricity Control (Resistance to Electricity, Shock
Field) 13. Equipment: CommLink. Calling: Idealist. Hindrance:
Legacy Virus. Note: Bolt is the former ward of Maverick and
current New Warrior.
Note: Several of the entries in this roster reference new skills,
stunts, and powers found in a file also maintained by Thomas M.
Costa, as well as new rules found in The Reed Richards Guide to
Everything and site entries in A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Captain Ultra (Griffin Gogol): Strength 14D, Agility 11D, Intellect
4X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Hyper-Breath;
Construction (Plumbing); Performing (Comedy). Enhanced Senses
(Penetration Vision) 3, Flight 6, Phasing 6. Calling: Adventurer.
Note: All of Captain Ultra’s powers are somehow psionic in
nature, his “ultra-potential.” He has been cured of his
Hindrance: Phobic (Fire) by Doc Samson. Captain Ultra is lone
hero who patterns himself after the over-the-top heroes of TV.
Jameson’s secretary and linked romantically with Robertson’s
son Robbie Jr.
J. Jonah Jameson: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 5B, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Journalism; Finance,
Observation, Writing. Hindrance: Obsessive (Disapproval of
super-vigilantes, especially Spider-man). Note: Jameson is the
Bugle’s publisher and infamous editorialist against supervigilantes, especially Spider-Man.
Joseph “Robbie” Robertson: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect
5D, Willpower 4B, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Journalism;
Finance, Observation, Writing. Note: Robertson is the Bugle’s
Lance Bannon: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Photography. Note: Bannon is a
photographer for the Bugle.
Ned Leeds: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 6D, Willpower 3C,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Journalism; Observation, Writing.
Calling: Investigator, Demolisher as brainwashed Hobgoblin. It
is unclear in retrospect whether or not Leed’s Strength had
been enhanced to 14, as had the original Hobgoblin, though it is
more likely it had not been enhanced.
Captain Universe: Captain Universe is a template that grants the
following powers: Ability Boost (Dual Ability Boost [Strength and
Agility]) +10, Alchemy 18, Cosmic Awareness 18, Enhanced
Senses (Penetration Vision, Telescopic Vision, True Sight) 18,
Energy Blast (Kinetic or Plasma) 18, Flight (Mach Control) 10,
Hypnosis (Limit: Requires eye contact) 10, Power Amplification
(Ability Scores and Sensory Powers only; Unique Trait: Captain
Universe adds his powers to any identical existing powers the
host has to a maximum of 22) +4, Regeneration (Healing) 18,
Space Flight (Life Support [Air only]) 10, Transmutation 18.
Note: Captain Universe is the generic name of the recipient of
the Uni-Power, an extradimensional energy that can mysteriously
empower good people in times of crisis.
Cloak (Tyrone “Ty” Johnson): Strength 9D, Agility 4X, Intellect
3X, Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Health 17. Wrestling. Blending
(Darkness only) 4, Darkforce Control (Create Darkness,
Darkforce Aura, Resistance to Darkness, Teleportation
[Passengers], Window; Limit: Darkforce Hostility) 18, Elongation
(Cloak; Unique Trait: May make normal Wrestling attacks with
cloak) 4, Life Drain (Psychic Vampirism) 8, Phasing (Phase Shift)
16. Calling: Protector. Hindrances: Addicted (life energy,
including Dagger’s light energy), Monstrous. Note: Cloak is the
vigilante partner of Dagger.
Dakota North: Strength 4D, Agility 7B, Intellect 5C, Willpower 4C,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Acrobatics, Marksmanship,
Martial Arts; Criminology, Espionage; Finance, Observation.
Equipment: Firearms +4. Calling: Investigator. Note: North is a
prominent private investigator.
Code: Non-Combatant. File Type: Private Corporation. Location:
Flatiron Building at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and
Broadway in Manhattan, New York, New York. Game Uses: All
employees of Damage Control have the job perquisite Luck
Control (Limits: Good Luck only, Self only, Uncontrolled; Unique
Trait: Intensity 10) 10, but no one ever seems to notice.
Albert Cleary: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5D, Willpower
7B, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Mathematics; Finance, Politics,
Taunting. Calling: Responsibility of Power. Note: Cleary is the
Anne: Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3C, Edge
0, Hand Size 2 (10). Artist (Personal Grooming), Manipulation.
Calling: Gloryhound. Note: Anne is the receptionist.
Anne Marie Hoag: Strength 2X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 6B, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Finance, Manipulation,
Politics. Calling: Investigator. Note: Hoag is the former
director of operations and current member of the Commission on
Superhuman Activities.
Eugene Strausser: Strength 3X, Agility 3B, Intellect 6A,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Construction, Gadgetry,
Repair; Computers, Mathematics, Mechanics, Robotics. Calling:
Investigator. Strausser is the head of research and
Henry Ackerson: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 3C, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Finance, Manipulation.
Calling: Exemplar. Hindrance: Naïve. Note: Ackerson is the vice
president in charge of marketing.
Jay Dixon: Strength 4D, Agility 4X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Wrestling; Marksmanship; Law
Enforcement. Calling: Guardian. Note: Dixon is the security
guard for the Flatiron Building and not technically an employee
of Damage Control.
Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Riker’s Island Correctional Facility: See A Guide to Marvel
Dagger (Tandy Bowen): Strength 5X, Agility 9A, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Health 17. Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Equestrian, Martial Arts; Performing (Dance). Light Control
(Blinding Blast, Light Knives [Limit: Situational – Light Knives do
not damage those who do not see themselves as evil and whose
Willpower equals or exceeds 10, such as Dr. Doom; Unique Trait:
Light Knives are defended against by Willpower, not Strength],
Force Field [Limit: Energy only], Purification, Reformation as
Life Support stunt, Telelocation as Telepathy stunt [Cloak only])
10, Resistance to Life Drain and Light +10. Calling: Protector.
Note: Dagger is the vigilante partner of Cloak.
Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Ben Urich: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5D, Willpower 3C,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Journalism; Observation, Writing.
Note: Urich is one of the Bugle’s star reporters and a close ally
of Daredevil.
Betty Brant: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4D, Willpower
3D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Journalism; Writing. Note: Betty
is a former secretary and current reporter for the Bugle with
longtime ties to Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Brant had been
married to Ned Leeds before his death.
Gloria “Glory” Grant: Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Note: Grant is
John Porter: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5C, Willpower
5C, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Assessment, Law (Insurance);
Finance, Observation. Calling: Investigator. Note: Porter is the
account executive.
John “Bart” Rozum: Strength 4X Agility 4X, Intellect 3D,
Willpower 3X Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Trivia (Marvels).
Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Hindrance: Naïve. Note: Rozum is
the intern and administrative assistant for Chapel.
Lenny Balinger: Strength 5X, Agility 4B, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Athletics (Bowling), Construction,
Demolitions; Politics. Calling: Soldier. Note: Balinger is the
Robin Chapel: Strength 4X, Agility 4D, Intellect 5C, Willpower
4B, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Martial Arts; Assessment, Trivia
(Environmental Issues); Finance, Performing (Acting), Politics.
Calling: Mentor. Note: Robin is the director of operations.
of Humanity. Hindrance: Monstrous, Programmable (Can resist
with challenging Willpower action). Note: Manning’s psyche was
replaced by Collins.
Deathlok II (John Kelly): See Siege below.
Deathlok III (Michael Collins): Strength 13C, Agility 11A,
Intellect 7A, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Knives; Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Marksmanship, Martial
Arts; Assessment, Computers, Robotics (Cyber-technology),
Trivia (Everything). Body Armor +3, Computer Link 14, Enhanced
Senses (Vision and Hearing; Energy Detection, Infravision,
Protected Senses, Radar Sense, Telescopic Vision) 12.
Equipment: Plasma Pistol (Coded) +4, Plasma Rifle +6, Plasma
Grenades (Energy Blast [Explosion]) 11, Dagger +2. Calling:
Vestige of Humanity. Hindrances: Monstrous. Note: Collins
persona was placed into a revitalized Deathlok, seemingly
destroying the Manning persona.
Deathlok IV: Strength… Note: Deathlok IV was the latest of
the Deathlok’s built just prior to Red Skull’s brief takeover of
Daredevil: Boxing, Stunning; Martial Arts; Observation. Note: See
Roster Book #0.
Darla, Eightball, and the Fatboys: Strength 2X, Agility 3X,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Calling:
Youthful Exuberance. Hindrance: Kids. Note: These kids
sometimes work as Daredevil’s “Baker Street Irregulars,”
warning people of impending threats or scouting out information.
Franklin “Foggy” Nelson: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 3D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Law; Observation.
Calling: Investigator. Note: Nelson is Daredevil’s long-time law
partner and confidante.
Karen Page: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4D, Willpower
3C, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Sociology; Observation,
Performing. Note: Page, a long-time lover of Daredevil, was
recently slain by Bullseye.
Sister Maggie: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5C, Willpower
5D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Medicine (First Aid only),
Philosophy (Catholicism); Observation. Note: Sister Maggie is
Daredevil’s mother, Grace Murdock, though she has yet to
affirm the fact verbally, and now nun.
Doc Samson (Dr. Leonard Samson): Strength 17C*, Agility 7D,
Intellect 7B, Willpower 7C, Edge 2, Health 25. *Samson’s
Strength is 5C if he should lose his powers. Brawling, Wrestling;
Martial Arts; Medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology; Teaching, Writing.
Body Armor +2, Resistance to Cold & Heat +2, Leaping 17.
Calling: Investigator. Hindrance: Triggered Powerless (Samson’s
Strength and Leaping decrease in direct proportion to the
amount of his hair that is cut). Note: Samson is another gammaempowered hero, who gained his powers from siphoning the
radiation from the Hulk. He has long tried to help the Hulk
maintain control. Currently, Samson maintains his career as a
psychiatrist, often to the super-powered.
Dominic Fortune (Duvid Jerome T. “David” Fortunov): Strength 5C
(7C), Agility 5C (7C), Intellect 5C, Willpower 4X, Edge 2, Hand
Size 4 (25). Note: Numbers in parentheses represent Fortunes
abilities in his prime. Boxing, Brawling; Acrobatics,
Marksmanship; Criminology, Espionage. Equipment: Firearms +2
to +4. Calling: Adventurer. Note: Fortune is a retired freelance
adventurer for hire.
Darkhawk (Chris Powell): Strength 11D*, Agility 8D*, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Clubs, Fast Exit. *
Chris Powell has Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2
(10). Equipment: Darkhawk Amulet (Ability Boost [Strength],
Ability Boost [Agility] 8, Body Armor +5, Body Transformation
[Instant Healing – Darkhawk is restored to full Health whenever
he switches between his Chris Powell and Darkhawk forms; Limit:
into Darkhawk form only], Claws +3, Energy Blast [Concussive
Force], Enhanced Senses [Vision; Infravision, Telescopic Vision],
Force Field [frontal only], Wings [Gliding only], Web-Slinging [via
grappling hook]) 11. Calling: Repentant. Hindrance: Triggered
Powerlessness without amulet (Cannot change forms, nor recover
from damage [cards or Health]). Note: Darkhawk is an
independent hero.
Elektra: Martial Arts. Note: See Roster Book #0.
Flash (Eugene “Flash” Thompson): Strength 5C, Agility 5D,
Intellect 4D, Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Wrestling; Athletics; Trivia (Sports); Intimidation, Military.
Calling: Guardian. Note: Flash is a long-time friend of both Peter
Parker and Spider-Man.
Forbush-Man (Irving Forbush): Strength 3X, Agility 2X, Intellect
3X, Willpower 2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Calling: Adventurer.
Hindrance: Naïve. Note: Forbush is simply a comic fan and
janitor with a rich imagination.
Deathlok I (Luther Manning): Strength 13B, Agility 9A,
Intellect 6B, Willpower 2D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing,
Brawling, Knives; Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Marksmanship,
Martial Arts; Assessment, Computers, Espionage; Military. Body
Armor +3, Enhanced Senses (Vision and Hearing; Energy
Detection, Infravision, Protected Senses, Telescopic Vision) 12.
Equipment: Laser Pistol (Coded) +5, Dagger +2. Calling: Vestige
Frog Man (Eugene Paul Patilio): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect
3D, Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Trivia
(Superheroes). Equipment: Frog Suit (Leaping [Power Slam,
Ricochet; Limit: Unskilled – Eugene must make an challenging
Agility action each time he wants to use his Leaping in a
controlled fashion, including the use of stunts. He otherwise
gains the Uncontrolled limit, though he uses his Leaping intensity
instead of his Agility score for dodging]) 9. Calling: Youthful
Exuberance (Responsibility of Power). Hindrance: Triggered
Powerless. Note: Frog Man is the heroic son of the deceased
villain Leap Frog. He has worked with Spider-Man and for a time
teamed with Spider-Kid and Toad.
Armor +2), Throwing Irons +2, Lasso-grapple (Web-Slinging 9),
Bola (Ensnarement 9), Glider Cape (Flight – gliding only 3).
Marlene Alraune: Strength 3X, Agility 4D, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 4D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Martial Arts;
Archaeology, History (Egyptian), Lore (Egyptian); Observation.
Calling: Investigator. Note: Alraune is Moon Knight’s long-time
Jean-Paul “Frenchie” DuChamp: Strength 4C, Agility 5A,
Intellect 6B, Willpower 5B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Knives; Artillery, Marksmanship, Piloting, Repair; Aeronautics,
Mechanics, Weapon Systems; Manipulation, Military, Survival.
Equipment: Firearms +4. Calling: Adventurer. Note: Frenchie is
Moon Knight’s long-time pilot.
Guardsman (Michael O’Brien): Strength 5D (14D), Agility 5C,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling;
Contingent Attack, Marksmanship; Criminology; Law
Enforcement. Guardsman Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Body
Armor +7, CPU, EMP Protection, Energy Blast [Repulsor Ray 14
and Chemically-fueled Boot Jets 10 – Limit: Must be above victim
to use boot jets as attack], Flight 10, Kinetic Control [Repulse
Field only] 10, Life Support 7, Resistance to Cold, Energy, Gas,
Heat, Radiation) 14. Calling: Protector. Note: O’Brien has been
an ally of Iron Man and chief of security at the Vault.
Namorita (Namorita Prentiss): Strength 13C, Agility 9C, Intellect
4C, Willpower 6X. Knives, Spears; Aerial Combat, Underwater
Combat; Oceanography, Lore [Atlantean]. Ability Boost
(Strength; Limit: Only in water, but constant) 2, Corrosion 10,
Enhanced Senses (Vision) 12, Invisibility (Uncontrolled and only
when knocked unconscious) 9, Paralysis (Touch only) 6,
Resistance to Cold & Pressure +8, Swimming 5, Waterbreathing
4, Wings (On feet) 3. Equipment: CommLink. Calling: Youthful
Exuberance. Hindrance: Susceptible to Dehydration. Note:
Namorita is a member of the New Warriors and relative of the
Hindsight Lad (Carlton LaFroyge): Strength 2X, Agility 3D,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Gadgetry,
Computers. Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Note: Hindsight Lad
is the New Warrior’s computer monitor.
Human Fly: Strength… Climbing… Note: The Human Fly was an
amazing stunt man and daredevil.
Iron Fist: Boxing; Martial Arts. Chi (Healing; Unique Trait: Despite
the standard limits, Iron Fist is able to increase his Strength to
20 when using both his Ability Boost and Chi powers in
conjunction with one another.). Note: See Roster Book #0.
Oracle, Inc.: Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Nick Fury: Boxing, Brawling; Espionage, Leadership. Note: See
Roster Book #0.
Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor): Strength 7B, Agility 8A,
Intellect 6C, Willpower 6C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing,
Garrote, Martial Arts Weapons; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Gadgetry, Martial Arts; Computers, Criminology; Intimidation,
Leadership. Chi 6, Resistance to Mental Control +6. Equipment:
Battle Suit (Body Armor +4, Blending, CommLink, Enhanced
Senses [Energy Detection, Infravision, Telescopic Vision], Firing
Weapons (Micro STS Missiles) +4, Flight (Gliding only), Striking
Weapon (Hand blades) +2, Resistance to Fire & Gases, Voice
Modulator) 8, 2 Truncheons (Firing Weapon +3; Limit: May only
be fired once) +3, Garrote, Shurikens +2, Piton-line (WebSlinging) 8, Uzi Sub-machinegun +5, Explosives (Energy Blast
[Explosion only] or Fire Control) 8, Smoke Pellets (Fire Control
[Smokescreen only]) 8, Caltrops 8, Portable Computer (Computer
Link) 8, Skateboard (Lightning Speed 4, Striking Weapon +4,
Shield +2). Calling: Investigator. Note: Night Thrasher was the
founder and backer of the New Warriors.
New Warrior’s Crash Pad: Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Luke Cage: Agility 5X. Brawling. Note: See Roster Book #0.
Oracle, Inc.: Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Madame Web (Cassandra Webb): Strength 2X, Agility 3X,
Intellect 5X, Willpower 11C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Meditation, Mental Control. Astral Projection 11, ESP
(Clairvoyance only) 11, Immortality, Precognition (Limits: Object
and people sensitive) 11, Telepathy (Mental Probe, Psychic
Detection, Psychic Surgery, Telelocation) 11. Equipment:
Wheelchair. Calling: Mentor. Hindrance: Frail. Note: Webb is a
mysterious woman of seeming benevolent intentions, who
currently serves as a mentor of sorts to the current SpiderWoman.
Moon Knight (Marc Spector): Strength 8A, Agility 9A, Intellect 7B,
Willpower 8A, Edge 2, Health 25. Boxing, Brawling, Clubs,
Martial Arts Weapons; Acrobatics, Disguise, Flinging, Martial
Arts; Criminology, Espionage, Mythology (Egyptian); Finance,
Intimidation, Military, Survival. Equipment: Truncheon/
Nunchaku (Web-Slinging 9) +3, Three-Section Staff +3,
Crescent Shurikens +2, Glider Cape (Flight – gliding only 3), Body
Armor +2, CommLink, Crescent Copter (Hull Strength 10, Basic
Movement, Body Armor +2, ECM, Firing Weapon [Artillery] +5,
Flight 9, Passengers). Calling: Peace of Mind. Note: For a time,
Moon Knight was empowered by Khonshu with Ability Boost
(Strength; Limit: Under a new moon +1, quarter moon +2, half
moon +3, three-quarter moon +4, full moon +5) +5. Moon Knight
also used different weaponry, including: Crescent Scarab Darts
+2, a Golden Ankh (Danger Sense 15 when held) +2, Ivory
Boomerang (Automatic Return) +2, Protective Wristbands (Body
Note: Nightwing Restorations is an investigation and protection
firm. Both Wing and Knight are close friends with Iron Fist and
Luke Cage.
Colleen Wing: Strength 5C, Agility 7C, Intellect 5C, Willpower
6, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Martial Arts Weapons;
Archery, Martial Arts; Criminology, Occult. Equipment: Dai-kyu
(Bow) +2, Katana +4. Calling: Investigator.
Misty Knight: Strength 5D, Agility 5C, Intellect 5D, Willpower
4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Marksmanship, Martial
Arts; Criminology; Law Enforcement. Equipment: Bionic Right
Arm (Strength 13; Limit: Masochistic if used for lifting more
than Strength 10), Handgun +4. Calling: Investigator. Note:
Knight is Iron Fist’s girlfriend.
spatial dimension by thought). Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Hindrance: Kid.
Starstreak (Julie Powers): Strength 2X, Agility 4X, Intellect
3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Flight (Ability
Boost [Agility raised to 7]; Unique Trait: Leaves a rainbow
colored trail behind the user) 15, Regeneration 15. Equipment:
Costume (Appears and disappears from an infra-spatial
dimension by thought). Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Hindrance:
Zero-G (Alex Powers): Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Gravity Control (Unique
Trait: Creates a visible, black and white checkered pattern on
Alex’s body and on the surfaces he touches) 15, Regeneration 15.
Equipment: Costume (Appears and disappears from an infraspatial dimension by thought). Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Kofi: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5X, Willpower 4X, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Teleportation 3. Equipment: Costume
(Appears and disappears from an infra-spatial dimension by
thought). Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Hindrances: Kid,
Monstrous. Note: The young Kofi is a close ally of the Power
Smartship Friday: Hull Strength 18, Agility 12C, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 1X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Contingent Attack,
Piloting; Spacecraft. Body Armor (Passengers only) +4, Energy
Blast (4 Lasers) 15, Force Field (Vs. Energy only) 15, Space
Flight (Flight, Life Support, Passengers) 20, Lightning Speed 4,
Regeneration 4, Transmutation (Objects only; Unique Trait:
Smartship has limited manufacturing facilities on board) 4.
Calling: Soldier. Note: Smartship is an ally of the Power Pack
and Kofi.
Dr. James Powers: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 8D,
Willpower 4D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Physics; Teaching.
Calling: Mentor (Investigator). Hindrance: Susceptible
(Suggestions from his children). Note: Dr. Powers is the father
of the Power Pack.
Margaret Powers: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Art (Illustration).
Calling: Mentor. Hindrance: Susceptible (Suggestions from her
children). Note: Mrs. Powers is the mother of the Power Pack.
Nova (Richard Rider): Strength 15C, Agility 7C, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 5X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Sonic Slam;
Aerial Combat, Piloting. Absorption (Cosmic Energy only) 15,
Body Armor +2, Energy Blast (Cosmic Energy; Wide Angle Beam
only) 15, Space Flight (Flight, Power Dive, Stargate Access
[Unique Stunt – Nova can open pre-set stargates by making at a
minimum challenging Space Flight action, depending on the gates
distance]) 15. Equipment: Centurion Nova Prime Uniform (Body
Armor +1, Enhanced Senses [Infravision, Telescopic Vision] 10,
Ensnarement 7, Life Support [Breathing only] 15, Resistance to
Heat & Cold 15, Transmutation [For quick-change into costumes
only] 5), CommLink. Calling: Thrill-Seeker. Hindrance: Unlucky.
Note: Nova is a member of the New Warriors.
Paladin: Strength 12C, Agility 9B, Intellect 5C, Willpower 4C, Edge
2, Health 25. Boxing, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Marksmanship,
Martial Arts; Espionage, Linguistics; Observation, Performing
(Acting). Equipment: Body Armor +3, Helmet (Enhanced Senses
[Infravision only] 3, Life Support [1-hour Air Supply only] 3,
Protected Senses [Vision only] +3), Stun Gun (Coded, Stun Blast)
12. Calling: Gloryhound. Note: Paladin is a hero-for-hire and
confidante of the Wasp.
Peregrine (Alain Racine): Strength 7X, Agility 7A, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 4 (25). Aerial Combat, Fast
Exit, Flinging, Martial Arts; Journalism; Writing. Equipment:
Wings (Ability Boost) 9, Infrared Lenses (Enhanced Senses
[Infravision only] 6, Radar (Radar Sense 6), Ammonium Bromide
Gas Grenades (Poison [Soporific; Poison Gas]) 10, Napalm Bolas
(Energy Blast [Explosion]) 10, Taser Darts (Stun Blast 10, as
automatic action if hit) +1, Thermite Grenades (Energy Blast
[Explosion]) 10, Electromagnetic Scrambler (Negation [Electromagnetic devices only]) 10. Calling: Adventurer. Note: Peregrine
is a freelance French hero and sometimes employee of Silver
Note: The Power children have often had their powers switched.
Alternate codenames have included: Gee, Destroyer, Molecula,
Lightspeed, and Counterweight. Alex, the oldest, had the
powers of all four Power children for a time. During that time,
he joined the New Warriors and was known as Powerpax and
then Powerhouse.
Energizer (Katie Powers): Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect
4X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Disintegration 15,
Energy Reflection (Energy Storage; Unique Trait: Can only
reflect up to 8 intensity in a single attack) 15, Regeneration 15.
Equipment: Costume (Appears and disappears from an infraspatial dimension by thought). Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Hindrance: Kid.
Mass Master (Jack Powers): Strength 2X, Agility 3X, Intellect
2X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Body
Transformation (Gaseous Form) 15, Size Alteration (High
Density [New Stunt: Due to high density, Strength also
increases as does Agility while shrinking, instead of decreases];
Low Density [New Limit: Due to low density, Strength does not
increase while growing], Max only) 7, Regeneration 15.
Equipment: Costume (Appears and disappears from an infra-
Prowler (Hobie Brown): Strength 6C, Agility 6A, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Climbing,
Acrobatics, Gadgetry, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Physics
(Pneumatics). Equipment: Claws (Unique Trait: Bonus applies to
Climbing) +3, Flechettes +2, Gas Cartridge Bracelets & Anklets
(Air Control [Energy Blast only], Fire Control [Smokescreen
only]) 10, Life Drain [Draining Bolt and Weakness only], Poison
[Poison Spray only], Small Explosives (Energy Blast [Explosion])
8, Magnesium Flares (Blinding Blast) 8), Cape (Flight [Gliding
only]) 6, Pneumatic Boots (Leaping) 6, Costume (Resistance to
Gas) +6. Calling: Adventurer (Repentant). Note: Prowler is an
independent hero and sometimes member of Silver Sable’s
Puma (Thomas Fireheart): Strength 6C (13C), Agility 6B (13B),
Intellect 8A, Willpower 8A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling,
Natural Weapons; Acrobatics, Flinging, Martial Arts; Mythology
(Native American); Finance, Military, Observation, Tracking.
Animal Form (Puma-Man hybrid) 13, Body Armor +1, Claws +2,
Detection (Magic) 13, Enhanced Senses 13. Calling:
Responsibility of Power. Hindrance: Triggered Powerless (Puma
loses all his powers when not in his Animal Form). Note: Puma is
a wealthy financier and the protector of his Native American
tribe, as well as a sometimes member of Silver Sable’s Outcasts.
Attack, Gadgetry, Repair; Architecture, Assessment, Chemistry,
Computers, Cryptography, Electronics, Energy Control,
Mechanics, Physics, Radiology, Robotics, Super-Physiology,
Weapon Systems; Intimidation, Manipulation, Mental Control).
Darkforce Control (Create Darkness, Darkforce Shapes
[Tendrils only], Teleportation) 21, Emotion Control (Limits:
Despair and fear only, Touch [through Darkforce tendrils also])
18, Flight (Mach Control, Passengers, Power Dive) 20,
Shapeshifting (Limit: Signature Flaw [always black]) 25,
Weather Control 20. Calling: Destroyer. Hindrances: Grounded
(Void must remain on the night side of the planet), TriggeredPowerless (The Void disappears if Reynolds loses memory of his
life as Sentry). Note: The Void is the Sentry’s dark side, the
sum of all his negative emotions given form. [by Joseph
Scout (Billy Turner): Strength 3X (11B), Agility 3X (11D),
Intellect 4X (6X), Willpower 3X (5X), Edge 0 (2), Hand Size 2
(10) (4 [25]). Note: Numbers in parentheses represent the
Scout. Boxing, Brawling, Wrestling; Aerial Combat. Energy Blast
(Light) 11. Calling: Guardian. Hindrance: Physically Disabled
(Amputee – missing one arm and an eye), Triggered-Powerless
(Scout must drink more of the Secret Formula to have access to
his powers). Note: Billy tried the Secret Formula and became
one of Sentry’s sidekicks (along with the Hulk and Watchdog).
He was mutilated by the Void. It is unclear why he is less
powerful than Sentry and never manifested his own “Void.” [by
Joseph Charneskie]
Watchdog (Normie): Strength 3X (10X), Agility 1X (6X),
Intellect 1X (5X), Willpower 1X (4X), Edge 0 (1), Hand Size 3
(10) (3 [17]). Note: Numbers in parentheses represent the
Watchdog. Tracking. Danger Sense 5, Flight 6. Calling:
Guardian. Hindrance: Triggered-Powerless (Watchdog must
drink more of the Secret Formula to have access to his powers).
Unique Trait: Watchdog gained the ability to speak. Note:
Normie was Reynolds’ dog who also ingested some of the Secret
Formula. [by Joseph Charneskie]
Cloc: Strength 0X, Agility 0X, Intellect 15X, Willpower 9X, Edge
0, Hand Size 2 (10). Hypnotism (“Transmitter”; Broadcastable,
Multiple Targets; Unique Trait: The Transmitter keeps everyone
on the planet from remembering the Sentry.) 15. Calling:
Soldier. Note: Cloc is the sentient computer that runs the
Sentry’s Watchtower. It has access to a multitude of weapons
with which to defend itself, including robots, negative space
barriers, missiles, lasers, power theft beams, sonics, crushing
ceilings, among others. Each of these weapons probably has an
intensity of 10-20. [by Joseph Charneskie]
Rage (Edwin Daryl Holiday): Strength 14C, Agility 5X, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Boxing;
Intimidation. Ability Boost (Strength; Limit: Situational – when
angry only) 5, Body Armor +3, Lightning Speed (Limit: Running
only) 7. Calling: Protector. Hindrance: Frenzied. Note: Rage is a
member of the New Warriors.
Razorback (Buford Hollis): Strength 9C, Agility 5A, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Wrestling;
Boating, Driving, Martial Arts, Piloting; Mechanics. Equipment:
Body Armor +1, Electrified Mane (Electrical Control [Shockfield
only]) 11, Big Pig III (Starblazer Starship; Hull Strength 10,
Body Armor +6, Flight 18, Space Flight 18). Calling: Adventurer.
Note: Razorback is a sometimes hero and astronaut. His worldclass boating, driving, and piloting skills are a result of a
superhuman intuitive feel for guiding vehicles.
Rocket Racer (Robert Farrell): Strength 6D, Agility 6A, Intellect
6C, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Acrobatics, Fast Exit, Gadgetry, Skating; Electronics,
Mechanics. Equipment: Body Armor +3, Mini-rockets (Energy
Blast [Unique Stunt: 6 Rocket Powered-Punches +3]) 12,
Skateboard (Lightning Speed, Wall-Crawling) 6. Calling:
Repentant. Racer is a former burglar, reformed through the
efforts of Spider-Man, and now a freelance member of Silver
Sable’s Outlaws.
Sentry (Robert Reynolds): Strength 4X (21A), Agility 3X (14A),
Intellect 5X (11A), Willpower 3X (9A), Edge 0 (2), Hand Size 2
(10) (4 [25]). Note: Numbers in parentheses represent the
Sentry. Skill Master (Boxing, Brawling, Sonic Slam, Wrestling;
Acrobatics, Aerial Combat, Construction, Contingent Attack,
Gadgetry, Repair; Architecture, Assessment, Chemistry,
Computers, Cryptography, Electronics, Energy Control,
Mechanics, Physics, Radiology, Robotics, Super-Physiology,
Weapon Systems; Animal Handling, Leadership, Teaching). Flight
(Mach Control, Passengers, Power Dive) 20, Light Control (Laser,
Light Objects, Purification, Shadowless [Unique Stunt: Sentry
casts no shadow]) 20, Telepathy 12. Calling: Guardian.
Hindrances: Phobic (Robert Reynolds suffers from Agoraphobia,
fear of large open spaces), Triggered-Powerless (Sentry must
drink more of the Secret Formula to have access to his powers).
Unique Trait: If Reynolds becomes aware of his life as Sentry,
the Void gains physical form). Note: Sentry was the first of
heroes, responsible for inspiring and teaching most others.
However, his creation also gave life to his dark side as the Void.
Realizing the only way to stop his dark side was to destroy the
Sentry, Reynolds, working with Dr. Strange and Reed Richards,
erased all knowledge of the Sentry from the world except for
Dr. Strange, including himself, thus eliminating the danger of
the Void. Recently, Sentry regained his memories for a short
time before once again causing their loss. [by Joseph
Void (Robert Reynolds): Strength 21A, Agility 14A, Intellect
11A, Willpower 9A, Edge 3, Hand Size 5 (30). Skill Master
(Boxing, Brawling, Natural Weapons, Sonic Slam, Whips,
Wrestling; Acrobatics, Aerial Combat, Construction, Contingent
Shang-Chi: Strength 7B, Agility 8A, Intellect 5B, Willpower 9B,
Edge 2, Health 25. Boxing, Martial Arts Weapons, Wrestling;
Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Martial Arts;
Espionage, Philosophy (Eastern), Medicine (First Aid only);
Meditation, Survival, Trance. Chi 9, Detection (Life) 3. Calling:
Peace of Mind (Responsibility of Power). Note: Shang-Chi is the
“Master of Kung-Fu,” former British agent, and independent
Note: SHIELD is the preeminent authorized spy organization
guarding against world-wide terrorist threats. For a time, it was
disbanded and Fury reorganized it as a small cadre of operatives
answerable only to him. See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Al McKenzie: Strength 6D, Agility 5B, Intellect 5D, Willpower
5B, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling; Demolitions,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage; Law Enforcement,
Leadership, Observation. Standard Equipment: Blaster Pistol +5,
Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier. Note: MCKenzie was
the CIA’s liaison with SHIELD. During SHIELD II’s formation,
he became Fury’s liaison with the CIA.
Alexander Goodwin Pierce: Strength 6D, Agility 5C, Intellect
5X, Willpower 5C, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling; Flinging,
Marksmanship; Law Enforcement, Military. Standard Equipment:
Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier.
Note: A young SHIELD agent, Pierce became an integral part of
Clay Quartermain: Strength 5D, Agility 5C, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 5C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Marksmanship,
Martial Arts; Law Enforcement, Military. Standard Equipment:
Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier.
Note: Quartermain was murdered during SHIELD’s Deltite
Colonel G.W. Bridge: Strength 6D, Agility 5D, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 7B, Edge 2, Health 25. Boxing; Marksmanship; Law
Enforcement, Leadership, Military. Equipment: Blaster Pistol +5,
Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier. Note: Bridge, a
former mercenary, led shield during a period when Fury was
believed dead.
Contessa Valentina Allegro de la Fontaine: Strength 5X,
Agility 7B, Intellect 5D, Willpower 5A, Edge 1, Health 17.
Brawling; Contingent Attack, Marksmanship, Martial Arts;
Espionage; Law Enforcement, Manipulation, Military,
Observation. Equipment: Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2,
CommLink. Calling: Soldier. Note: De Fontaine has been linked
with Fury romantically in the past. Their romance appears long
over, nevertheless, there are few people Fury trust more. De
Fontaine has served in every of version of SHIELD, often as its
public face.
Gabriel Jones: Strength 6B, Agility 6C, Intellect 5D, Willpower
5A, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Boxing, Brawling, Wrestling;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage; Law Enforcement,
Performing (Jazz Trumpet), Military, Teaching. Standard
Equipment: Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling:
Soldier. Note: Jones is another of Fury’s Howling Commando
buddies brought into SHIELD as its top recruitment and training
officer. He was also a key member of Fury’s temporarily
reorganized SHIELD II.
Jasper Sitwell: Strength 6X, Agility 5C, Intellect 6D, Willpower
6B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship, Martial Arts;
Assessment; Law Enforcement, Leadership, Politics. Equipment:
Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling:
Investigator. Note: Sitwell is a long-time and loyal SHIELD
agent. He has been linked romantically with Whitney Frost,
a.k.a. Madame Masque, which has brought him into conflict with
Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, in the past.
Kate Neville: Strength 5D, Agility 7C, Intellect 5D, Willpower
5D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling; Marksmanship, Martial
Arts; Espionage; Military. Standard Equipment: Blaster Pistol
+5, Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier. Note: Neville, a
former assassin, became Fury’s love interest and a key member
of his SHIELD II.
Sharon Carter: Strength 6D, Agility 8A, Intellect 6C, Willpower
6B, Edge 2, Health 25. Brawling; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Medicine (First Aid only),
Espionage; Law Enforcement, Military, Observation. Equipment:
Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier.
Note: Carter is a long-time SHIELD operative and off and on
love interest of Captain America. After years as a free agent,
Fury has asked her to become director of SHIELD during his
current leave of absence.
Sidney E. “The Gaffer” Levine: Strength 2X, Agility 3C,
Intellect 9A, Willpower 5X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Gadgetry,
Repair; Electronics, Mechanics, Weapon Systems. Calling:
Investigator. Note: Levine was SHIELD’s chief gadget inventor
and may have been slain by the Deltites that had infiltrated the
original SHIELD.
Timothy Aloysius Cadwallader “Dum Dum” Dugan: Strength 7A,
Agility 5A, Intellect 5X, Willpower 8B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Brawling, Clubs, Knives, Wrestling; Artillery, Flinging,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Law Enforcement, Leadership,
Military. Equipment: Blaster Pistol +5, Body Armor +2, CommLink.
Calling: Soldier. Note: Dugan is a close ally of Fury’s from their
famed WWII unit, the Howling Commandos. He has been Fury’s
number at SHIELD since its inception and remains in that
position with Carter.
SHIELD Agent: Strength 5X, Agility 4D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 5C, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Marksmanship; Law
Enforcement, Military. Standard Equipment: Blaster Pistol +5,
Body Armor +2, CommLink. Calling: Soldier.
Mandroids: Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Basic
Movement, Body Armor, CommLink, EMP Protection, Energy Blast
[Electrical, Laser, Magnetic], Enhanced Senses [Hearing;
Infravision], Force Field [Limit: Prevents use of Energy Blasts,
Stun Blast, and Tractor/Repellor Beam], Life Support [Unique
Trait: Replace Sleep with Air], Loudspeaker, Stun Blast [Stun
Bolt], Protected Senses, Radar, Remote Controllable, Resistance
to Gases, Heat and Radiation, Sensors, Sonar, Tractor/Repellor
Beam) 11. Note: Mandroids are often used when battling
Life Model Decoy (LMD): All statistics as the person
programmed (Limit: Maximum Intellect score of 10), Edge 0,
Health 10. Calling: Soldier. Note: LMDs are used to substitute
for real people. During the Deltite affair, many of them went
rogue and almost destroyed SHIELD.
Shroud: Strength 8B, Agility 8B, Intellect 8C, Willpower 8C, Edge
2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Brawling, Wrestling; Acrobatics,
Contingent Attack, Martial Arts; Criminology, Occult;
Intimidation, Leadership. Darkforce Control (Create Darkness,
Darkforce Aura, Force Shapes) 13, Radar Sense (“Mystic Sight”;
Back Attack, Penetration “Vision” and True “Sight” as Enhanced
Senses stunts) 13. Equipment: Bombarangs (Energy Blast
[Explosion only] 8). Calling: Outcast. Hindrance: Physically
Disabled (Blind; Compensated by Radar Sense). Note: Shroud is
a hero who masks himself as a villain. He organized the Night
Shift for a time.
Siege (John Kelly): Strength 19C, Agility… Brawling; Contingent
Attack, Marksmanship; Assessment; Law Enforcement, Military,
Tracking. Body Armor +5, Firing Weapons (Plasma Gattling Gun
and Cannon) +6, Flight 12, Invulnerability to Mental Scans,
Regeneration 3. Calling: Vestige of Humanity. Hindrance:
Monstrous. Note: Kelly was originally rebuilt into the Deathlok
cyborg, but was eventually downloaded into the Siege cyborg.
Note: The Slingers were four young people who adopted SpiderMan’s temporary identities to become heroes in their own right.
They may have disbanded.
Dusk (Cassie St. Commons): Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect
4D, Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Gothic Lore.
Darkforce Control (Blending [Darkness only], Flight,
Teleportation [Passengers; Limit: Masochistic if carry
passengers]; Limit: Stunts only) 8. Calling: Outcast.
Hornet (Eddie McDonough): Strength 3X (11X), Agility 3X (7X),
Intellect 7C, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Chemistry,
Electronics. Equipment: Powered Armor (Ability Boost
[Strength] +8, Ability Boost [Agility] +4, Energy Blast [Laser],
Flight, Protected Senses [Vision & Touch]) 10. Calling: Outcast.
Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Palsied Right Arm – 0 Strength
and Agility for actions requiring his right arm). Hindrance:
Triggered Powerless.
Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore): Strength 6D (14D), Agility 5X (9X),
Intellect 4X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Wrestling; Intimidation. Equipment: Powered Armor (Ability
Boost [Strength] +8, Ability Boost [Agility] +4, Body Armor,
Flight, Resistance to Cold, Heat, & Radiation) 8. Calling:
Gloryhound. Hindrance: Triggered Powerless.
Ricochet (Johnny Gallo): Strength 6X, Agility 11B, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Acrobatics, Flinging,
Ricochet; Taunting. Danger Sense (Unique Trait: Alerts to
unknown presence regardless of intent) 13, Leaping (Ricochet)
13. Equipment: Stun Discs +3. Calling: Adventurer.
Silhouette (Silhouette Chord): Strength 11D, Agility 11C, Intellect
5X, Willpower 7X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Clubs; Acrobatics,
Martial Arts. Darkforce Control (Flight, Phasing, Teleportation,
Window) 11, Radar Sense 5. Equipment: Crutches (Fire Control
[Smokescreen only], Firing Weapon +2, Poison [Soporific],
Striking Weapon +2, Stun Blast [Touch only]) 9. Calling:
Protector. Hindrance: Physically Handicapped (Crippled legs – 0
Agility in movement, compensated for by crutches and powers).
Note: Silhouette was a member of the New Warriors.
Silver Sable: Note: See Roster Book #0.
Wild Pack Member: Strength 5C, Agility 5C, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 4X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling, Knives;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage. Equipment: Blaster +3,
Kevlar Body Armor +3, Power Sled (Flight) 6. Calling: Soldier
(Adventurer). Note: The Wild Pack are Silver Sable’s specially
trained mercenaries.
Symkaria: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Slapstick (Steve Harmon): Strength 4D*, Agility 16X*, Intellect
3D*, Willpower 6D*, Edge 1*, Hand Size 3 (17)*. * Steve
Harmon has Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 3D, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Hammers; Trivia (Bad Sci-fi and
Horror Movies), Taunting. Absorption (Absorption Boost; Unique
Trait: If exposed to intensity 15 or greater electricity,
Slapstick’s takes no damage and his Strength increases to 16X
for the duration of his exposure), Elongation 12**, Imitation
6**, Leaping 12, Lightning Speed 12, Plasticity 18**, Resistance
to Energy and Kinetics +10, Shapeshifting 12**. ** Each of
these body altering powers are uncontrolled as the power limit
unless Slapstick makes a desperate power action. Equipment:
Sledgehammer +3. Calling: Gloryhound. Hindrance: Triggered
Powerless (If “bio-magnetic pulse activator stud” is pressed on
his left glove, he reverts to Steve Harmon). Note: Slapstick has
the powers of an animated cartoon character, thus when he gets
shot, he will be full of holes, for example.
Solo: Strength 8A, Agility 8A, Intellect 6C, Willpower 6C, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Climbing, Knives; Acrobatics,
Contingent Attack, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage,
Linguistics; Military, Survival. Teleportation 5. Equipment: Body
Armor +3, Firearms +2 to +5, Combat Knives +2, Hand Grenades
(Energy Blast [Explosion only]) 8, Climbing Claws (+4 to Climbing).
Calling: Vengeance (Terrorists) (Protector). Hindrance: Hateful
(Terrorists). Note: Solo is a worldwide counter-terrorist. He
often acts independently and violently.
Sleepwalker: Strength 13X, Agility 9X, Intellect 6X, Willpower 8B,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Observation, Tracking, Trance. Body
Armor (Limit: Drops to +6 in Mindscape) +9, Detection (Energy)
8, Flight 4, Psi-Screen +6, Reality Warping (“Warp Beams”;
Density Control, Energy Blast, Ensnarement, Telekinesis – all as
stunts; Limit: Power effects physical matter only) 15.
Equipment: Imaginator (Teleportation; Limit: Only usable to and
from the Mindscape) 15. Calling: Protector. Hindrances:
“Grounded” (Gradually weakens the longer he is away from the
mental plane; all Strength and all power intensities drop by 1
every 8 hours), Monstrous, Triggered Powerless (Only active
when Rick Sheridan is asleep). Note: Sleepwalker claims to be
the sworn protector of innocent minds while they sleep. His
Imaginator is currently lost in Rick Sheridan’s mind.
Rick Sheridan: Strength 4X, Agility 5C, Intellect 5D, Willpower
5D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Athletics (Basketball), Repair;
Trivia (Film); Photography. Pet: Rambo (Dog. Strength 3X,
Agility 2X, Intellect 1X, Willpower 1X, Edge 0, Health 10.
Tracking. Teeth +2). Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Note: Rick
is host to Sleepwalker, who resides in Rick’s mind, manifesting
when Rick sleeps. Fortunately, the two have reached an
understanding about their situation. [by Keith Millar]
Speedball (Robert “Robbie” Baldwin): Strength 6X, Agility 5D,
Intellect 5X, Willpower 4D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Fast
Exit; Taunting. Kinetic Energy Control (Absorption 20, Leaping
[Ricochet Burst only, Uncontrolled; Unique Trait: Use Kinetic
Energy Control intensity instead of Strength score for
Ricochet], Momentum, Reflection, Repulse Field, Transmutation
[Quick change into costume only]; Limits: Max only, No energy
blasts, uncontrolled; Unique Trait: Leaping produces a brilliant
shower of multi-colored bubbles of light) 15. Equipment:
CommLink. Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Note: Speedball is a
member of the New Warriors.
Spider-Kid (Ollie Osnick): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 7A,
Willpower 2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Chemistry, Computers,
Electronics, Mechanics. Equipment: Additional Limbs (Quartet
of Tentacles; Seven League Strides) 7, Web-shooters
(Ensnarement [Adhesion]) 7. Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Note: Spider-Kid idolized first Dr. Octopus and then SpiderMan, recreating lesser versions of their key equipment. For a
time he teamed with the heroic Frog Man and Toad.
Spider-Man: Jumping; Acrobatics, Fast Exit; Taunting. Equipment:
Light 5, Web Shooters (Web-Slinging [… Containers, Fireproof,
Impact Webbing, Web-Chute...]). While de-powered, Peter’s
abilities fell to Strength 4D and Agility 5B; Peter also loses his
Aerial Combat and Fast Exit skills. Note: See Roster Book #0.
Original Spider-Man: Strength 13X, Agility 13D, Intellect 6B,
Willpower 8D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Acrobatics; Chemistry,
Mechanics, Physics; Taunting. Danger Sense (“Spider-Sense”;
Danger Sense Tracking) 16, Resistance to Ensnarement +6, WallCrawling 13. Equipment: Homing System (“Spider-Tracers”;
Limit: Only through Danger Sense), Web-shooters (Web-Slinging
[Adhesion, Net] 13). Calling: Responsibility of Power. Hindrance:
Spider-Man II/Scarlet Spider (Peter Parker, a.k.a., Ben
Reilly): Strength 14C, Agility 14A, Intellect 8A, Willpower 10C,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Climbing, Jumping; Acrobatics, Aerial
Combat, Fast Exit, Marksmanship; Chemistry, Criminology,
Mechanics, Physics; Survival, Taunting. Danger Sense (Danger
Sense Tracking) 18, Resistance to Ensnarement +8, WallCrawling 14. Equipment: Homing System (“Spider Tracers”;
Limit: Only through Danger Sense), Stingers (Stun Blast) 10,
Web-Shooters (Web-Slinging [Adhesion, Containers, Fireproof,
Impact Webbing, Net, Web-Chute, Web Shield]) 16. Calling:
Outcast (Responsibility of Power), formerly Peace of Mind.
Hindrance: Unlucky. Note: Scarlet Spider was a clone of SpiderMan, who for a time took on Peter’s actual identity. He is
Kaine (Peter Parker): Strength 15B, Agility 13A, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 6B, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Climbing,
Jumping; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Flinging;
Chemistry; Intimidation, Observation, Tracking. Corrosion
(Leaves “Mark of Kaine”) 6, Danger Sense 18, Invulnerability to
Spider-Man’s Danger Sense, Precognition (Limits: Intermittent,
Masochistic) 12, Resistance to Ensnarement +8, Wall-Crawling
14. Equipment: Claws (“Sting of Kaine”) +2, Stingers +1. Calling:
Outcast (Demolisher). Hindrances: Monstrous, formerly also
Obsessive (Destruction of Ben Reilly’s happiness). Note: Kaine
was a clone of Peter Parker gone awry.
Mary Jane Watson-Parker: Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect
4X, Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Observation,
Performing (Acting, Dancing, Modeling). Calling: Peace of Mind
Aunt May (May Reilly Parker): Strength 2X, Agility 2X,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 6X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Calling:
Mentor. Hindrance: Frail.
Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Note: Mattie is the newest
Spider-Woman. She gained her powers in a dark ritual that
included Norman Osborn and Madame Web. For a time she
masqueraded as Spider-Man. Since defeating the third SpiderWoman, she seems also to have developed the powers of all the
Spider-Women and perhaps Madame Web as well.
Spider-Woman I (Jessica Drew): Strength 13D, Agility 9A,
Intellect 6C, Willpower 9B, Edge 2, Health 25. Brawling;
Acrobatics, Fast Exit, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Criminology,
Espionage; Law Enforcement, Observation, Tracking. Energy
Blast (Bio-electric “Venom Blast”; Limit: Infrequent – Must wait
an aura duration between each use) 13, Invulnerability to
Disease, Poison, and Radiation, Pheromones (Limits: One emotion
only [pleasure in men, fear in women], Uncontrolled) 3, WallCrawling 9. Equipment: Glider Wings (Flight [Gliding only] 3].
Calling: Investigator (formerly Adventurer). Note: Drew has
since lost her Energy Blast and Invulnerability powers, and
Pheromones power as well. Consequently, she now carries a
handgun (+4) to defend herself. In addition, current events in
the new Spider-Woman comic indicate that Drew has also lost
her super-strength and Wall-Crawling power, further reducing
her to Strength 7D and Agility 7A, though some of her powers
may now be returning. Drew until recently was a private
investigator based in Madripoor. Currently, she has been helping
the current Spider-Woman.
Spider-Woman II (Julia Carpenter): Strength 12X, Agility
12X, Intellect 5D, Willpower 6X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Espionage. Ensnarement 16, Wall-Crawling 13, Web-Slinging
(Instant Freedom) 16. Calling: Guardian. Note: Carpenter is
former member of the Freedom Force, West Coast Avengers,
and Force Works. She has since lost her powers to SpiderWoman IV. It is unclear if her powers are also beginning to
return. Nevertheless, she seems to have chosen to retire and
care for her daughter Rachel.
Spider-Woman III (Charlotte Witter): Strength 15B, Agility
13C, Intellect 5X, Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Brawling, Climbing, Natural Weapons; Acrobatics, Contingent
Attack; Art (Fashion design). Additional Limbs (4 Spider-like
Legs; Basic Movement as Equipment Power, Lightning Speed 4,
Retractable as Claws stunt, Wall-Crawling) 12, Life Drain 12,
Paralysis (Remove Paralysis; Limits: Eye contact, men only) 12,
Power Theft (Super Ability Scores and Powers of “SpiderWomen” only) 12, Psi-Screen +6, Regeneration 5. Calling:
Demolisher. Note: Witter, a relative of Madame Web was
granted her Additional Limbs by Doctor Octopus and stole the
powers of the first two Spider-Women. Following her
confrontation with the current Spider-Woman, she appears to
have lost all of her powers.
Spider-Woman IV (Martha “Mattie” Franklin): Strength 15X,
Agility 13D, Intellect 5D, Willpower 7D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3
(17). Acrobatics; Trivia (Marvels); Taunting. Additional Limbs (4
Spider-like Legs; Basic Movement as Equipment Power, Lightning
Speed 4, Retractable as Claws stunt, Wall-Crawling) 12, Flight 7,
Resistance to Power Duplication +3, Wall-Crawling 15. Note:
Mattie allegedly has the other powers of the Spider-Women,
including: Ensnarement 16, Energy Blast (Bio-electric “Venom
Blast”; Limit: Infrequent – Must wait an aura duration between
each use) 13, Invulnerability to Disease, Poison, and Radiation,
Life Drain 12, Paralysis (Remove Paralysis; Limits: Eye-contact,
men only) 12, Pheromones (Limits: One emotion only [pleasure in
men, fear in women], Uncontrolled) 3, Power Theft (Super
Ability Scores and Powers of “Spider-Women” only) 12, PsiScreen +6, Regeneration 5, Web-Slinging (Instant Freedom) 16.
Stick: Strength 5A, Agility 7A, Intellect 4C, Willpower 12A, Edge 3,
Hand Size 5 (30). Boxing, Clubs (Staves), Stunning, Wrestling;
Archery, Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Martial Arts; Medicine
(First Aid only), Occult; Meditation, Observation, Teaching,
Trance. Danger Sense 15, Enhanced Senses (Empathy, Lie
Detection) 15, Life Drain (Life Drain Healing, Draining Bolt,
Group Drain [Unique Stunt: For every member of Stick’s order
involved in the draining, the intensity of the Life Drain increases
by 3 to a maximum of 20 and gains the ability to drain all within
striking distance], Raising the Dead; Limit: Requires one full
exchange of concentration to use) 9, Sonar (“Proximity Sense”;
Back Attack) 18, Telepathy 6. Equipment: Staff (Unique Trait:
Stick may use his staff as a shield or striking weapon) +3.
Calling: Mentor. Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Blind,
compensated by Danger Sense, Enhanced Senses, and Sonar).
Note: Stick is Daredevil’s very tough mentor. The other known
members of Stick’s order are Claw, Shaft, and Stone.
Stone: Strength… Martial Arts Weapons; Martial Arts; Occult,
Espionage… Calling:… Note: Stone is one of the senior members
of Stick’s order and an intractable enemy of the Hand.
Performing. Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull Strength 4, Lightning
Speed 6). Calling: Responsibility of Power.
Timeslip (Rina Patel): Strength 4X, Agility 5X, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Lightning Speed 5,
Postcognition 10, Precognition 12, Time Travel (Limit:
Consciousness only, Uncontrolled) 8. Calling: Responsibility of
Power. Note: Timeslip was a member of the New Warriors.
Tumbler (Michael Kenneth Keane): Strength 7C, Agility 9B,
Intellect 4D, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Martial Arts;
Military. Calling: Repentant. Note: Keane is the little known
hero trying to repent for, his brother, the original Tumbler’s
Note: The Thunderriders, also known as Team America, are
motorcycle daredevils and entertainers, as well as occasional
mutant heroes.
James “Honcho” McDonald: Strength 5X, Agility 6C, Intellect
5D, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Driving
(Motorcycles), Martial Arts; Espionage; Performing. Empathy
(With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench only) 8, Gestalt (With
Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench; Unique Trait: Project Gestalt
onto one of them or a separate host, usually Georgianna) 10,
Telepathy (With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench only) 8.
Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull Strength 4, Lightning Speed 6).
Calling: Thrill-Seeker.
Wolf: Strength 6D, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Wrestling; Driving (Motorcycles);
Performing. Empathy (With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench
only) 8, Gestalt (With Honcho, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench; Unique
Trait: Project Gestalt onto a host, usually Georgianna) 10,
Telepathy (With Honcho, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench only) 8.
Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull Strength 4, Lightning Speed 6).
Calling: Thrill-Seeker.
Winthrop “R.U. Reddy” Roan, Jr.: Strength 5X, Agility 5D,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Driving
(Motorcycles), Performing. Empathy (With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy,
and Wrench only) 8, Gestalt (With Wolf, Honcho, Cowboy, and
Wrench; Unique Trait: Project Gestalt onto a host, usually
Georgianna) 10, Telepathy (With Wolf, Honcho, Cowboy, and
Wrench only) 8. Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull Strength 4,
Lightning Speed 6). Calling: Gloryhound.
Luke “Cowboy” Merriweather: Strength 5D, Agility 5C,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Whips
(Lasso); Driving (Motorcycles), Equestrian; Performing. Empathy
(With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench only) 8, Gestalt (With
Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Wrench; Unique Trait: Project Gestalt
onto a host, usually Georgianna) 10, Telepathy (With Wolf,
Honcho, R.U., and Wrench only) 8. Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull
Strength 4, Lightning Speed 6). Calling: Adventurer.
Leonard “Wrench” Hebb: Strength 5X, Agility 4C, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Driving (Motorcycles),
Repair; Mechanics; Performing. Empathy (With Wolf, R.U.,
Cowboy, and Wrench only) 8, Gestalt (With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy,
and Honcho; Unique Trait: Project Gestalt onto a host, usually
Georgianna) 10, Telepathy (With Wolf, R.U., Cowboy, and Honcho
only) 8. Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull Strength 4, Lightning
Speed 6). Calling: Thrill-Seeker.
Georgianna Sue Castleberry Hebb: Strength 4X, Agility 5D,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Driving
(Motorcycles); Finance, Performing. Equipment: Motorcycle (Hull
Strength 4, Lightning Speed 6). Calling: Adventurer.
Marauder: Strength 10X, Agility 10D, Intellect 8X, Willpower
8D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Driving (Motorcycles);
Turbo (Michiko “Mickey” Musashi): Strength 3X (13X), Agility 4C
(13C), Intellect 6D, Willpower 6X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Aerial Combat, Piloting; Journalism. Equipment: CommLink,
Turbo Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Dual Ability Boost –
Strength & Agility], Air Control [Air Shield, Downdraft, Flight,
Hyper-Breath, Tornado], Digging, Life Detection [Dire Wraiths
and mutants only], Enhanced Senses [Vision; Infravision],
Protected Senses (Vision), Resistance to Energy, Pressure, and
Radiation; Unique Trait: The effectiveness of the suit depends
on how well the user’s brains patterns interact with the suit,
varying the suits intensity for each user) 13. Calling:
Responsibility of Power. Hindrance: Guilt-Ridden (Failures as a
hero). Note: Musashi was a member of the New Warriors.
Turbo II (Michael Brent “Mike” Jeffries): Strength 4X (14X),
Agility 2D (11D), Intellect 6C, Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3
(17). Aerial Combat; Electronics, Trivia (Super-heroes and –
villains). Equipment: CommLink, Turbo Powered Armor (Ability
Boost [Strength] 14, Ability Boost [Agility], Air Control [Air
Shield, Downdraft, Flight, Hyper-Breath, Tornado], Digging, Life
Detection [Dire Wraiths and Mutants only], Enhanced Senses
[Vision; Infravision], Protected Senses (Vision), Resistance to
Energy, Pressure, and Radiation; Unique Trait: The effectiveness
of the suit depends on how well the user’s brains patterns
interact with the suit, varying the suits intensity for each user)
11. Calling: Adventurer. Note: Jeffries was member of the New
Warriors, sometimes alternating with Musashi.
Torpedo (Brock Jones): Strength 7D (12D), Agility 7D (12D),
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Athletics; Finance. Equipment: CommLink, Turbo Powered Armor
(Ability Boost [Dual Ability Boost – Strength & Agility], Air
Control [Air Shield, Downdraft, Flight, Hyper-Breath, Tornado],
Digging [Tremors as Earthquake stunt], Life Detection [Dire
Wraiths and mutants only], Enhanced Senses [Vision;
Infravision], Protected Senses (Vision), Resistance to Energy,
Pressure, and Radiation; Unique Trait: The effectiveness of the
suit depends on how well the user’s brains patterns interact with
the suit, varying the suits intensity for each user) 12. Calling:
Responsibility of Power. Note: Torpedo was an implacable enemy
of the dire wraiths trying to invade Earth and an ally of Rom.
He is deceased.
White Tiger (Hector Ayala): Strength 5X (11B), Agility 5X (11B),
Intellect 5X, Willpower 5X, Edge 0 (1), Hand Size 2 (10) (3 [17]).
Boxing, Brawling, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Martial Arts. Equipment: Mystical Tiger Pendant (Ability Boost
[Dual Ability Boost: Strength and Agility; Unique Trait: Also
grants fighting skills and the Hindrance [Addicted to amulets])
11. Calling: Exemplar (Protector). Note: Ayala has given up the
White Tiger pendants in the past. His current status is
Slippery Sam Weltsmerz: Strength 7A, Agility 7A, Intellect 5C,
Willpower 8X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling,
Martial Arts Weapons, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent
Attack, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage, Medicine (First
Aid only); Manipulation. Calling: Adventurer. Note: Weltsmerz
was slain in combat against the sociopath Christian.
Wheels Wolinski: Strength 4A, Agility 4A, Intellect 7D,
Willpower 7D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling,
Martial Arts Weapons, Wrestling; Contingent Attack, Gadgetry,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Medicine (First Aid only);
Leadership. Equipment: Wheelchair (Lightning Speed 4). Calling:
Investigator. Hindrance: Physically Disabled – Unable to Walk
(Compensated by Wheelchair).
Note: The Sons of the Tiger are all martial arts instructors who
at one time each had a portion of the Tiger Pendant. As a group
they gave up the Pendant when they realized its addictive
Abraham Brown: Strength 6C, Agility 6C, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 6B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Wrestling;
Contingent Attack, Martial Arts; Meditation, Teaching. Calling:
Robert “Bob” Diamond: Strength 6C, Agility 6C, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 6B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Wrestling;
Contingent Attack, Martial Arts; Meditation, Teaching. Calling:
Lin Sun: Strength 6C, Agility 6C, Intellect 4X, Willpower 6B,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Wrestling; Contingent Attack,
Martial Arts; Meditation, Teaching. Calling: Mentor.
Lotus Shinchuko: Strength 5C, Agility 6C, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 6B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Wrestling;
Contingent Attack, Martial Arts; Meditation, Teaching. Calling:
Tiger Pendants: For a time Abraham, Diamond, and Sun each
wore a piece of the Tiger Pendant granting them an equipment
Ability Boost (Dual Ability Boost: Strength and Agility; Unique
Trait: Also grants Martial Arts) 8 and the Hindrance (Addicted
to amulets). If united with the tiger statue, they have the
power of Dimensional Travel [Gateway; K’un Lun only] 11. Any
mage with Magic 5 can also animate the statue into a Tiger
(Strength 11C, Agility 9X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 [17]; Natural
Weapons, Wrestling; Claws +2, Teeth +2).
Abomination (Emil Blonsky): Strength 20C*, Agility 4X, Intellect
5D, Willpower 5D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). * During the few
times Blonsky has lost his powers, his Strength dropped to 5D.
Brawling, Sonic Slam; Espionage; Military. Body Armor +2,
Leaping 27, Life Support (Suspended Animation only; Limit:
Triggered by extreme cold, heat, or lack of oxygen) 15,
Resistance to Cold, Disease, Energy, and Fire +10. Calling:
Guardian (NY sewer people), formerly Demolisher, Idealist, and
Vengeance. Hindrances: Bruiser, Monstrous. Note: Blonsky, a
former soviet spy and archenemy of the Hulk, wants nothing
more than to be left alone these days.
Cardiac (Dr. Elias “Eli” Wirtham): Strength 15C, Agility 10C,
Intellect 10A, Willpower 6D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Brawling, Clubs; Acrobatics, Gadgetry; Biology, Biochemistry,
Bionics, Medicine; Finance. Energy Blast (Limit: Touch only,
unless channeled through Pulse Staff) 12, Regeneration 6.
Equipment: Hang Glider (Flight) 9, Pulse Staff (Leaping 3, Power
Amplification [Limit: Cardiac’s Energy Blast only; Unique Trait:
Can channel Energy Blast to striking distance] 15) +3. Calling:
Vengeance (Criminals). Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Weak
Heart). Note: Wirtham is a former surgeon granted his powers
through a unique heart transplant. As Cardiac, Wirtham is now a
Note: The Wolfpack are the inheritors of an ancient Hebrew
covenant with God to fight the evil of a group known as the Nine.
They are active in battling crime throughout the Bronx.
Malcolm Brown: Strength 4A, Agility 5A, Intellect 3D,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling,
Martial Arts Weapons, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent
Attack, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Medicine (First Aid only).
Calling: Outcast.
Rafael Vega: Strength 7A, Agility 6A, Intellect 4D, Willpower
4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Martial Arts
Weapons, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Medicine (First Aid only);
Leadership. Calling: Responsibility of Power.
Sharon: Strength 6A, Agility 9A, Intellect 4D, Willpower 5X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Martial Arts
Weapons, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Medicine (First Aid only). Lightning
Speed 2. Calling: Adventurer.
“Slag” Slagley: Strength 7A, Agility 6A, Intellect 5C, Willpower
5X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Martial Arts
Weapons, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Medicine (First Aid only),
Philosophy. Calling: Idealist.
Cat (Shen Kuei): Strength 7A, Agility 9A, Intellect 5D, Willpower
7D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Martial Arts Weapons;
Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Martial Arts, Thievery;
Espionage; Manipulation. Chi 7. Calling: Greed. Hindrance:
Overconfident. Note: Cat is a martial arts master and
mercenary, who has a grudging respect for Shang-Chi.
Coldblood-7 (Eric Savin): Strength 15C, Agility 9C, Intellect
4X/9D*, Willpower 4C/4X*, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). *
Numbers following the slash are for Coldblood-7’s internal
computer system. Brawling, Climbing; Contingent Attack,
Marksmanship; Assessment; Leadership, Military. Basic
Movement, CPU, Computer Link (Memory Drain [Unique Stunt:
Coldblood-7 can drain its memory banks]) 9, Enhanced Senses
(Infravision) 9, Firing Weapon +4, Sensors. Equipment: Machine
Pistol +4, Tank (Hull Strength 15, Firing Weapons [Limit: 30
shells] +7, Firing Weapons +5, Lightning Speed 7, Passengers).
Calling: Vestige of Humanity. Note: Coldblood-7 was an army
officer who was resurrected as a cyborg following his death. He
eventually became a freelance mercenary.
very close to her and will protect her. Raxton’s Energy Sheath
powers seem to constantly be in a state of flux.
Crippler (Carl Striklan): Strength 7A, Agility… Brawling, Clubs,
Knives, Whips; Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Law Enforcement,
Military… Equipment: Body Armor +2, Telescoping Steel Baton
(Cobraton) +4, Knives +2, Firearms +3 to +5, Motorcycle
(Lightning Speed 5). Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance: Addicted
(Physical violence). Note: Striklan is currently a mercenary
member of Silver Sable’s Wild Pack II. Prior to joining the Wild
Pack, he was U.S. Marine, New York City police officer, and a
member of the villainous HYDRA’s Elite Bounty Division.
Morbius (Dr. Michael Morbius): Strength 12D, Agility 9X, Intellect
8B, Willpower 5X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Note: Morbius’s
Strength and Agility drop to 4X when he loses his powers.
Natural Weapons; Biochemistry, Medicine, Radiology. Claws +1,
Flight 2, Life Drain (Vampiric Rebirth; Limit: Contingent on
successful Teeth attack; Unique Trait: Those reduced to 0 cards
become pseudo-vampires. They remain pseudo-vampires only
until they heal to full health, upon which time they return to
their normal selves) 5, Hypnosis 5, Regeneration 14, Plasticity
(Liquidity only) 4, Teeth +1. Calling: Animal Nature. Hindrance:
Addicted (Blood), Susceptible to Light. Note: Morbius, in an
attempt to heal himself from a fatal disease, accidentally turned
himself into a pseudo-vampire. Now, Morbius generally maintains
control and uses his powers to help the less fortunate.
Echo (Maya “Crazyhorse” Lopez): Strength 6A, Agility 9A,
Intellect 6X, Willpower 6C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Brawling, Clubs, Stunning; Acrobatics, Athletics, Contingent
Attack, Fast Exit, Flinging, Juggling, Marksmanship, Martial
Arts, Ricochet; Observation (Including lip reading), Performing
(Dance, Pianist). Powers: Enhanced Senses (All but hearing) 6,
Invulnerability to Noise (Deaf). Power Duplication
(“Photographic Reflexes”; Unique Stunt – Expanded Skills: No
restrictions on accumulating allowed skills; acquired skills are
permanent; Limit: Strength- and Agility-based skills only;
Special Bonus: Because she knows their fighting styles, these
people are penalized in all actions against Echo by 1 level of
difficulty: Bullseye, Daredevil, most prize fighters.) 12.
Equipment: 2 Billy Clubs +2, Handgun +4, Shurikens +1. Calling:
Vengeance (Daredevil)/Peace of Mind. Hindrance: Physically
Disabled (Deaf – 0 Agility for actions involving actions from
behind and surprise). Note: Echo is the orphaned ward of
Kingpin, tricked into thinking Daredevil is her enemy, when in
fact it was the Kingpin who murdered her father.
Note: The Night Shift was originally created and manipulated by
the Shroud as a means for him to enforce his will on the
Underworld. At times they have acted independently, however.
At present the group appears to have either disbanded or left
the Shroud’s leadership, returning to the life of crime they were
unaware they had left.
Brothers Grimm II (Percy and Barton Grimes): Strength 5X,
Agility 5D, Intellect 5D, Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Sleight of Hand; Criminology; Finance. Magic Costumes
(Corrosion [Corrosive Missile; “Golden Eggs”], Dummies (2
Decoys disguised as the Brothers), Ensnarement [Limit: aura
duration only; “Beanstalks” and “Golden Thread”], Flight [“Flying
Stars”], Paralysis [“Stardust”], Pies [Unique Power: Pies Explode
into a murder of crows – Strength 1X, Agility 4X, Intellect 1X,
Willpower 1X, Health 10; Flight 3, Enhanced Vision 6 – that
attack as a group at intensity 10 and increase the action
difficulty of all Agility-based actions by 4]; Limit: Aura duration
only, Ego [Unique Limit: The Suit has Mind Control 10 over all
those who wear it]) 10. Calling: Greed.
Dansen Macabre: Strength 5X, Agility 7X, Intellect 6C,
Willpower 8C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Mythology, Occult;
Leadership, Performing (Dance). Hypnosis (Limit: victim must
witness her dance) 12, Life Drain (Limit: victim must witness her
dance), Telepathy (Psychic Invisibility only; Note: This works
against Danger Sense and other Enhanced Senses) 18. Calling:
Demolisher. Hindrance: Obsessive (Cult of Shiva).
Digger (Roderick Krupp): Strength 11C, Agility 5X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Clubs (Shovels
& Spades). Equipment: Shovel +3. Calling: Demolisher.
Gypsy Moth (Sybil Dvorak): Strength 4X, Agility 5X, Intellect
3D, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Occult;
Manipulation. Animation 15, Flight 2, Stun Blast 7. Calling:
Hangman: See above.
Misfit/Hunchback: Strength 15C, Agility 5X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 1X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Wrestling.
Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance: Monstrous.
Needle: Strength 6D, Agility 8X, Intellect 5X, Willpower 9D,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Spears; Art (Tailor). Paralysis (Limit:
Eye contact) 9. Equipment: Giant Needle +3. Calling: Greed.
Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Mute).
Shroud: See above.
Hangman (Harlan Krueger): Strength 9A, Agility 5X, Intellect 3D,
Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Garrotes,
Spears (Scythe), Whips (Lasso/Noose); Trivia (Classic Movies);
Military. Equipment: 30’ Rope with Noose (Entanglement 9),
Scythe +3. Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance: Obsessive (Self-set
rules). Note: Hangman is a sometimes vigilante, who for a time
worked with the Nightshift.
Mayhem (Brigid O’Rielly): Strength 10D, Agility 5D, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship; Criminology; Law Enforcement. Claws +1, Flight 3,
Invulnerability to Dagger’s light daggers, Paralysis (Unique
Stunts: Paralysis Gas – Mayhem generates a continual cloud of
paralysis inducing gas effecting all with any sort of open wound,
such as from her claws, within firing distance, Truth Serum –
Victims of Mayhem’s Paralysis can be forced to tell her the
truth) 12. Calling: Vengeance (Criminals). Note: Mayhem was a
police officer who was almost slain by criminals, only to be
“reborn” in her current form. She has since become a vigilante,
sometimes working with Cloak and Dagger.
Molten Man (Mark Raxton): Strength 16D, Agility 4D, Intellect 6C,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Thievery;
Chemistry, Metallurgy. Body Armor +4, Energy Sheath
(“Molten”; Heat and Radiation; Limit: Toxic as Radiation Control
limit) 8, Resistance to Ensnarement, Fire, and Heat +10. Calling:
Repentant. Note: Raxton is the brother of Liz Allen, the widow
of Harry Osborn. Following his rehabilitation, he has become
Tatterdemalion (Arnold Paffenroth): Strength 8B, Agility 7D,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 2B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling,
Whips, Wrestling; Flinging; Finance, Gaming (Casino Gambling),
Performing (Dance). Equipment: Costume (Body Armor +2,
Resistance to Ensnarement +9), Cloak (Poison [Soporific] 9),
Gloves (Corrosion [Paper & Cloth only] 9), Weighted-Scarf +2.
Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance: Obsessive (Destroying wealth).
Ticktock: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 8C, Willpower 12X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Assessment, Criminology. Precognition
(Limit: one minute) 4, Danger Sense 6. Calling: Greed.
Werewolf (Jacob Russoff, a.k.a. Jack Russell): Strength 4X
(12C), Agility 4X (12X), Intellect 5D, Willpower 5D, Edge 2,
Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Natural Weapons; Occult; Tracking.
Animal Form (Human-wolf hybrid only) 15, Claws +3, Enhanced
Senses (Hearing, Smell, Taste, Vision; Empathy, Infravision) 15,
Invulnerability to non-silver weapons with damage less than +6,
Leaping 3, Lightning Speed 3, Teeth +3. Calling: Animal Nature.
Hindrances: Monstrous, Triggered-Powerless (All powers
contingent upon assuming wolf form, except Invulnerability),
Transformative. Note: Werewolf was Shroud’s most trusted ally
and only confidante in the team. He was also the only team
member who had never intentionally done anything criminal.
blowguns (+1) with paralyzing poisons (15), and infrared goggles
(7). Calling: Vengeance (criminals). Note: For a time, Punisher
had the following powers: Detection 7 (Supernatural Detection
only – can smell supernatural creatures such as angels and
demons), Immortality, Weapon Summoning (Unique Power –
Punisher can summon a variety of weapons from his trench coat.
He could summon any gun with a damage anywhere from +1 to +6.
Because of their supernatural nature, they may be used against
supernatural creatures at full intensity.).
Microchip (Lowell Bartholomew “Bart” Ori): Strength 4X,
Agility 4A, Intellect 6A, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Demolitions, Disguise, Marksmanship, Repair; Computers,
Electronics, Mechanics, Weapon Systems; Military. Equipment:
Microchip has access to all the same equipment as Punisher and
is responsible for building much of it. Calling: Investigator
(Protector). Note: Microchip was Punisher’s right-hand man,
even to the point of losing his son to Punisher’s “war.” Chip was
apparently killed in action.
Painkiller Jane: Strength 5C, Agility 7B, Intellect 4D, Willpower
4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Knives; Contingent
Attack, Marksmanship, Thievery; Criminology; Intimidation,
Survival. Regeneration 10. Equipment: Firearms +3 to +4, Knives
+2. Calling: Thrill-Seeker (Demolisher). Note: Jane is a vigilante
convinced she is in love with the Punisher. She is clearly
mentally disturbed.
Note: The Vigilante Squad are three NYC vigilantes who recently
teamed and were looking for Punisher to lead them. Punisher
killed all three of them.
Elite: Strength 4X, Agility 4D, Intellect 5X, Willpower 5D, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship; Finance. Equipment:
Firearms with Silencers +3 to +5. Calling: Demolisher.
Hindrance: Hateful (Criminals). Note: Elite is an upper-crust
family man determined to keep the streets clean of riffraff.
The Holy (Father Hector Redondo): Strength 4C, Agility 4X,
Intellect 5X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Axes,
Brawling; Philosophy. Equipment: Axe +3. Calling: Demolisher.
Hindrance: Hateful (Criminals). Note: The Holy is a priest who’s
unstable mind has led him to hack murderers and other serious
criminals to death when they come to confessional.
Mr. Payback: Strength 6D, Agility 4D, Intellect 4X, Willpower
4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Marksmanship; Military.
Equipment: Firearms with Silencers +4 to +5, LAW +6. Calling:
Demolisher. Hindrance: Hateful (Criminals). Note: Mr. Payback
is a working class guy who has decided to kill white-collar
criminals who are responsible for hurting working class people
around the world.
Poison (Cecilia): Strength 13D, Agility 8D, Intellect 5X, Willpower
5X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Stunning; Martial Arts.
Biophysical Control (Disfiguring damage only; Unique Trait: This
psionic power reaches out to visual range with a glance) 13,
Flight 6, Resistance to Disease and Poison +7. Calling: Vengeance
(Criminals). Note: Poison is a Cuban immigrant who gained her
powers by serving as a host for an ailing alien. The alien has
since returned to its own realm, but Cecilia’s powers remain.
Poison is a vigilante.
Portal (Charles Little Sky): Strength 8X, Agility 6X, Intellect 3D,
Willpower 8X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Finance. Dimensional
Travel (Passengers; Limit: Directionless without “directional
mechanism” located in armor) 9. Equipment: Body Armor +5
(Limit: Permanent without amulet), Energy Gun (“Energy
Harpoon”; Energy Blast) 12, Ensnarement Glue (Ensnarement
[Adhesion]) 8, Energy Wheel (Unique Trait: Wheel separates
into components with Strength 8X, Agility 8X, and Flight 8;
Note: They can make use of the “pile-on” tactic) 8. Calling:
Peace of Mind. Note: Portal is a Native American mutant who
fled his tribal imposed obligation to become an accountant. He
has been involved in battles with the Avengers, Darkhawk, Puma,
and the U-Foes. [by Ty States and Steve-O]
Punisher (Frank Castle): Strength 8A, Agility 7A, Intellect 5A,
Willpower 8A, Edge 3, Hand Size 5 (30). Boxing, Brawling,
Knives, Wrestling; Contingent Attack, Demolitions,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Assessment, Criminology,
Espionage, Medicine (First Aid only); Intimidation, Military,
Survival. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Combat Knife (Springing
Blade allows it to become a one-shot Firing Weapon)+2, Grenades
(Energy Blast – Explosion 10; Concussion – Stun Blast 10; Tear
Gas – Poison 10), Firearms +2 to +5 (mercy bullets – Knockout
Poison 10 and stunning damage only), Battle Van (Hull Strength
16, EMP Protection, CommLink, Lightning Speed 4, Lights,
Sensors). Note: Punisher has been able to access heavier
ordinance on occasion and made use of a variety of weaponry,
including diamond fingernail implants (+2), web-slinging lines (7),
Savage Steel (James “Jimmy” Zafar): Strength 4 (17), Agility 4,
Intellect 4, Willpower 4, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship; Criminology; Law Enforcement… Equipment:
Savage Steel Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength] 17, Body
Armor, Energy Blast [Electric and Sonic; Wide-Angle Beam],
Flight, Resistance to Gas,… Gas Grenades, Flares… Note: Various
members of the Cabal took turns wearing the Savage Steel
armor, including Paul Trent and former members Harry Lennox,
Johnny Leone, and Jimmy Zafar, all as Savage Steel I. Arthur
Vale was Savage Steel II, and Zafar is the current Savage Steel
III. Harry Lennox also had the Observation skill, while Arthur
Vale had no skills. Most of Savage Steel’s wielders are either
imprisoned or in the Witness Relocation Program. After
beginning as a violent vigilante, Savage Steel is currently
something of a hero.
Razor Cut: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Body Armor +3, Claws +3, Quills 6.
Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Note: The Shadowmasters are a small secret society of ninja
who have sworn to protect Japan from the evil and secret
business cabal, the Sunrise Society. They have worked with the
Punisher on several occasions, even asking him to head an
American branch of the Shadowmasters (he refused).
Philip Richards: Strength 7B, Agility 6B, Intellect 5D, Willpower
5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing, Martial Arts
Weapons; Disguise, Martial Arts, Thievery; Espionage; Survival.
Equipment: Camouflage Clothing (Blending 4), Knives +2, Ninja-to
(Sword) +3, Bow & Arrows +2. Calling: Soldier.
Shigeru Ezaki: Strength 5B, Agility 6B, Intellect 5D, Willpower
7C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing, Martial Arts
Weapons; Disguise, Martial Arts, Thievery; Espionage;
Leadership, Survival. Equipment: Camouflage Clothing (Blending
4), Knives +2, Ninja-to (Sword) +3, Bow & Arrows +2. Calling:
Sojin Ezaki: Strength 6B, Agility 6B, Intellect 4D, Willpower
6D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing, Martial Arts
Weapons; Disguise, Martial Arts, Thievery; Espionage; Survival.
Equipment: Camouflage Clothing (Blending 4), Knives +2, Ninja-to
(Sword) +3, Bow & Arrows +2. Calling: Soldier.
Yuriko Ezaki: Strength 5B, Agility 7B, Intellect 5D, Willpower
6D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing, Martial Arts
Weapons; Disguise, Martial Arts, Thievery; Espionage; Survival.
Equipment: Camouflage Clothing (Blending 4), Knives +2, Ninja-to
(Sword) +3, Bow & Arrows +2. Calling: Soldier.
Will ‘O the Wisp (Jackson Arvad): Strength 5X (15X), Agility 5C
(15C), Intellect 5B, Willpower 5X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Fast Exit, Repair; Computers, Electronics, Physics. Computer
Link (Limit: Only at 0 density) 5, Density Control (Floating,
Partial Phasing [as Phasing stunt], Phasing; Unique Trait: Partial
Phasing stunt allows Jackson to effectively maximize his density
for purposes of Strength and minimize it for purposes of
Agility) 10, Flight (Limit: Only at 0 density; Unique Trait: Flight
gives off light) 5, Hypnosis 10. Calling: Idealist (Vengeance).
Note: Arvad is a reformed criminal and member of Silver Sable’s
Wraith (Brian DeWolff): Strength 5X, Agility 5D, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 9D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Marksmanship;
Criminology; Law Enforcement. Illusion (Invisibility; Unique
Trait: Can also make himself invisible to detection, including
Danger Sense) 16, Mind Control 16, Psychic Blast 16, Telekinesis
14, Telepathy 14. Calling: Protector. Note: DeWolff was a
former police officer turned vigilante who was slain by the
criminal killer Scourge.
Captain Jean DeWolff: Strength 4D, Agility 5C, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 6B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Marksmanship,
Martial Art; Criminology; Law Enforcement, Leadership,
Observation. Equipment: Firearm +4. Calling: Protector. Note:
DeWolff was one of New York’s finest and a close ally of SpiderMan before being slain by the insane Sin-Eater.
Shotgun: Strength 8B, Agility 6D, Intellect 4D, Willpower 4D, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Knives; Marksmanship;
Espionage; Military. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Various
Firearms (Standard ammunition +3 to +5, Explosive [Energy Blast
-- Explosion], Concussive [Stun Blast – Stun Bolt], Combustible
[Fire Control – Fire Blast only], and Disintegrative [Corrosion –
Corrosive Missile]) 10. Calling: Soldier (Demolisher). Hindrance:
Obsessive (High Powered Weapons). Note: Shotgun is a U.S.
CIA operative and assassin.
Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
AIM Agent: Strength 5X, Agility 4D, Intellect 2X, Willpower
2X, Edge 0, Health 10. Marksmanship. Equipment: Blast Rifle
+5. Calling: Greed.
AIM Scientist: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5C, Willpower
2X, Edge 0, Health 10. Two science skills. Blaster Pistol +3.
Calling: Investigator.
Cache: Strength 5D, Agility 5D, Intellect 8A, Willpower 5X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing; Martial Arts; Assessment,
Computers, Photographic Memory, Trivia (Everything). Computer
Link (Machine Animation, Multiple Machines, Rangeless, Web
Surfing [Unique Stunt: Cache can pick up any skill with one
exchange]) 18, Imitation (Imitate Fingerprints and Retinal Scan)
9. Calling: Soldier.
Protocide (Clinton McIntyre): Strength 14A, Agility 8B,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 2D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing,
Brawling, Shields, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Marksmanship;
Military. Equipment: Shield +3. Calling: Soldier (Demolisher).
Note: Protocide is the first successful recipient of the SuperSoldier Serum. Unfortunately, his violent and weak psyche made
him easy prey for AIM.
Note: Trash is a group of super-powered inner city youths who
for a time acted as agents of a criminal known as the Garbage
Man. Following the defeat of the Garbage Man by Power Pack,
the team left to find their own way in the city.
Airhead: Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Flight (“Inflatable Head”) 3. Calling:
Youthful Exuberance. Hindrance: Kid.
Blasting Cap: Strength 2X, Agility 3X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Energy Blast (Explosion only;
Limit: Increased Difficulty) 10. Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Hindrance: Kid.
Brute: Strength 11X, Agility 2X, Intellect 2X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Calling: Youthful Exuberance.
Crazy Legs: Strength 3X, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Ability Boost (Legs only) +5,
Elongation (Seven League Stride; Limit: Legs only). Calling:
Youthful Exuberance.
Ammo: Strength 7A, Agility 6C, Intellect 5X, Willpower 4A, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Climbing, Clubs;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Intimidation, Leadership, Military,
Survival. Equipment: Baseball Bat +3, Handgun +4. Calling:
Demolisher. Note: Ammo is the leader of a street gang and a
foe of Daredevils.
Water Control (Dehydration, Drowning, Fog, Propulsion, Tsunami,
Water Elementals, Water Walking, Water Gloves [Unique Stunt
– Solidified water gives +4]) 12, Weather Control 4. Calling:
Greed. Note: Water Wizard has been a member of the Force of
Nature and Masters of Evil.
Angar the Screamer (David Allan Angar): Strength 5X, Agility 4X,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Sonic
Control (Unique Stunt only: Hallucinatory Scream – With an easy
Power action (vs. Willpower), the villain can scream in such a
fashion that all within firing distance are incapacitated by
horrifying nightmares and hallucinations, unable to act, for over
an hour. This generally serves to cloud the memories recall of
the villain as well) 15. Calling: Greed. Note: Angar was the
former lover of Screaming Mimi. He is deceased.
Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker: Strength 9B, Agility 8B, Intellect
7C, Willpower 8A, Edge 3, Health 30. Brawling, Swords,
Wrestling; Disguise, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage,
History; Intimidation, Leadership, Military, Performing (Acting).
Affliction 15 (Limit: Touch – flesh-to-flesh contact),
Regeneration 3, Resistance to Aging +8. Equipment: Firearms +3
to +5, Swords +4, Satan Claws (Ability Boost [Strength] 2,
Energy Blast [Limit: Touch, as a contingent attack] 6). Calling:
World Domination. Hindrance: Overconfident. Note: Strucker
is the founder of HYDRA and the archenemy of Nick Fury.
Note: Fenris are the terrorist mutant children of Baron
Andrea Strucker: Strength 3X, Agility 4D, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Health 17. Marksmanship. Disintegration
(Limits: Disintegration Ray only; Touch – must be in contact with
brother, cannot fire in the same exchange). Calling: Demolisher.
Andreas Strucker: Strength 4X, Agility 3D, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Health 17. Marksmanship. Energy Blast
(Concussive Force; Limit: Touch – must be in contact with sister,
cannot fire in the same exchange) 11. Calling: Demolisher.
Note: The original Ani-Men, Ape-Man I, Bird-Man I, Cat-Man I,
and Frog-Man, were killed in a battle between Count Nefaria and
Iron Man. Dragonfly, Nefaria’s new addition to the original team
escaped the battle and has since worked for Superia and the
Masters of Evil. The second Ani-Men were recruited by DeathStalker, a foe of Daredevil. Ape-Man II and Cat-Man II were
killed by Death-Stalker. Bird-Man II was later slain by Scourge.
Ape-Man I (Gordon “Monk” Keefer)/II (Roy McVey): Strength
10B, Agility 5X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3
(10). Boxing, Brawling, Wrestling. Equipment: Body Armor +2,
CommLink. Calling: Greed. Note: For a time, Keller became
empowered with Strength 14D and Agility 8X.
Bird-Man I (Henry Hawk)/II (Achille Dibacco): Strength 8X,
Agility 6D, Intellect 3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Aerial Combat. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Blaster +4,
CommLink, Wings 8. Calling: Greed. Note: For a time, Hawk
became empowered with real Strength 13X, Agility 11D, and
Wings 9.
Cat-Man I (Townshend Horgan)/II (Sebastian Patane):
Strength 8B, Agility 6D, Intellect 3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing, Natural Weapons;
Acrobatics. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Claws +3, CommLink.
Calling: Greed. Note: For a time, Horgan became empowered
with Strength 10C, Agility 12D, and Claws +3.
Dragonfly (Veronica Dultry): Strength 8D, Agility 8C, Intellect
5X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling; Acrobatics,
Aerial Combat. Body Armor +2, Enhanced Senses 4, Wings 8.
Equipment: Blaster Gloves (Energy Blast 8), Claws +2. Calling:
Greed. Note: Dultry, the only survivor of the Ani-Men, retains
her powers.
Frog-Man (Francois le Blanc): Strength 8D, Agility 6C,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Jumping;
Acrobatics, Martial Arts. Equipment: Body Armor +2, CommLink.
Calling: Greed. Note: For a time, le Blanc became empowered
with Strength 12D, Agility 12D, and Leaping 8.
Beggar King (Allen Dawes): Strength 6X, Agility 6X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 6C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Animal Handling,
Survival. Animal Control (Note: Prefers dogs, cats, rats, and
pigeons) 12, Enhanced Senses (Vision) 10. Calling: Outcast.
Note: Dawes was a Bronx Zoo worker who suddenly noticed he
had the power to control animals. After being fired from his job
he engaged in a number of crimes, leaving behind scraps of paper
identifying himself as the Beggar King. He has since taken up
residence in the sewers with the Worm. [by Steve Kunec]
Belladonna (Narda Ravanna): Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 3D. Chemistry; Finance. Equipment: Gas Gun (“Neoastropine”; Poison [Soporific; Poison Gas]; Unique Traits: Creates
Darkness as Darkforce Control stunt with each shot; Dissolves
adhesives, as Corrosion, such as Spider-Man’s webbing) 15, Coat
gas jets (Neo-astropine”; Poison [Soporific]; Unique Traits:
Creates Darkness as Darkforce Control stunt with each shot;
Dissolves adhesives, as Corrosion, such as Spider-Man’s webbing)
15. Calling: Vengeance. Note: Ravanna had a fashion and
cosmetics company that was put out of business. Being a master
chemist, the only logical choice of action was for her to make a
bunch of chemical-based weapons and put on a costume to get
Answer: Strength 10X, Agility 10C, Intellect 10C, Willpower 10X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Aerial Combat, Contingent Attack;
Assessment, Espionage. Chi (Healing) 10, Enhanced Senses 16,
Flight (Mach Control, Power Dive) 16, Lightning Speed (Mach
Control, Power Slam) 16, Resistance to Energy and Ensnarement
+8. Calling: Investigator. Note: Answer was an agent
empowered by the Kingpin, but apparently slain while healing
Dagger with his life force.
Bengal: Strength 7C, Agility 8A, Intellect 4X, Willpower 7C, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Martial Arts Weapons; Acrobatics,
Archery, Flinging, Martial Arts; Survival, Tracking. Equipment:
Bow and Arrows +2, Sai +2, Shurikens +1. Calling: Vengeance
(United States). Bengal seeks vengeance for the deaths of his
parents and fellow villagers during the Vietnam War. His first
clash was with Daredevil, though he has since fought Night
Thrasher several times.
Aqueduct/Water Wizard (Peter Van Zante): Strength 5X, Agility
4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Health 17. Military.
Black Fox: Strength 5D, Agility 7B, Intellect 5X, Willpower 7C,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Climbing; Acrobatics, Fast Exit,
Thievery; Manipulation, Observation. Equipment: Electric
Nullifier (Power Nullification [Electronic burglar detection
devices only]) 10, Flash Grenades (Blinding Blast stunt) 10,
Smoke Grenades (Smokescreen [as Fire Control stunt]) 10, Rope
Line (Web-Slinging) 10, Glass Cutter. Calling: Greed. Note:
Black Fox is world-class thief.
(Bladarang +6, Gasarang [Poison – Paralytic or Soporific; Poison
Gas only], Gravityrang [Gravity Control – Increase only],
Razorang +6, Reflexerang [Stun Blast], Screamerang [Sonic
Control – Sonic Scream only], Shatterang [Energy Blast –
Explosion only]) 12, Boot Jets (Energy Blast [Touch only] 8,
Flight 4). Calling: Greed. Note: Boomerang is villain/mercenary/
assassin for hire.
Bullet: Strength 11C, Agility 4D, Intellect 5D, Willpower 5C, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Resistance to Poison (Toxic Chemicals) +4.
Brawling, Wrestling (Charging – See RRGtE, p. 23);
Marksmanship; Espionage; Law Enforcement, Military. Calling:
Demolisher (Soldier). Note: Bullet is a former federal agent
turned criminal. He has fought Daredevil a number of times.
Blackwing (Joseph Manfredi): Strength 6D, Agility 6B, Intellect 5C,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling; Marksmanship,
Flinging, Repair; Criminology, Espionage; Finance. Equipment:
Animal Control Implants (Bats only) 12, Blackwing Costume
(Blending [Darkness only] 6, Body Armor +2, Wings [Gliding only]
3), Club +2, Shurikens (Razor Bats) +1, Goblin-Glider” or Hover
Platform (Flight) 3. Calling: Greed. Mutated Bats: Strength 2X,
Agility 5X, Intellect 1X, Willpower 1X, Edge 0, Health 10; Can
attack as a group at intensity 12; Calling: Animal Nature. Note:
Blackwing is the son of the Maggia leader Silvermane.
Bullseye (Mr. Pondexter): Strength 7B, Agility 8A, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 3C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Knives,
Whips; Demolitions, Contingent Attack, Flinging, Marksmanship,
Martial Arts; Intimidation, Military. Unique Trait: Bullseye has
5 Agility-based Skills. Body Armor (Striking Weapon [fists] +1,
Unbreakable [bones]) +2. Equipment: Body Armor +1, Various
thrown objects (including a false tooth) +0 to +3 and firearms +2
to +4. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Bullseye is a regular agent of
Kingpin and one of Daredevil’s deadliest enemies. For a time, the
level of hate between Bullseye and Daredevil actually created a
psychic rapport of some sort between them.
Note: Heavy Mettle serve as Joseph Manfredi’s enforcers.
Barracuda: Strength 4D (12D), Agility 5D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Underwater
Combat. Equipment: Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength],
Body Armor, CommLink, Flight, Resistance to Cold and Pressure,
Swimming 6, Waterbreathing 6) 12. Calling: Greed. [by Shawn
Blackwing II: Strength 4X, Agility 5D (10D), Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Aerial Combat.
Equipment: Powered Armor (Ability Boost (Agility), Body Armor,
CommLink, Wings) 10. Calling: Greed. [by Shawn Carmen]
Firestrike (Dalton Beck): Strength 5X, Agility 4D, Intellect 5C,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Thievery; Criminology,
Law. Equipment: Powered Armor (Body Armor, CommLink, Fire
Control [Blast only], Flight, Resistance to Fire) 10. Calling:
Repentant, formerly Greed. [by Shawn Carmen]
Riot: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 5X, Willpower 4X, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Equipment: Powered Armor (Body Armor,
CommLink, Sonic Control [Sonic Scream, Sonic Vibration; Limit:
Stunts only]) 10. Calling: Greed. [by Shawn Carmen]
Stronghold: Strength 3D (14D), Agility 3X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling. Equipment:
Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Body Armor,
CommLink, Life Support [Limit: 2 hour air supply]) 14. Calling:
Greed. [by Shawn Carmen]
Warbow: Strength 5X, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Archery. Equipment: Body Armor +4,
Energy Bow (Energy Blast) 10. Calling: Greed. [by Shawn
Bushman (Raoul Bushman): Strength 9A, Agility 7B, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 6A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Brawling,
Swords, Wrestling; Demolitions, Marksmanship, Martial Arts;
Tactics; Intimidation, Leadership, Manipulation, Military. Teeth
+0. Equipment: Sword +5, Machine Gun +6. Calling: Demolisher.
Hindrance: Hateful (Moon Knight). Note: Bushman is a former
mercenary colleague of Moon Knight. Following an altercation
between the two, they became bitter enemies.
Bushwacker: Strength 8D, Agility 5D, Intellect 4C, Willpower 6C,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Marksmanship; Espionage,
Theology; Military, Tracking. Bionic Gun Arm +2 to +5.
Equipment: Flame Thrower (Energy Blast [Fire] 12). Calling:
Demolisher. Note: Bushwacker is a brutal murderer who
specializes in killing mutants.
Calypso (Calypso Ezili): Strength 4X, Agility 5X, Intellect 4C,
Willpower 9C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Biochemistry, Occult;
Meditation, Survival. Magic (Animation, Detection [Magic],
Ensnarement, ESP, Hypnosis, Illusion, Mind Control, Telekinesis,
Telepathy only; Unique Trait: Calypso casts her spells at
intensity 11, despite her Willpower 9) 11. Calling: Vengeance
(Spider-Man). Hindrance: Hateful (Spider-Man). Note: Calypso
was the lover of Kraven I. She blames Spider-Man for his
Blank: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Equipment: Force Field Generator (Force Field
[Personal Field only], Resistance to Ensnarement; Unique Trait:
Obscuring nature of field completely conceals his features.) 15,
Handgun +4. Calling: Greed. Note: Blank is a small time West
Coast villain.
Carlos Lobo: Strength 7D (14C), Agility 6D (12D), Intellect 4D,
Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons; Thievery; Criminology; Intimidation. Animal Form
(Wolf; Limit: Change triggered by moonlight) 14, Claws (Limit:
Wolf form only) +2, Enhanced Senses (Hearing and Smell;
Infravision; Limit: 4 in human form) 14, Invulnerability to nonsilver weapons with damage bonuses less than +6 (Limit: Wolf
form only), Teeth (Limit: Wolf form only) +3. Hindrance:
Boomerang (Fred Myers): Strength 7D, Agility 8B, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Boomerangs, Flinging,
Martial Arts. Equipment: Body Armor +2, 7-10 Boomerangs
Vision, Infravision, Radar Sense, Protected Vision], CommLink) 6,
Ankle Jets (Flight) 6, Wrist-Blasters (Energy Blasts [Concussive
or Laser], Corrosion [Corrosive Missile]) 10, Power Pack (Material
Strength 10; Unique Trait: If the pack is damaged Chance loses
power to all of his equipment and takes damage equal to 10 plus
twice the Narrator card.) Calling: Greed. Hindrance: Triggered
Powerless (Without Equipment and Power Pack). Note: Chance is
criminal-for-hire and gambler, even going so far as to make bets
during battle.
Monstrous (Wolf form only), Susceptible to Silver,
Transformative. Calling: Greed (Demolisher as Wolf). Note:
Carlos Lobo and his deceased brother Eduardo are mutants with
the power to become werewolves. Eduardo had identical
statistics to Carlos.
Carnage (Cletus Kasady): Strength 16B, Agility 11D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 2D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). If deprived of the
symbiote, Kasady’s Strength is 4X, Agility is 4X, Edge is 1, and
Hand Size is 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing, Wrestling; Acrobatics;
Intimidation. Claws +5, Elongation (Telescopic Attack) 7,
Enhanced Senses (Circular Vision only) 7, Ensnarement 7, Firing
Weapon +3, Invulnerability to Venom’s ability to detect its
spawn, Teeth +5, Wall-Crawling 14, Web-Slinging 14. Calling:
Demolisher. Hindrance: Monstrous, Susceptible to Heat. Note:
Kasady wears the offspring of Spider-Man’s and now Venom’s
symbiotic suit. Kasady is homicidal maniac.
Chemistro I (Curtis Carr): Strength 4X, Agility 4C, Intellect
8A, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Note: Prior to
becoming crippled, Carr had Strength 6X, Agility 6C.
Marksmanship, Thievery; Bionics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Physics.
Equipment: Alchemy Gun (Transmutation [Transmutation Blast
(Unique Stunt: Gun may reach firing distance); Unique Trait:
Transmuted substances are Susceptible to heat and turn to dust
after a certain period of time]) 13. Calling: Vengeance
(Mainstream Motors), later Peace of Mind (Investigator).
Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Amputee – Feet; Compensated
with prosthetics). Note: Carr has reformed, however, his
younger brother has taken up his criminal ways. Fortunately,
Carr can be called upon to help defeat the machinations and
results of the other Chemistros’ crimes.
Chemistro II (Archibald “Arch” Morton): Strength 6D, Agility
6C, Intellect 6X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Brawling; Marksmanship, Thievery; Intimidation. Transmutation
(Transmutation Blast [Unique Stunt: Gun may reach firing
distance]; Unique Trait: Transmuted substances are Susceptible
to heat and turn to dust after a certain period of time) 13.
Calling: Greed. Note: Morton was Curtiss Carr’s cellmate. After
beating Carr into giving him the location of the gun, Morton had
an accident and developed the powers of the gun himself. He
later lost those powers, in part thanks to a redemptive Carr.
Chemistro III (Calvin Carr): Strength 6X, Agility 5C, Intellect
4X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship,
Thievery; Intimidation. Equipment: Alchemy Gun (Transmutation
[Transmutation Blast (Unique Stunt: Gun may reach firing
distance)]; Unique Trait: Transmuted substances are Susceptible
to heat and turn to dust after a certain period of time) 13.
Calling: Greed. Note: Calvin Carr was a jealous brother who stole
the Alchemy Gun and set out to prove himself better than Curtis
Carrion II (Malcolm McBride): Strength 14C, Agility 8X, Intellect
4X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling,
Wrestling; Intimidation. Disintegrate (Organic matter and
water only) 14, Flight (Levitation only) 4, Phasing 8, Telepathy 8.
Equipment: Red Dusts (Affliction, Corrosion, or Poison
[Soporific]) 9. Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man). Hindrance:
Monstrous. Note: McBride has been lost in the Carrion monster
he has become.
Carrion I: Strength 14C, Agility 8X, Intellect 7B, Willpower 5D,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Wrestling; Biology,
Genetics, Super-Physiology; Intimidation. Disintegrate 14, Flight
(Levitation only) 4, Phasing 8, Telekinesis (Limits: Organic
matter and water only) 8, Telepathy 8, Teleportation (Unique
Trait: Accompanied by a flash of light and sulphurous odor) 8.
Equipment: Red Dusts (Affliction, Corrosion, or Poison
[Soporific]) 9. Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man). Calling:
Monstrous. Note: Carrion I claimed he was a clone of Prof. Miles
Chameleon (Dmitri Smerdyakov, a.k.a., Dmitri Kravinoff):
Strength 5X, Agility 5A, Intellect 7D, Willpower 9A, Edge 2,
Hand Size 4 (25). Demolitions, Disguise, Fast Exit,
Marksmanship; Espionage; Art (Masks & make-up artistry),
Finance, Performing (Acting & impressions), Politics. Equipment:
Imitation Masks (Limit: Requires Computer Belt to activate) 12,
Computer Belt (Scans targets, stores information, and activates
Imitation powers), Memory Material (Special fabric responds to
Computer Belt and Imitation powers), Air Pistol w/Knockout
Darts (Poison [Soporific] 8 delivered automatically upon hit) +2,
Knockout Gas Aerosol (Poison [Soporific; Poison Gas] 8), Smoke
Bombs (Smokescreen as Fire Control Stunt) 10. Defunct
Equipment: Masks, Colorshift Clothing, and Special Gas
(Imitation 9; Limit: Change takes 2 exchanges). Calling:
Vengeance (The United States and Spider-Man). Hindrance:
Triggered Powerless (Without Computer Belt, reverts to whiteface form after two exchanges). Note: Chameleon is a regular
foe of Spider-Man. Apparently, he grew up as a servant boy to
Kraven, unaware that he was in fact related to Kraven.
Constrictor (Frank Schlichting): Strength 6C, Agility 5X, Intellect
2X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Whips.
Equipment: Body Suit (Body Armor +2, ECM 4, Resistance to
Electricity +6); Tentacles (Additional Limbs [Telescopic Attack
only] 12, Electrical Control 16, Ensnarement [Instant Freedom]
12, Unbreakable). Calling: Greed. Constrictor is a villain for
hire. He turned down membership in the Serpent Society, but
he was a member of the most recent Masters of Evil.
Copperhead I (Lawrence Chesney): Strength… UNFINISHED
Corruptor (Jackson Day): Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, hand Size 3 (17). Mind Control (Calling
Change [Unique Stunt – Anyone hypnotized by the Corruptor
gains a villainous calling for the duration of their thralldom],
Multiple Targets [Unique Stunt – Controller can maintain control
Chance (Nicholas Powell): Strength 6, Agility 7, Intellect 8,
Willpower 5, Edge 2, Hand size 4 (25). Acrobatics, Aerial
Combat, Marksmanship; Weapon Systems; Gaming (Gambling).
Equipment: Cybernetic Helmet (Enhanced Senses [Circular
over a number of people at any one time], Prolonged Control
[Unique Stunt – Thralldom can last hours, or possibly days, after
Corruptor stops concentrating]; Limit: Touch [skin-to-skin],
Uncontrolled [skin constantly secretes psychoactive chemicals];
Unique Trait: Thralls of Day gain a villainous Calling for the
duration of their control) 15. Calling: Greed. Note: Corruptor is
a blue-skinned villain.
for hire. He is largely responsible for the creation of superstrong Unlimited Class Wrestling.
Doctor Nightshade (Tilda Johnson): Strength 4D, Agility 5D,
Intellect 9A, Willpower 6D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship; Biochemistry, Biology, Bionics, Criminology,
Genetics, Medicine, Physics, Robotics; Animal Handling. Unique
Trait: Nightshade has 8 Intellect skills. Animal Control (Unique
Traits: Affects those with Animal Form power, such as
werewolves, as well; Pheromone-based) 9. Equipment: Battle
Armor (Unique Trait: Has silver spikes to protect from
werewolves) +4, Firearms +4, Concentrated Pheromones (Men
only) 9, Werewolf Serum (Poison [Unique Trait: Grants Animal
Form (Werewolf) 14, to normal humans]) 14. Calling: Greed.
Note: After years of failed criminal activity, Nightshade has
become the matriarchal criminal Superia’s second-in-command.
Werewolf: Strength 11D, Agility 12X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons. Animal Form
(Wolf; Limit: Change triggered by moonlight) 14, Claws (Limit:
Wolf form only) +3, Enhanced Senses 7, Invulnerability to nonsilver weapons with damage bonuses less than +6, Teeth (Limit:
Wolf form only) +3. Hindrance: Transformative. Calling:
Uncontrolled Power (Demolisher).
Crossfire (Williams Cross): Strength 5C, Agility 5B, Intellect 7A,
Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Repair; Computers, Electronics
(Ultra-sonics), Espionage, Tactics; Military. Equipment: Bionics
(Enhanced Senses [Hearing, Vision; Infravision], Protected
Senses [Hearing]) 10, Costume (Body Armor +2, Resistance to
Fire +4), Firearms +2 to +5, Undertaker Machine (Emotion
Control [Multiple Targets; Limit: Rage only] 15. Note: Crossfire
often carried many other small gadgets secreted on his person,
such as gas masks, surveillance bugs, and single-shot weapons
with default intensities of 7. Calling: Greed (Vengeance
[Hawkeye]). Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Effectively deaf
with bionic ear turned off). Note: Crossfire is a former CIA
agent gone rogue.
Death-Stalker (Philip Wallace Sterling): Strength 6D, Agility 6D,
Intellect 8C, Willpower 4D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling;
Contingent Attack, Gadgetry; Electronics, Espionage;
Manipulation. Invisibility (Inaromatic, Inaudibility, Intangibility,
Invisible to Machines; Unique Trait: Death-Stalker ordinarily
exists in an interdimensional realm lying close to Earth’s
dimension. From this dimension he can observe Earth, invisible
and intangible) 16, Phasing (Astral Detection, Partial Phasing,
Phase Shift) 18, Teleportation 6. Equipment: Cybernetic DeathGrip (“Microwave Radiation” Energy Blast; Limits: Touch and
Bruiser [Death-Stalker is effectively a “Bruiser” with his Death
Grip, and uses his Agility rather than the power’s intensity when
determining the action score. This changes the attack’s trump
suit to Agility as well.]; Unique Trait: Death-Stalker may
effectively utilize both his Brawling and Contingent Attack skills
when attacking with the Death-Grip) 19. Calling: Vengeance
(Daredevil). Note: Death-Stalker, a foe of Daredevil, is
Doctor Octopus: Mechanics, Radiology. Equipment: Body Armor +3.
Note: See Roster Book #0.
Doctor Octopus’s Laboratory: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Ecstasy (Renée Deladier): Strength 4X, Agility 5X, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 7B, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Criminology, Finance,
Leadership, Manipulation. Blending (Darkness only) 4, Darkforce
Control (Create Darkness, Darkforce Aura, Resistance to
Darkness, Teleportation [Passengers], Window) 18, Elongation
(Cloak; Unique Trait: May make normal Wrestling attacks with
cloak) 4, Life Drain (Psychic Vampirism) 8, Phasing (Phase Shift)
16, Power Theft (Cloak only) 7, Resistance to Life Drain +7.
Note: Normally Ecstasy lacks all of Cloak’s powers, leaving her
with only her Power Theft and Resistance powers. Calling:
Greed. Note: Ecstasy is a French drug dealer who has somehow
stolen Cloak’s powers on several occasions. However, her evil has
apparently allowed her to avoid most of Cloak’s limitations and
Doctor Faustus (Johann Fennhoff): Strength 7X, Agility 3X,
Intellect 9A, Willpower 9A, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Renaissance Man (Assessment, Biochemistry, Computers,
Medicine, Psychiatry, Sociology; Finance, Intimidation,
Manipulation, Mesmerism, Observation, Teaching). Equipment:
Firearms +3 to +5, Hypnosis Equipment (Faustus has also used a
variety of equipment from chemicals to machinery to give
himself the equivalent of Hypnosis 15 and Illusion 15, often with
one or more stunts as well), Wheelchair. Calling: Vengeance
(Captain America). Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Unable to
walk; Faustus had Strength 9X and Agility 4X prior to his
accident.). Note: Faustus is a foe of Captain America’s and
Moonstone’s mentor.
Eel (Edward Lavell): Strength 5D, Agility 7X, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling; Electronics. Eel Suit
(Electrical Control [Blast only], Energy Sheath [Electricity],
Ensnarement, Lights, Radar Sense, Resistance to Electricity and
Ensnarement) 12. Calling: Greed. Note: Eel is a Maggia leader
and former member of the most recent Masters of Evil.
8-Ball: Strength 6D, Agility 6C, Intellect 6D, Willpower 4D, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Clubs; Acrobatics, Gadgetry; Aeronautics
(Missile Guidance and Propulsion Systems); Gaming (Gambling,
Pool). Equipment: Body Armor +1, Cue Stick (Ability Boost
[Strength]; Unique Trait: Magnifies any force applied to the
stick) 10, Ball-bombs +3, Giant Floating Pool Balls (Energy Blast
[Explosion]) 12, Hover-rack (Material Strength 12, Flight,
Passengers) 4 or Floating 8-Ball (Material Strength 12, Flight) 4.
Calling: Greed. Note: 8-Ball was a defense contractor fired for
gambling, who consequently turned to crime to pay off his
gambling debts. He has fought Sleepwalker on several occasions
Doctor Karl Malus: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 9A,
Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Scientific Genius
(Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Genetics, Medicine, Radiology,
Super-Physiology). Equipment: Guns +4. Calling: Investigator
(Greed). Hindrance: Panicky. Note: Malus is criminal scientist
and has been known to employee criminal flunkies (notably, 6Ball, 9-Ball, and 11-Ball).
Armor +3, Whiplash Gauntlets (Contain three cable whips each;
Ensnarement 8, Telescopic Attack as Additional Limbs stunt) +4.
Calling: Demolisher.
Electro: Note: See Roster Book #0.
Fly (Richard Deacon): Strength 13D, Agility 11C, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Aerial
Combat, Thievery. Enhanced Senses (Circular Vision [Unique
Traits: Fly cannot be surprised by anything he can see coming.
He may use his power’s intensity instead of Agility for the
purpose of dodging attacks) 15, Wall-Crawling 11, Wings (Air
Blast 15, Sonic Scream as Sonic Control stunt 6; Unique Trait:
Wings produce a high –pitched “buzzing” sound) 9. Calling: Greed
(Demolisher). Note: Deacon was a small-time thug who was
empowered in criminal experiments. The Fly was slain by
Note: The original Enforcers were a team of skilled thugs hired
for all sorts of criminal jobs. In the age of Marvels, however,
they have been seen less and less.
Fancy Dan (Daniel Brito): Strength 6C, Agility 7D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Wrestling;
Martial Arts. Hardened Hands +1. Equipment: Handgun +4.
Calling: Greed.
Hammer Harrison (Willard Harrison): Strength 8C, Agility 4X,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing,
Brawling. Equipment: Steel Gloves +4. Calling: Greed.
Montana (Jackson W. Brice): Strength 5D, Agility 5X,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Whips
(lariat). Equipment: Lariat (Ensnarement 7; Material Strength
10), Six-shooter +4. Calling: Greed.
Ox (Raymond and Ronald Bloch): Strength 10D, Agility 3X,
Intellect 2X, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling.
Equipment: Machinegun +5. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Both Ox
I and II shared the same statistics.
Snake Marston (Sylvester Marston): Strength 5D, Agility 7D,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Wrestling; Escape Artistry. Calling: Greed.
Foolkiller III (Kurt Gerhardt): Strength… Note: Gerhardt chose
to follow in the imprisoned Salinger’s footsteps, even receiving
advice from Sallinger via a computer bulletin board.
Foolkiller I (Ross G. Everbest): Strength 7D, Agility 5D,
Intellect 5C, Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship; Electronics, Philosophy (Theology); Manipulation.
Equipment: Purification Gun (Energy Blast [Laser; Incineration
(Unique Stunt – If inflict enough damage to reduce the target to
0 Health or 0 cards the target is disintegrated) 13, Surveillance
Van (Material Strength 14, Lightning Speed 5, Sensors). Calling:
Demolisher. Hindrance: Obsessive (Killing “fools”). Note: A
criminally insane fanatic with messianic beliefs, Everbest died in
an accident while battling Man-Thing.
Foolkiller II (Greg Salinger): Strength 7D, Agility 5D, Intellect
3D, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship; Electronics. Equipment: Purification Gun (Energy
Blast [Laser; Incineration (Unique Stunt – If inflict enough
damage to reduce the target to 0 Health or 0 cards the target
is disintegrated) 13, Surveillance Van (Material Strength 14,
Lightning Speed 5, Sensors). Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance:
Obsessive (Killing “fools”). Note: A vagrant who became
enamored with the mission of the original Foolkiller, Salinger
stole the original’s equipment and sought to carry on his mission.
Equinox (Terry Sorenson): Strength… Cold Control (Ice Missiles),
Energy Sheath (Cold or Fire), Fire Control… Calling…
Evilhawk (Dargin Bokk): Strength 11*, Agility 11*, Intellect 5,
Willpower 5, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). *Note: Bokk’s original
body had Strength 4, Agility 4. Brawling; Criminology;
Leadership. Darkforce Control (Darkforce Missiles, Force
Shields), Disintegration (Disintegration Ray), Enhanced Senses
(Infravision, Telescopic Vision), Life Support 15. Equipment:
Retractable Glider Wings (Flight), Claw-Cable (Web-Slinging),
Staff (Energy Blast, Telekinesis) +3. Calling: Greed. Note: Bokk
is an intergalactic crime-lord from the Planet Luq who became
empowered through use of an android body and amulet that
served as a focus for his energies. He battled Darkhawk several
times before being destroyed. His mind, however, continues to
roam in search of a body.
Note: Force of Nature was an eco-terrorist group that fought
the New Warriors several times.
Aqueduct: See above.
Firebrand (Broxtel): Strength 8X (15X), Agility 3X, Intellect
3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Equipment: Powered
Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Body Armor, Energy Blast
[Fire], Energy Sheath [Fire], Flight 7, Resistance to Fire and
Heat] 15. Calling: Greed.
Firewall (Min Li Ng): Strength 4X, Agility 6X, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Fire Control (Energy
Sheath, Flight, Heat Waves [as Cold Waves stunt of Cold
Control], Wide-Angle Blast [as Energy Blast stunt]) 10. Calling:
Demolisher. Note: Firewall left Force of Nature and was
replaced by Firebrand.
Skybreaker (Aireo): Strength 9X, Agility 6X, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Lore (Inhumans). Air
Control (Flight, Vacuum) 12. Calling: Demolisher (Vengeance
[Inhuman Royal Family]).
Note: The Femme Fatales are dangerous and violent criminals.
Bloodlust: Strength 7C, Agility 9D, Intellect 3X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural Weapons;
Acrobatics. Claws +3, Teeth +1. Equipment: Body Armor +1.
Calling: Demolisher.
Knockout: Strength 14X, Agility 5D, Intellect 5X, Willpower 5D,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Martial Arts; Leadership. Equipment:
Body Armor +4. Calling: Demolisher.
Mindblast: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 9X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Telekinesis (Flight, Force Field) 12.
Calling: Demolisher.
Whiplash: Strength 6C, Agility 6X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Whips. Equipment: Body
[Strength], Body Armor, Flight [Gliding only – Parachute],
Invulnerability to Gold Gun) 11, Gold Gun (Ensnarement) 11, Aqua
Regia Solution (Corrosion [Metals only]) 11, Goldbug Hovercraft
(Hull Strength, Energy Blast [Lasers], Flight 5, Radar, Remote
Controllable, Tractor Beam, Web-Slinging Line) 11, Goldbug
Submarine (Hull Strength, Energy Blast [Lasers], Energy Blast
[Depth Charges (Explosion)], Ensnarement, Resistance to
Scanning) 11. Calling: Greed. Hindrance: Overconfident,
Physically Disabled – Sickly (As Legacy Virus, but treat Mary as
having no powers). Note: Goldbug is an egotistical professional
thief with a love of gold. Following the theft of irradiated gold,
Goldbug has had to deal with radiation treatment.
Terraformer: Strength 8X, Agility 3X, Intellect 2X, Willpower
2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Body Transformation (Plant; Limit:
Permanent) 6, Claws +2, Life Support (Requires water, carbon
dioxide, and sunlight only) 4, Plant Control (Ensnarement, Fungus
Control, Plant Elementals) 10. Calling: Demolisher. Hindrances:
Monstrous, Susceptible to Microwave Radiation. Note:
Terraformer was a Plant Man simulacra that achieved more
independence and found its own way.
Foreigner: Strength 8A, Agility 8A, Intellect 8A, Willpower 8A,
Edge 3, Hand Size 5 (30). Skill Master (Boxing, Brawling,
Climbing, Garrotes, Jumping, Melee Weapons, Stunning,
Wrestling; Acrobatics, Archery, Athletics, Contingent Attack,
Disguise, Escape Artistry, Fast Exit, Flinging, Martial Arts,
Marksmanship, Thievery; Assessment, Criminology, Espionage,
Linguistics, Tactics; Finance, Gaming, Manipulation, Military,
Observation, Performing (Acting), Survival, Teaching). Chi
(Agility and Strength only) 8, Hypnosis (Limits: Eye contact and
Trance only [Unique Limit – Foreigner can only place a person in a
trance for two exchanges if the victim’s Willpower is equal to or
less than Foreigners or one exchange if it is greater]) 16.
Equipment: Firearms +3 to +5, Knives +2. Note, Foreigner’s
immense wealth gives him access to almost any weapon or kind of
equipment. Calling: Greed. Note: Foreigner is world-famous spy,
saboteur, and businessman.
Green Goblin I (Norman Osborn): Strength 13X, Agility 8C,
Intellect 7B, Willpower 7C, Edge 3, Hand Size 5 (30). Aerial
Combat, Flinging; Chemistry, Electronics, Weapon Systems;
Finance, Manipulation. Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man).
Green Goblin II (Harry Osborn): Strength 4X, Agility 5X,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Finance.
Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man) when insane or Guardian
(family) when sane. Note: Harry is the son of the original Green
Goblin. The mentally unstable Osborn has at times been both
hero and villain in the guise. Harry has since died. At the end of
his life, his Strength had risen to 14X.
Green Goblin III (Bart Hamilton): Strength 4X, Agility 5X,
Intellect 5X, Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Psychiatry, Manipulation. Calling: Greed. Note: Hamilton was
Harry Obsorn’s opportunistic psychiatrist.
Green Goblin IV (Phil Urich): Strength 4X (12X), Agility 3D
(7D), Intellect 4C, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Repair; Journalism, Trivia (Sports). Additional Equipment: Green
Goblin Costume (“Frightmask”; Ability Boost [Strength] +8,
Ability Boost [Agility] +4, CommLink, Enhanced Senses [Vision],
Lightning Speed [Skating only] 4, Sonic Control [“Lunatic Laugh”;
Sonic Vibration only]) 8, Spy Bat (Additional Sensor [Vision;
Unique Limit: Feedback: Any damage done to the Spy Bat is also
applied to Urich]) 4. Calling: Thrill-Seeker. Hindrance: Naïve.
Note: Urich stumbled upon the Goblins secret lair. Using the
stolen equipment, he became a thrill-seeker and then hero.
However, after having most of his equipment destroyed, he
retired. [by Mark Slattery with Thomas M. Costa].
Hobgoblin I (Roderick Kingsley): Strength 14X, Agility 7C,
Intellect 6D, Willpower 5C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Aerial
Combat, Gadgetry; Criminology; Intimidation, Finance. Calling:
World Domination. Note: These statistics don’t include “Lefty”
Donovan, Ned Leeds, and Flash Thompson, all of whom were set
up by Kingsley, a man working for power and respect in the
criminal underworld.
Hobgoblin II (Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.): Strength 14B,
Agility 12B, Intellect 5B, Willpower 3C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4
(25). Brawling, Boxing, Wrestling; Aerial Combat, Martial Arts,
Piloting; Electronics, Espionage, Physics; Intimidation, Military.
Regeneration 4, Teeth +1. Calling: Greed. Macendale eventually
lost his demon-granted powers and reverted to his regular 8B
Strength and 7B Agility before being slain by Kingsley.
As Jack O’ Lantern I, Macendale had the following statistics and
equipment: Strength 8C, Agility 7B, Intellect 5B, Willpower 3D,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Boxing; Aerial Combat,
Martial Arts, Piloting, Electronics, Espionage, Physics; Military.
Equipment: Body Armor +4, Pumpkin Helmet (Energy Sheath
Fu Manchu: Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 9A, Willpower 12A,
Edge 3, Health 30. Archaeology, Chemistry, Medicine, Occult;
Intimidation, Leadership, Manipulation, Mesmerism. Alchemy 9.
Calling: World Domination. Note: Fu Manchu is one of ShangChi’s most dangerous enemies.
Ghost: Strength 5X, Agility 5C, Intellect 7C, Willpower 5D, Edge 2,
Hand Size 4 (25). Demolitions, Marksmanship; Computers,
Electronics; Finance. Equipment: Ghost Battlesuit (Computer
Link [Limit: Touch], Invisibility, Phasing, Resistance to
Detection; Limit: Ghost cannot be Invisible and Phase at the
same time) 14, Blasters +4 to +6, Explosives (Energy Blast
[Explosion only]) 10-20. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Ghost is
saboteur for hire.
Gibbon (Martin Blank): Strength 9B, Agility 11C, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Climbing, Wrestling;
Acrobatics, Martial Arts; Photography (Video). Calling:
Vengeance (Gloryhound). Note: Gibbon fought Spider-Man a few
times. Most recently he reappeared as a member of the Legion
of Losers with Grizzly, Kangaroo II, and Spot.
Gladiator (Melvin Potter): Strength 8B, Agility 4D, Intellect 3D,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Knives (WristBlades), Wrestling; Acrobatics; Trivia (Hero and villain
costumes); Art (Costume design). Equipment: Armor (Body
Armor, Resistance to Electricity and Stunning) +3, Wrist-Blades
+5. Calling: Peace of Mind, previously Demolisher. Potter had
retired from crime to run a costume shop, but recently his
fragile mind was manipulated back into a life of crime with
Copperhead, Owl, and Stiltman, .
Goldbug: Strength 5X (11X), Agility 5B, Intellect 7D, Willpower 5X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Gadgetry, Marksmanship, Thievery;
Trivia (Gold). Equipment: Powered Armor (Ability Boost
[Fire; Head only] 3, Enhanced Senses [Vision and Infravision
only] 10, Resistance to Gases +10), Grenades (Fire Control
[Smokescreen only] 10, Poison [any variety; Poison Gas] 10, or
Stun Blast 10), Wrist Blasters (Energy Blast [Electrical] 8), Pogo
Platform (Flight 3). Calling: Greed. Note: Macendale was a
mercenary and criminal pure and simple.
Demogoblin: Strength 15B, Agility 12A, Intellect 5D, Willpower
3C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Boxing, Wrestling;
Aerial Combat, Flinging, Martial Arts, Piloting; Philosophy;
Intimidation, Military. Body Armor +1, Claws +1, Hellfire Control
(Hellfire Bolt) 12, Regeneration 4, Teeth +1, Telepathy
(Telelocation only; Limit: Spider-Man Doppleganger only) 9.
Equipment: Demogoblin was able to generate through magical
means, the same equipment that the other goblins utilized, as
well as Goblin Grenade (Darkforce Control) 12. Calling:
Demolisher. Hindrance: Hatred (All sinners), Monstrous. Note:
Demogoblin was the result of the Inferno. At first he was the
demonic power coursing through Hobgoblin II, then he was
separated from his host.
Equipment: Body Armor +2, Blast Gloves (Energy Blast 10,
Randomizer 20 [Negates target’s Danger Sense; Limit: Penalty
of one difficulty level per action]) 10, Goblin Grenades (Emotion
Control [Despair only], Fire Control [Smokescreen only], Poison
[any variety; Poison Gas], or “Anti-Spider-Man” [Spider-Man’s
Danger Sense goes to 0 for 24 hours after he has been within
striking range of blast]) 12, Pumpkin Bombs (+4 weapon, Energy
Blast [Fire; Explosion; Limit: Explosion only effects all within
striking distance of blast], or Stun Blast [Stun Wave; Limit:
Stun Wave only effects all within striking distance of blast]) 8,
Throwing Bats (Knives +2), Goblin Glider (Material Strength 12,
Flight 3, Remote Control),Voice Modulator.
Green Goblin’s Lair: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Grizzly (Maxwell Markham): Strength 9D (15D), Agility 5X,
Intellect 2X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling,
Wrestling. Equipment: Grizzly Exoskeleton (Ability Boost
[Strength]) 6. Calling: Vengeance (J. Jonah Jameson). Grizzly is
a very proud professional wrestler who blamed Jameson for
ruining his career. Most recently he reappeared a member of
the Legion of Losers with Gibbon, Kangaroo II, and Spot.
Hammerhead: Strength 9C, Agility 4D, Intellect 4C, Willpower 4D,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Natural Weapons (Charging
– see RRGtE); Marksmanship; Criminology, Trivia (Gangster Era);
Intimidation. Body Armor +4, Bulldozer (“Hammerhead,” see
Horns; Head Butt, see Impalement) +4. Equipment: Tommy Gun
+5. Defunct Equipment: Exoskeleton (Ability Boost [Strength]
+4, Body Armor +4, Resistance to Heat +2). Calling: Greed.
Note: Hammerhead is Maggia leader whose head injury caused an
infatuation with gangster era of the early 20th century.
Note: The Hand are modern day evil ninja who make regular use
of occult rituals. They have faced off against Daredevil and
Wolverine on numerous occasions.
Hand Ninja: Strength 5C, Agility 5C, Intellect 4D, Willpower
5X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling Martial Arts Weapons;
Archery, Martial Arts; Espionage. Unique Trait: Hand ninja
dissolve whenever they die – generally whenever they reach 0
Health or 0 cards. Calling: Soldier.
Hardcore: Strength… Brawling, Martial Arts Weapons; Demolitions,
Flinging, Martial Arts; Trivia (Literature). Claws +1. Equipment:
Kinetic Kevlar Vest (Resistance to Kinetics) +, Modified Martial
Arts Weapons (Include internal tasers, explosives, or
incendiaries ?) +1 to +4, Shurikens +2, Modified Gun (Poison
[Poison Gas] and Energy Blast [Explosion]), Plastic Explosives.
Calling: Demolisher. Note: Hardcore was an assassin and
enforcer in the employ Cruz Bushmaster. Hardcore has fought
Dakota North and Luke Cage several times. UNFINISHED
Griffin (Johnny Horton): Strength 19C, Agility 5X, Intellect 1X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons. Adaptation (Limit: Griffin can adapt only into a more
griffin-like creature; Unique Trait: Griffin’s adaptation’s become
permanent; Note: Suggested Adaptations could include
Endurance, Energy Blast [Sonic; Roar], Enhanced Senses,
Lightning Speed, Resistance to Disease) 8, Additional Limbs
(Tail) 16, Animal Control (Birds only; Limit: Griffin’s must make
an average Intellect action to think of using this power) 4, Body
Armor +3, Claws +3, Teeth +3, Wings 8. Calling: Demolisher.
Note: Griffin was a professional criminal mutated by the Secret
Empire. The experiment left him with the ability to further
mutate whenever he uses his powers to their maximum.
Consequently, as Griffin has repeatedly fought such heroes as
Angel, Beast, Spider-Man, and the Avengers, he continues to
mutate. At one point, he had an Intellect 4, the Thievery and
Criminology skills, and Calling: Greed, however, his loss of
Intellect has left him bereft of these skills.
Humbug (“Buck” Mitty): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Biology (Entomology);
Teaching. Equipment: Cassette Player & Glove Amplifiers (Sonic
Control [“Eye-spotted Budmoth” tape – Sonic Scream stunt of
Sonic Control that requires a daunting Willpower action to
determine the direction of the attack; “Imbricated Snout
Beetle” tape – Magnetic Control that charges all metal objects
to repel each other; “Oblique-banded Leaf Roller” tape –
Hypnosis with Broadcastable stunt that causes victims to
chortle uncontrollably; “Wheat-stem Sawfly” tape – Energy Blast
that causes saw-like wounds; “Salt-marsh Mosquito” tape –
Brownout stunt of Electrical Control that also shatters all glass
within firing distance; “Meadow Spittle-bug” tape – Energy Blast
with Explosion stunt of force; “Saw-toothed Grain Beetle” tape –
Nullification of electronic equipment that is permanent; “Buffalo
Tree-hopper” tape – Force Bolt stunt of Telekinesis;
“Bloodsucking Cone Nose” tape – Fire Control to ignite
combustibles]; Material Strength 4) 10, Helmet (Protected
Senses [Vision & Hearing]) 10. Calling: Greed (Investigator).
Hindrance: Obsessive (Insects). Note: Humbug is another
criminal scientist trying to make a name for himself.
Griz (Mac Garrity): Strength 14D, Agility 3X, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Natural Weapons.
Animal Control (Mutated rats only) 16, Claws +3, Regeneration
25. Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance: Monstrous. Note: Following
exposure to illegal nuclear waste, Garrity transformed into the
horror called the Griz. He has since created a domain for
himself among the sewers of New York which he guards
viciously. [by Shawn Carmen]
Note: Founded and led by Baron Strucker, HYDRA is the
penultimate organization seeking to achieve global domination
through terrorism resulting in a new fascist world order. At one
time or another many of the Marvel Universe’s most dangerous
villains have worked led HYDRA, including Kingpin, the Red Skull,
and Viper. It’s offshoots, including THEM, AIM (see above), and
the Secret Empire have also plagued the world with their own
global domination schemes. See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
HYDRA Agent: Strength 4D, Agility 4D, Intellect 3X, Willpower
2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling; Marksmanship.
Equipment: Blaster Pistol +4. Calling: Soldier.
Madame Hydra II: Strength 6, Agility 8, Intellect 5, Willpower
5, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Swords (Machetes);
Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Marksmanship, Martial Arts;
Espionage… Equipment: Machete +4, Poisoned Darts (Poison
[Damaging] 12) +1, Poison Lipstick (Poison [Damaging] 12). Calling:
World Domination. Note: This Madame Hydra was sent to
capture Nick Fury only to become embroiled in the Deltites
affair afflicting SHIELD. She ended up assisting SHIELD and
imprisoned in an asylum for the criminally insane. UNFINISHED
computer and holographic expert, but appeared to carry the
same equipment as Jack O’ Lantern II. Mad Jack may or may not
be Jack O’ Lantern II. His secret identity may or may not be
that of Mysterio’s female cousin Maguire Beck, a.k.a., Terry
Jackal (Professor Miles Warren): Strength 7D, Agility 7D,
Intellect 7A, Willpower 7C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Natural
Weapons; Gadgetry; Biochemistry, Criminology, Genetics, SuperPhysiology; Manipulation, Taunting. Mind Control (Implant False
Memories [Can force Mindwiped victims to believe the memories
he implants are real. These can also be set to “trigger.”],
Mindwipe, Psychic Weapon [as Telepathy stunt]; Limit: Jackal
requires preparation time to utilize his power) 10. Note
Equipment: Body Armor (Resistance to Electricity) +3, Claws
(Energy Blast [Electrical; Touch only] or Poison [Damaging or
Soporific] 14) +3. Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man). Hindrances:
Obsessive (Gwen Stacy). Note: Jackal was a professor of Peter
Parker’s who blamed Spider-Man for Gwen Stacy’s death).
Jester (Jonathan Powers): Strength 6B, Agility 6B, Intellect 6X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Garrotes,
Swords; Acrobatics, Juggling, Sleight of Hand; Performing
(Acting). Equipment: Yo-yo (Energy Blast [Sonic] 12, Garrote,
Telescopic Attack as Additional Limb stunt) +2, Marbles
(challenging Agility action or fall), Popcorn (Poison [Soporific;
Poison Gas]) 12, Explosive Balls (Energy Blast [Explosion]) 8,
Extending Hand (Telescopic Attack as Additional Limbs stunt
with either a bomb [Energy Blast (“Bomb”; Touch only) 10 or
Energy Blast (Electricity; Touch only)] 10, Firing Hand (Firing
Weapon) +3, Plastic Flying Discs (Poison [Soporific]) 12, Juggling
Balls +2, Miniature Robots (Material Strength 12, Energy Blast
(Laser) or Diamond Drill, Remote Controllable) 12. Calling:
Demolisher. Note: Jester was an angry man bringing humor in a
cruel way to the world. He may have reformed, however, and
another may have taken on the Jester identity.
Hydro-Man (Morris Bench): Strength 6D, Agility 3X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling. Body
Transformation (Liquid Form; Water) 15, Water Control
(Drowning, Ensnarement [Unique Stunt: Hydro-Man can “swamp”
an opponent.]) 15. Calling: Greed. Note: Hydro-Man is a your
typical dumb thug who now rents himself out.
Ion: (Voletta Todd): Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 7, Willpower
4, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Physics, Radiology (Hydrogen
Fusion). Body Transformation (Ionized Hydrogen Gas; Gas form;
Limit: exposure to extreme cold returns Ion to human form),
Energy Sheath (Electromagnetic Field; Flight; Limit: Always and
only appears when in gas form, disrupted by sufficiently
powerful electrical current), Magnetic Control (Entrapment),
Regeneration. Calling: … Note: Ion is one of Superia’s most
trusted followers. UNFINISHED
Jigsaw: Strength 8B, Agility 6B, Intellect 6D, Willpower 6C, Edge 2,
Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Knives, Wrestling; Contingent
Attack, Driving, Marksmanship; Criminology; Intimidation,
Military. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Firearms +2 to +5, Knives
+2. Calling: Vengeance (Punisher). Hindrance: Hatred (Punisher),
Monstrous. Note: Jigsaw is a capable organized crime member,
who’s face was scarred so horribly by the Punisher that it now
resembles a jigsaw puzzle.
Iron Maiden (Melina Vostofkoff): Strength 7B (15B), Agility 5D,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling,
Knives; Martial Arts; Espionage; Military. Equipment: Powered
Armor (Ability Boost [Strength; Limit: Does not increase
defense] +8, Body Armor +4, Resistance to Energy +4), Dagger
+2. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Iron Maiden is a former Soviet
agent turned mercenary.
Justin Hammer: Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 9D, Willpower
7C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Criminology; Finance,
Manipulation. Calling: World Domination (Greed). Note: This
long-time billionaire enemy of Tony Stark is currently trapped in
suspended animation orbiting the Earth. Prior to being frozen,
the elderly Hammer revealed he had an incurable and deadly
Jack O’ Lantern II: Strength 7C, Agility 7B, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Boxing; Flinging,
Martial Arts, Repair; Espionage; Military. Equipment: Body
Armor +4, Pumpkin Helmet (CommLink, Energy Sheath [Fire;
Head only] 3, Enhanced Senses [Vision; Circular Vision,
Infravision only] 10, Resistance to Gases +10), Grenades (Fire
Control [Smokescreen only], Poison [any variety; Poison Gas], or
Stun Blast) 10, Ghost Grabbers (Ensnarement 10), Wrist
Blasters (Energy Blast [Electrical] 8), Pogo Platform (Flight 4).
Calling: Greed. Note: Jack O’ Lantern II worked briefly for
the Red Skull. Jack O’ Lantern I is found under the Goblins
Mad Jack: Note: Mad Jack recently appeared helping Mysterio,
but was defeated by Spider-Man and Daredevil. Mad Jack was a
Kangaroo II: Strength 6D, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling. Equipment: Body Armor +2,
Cybernetic Tail (Additional Limb) 8, Kangaroo Boots (Ability
Boost [Strength; Limit: Legs only], Leaping) 5. Calling: Greed.
Note: Kangaroo II is responsible for superhuman testing in
collegiate and professional baseball and is known to have fought
Nova. He is, by and large, a pathetic excuse for a villain. Most
recently he reappeared a member of the Legion of Losers with
Grizzly, Gibbon, and Spot. [by Shawn Carmen]
Kangaroo I (Frank Oliver): Strength 9D, Agility 9D, Intellect
3D, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing (Unique
Trait: Usable with Legs); Martial Arts; Biology (Kangaroos);
Survival. Ability Boost (Strength; Permanent; Limit: Legs only)
+5, Ability Boost (“Compressed Air Jet Implants”; Strength;
Limits: Punching only) +3, Leaping (Power Slam 16) 9. Calling:
Vengeance (Spider-Man). Hindrance: Hateful (Spider-Man).
Note: A mutant on the run for accidentally hurting someone in a
boxing match, Kangaroo became the pawn of Jonas Harrow who
further altered him. Kangaroo died from radiation poisoning
while battling Spider-Man.
which he won through guile, Voorhees renamed himself King
King: Strength 9D, Agility 5D, Intellect 5X, Willpower 5D, Edge 2,
Hand Size 4 (25). Wrestling; Martial Arts; Intimidation.
Calling: Demolisher. Note: The King is a dead ringer for the
Kingpin, but pure white, covered with warts, and dressed in only
a soiled loincloth. He is a sadistic man who dwells in the sewers
and, who for a time held Vanessa Fisk captive.
Kingpin: Wrestling; Finance, Intimidation, Manipulation. Note: See
Roster Book #0.
Kingpin’s Goons: Strength 5D, Agility 4D, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling;
Marksmanship. Equipment: Knife +2, Pistol +3. Calling: Greed.
Fisk Tower: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Killer Shrike (Simon Maddicks): Strength 12C, Agility 9B, Intellect
4X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Knives;
Contingent Attack, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Military. Flight
9. Equipment: Body Armor +2, CommLink, Wrist Blasters (Claws
+2, Energy Blast 12). Calling: Greed. Note: Shrike is a former
mercenary, now criminal for hire. For a time he worked with the
mercenary Air Force.
Cardinal (Joshua Clendenon): Strength 5C (12C), Agility 7B,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Knives;
Aerial Combat, Marksmanship, Repair; Military, Taunting.
Equipment: Cardinal Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength]
12, Body Armor 12, CommLink 6, Energy Blast 8, Firing Weapons
+4, Grenades +6, Tar Gun [Blinding] 6, Waterbreathing 6, Wings
8). Calling: Greed. Note: Cardinal left Air Force to join the
most recent incarnation of the Masters of Evil. [by Shawn
Oriole: Strength 4D, Agility 5C, Intellect 4X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Martial Arts Weapons; Aerial Combat,
Marksmanship. Equipment: Oriole Powered Armor (Body Armor,
CommLink, Firing Weapons [Sai from gauntlets] +3, Wings 6) 9.
Calling: Greed. Note: Oriole was killed in battle with the
Soldiers of Misfortune. [by Shawn Carmen]
Sparrow: Strength 13C, Agility 5C, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural Weapons; Aerial
Combat, Marksmanship, Martial Arts. Flight 6. Equipment:
CommLink, Retractable Wing Blades +4. Calling: Greed. Note:
Sparrow is most likely a brainwashed minion of the evil
Undertow. [by Shawn Carmen]
Tanager: Strength Agility 4D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 3X, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Aerial Combat. Equipment: Tanager
Powered Armor (Body Armor, CommLink, Energy Blast [Sonic],
Wings 6) 7. Calling: Greed. Note: Tanager was killed in battle
with the Soldiers of Misfortune. [by Shawn Carmen]
Note: It is highly unlikely that these two contract thugs are still
partners following Fogg’s murder of Knight’s brother.
Knight (Malcolm Knight): Strength 8C (15C), Agility 5X,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 5X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling,
Swords. Body Transformation (One solid form only [Strength
15C, Body Armor +5, Sword +5; Hindrance: Susceptible to
Electricity in Knight form). Calling: Soldier.
Fogg (Thomas Fogg): Strength 6D, Agility 6X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Wrestling.
Body Transformation (Gaseous Form; Density Manipulation
[Unique Stunt – Fogg can solidify parts of his body while the
rest remains gaseous], Fog Cloud as Weather Control stunt;
Limit: Susceptible to Electricity in Gaseous Form) 15. Calling:
Kraven the Hunter I (Sergei Kravinoff): Strength 13A, Agility 8B,
Intellect 7B, Willpower 5A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Axes,
Boxing, Climbing, Knives, Spears, Whips, Stunning, Wrestling;
Archery, Flinging, Martial Arts; Biochemistry, Biology,
Chemistry; Animal Handling, Observation, Survival, Tracking.
Unique Trait: Kraven has 8 Strength-based skills. Enhanced
Senses 5, Leaping 4, Lightning Speed 4, Resistance to Poisons +5.
Equipment: Axes +4, Darts +1, Knives +2, Spears +4, Whips +1,
Bolas, Manacles & Nets (Ensnarement 12; Material Strength 615), Poison (Intoxicating, Paralytic, Soporific; Poison Gas; Limit:
Poison Gas is half intensity; Note: Often used to coat weapons,
granting an automatic Poison attack) 16. Defunct Equipment:
Electro-Blaster 12. Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man). Hindrance:
Obsessive (The Hunt, Spider-Man, and to never cheat by using
modern missile weapons like firearms). Note: Kraven was one of
Spider-Man’s deadliest enemies before his suicide.
Kraven the Hunter II (Vladimir Kravinoff): Strength 13A,
Agility 10B, Intellect 6C, Willpower 5A, Edge 1, Hand Size 3
(17). Axes, Boxing, Climbing, Knives, Spears, Whips, Stunning,
Wrestling; Archery, Flinging, Martial Arts; Biochemistry,
Biology; Animal Handling, Observation, Survival, Tracking.
Unique Trait: Kraven has 8 Strength-based skills. Enhanced
Senses 5, Leaping 4, Lightning Speed 4, Resistance to Poisons +5.
Equipment: Vladimir uses the same equipment as his father, plus
he has been known to use a Spear (Energy Blast 10) +4 and an
Electro-Shock Gauntlet (Energy Blast [Electricity; Touch only]
12). Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man). Hindrance: Obsessive
(The Hunt). Note: Vladimir is Kraven’s son, the Grim Hunter.
King Cobra (Klaus Voorhees): Strength 6X, Agility 16B, Intellect
5X, Willpower 5C, Edge 2, Health 25. Acrobatics, Escape
Artistry, Fast Exit; Leadership, Manipulation. Plasticity
(Liquidity; Note: Cobra cannot truly liquefy himself) 12.
Equipment: Bodysuit (Body Armor +2, Resistance to Ensnarement
+10, Wall-Crawling 12), Wrist-Shooters (Damaging; Poison Spray
10), Various cartridge projectiles (Blinding, Corrosion, Explosion
as Energy Blast stunt, Poison Gas as Poison Stunt, Smokescreen
as Fire Control stunt, among others) 10. Calling: Greed. Note:
Cobra is the leader of the Serpent Society. Following a battle
with his one-time partner and long-time nemesis, Mr. Hyde, in
Kraven’s Den: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
families. The Kingpin of Crime is both independent of and more
powerful than any of the Maggia families.
Maggia Thug: Strength 5D, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling or Knives. Equipment:
Firearms +3 or +4 and possibly a knife +2, blackjack +2, or brass
knuckles +1. Calling: Soldier. Note: Some have Strength 6D and
Agility 3X.
Maggia Enforcer/Hit-Man: Strength 5C, Agility 4D, Intellect
4X, Willpower 4X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling, Knives;
Marksmanship. Equipment: Firearms +4. Calling: Soldier.
Dreadnought: Strength 14X, Agility 5X, Intellect 1X, Willpower
1x, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Cold Control (Limit: Breath blast
only; must reload every two exchanges) 14, Energy Blast
(Electric; Touch only) 14, Energy Blast (Fire; “Flame-thrower
Gauntlets”) 12, Energy Blast (Radiation; “Gamma Ray Eye-beams”)
12, Invulnerability to Aging, Disease, Mental Control, and Poison,
Life Support 15, Resistance to Cold, Fire, and Radiation +8,
Quills (Volley; From knuckles) +4. Calling: Demolisher.
Hindrance: Monstrous. Note: The Maggia families stole the
plans for the robotic dreadnoughts from HYDRA some time ago.
Lightmaster (Dr. Edward Lansky): Strength 4X, Agility 4X,
Intellect 7D, Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Physics
(Optics); Teaching. Equipment: Lightmaster Powered Armor
(Absorption [Electricity or Light] 18, Body Armor +2, Light
Control [Blinding Blast, Laser (actually low-mass concussive
beams, from touch to firing range), Light Shapes] 12, Flight 6).
Calling: Vengeance (Spider-Man). Note: Lansky originally
hatched a villainous plot to restore funds to Empire State
University only to be foiled by Spider-Man repeatedly.
Lizard (Dr. Curtis Connors*): Strength 15B, Agility 12D, Intellect
4X, Willpower 8C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Climbing,
Natural Weapons; Fast Exit; Intimidation, Tracking. Animal
Control (Animal Telepathy; Limit: Reptiles only; Unique Trait:
Lizard can contact reptiles within a 1 mile radius) 15, Animal
Form (Lizard-Man Hybrid only; Additional Limb (Tail) 15, Body
Armor +3, Claws +2, Leaping 3, Lightning Speed 3, Regeneration
5, Teeth +4, Wall-Crawling 12) 15. Calling: World Domination.
Hindrance: Frenzied, Monstrous, Triggered-Powerless (Connors
has no powers in human form). Note: Lizard has sometimes been
seen in a more primitive form with Intellect 1X and Calling:
Demolisher or Animal Nature. * Dr. Connors has Strength 3X,
Agility 3X, Intellect 8B, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Biology (Herpetology), Biochemistry, Medicine. Calling:
Investigator (Guardian [Family]). Hindrance: Physically Disabled
(Amputee – right arm). Note: Connors is professor of Peter
Parker’s who experimented with regenerating his arm to
disastrous results.
“Savage” Lizard: Strength 15B, Agility 10D, Intellect 1X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing,
Natural Weapons; Fast Exit. Additional Limb (Tail) 12, Body
Armor +3, Claws +3, Leaping 3, Lightning Speed 3, Regeneration
5, Teeth +5, Wall-Crawling 10. Calling: Demolisher. Hindrances:
Frenzied, Monstrous. Note: This Lizard was an experiment of
Connors while under the influence of his alter ego. It was slain
by the Lizard.
Man-Bull (William Taurens): Strength 12C, Agility 4D, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons; Thievery. Body Armor +1, Horns (Impalement) +2.
Calling: Vengeance (Daredevil). Hindrance: Frenzied, Monstrous.
Note: Taurens was a thug who was forced to test an
experimental serum that changed him into his monstrous form.
Taurens unfairly blames Daredevil for his situation.
Man-Wolf (John Jameson): Strength 7X (13D), Agility 6C (9X),
Intellect 5X (2X), Willpower 6C (6X), Edge 1 (2), Hand Size 3
(4) (17 [25]). Marksmanship, Piloting; Leadership, Military,
(Natural Weapons). Animal Form (Man-Wolf: Claws +3, Enhanced
Senses 11, Teeth +3; Limit: One form only) 13. Calling: Soldier
(Animal Nature). Hindrance: Triggered-Powerless. Note: ManWolf is an U.S. astronaut and the son of J. Jonah Jameson. He
found a moonstone, which grafted itself to him and turned him
into the uncontrollable Man-Wolf.
Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane: Note: See A
Guide to Marvel Earth.
Mad-Dog (Robert “Buzz” Baxter): Strength 13, Agility 10, Intellect
4, Willpower 3, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Piloting; Military, Tracking.
Claws +2, Enhanced Senses (Hearing and Smell)6, Psi-Screen+5,
Teeth (Poison [Paralytic] 11) +2. Calling: Vengeance (Patsy
Hellstrom, a.k.a., Hellcat). Hindrance: Frenzied. Note: Mad-Dog
is a crazed villain and the ex-husband of the hero Hellcat.
Mauler (Brendon Doyle): Strength 6D (14D), Agility 6D, Intellect
5X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship; Military. Equipment: Mauler Powered Armor
(Ability Boost [Strength], Absorption [Solar], Body Armor,
Energy Blast [Laser, Electric [touch only], Electron Beam],
Flight, Life Support [including Air], Resistance to Electricity) 14.
Calling: Greed. Note: Doyle is a mercenary and the third person
to wear the Mauler armor, following the file clerk Aaron Soames
and the small time crook Turk Barrett.
Raiders: Strength 5X (12X), Agility 4X, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Marksmanship; Military. Raider
Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Body Armor, Flight,
and 1 of the following three weapons: (1) Select-fire Wristbands
[Energy Blast (Laser), Corrosion (Corrosive Missile), Firing
Weapon +4], (2) Force Shield & Syphon [Absorption
(Electrically-powered devices), Force Field], or (3) Amplisonic
Shatterers [Sonic Energy Blast or Stun Blast]) 12. Calling:
Soldiers. Note: The three raiders were employees of Justin
Hammer before being defeated by Iron Man. Iron Man
destroyed their armor. They worked briefly with Mauler.
Madcap: Strength 6X, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 8D, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Acrobatics; Performing. Emotion Control
(Multiple Targets, Prolonged Emotions [15-30 minutes]; Limits:
Requires eye contact, Euphoria only) 18, Regeneration
(Reformation) 20, Resistance to Stunning +4. Equipment: Soap
Bubble Gun (“Fun Gun”). Calling: Demolisher. Note: Madcap is a
dangerous, if not outright, villain.
Note: The Maggia is the world’s most powerful criminal
organization. It is organized into a hierarchy of independent
groups called “families.” Three of the most prominent families
active in the New York area are the Hammerhead (see above),
Silvermane (see below), and Nefaria (see Avengers Roster)
Mister Hyde (Calvin Zabo): Strength 15X, Agility 4X, Intellect 8C,
Willpower 12X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling;
Biochemistry, Chemistry. Resistance to Cold, Corrosion, Fire,
and Poison +8. Calling: Vengeance. Note: Mr. Hyde is one of the
most brutal and callous villains in the Marvel Universe.
Mentallo (Marvin Flumm): Strength 4X, Agility 4D, Intellect 5C,
Willpower 9D, Edge 1, Health 17. Marksmanship; Electronics,
Espionage; Mental Control. Radar Sense 3, Telepathy (Mental
Probe, Psychic Detection, Team Link, Telepathic Illusion) 12,
Psychic Blast 9. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Helmet (Psi-Screen
+5). Calling: World Domination (Greed). Hindrance: Susceptible
(Mental attacks). Note: As a member of the Resistants, ThinkTank drove in a one-person tank-like vehicle, Mobile Tank
(Energy Blast 10, Ensnarement 5, Lightning Speed 5), and his
Calling was Soldier. Note: Mentallo is a former agent of
SHIELD gone rogue. For a long-time he partnered with the
former HYDRA agent Fixer (who has since become the equally
villainous Techno).
Mister Jip: Strength 11D, Agility 3X, Intellect 7B, Willpower 11D,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling; Assessment, Linguistics,
Occult; Observation. Additional Limbs (Unique Trait: Mr. Jip can
create as many additional limbs as he likes. Effectively, he is
limited to 3) 9, Additional Sensors (Unique Trait: Mr. Jip can
create as many additional sensors as he likes. Effectively, he is
limited to 7) 11, Life Drain (Psychic Vampirism and Transferal as
Mind Control stunt only; Limits: Psychic Vampirism only works on
evil or Darkforce empowered beings; Transferal can only take
place once the victim reaches Willpower 0; Unique Trait:
Following Transferal, victims take on Mr. Jip’s physical form) 17,
Magic (Can duplicate all Intellect- and Willpower-based powers;
Empowerment) 11, Plasticity 3. Calling: World Domination.
Hindrance: Monstrous. Note: Mister Jip is an enemy of Cloak
and Dagger.
Yipyap: Strength 2X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Detection (Evil & Darkforce) 16, Flight
4, Telepathy (Team Link only; Limit: Constant with Mr. Jip) 8.
Meteor Man (Norton G. Fester): Strength 15X, Agility 12D,
Intellect 5X, Willpower 3X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Gadgetry.
Absorption (Microwaves; Absorption Conversion [Unique Trait:
Absorbed damage is transferred to Size Alteration intensity
where it remains until all such attacks end and an aura duration
passes]) 20, Immortality, Leaping 8, Size Alteration (Limits:
Uncontrolled growth only) 0. Equipment: Dazzle Gun (Blinding
[Blinding Blast only]) 10, Helium Balloon [Flight, Resistance to
Ensnarement 16) 4. Calling: Greed. Hindrance: Overconfident.
Note: The unimaginative Fester gained his powers from a
mysterious meteor. Following years of crime, Fester apparently
blew up during his last battle with Spider-Man.
Mongoose: Strength 13B, Agility 18A, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Brawling, Natural Weapons;
Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Martial Arts.
Lightning Speed (Run Up Walls) 9. Equipment: Claws +2, Gas
Pellets (Poison [Intoxicating]) 18, Concussion Wrist Blasters
(Energy Blast) 15, Cellsmograph (Imparts Tracking skill). Calling:
Demolisher (Greed). Note: Mongoose may be one of the High
Evolutionary’s New Men. He has fought Thor and Spider-Man on
several occasions.
Mister Fear I (Zoltan Drago): Strength 4X, Agility 3D,
Intellect 6C, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Health 17. Marksmanship;
Biochemistry, Chemistry; Art (Sculptor). Calling: Greed. Note:
Drago was yet another criminal scientist trying to make a name
for himself battling Daredevil. He is deceased.
Mister Fear II (Samuel “Starr” Saxon): Strength 10X, Agility
6X, Intellect 10C, Willpower 7X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Computers, Robotics. Computer Link 10, Elongation (Telescopic
Attack only) 10, Invulnerability to Aging, Disease, & Poison, Life
Support 15, Mind Control (Transferal to robots only) 10. Calling:
Vestige of Humanity. Hindrance: Naïve. Note: Saxon was a
villainous roboticist, who became the Machinesmith following the
death of his human body.
Mister Fear III (Larry Cranston): Strength 4X, Agility 3D,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Health 17. Marksmanship;
Law. Calling: Vengeance (Daredevil). Note: Cranston adopted
the Mr. Fear identity to destroy Daredevil. He too is deceased.
Mister Fear IV (Alan Fagan): Strength 5X, Agility 4D,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Health 17. Marksmanship;
Criminology; Finance. Calling: Greed. Note: The fourth Mr. Fear,
Fagan is the most criminally savvy.
Equipment: Fear Compound (Pheromones [Limit: Fear only; Unique
Trait: Fear duration is dependent upon the victims Strength –
Strength 1-4 = 5 aura durations; 4-8 = 4 aura durations; 8-12 = 3
aura durations; 13-16 = 2 aura durations; 17+ = 1 aura duration]
18, Fear Gun (Fires fear compound to firing range), Fear Ring
(Causes an automatic contingent attack with Fear Compound
following a successful attack; Limit: Cannot pierce Body Armor
of greater than +2; Only used by Fagan), Mr. Fear Suit
(Resistance to Gases +10).
Morpheus (Robert Markham): Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect
5D, Willpower 9D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Electronics; Mental
Control (including Force Field and Telekinesis). Claws +1,
Dreamwarping (Hypnosis; Unique Trait: Morpheus may project
nightmares through a host mind into the minds of others) 12,
Enhanced Senses (Circular Vision only) 6, Force Field (“Ebon
Energy”; Entrapment, Force Shapes; Limit: Field only effects
objects of which Morpheus is aware) 12, Life Support (Sleep
only) 12, Teeth +1, Telekinesis (“Ebon Energy”; Force Bolt) 12,
Telepathy 12. Calling: Vengeance (Dr. Peter Alraune, Jr.).
Hindrance: Monstrous. Note: Morpheus is an enemy of Moon
Note: The Mutant Force was and is small group of mutant
enforcers for hire. For a time, they formed the core of a
mutant terrorist cell called the Resistants battling against
mutant registration. Several of them appeared to have been
slain by USAgent (then Captain America), yet they have since
Burner/Crucible (Byron Calley): Strength 6X, Agility 4X,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Health 17. Energy Sheath 8,
Fire Control (Immune to own flames) 10. Equipment: Body Armor
+2. Calling: Soldier.
Lifter/Meteorite (Ned Lathrop): Strength 6X, Agility 4X,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Health 17. Density Control
8, Gravity Control (“Meteorite” – Flight w/ Passengers,
Telekinesis) 8. Equipment: Body Armor +2. Calling: Soldier.
Mist Mistress: Strength 3X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
3X, Edge 1, Health 17. Corrosion 9 (Acid Mist: Unique Stunt –
Effects all within firing distance). Equipment: Body Armor +2.
Calling: Soldier.
Peeper/Occult (Peter Quinn): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect
3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Health 17. Energy Blast 8, Enhanced
Senses (Telescopic Vision only) 8. Equipment: Body Armor +2,
Helmet (+2 to Energy Blast, Protected Senses – Vision +12).
Calling: Soldier.
Shocker/Paralyzer (Randall Darby): Strength 5D, Agility 5X,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Health 17. Natural
Weapons. Claws +4, Electrical Control (Shock Field) 10.
Equipment: Body Armor +2. Calling: Soldier.
Quill: Strength 6X, Agility 3X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X, Edge
1, Health 17. Quills (Volley) +3. Equipment: Body Armor +2.
Calling: Soldier.
Slither (Aaron Salmonson): Strength 8C, Agility 6D, Intellect
2X, Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Health 17. Garrote, Wrestling;
Escape Artistry; Tracking. Ability Boost (Strength, Limit: Only
for Garrote and Wrestling) 4, Animal Form (Limits: permanent,
human-snake hybrid only) 8, Body Armor +2, Enhanced Senses
(smell) 6, Teeth +2. Calling: Soldier. Hindrance: Monstrous.
Note: Slither has since begun working loyally for Viper.
Think-Tank (Marvin Flumm): See Mentallo above. As a member
of the Resistants, Think-Tank drove in a one-person tank-like
vehicle, Mobile Tank (Energy Blast 10, Ensnarement 5, Lightning
Speed 5), and his Calling was Soldier.
Incendiary Missiles (Energy Blast [Fire]) 14) +5; Drugs (“Reds”
[Ability Boost (Dual Ability Boost – Strength and Agility; Limit:
At end of aura duration suffer a –2 penalty to Strength and
Agility) +2], “Whites” [Nullification (“Reds” only, thus negating
Limit)] 10, “Blues” [Sedation as Telepathy stunt] 10). Calling:
Soldier. Hindrances: Obsessive (American patriotism and
righteousness), Susceptible (Orders of authority figures).
Note: Agent Simpson was a U.S. Army sergeant, assassin, and
terrorist. He was the only survivor of the Army’s attempts to
recreate the Super Soldier Serum. Nuke died battling
Daredevil. Nuke was backed at times by a Battle Copter with
two machine guns manned by unnamed Army colonel.
Nuklo (Robert Frank, Jr.): Strength 14X, Agility 7D, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Repair (Automotive).
Duplication (Limit: Uncontrolled) 14, Energy Blast (Plasma) 14,
Lightning Speed 7, Radiation Control (Limits: Toxic,
Uncontrolled) 14, Resistance to Radiation +7, Resistance to Cold,
Heat, and Kinetics +3, Size Alteration (Limits: Growth only,
Uncontrolled) 7. Note: Nuke has lost his Duplication, Radiation
Control, and Size Alteration powers. Calling: Peace of Mind,
formerly Demolisher. Note: Nuke is the mutant child of the
WWII heroes Whizzer and Miss America who was placed in
suspended animation by the government. Following his release,
he went on a rampage that killed his father. Subsequent
physical and psychological treatment have led to the loss of
several of his powers, but also to his peace of mind. Nuklo was
last seen as a member of the Penance Council leading the VBattalion out of Symkaria.
Mysterio (Quentin Beck): Strength 6D, Agility 6A, Intellect 7A,
Willpower 7A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Wrestling; Disguise,
Gadgetry (Special Effects), Escape Artistry, Sleight of Hand;
Chemistry, Computers, Electronics, Robotics; Manipulation,
Mesmerism, Observation, Performing (Acting and Stunts).
Equipment: Globe Helmet and Costume (Body Armor +2, Flight
[Burst only] 5, Leaping 2, Life Support [1 hour of air only] 15,
Resistance to Gas +10), Gas Nozzles (Corrosion [Limit: SpiderMan’s webbing only], Poison [Intoxicating or Soporific; Poison
Gas, Poison Spray, Slow-Acting] 15, Weather Control [Fog Cloud
only] 15), Holographic Projectors (Hypnosis 10, Illusion 10),
various firearms +2 to +4. Calling: Greed. Note: Mysterio is a
long-time foe of Spider-Man. Beck appears to have committed
suicide. He may have been replaced by Danny Berkhardt, whose
abilities seem to mirror Becks, though he has an Edge 1, Hand
Size 3 (17).
Owl (Leland Owlsley): Strength 9D, Agility 7D, Intellect 7D,
Willpower 5C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Natural Weapons;
Aerial Combat; Criminology; Finance, Leadership. Flight (Ability
Boost, Power Dive; Limits: Glide only, Ability Boost requires
glider capes incorporated into costume) 9, Teeth +0. Equipment:
Claws +3, Leg Exoskeleton (Allows Owl to walk), Owl Helicopter
(Hull Strength 12, Comm-Link, Flight [Passengers]) 12. Calling:
Greed. Hindrance: Paralyzed legs (compensated by Leg
Exoskeleton). Note: Owl is a criminal mastermind and frequent
enemy of Spider-Man. He often uses thugs to back himself up.
Plantman (Samuel Smithers): Strength 4X, Agility 3C, Intellect 7D,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Health 17. Gadgetry, Marksmanship;
Biology (Botany & Gardening). Equipment: Plant Ray Guns (Plant
Control [Ensnarement, Fungus Control, Plant Elementals, Plant
Growth, Plant Simulacra; Unique Trait: Plantman uses Willpower
to control his elementals and simulacra] 14. Calling: Greed.
Note: Plantman is another criminal scientist out to enrich
Plant Simulacra: Strength 8X, Agility 3X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 0X, Edge 0, Health 10. Body Transformation (Plant;
Limit: Permanent) 6, Life Support (Requires water, carbon
dioxide, and sunlight only) 4, Plant Control (Ensnarement, Fungus
Control, Plant Elementals) 10; Some simulacra also have Claws +2,
Quills (Volley) +2, and/or Poison (Poison Gas) 10. Calling:
Demolisher. Hindrances: Susceptible to Microwave Radiation.
Note: While many simulacra have masqueraded as (or even
believed they were) Plantman, one particular simulacra,
Terraformer of the Forces of Nature, achieved a good deal
more autonomy than other simulacra and mutated, giving him an
Nitro (Robert Hunter): Strength 5X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Electronics. Body
Transformation (Explosive Body, Explosive Punch [Unique Stunt –
Nitro can explode portions of his body, such as his hand, to
deliver 10 damage) 15. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Empowered in
an accident, Nitro is villain who seems to constantly find himself
captured and contained.
Nuke (Simpson): Strength 10B, Agility 10B, Intellect 4X, Willpower
4C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Brawling, Wrestling;
Demolitions, Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Military, Survival.
Body Armor +2, Resistance to Cold and Heat +2. Equipment:
“Betsy” (Sub-machinegun; 6 LAW [Armor Piercing (Unique Trait:
Ignores bonus in Body Armor or Material Strength)] +6, 3
Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Health 17; Claws +2; Hindrance:
Monstrous, Susceptible to Microwave Radiation.
Ringmaster (Maynard Talbot): Strength 4X, Agility 4D, Intellect
6D, Willpower 6A, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Acrobatics;
Electronics; Finance, Leadership, Manipulation, Performing
(Circus). Equipment: Hat (Hypnosis [Multiple Targets, Illusion –
a unique stunt equal to the power Illusion] 16). Calling: Greed.
Note: The Ringmaster is criminal mastermind who uses his Circus
of Crime as a cover to rob his patrons blind.
Bruto the Strongman (Bruce “Bruto” Olafsen): Strength 10C,
Agility 3D, Intellect 2X, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Brawling, Wrestling; Flinging (Weights and other heavy objects).
Calling: Soldier.
The Clown (Eliot “Crafty” Franklin): Strength 4X, Agility 5B,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Flinging,
Gadgetry, Juggling; Performing (Circus Clown). Equipment:
Juggling Balls +2, Trick Cane +2. Calling: Greed.
Fire-Eater (Tomas Ramirez): Strength 7D, Agility 3D,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Gadgetry; Performing (Fire Eating). Resistance to Fire +3.
Equipment: “Inferno Discs” (Energy Blast [Fire Breathing] 6).
Calling: Greed.
Great Gambonnos (Ernesto & Luigi Gambonno): Strength 6X,
Agility 8B, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Acrobatics, Aerial Combat, Flinging; Performing (Aerialists).
Calling: Greed. Note: Both brothers share the same statistics.
Human Cannonball (Jack Pulver): Strength 7D, Agility 5C,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Clubs;
Acrobatics, Artillery. Equipment: Body Armor +4, Helmet
(Impalement as Horns stunt) +2, Mace +3, Cannon (equals the
Impalement stunt of the Horns power +5). Calling: Greed.
Live Wire (Rance Preston): Strength 5D, Agility 6C, Intellect
5X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Whips (lariat);
Equestrian, Marksmanship; Performing (Cowboy). Equipment:
Electrified Lariat (Ensnarement 7, Energy Blast [limit: touch
only, as a contingent action] 7), Electro-Guns +5, Costume
(Resistance to Electricity +7), Six-Shooters +3. Calling: Greed.
Princess Python (Zelda DuBois): Strength 3X, Agility 5X,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Animal
Handling (Snakes), Performing (Dance). Animal Control (Snakes
only) 4. Calling: Greed. Trained Rock Python (Strength 13D,
Agility 3X, Intellect 0, Willpower 0, Edge 1, Health 17.
Rajah (Kabir Mahadevu): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3(17). Animal Handling
(Elephants). Animal Control (Elephants only) 3. Calling: Greed.
Trained Elephants (Strength 15X, Agility 4X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Health 17. Horns [Impalement] +4).
Teena the Fat Lady (Mary Stensen): Strength 8D, Agility 3X,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Wrestling.
Calling: Outcast.
Porcupine (Alexander Gentry): Strength 7D, Agility 4X, Intellect
5D, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling; Weapons
Systems. Equipment: Porcupine Powered Armor (Ability Boost
[Strength], Body Armor, Energy Blast [Electricity, Fire or
Laser], Enhanced Senses [Infravision], Firing Weapon, Flight 3,
Poison [Soporific or Intoxicating; Poison Gas], Quills [Volley],
Resistance to Gas, Stun Blast [Stun Wave]) 11. Calling: Greed.
Note: Porcupine was a foe of Captain America’s before dying
Professor Power (Anthony Power): Strength 15D, Agility 5X,
Intellect 7A, Willpower 7B, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling;
Assessment, Computers, Electronics, History; Observation,
Teaching, Politics. Body Armor +4, Computer Link 10, Energy
Blast 16, Flight 4. Calling: World Domination. Hindrance:
Hateful (Professor X), Obsessive (Bringing about a conservative,
world-domineering United States). Note: Power is megalomaniac
who transferred his mind into his son’s catatonic and now cyborg
body. He has somehow recently been brought back from
apparent beating death at the hands of USAgent (then Captain
Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect
4D, Willpower 11D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Espionage;
Manipulation. Pheromones (Hypnosis as Power, Pheromone Gas
[Unique Stunt – Effects all within firing distance]) 18.
Equipment: Pheromone Gas (Pheromones [Hypnosis as Power,
Pheromone Gas (Unique Stunt – Effects all within firing
distance)]) 11. Calling: Greed. Note: Killgrave was a Soviet spy
who gained his powers in a chemical accident. While enslaved by
Doctor Doom, Purple Man was inadvertently slain by the SubMariner.
Persuasion/Purple Girl (Kara Killgrave): Strength 3X, Agility
5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 7X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Pheromones (Pheromonal Markings [victims turn purple –
uncontrolled]; Limit: Only humans who breathe in the
pheromones or whom she touches; Unique Trait: Effects last
until victim washes or Persuasion leaves the area) 15, Telepathy
2. Calling: Youthful Exuberance. Note: Purple Girl, later code
named Persuasion, is the heroic daughter of Purple Man. She
was a member of Alpha Flight.
Rhino: Strength 18C. Brawling, Natural Weapons. Lightning Speed 2
(Limit: Running only). Note: See Roster Book #0.
Ringer II: Strength 6X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Equipment: Rings (Cold Control, Energy
Blast, Firing Weapon +2, Ensnarement, Whip +2, 2-Story Ring
Ladder) 10, Anti-gravity Platform (Flight 4). Calling: Greed.
Note: Ringer II is your run-of-the-mill super villain.
Ringer I (Anthony Davis): Strength 6X, Agility 4D, Intellect
5X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Gadgetry.
Equipment: Rings (Cold Control, Energy Blast, Firing Weapon +2,
Ensnarement, Whip +2, 2-Story Ring Ladder) 10. Calling: Greed.
Note: Ringer I was your run-of-the-mill super villain. He was
slain by Scourge.
Rose I (Richard Fisk): Strength 4X, Agility 4B, Intellect 7C,
Willpower 7B, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Escape Artist, Flinging,
Marksmanship; Criminology; Gaming, Finance, Leadership.
Equipment: Firearms +4, Mini Grenades (Poison [Soporific] or
Stun Blast [Stun Wave only]) 8. Calling: Vengeance (Kingpin) or
sometimes Soldier. Note: Rose is the dejected son of Kingpin,
who first took on the identity of the Schemer. Following several
attempts to destroy his father and then serve him, he became
the vigilante Blood Rose, leaving his guise as Rose to another. He
has since entered the Witness Protection Program.
Rose II (Jacob Conover): Strength… Gaming, Finance… Calling:
Delilah: Strength 13+… Brawling, Knives; Flinging,
Marksmanship… Equipment: Gauntlets +2, Throwing Blades +2…
Note: Delilah is Rose II’s bodyguard and assassin.
Rose’s Penthouse: Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Basilisk (Basil Elks): Strength 11X, Agility 4X, Intellect 6X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Body Armor +2, Cold
Control (Ensnarement, Ice Patch, Ice Walls) 10, Fire Control
(Limit: Blast only) 16, Flight (Whirlwind) 6, Resistance to Heat
+10, Life Support 12, Teleportation 5, Calling: Greed.
Bird-Man II: See Ani-Men above.
Blue Streak: Strength 6D, Agility 6A, Intellect 5D, Willpower
3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Acrobatics, Contingent
Attack, Marksmanship, Skating; Espionage. Equipment: Body
Armor (Protected Senses [Vision], Resistance to Gases and
Pressure) +3, Jet Skates (Lightning Speed [Leaping 3, Power
Slam, Run Up Walls; Limit: Running only) 9, Laser Gauntlet
(Energy Blast) 12, Tacks (Requires a challenging Driving [in a
vehicle] or Agility action [on foot] to avoid popping tires or take
4 damage). Calling: Greed.
Cheetah (Esteban Carracus): Strength 14C, Agility 8C, Intellect
3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons; Acrobatics, Thievery. Claws +2, Lightning Speed 8.
Calling: Greed. Note: When de-powered, as at the time of his
death, Cheetah had Strength 8X and carried Claws +2.
Commander Kraken: Strength 7C, Agility 5C, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Swords;
Boating, Marksmanship; Leadership. Equipment: Bionic Hand
(Ability Boost [Strength]) +4, Bionic Leg (Flight) 4, Sword
(Energy Blast 14, Energy Reflection 16) +4, Firearms +3 to +5.
Defunct Equipment: Before receiving his Bionic Hand, Kraken
wore a Hook (Energy Blast [Electric; Touch only] 10) +2, Kraken
Submarine (Hull Strength 12, Additional Limbs [4 Tentacles;
Constriction, Extension] 16, Firing Weapons +6, Swimming 6),
Albatross Ship/Submarine (Hull Strength 12, Energy Blast 14,
Swimming 8). Calling: Greed.
Cyclone I: Strength 5X, Agility 5X, Intellect 5B, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Electronics, Mechanics, Weapon
Systems. Cyclone Suit (Air Control [Downdraft, Flight, HyperBreath, Tornado, Vacuum]) 14. Calling: Greed.
Death Adder (Roland Burroughs): Strength 8D, Agility 5X,
Intellect 3D, Willpower 3X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Natural
Weapons; Mechanics. Equipment: Bionic Implants (Additional
Limb [Tail] 4, Body Armor +2, Claws +2, Lightning Speed
[Swimming] 5, Poison [Damaging] 15, Waterbreathing 4). Calling:
Greed. Hindrance: Physically Disabled – Mute.
Enforcer (Charles L. Delazny, Jr.): Strength 6, Agility 5,
Intellect 5, Willpower 5, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Mesmerism. Equipment: Body
Armor (Unique Trait: Silver nitrate coating protects against
supernatural creatures such as werewolves) +3, Image
Amplifiers (Enhanced Senses [Infravision only]) 10, Machine
Pistols (Tranquilizer Pellets [Poison (Soporific)] 11, Pyrogranulate
Capsules [Energy Blast (Fire)] 11, Silver Bullets +4, Tingler
[Energy Blast (Fire; Unique Trait: No initial damage. Causes
victim to burst into flames by post-hypnotic command)] 11) +4,
Sodium Pentathol (Poison [Unique Trait: Resisted by Willpower.
If not victim Susceptible as Hindrance to all mundane
suggestions and mental powers. Defunct Equipment:
Disintegrator Amulet (Disintegration ) 13, Disintegrator Ring
(Disintegration) 13. Calling: Greed.
Firebrand I (Gary Gilbert): Strength 5X (15X), Agility 5D,
Intellect 6D, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Gadgetry;
Physics; Finance. Firebrand Powered Armor (Ability Boost
[Strength], Energy Blast [Fire], Flight [Unique Trait: Trails Fire
6] 6, Resistance to Fire) 15. Calling: Demolisher.
Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Note: See Roxxon Oil Company in A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Sandman (William Baker): Strength 14C, Agility 8X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 8X, Edge 2, Health 25. Hammers, Brawling. Body
Armor +2, Body Transformation (Semisolid or Solid Forms; Limit:
One form only [Sand]) 14, Earth Control (Dustcloud, Entrapment
[Limit: No damage to victim on a breakout attempt]; Limit: Sand
manipulation only) 12, Elongation (Telescopic Attack) 14, Size
Alteration (Growth only, Situational – dependent upon extra sand
being present) 8, Regeneration (Limit: Only by absorbing sand) 8.
Calling: Repentant, previously Greed. Hindrance: Susceptible to
heat-, flame-, wind-, and water-based attacks (Unique Trait – if
hit by fire or heat of 10+ intensity – turned into glass for an
aura duration). Note: Sandman a long-time foe of Spider-Man,
was for a time a hero, even joining the Avengers and serving
with Silver Sable’s Outcasts, but has recently reverted back to
his criminal ways.
Scarecrow (Ebenezer Laughton): Strength 7X, Agility 9A, Intellect
4X, Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Health 17. Acrobatics, Escape
Artistry, Fast Exit, Thievery; Animal Handling (Birds). Calling:
Vengeance. Hindrance: Hatred (Captain America). Note:
Scarecrow is a psychopath who has fought Captain America on
several occasions.
Trained Crows: Strength 1D, Agility 4D, Intellect 1X, Willpower
1X, Edge 0, Health 10. Natural Weapons; Aerial Combat. Claws
+1, Enhanced Senses (Vision) 3, Flight 3, Teeth (“Beak”) +1.
Calling: Soldier. Note: Scarecrow is a madman with a particular
hatred for Captain America.
Scorpion (Mac Gargan): Strength 15B, Agility 12X, Intellect 4D,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Climbing,
Natural Weapons; Criminology. Additional Limb (Tail) 15, Body
Armor +4, Corrosion (Unique Trait: Released from tail up to
striking distance) 10, Energy Blast (“Tail Sting”; Wide-Angle
Beam) 12, Leaping 12, Poison (Limit: Slow Acting [Victim takes ½
damage immediately, the other ½ three hours later]) 10,
Resistance to Electricity +2, Wall-Crawling 8. Calling: Vengeance
(Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson). Note: Scorpion is
mercenary villain who most often fights Spider-Man.
Scourge: Strength 5X, Agility 5C, Intellect 4D, Willpower 4X, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Disguise, Marksmanship; Criminology.
Scourge’s Guns (Armor Piercing [Unique Stunt – Ignores Body
Armor equal to its damage bonus) +5, Scourge’s Van (Hull
Strength 6, Lightning Speed 6). Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance:
Obsessive (Serving justice by slaying super villains). Note: The
white-garbed Scourge was actually several assassins sent to slay
super villains.
Fly: See above.
Grappler: Strength 6A, Agility 4D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 3D,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Clubs, Wrestling;
Martial Arts; Finance. Equipment: Battle Staff (Ensnarement
10, Web-Slinging 10) +4, Radio-Controlled Private Plane. Calling:
Hammer (Leroy Jackson) & Anvil (John Anvil): Strength 9,
Agility 5, Intellect 3, Willpower 2, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Brawling. Equipment: Synthecon (Material Strength 18;
Absorption [Kinetic; Absorption Boost, Absorption Conversion
(Unique Trait: Anyone aside from Hammer and Anvil touching the
Synthecon automatically gets hit by a kinetic Energy Blast equal
to the amount currently absorbed), Absorption Healing],
Telepathy [Between Hammer and Anvil only]; Limit: Should
Hammer or Anvil die, the other will also die by having their life
force drained;) 20. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Hammer and
Anvil have the same statistics.
Hate-Monger III (“H.M. Unger”): Strength 3X, Agility 3X,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 8B, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Intimidation, Manipulation, Mental Control. Emotion Control
(Broadcastable [can be focused through devices]; Limit: One
emotion only [Hate]) 12, Imitation 12, Invulnerability to Aging,
Disease, and Poison, Life Support 15. Equipment: Various
Emotion Control and Mind Control devices (pamphlets with
contact poisons, etc.) 12. Calling: Demolisher.
Hellrazor: Strength 8D, Agility 6X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling. Wrist Blades (Volley
as Quills stunt) +4. Calling: Demolisher.
Hijacker: Strength 6X, Agility 4D, Intellect 8X, Willpower 6X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship. Equipment: Body
Armor (Resistance to Gases) +6, Vario-Blaster (Computer Link,
Energy Blast, Firing Weapon +4, Poison [Soporific; Poison Gas])
12, Crime-Tank (Hull Strength 16, Body Armor +8, Lightning
Speed 4, Magnetic Control 16). Calling: Greed.
Jaguar (Ramon De Rico): Strength 10B, Agility 8D, Intellect
3X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Climbing, Natural
Weapons, Wrestling; Martial Arts. Claws (Unique Trait: Bonus
applies to Climbing) +4, Enhanced Senses (All; Infravision) 10.
Calling: Soldier (Demolisher).
Letha (Helen Feliciano): Strength 12C, Agility 6C, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Wrestling;
Acrobatics, Martial Arts. Calling: Greed. Note: Strength was
7C before the Power Broker’s treatment.
Megatak (Gregory Nettles): Strength 12X, Agility 6X, Intellect
4D, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Espionage.
Electrical Control (Light Shapes as Light Control stunt 12) 15.
Calling: Greed.
Melter (Bruno Horgan): Strength 5X, Agility 4D, Intellect 6C,
Willpower 3D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Gadgetry; Mechanics,
Weapon Systems; Finance. Melter Device (Energy Blast
[Microwaves; Limit: Takes one exchange to set a frequency for a
particular material]) 12, Helmet (Energy Blast [Microwaves;
Limit: Striking distance only]) 8. Calling: Vengeance.
Mind-Wave: Strength 4X, Agility 3X, Intellect 6X, Willpower
10X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Equipment: Psionic Helmet
(Danger Sense, ESP, Telepathy) 10, Heat Ray (Energy Blast) 10,
Think Tank (Hull Strength 12, Coded, Energy Blast [Heat] 12,
Lightning Speed 6, Remote Controllable [by Mind-Wave’s psi
powers]). Calling: World Domination.
Miracle Man: Strength 3X, Agility 4D, Intellect 7X, Willpower
15D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Sleight of Hand; Mesmerism.
Ability Boost (Strength) +15, Animation 15, Energy Blast
(Kinetic) 15, Hypnosis (Broadcastable, Illusion as Power,
Invisibility as Power, Multiple Targets; Limit: Eye-contact, even
through a television) 18, Telepathy 5, Transmutation (Android
Creation [Unique Stunt: Creates androids with Strength 15,
Agility 5. Requires a full exchange to create each android.
Androids can be given Miracle Man’s powers at whatever
intensity Miracle Man chooses causing an equal loss to Miracle
Man’s power intensities]; Objects only) 15. Unique Trait: Miracle
Man’s use of his powers increases the intensity (and thus,
stability) of any radioactive material within 50 miles by 1 for
every hour he uses his powers. Calling: World Domination.
Mirage (Desmond Charne): Strength 6X, Agility 4D, Intellect
5C, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship;
Electronics, Physics. Equipment: Handgun (With Silencer) +4,
Mirage Suit (Light Control [Illusion (Limits: Creation of disguises
for himself or up to 8 mirror images of himself, thus gaining the
bonuses of a pile on in attacking, but not damaging an opponent),
Invisibility]) 15. Calling: Greed.
Rapier (Dominic Tyrone): Strength 8D, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Swords; Martial Arts.
Equipment: Electro-Sword (Stun Blast 8) +4. Calling: Vengeance
Ringer I: See above.
Shellshock: Strength 6X, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship. Equipment: Handgun
(Explosive Bullets [Energy Blast (Explosion)] 10, Ensnarement 12)
+6. Calling: Greed.
Steeplejack II (Maxwell Plumm): Strength 8X, Agility 6D,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 6X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Marksmanship. Equipment: Body Armor +3, Acetylene Gun
(Blinding, Energy Blast [Energy or Force], Ensnarement) 10.
Calling: Greed.
Titania (Davida DeVito): Strength 12B, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling,
Wrestling; Martial Arts; Leadership. Previous Equipment:
Explosive Discs (Energy Blast [Explosion only] 8), Concussive
Blast Rods (Energy Blast 6). Calling: Greed. Note: Strength was
7C before the Power Broker’s treatment.
Turner D. Century (Clifford F. Michaels): Strength 5X, Agility
4D, Intellect 4D, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Gadgetry; History. Equipment: Flame-thrower Umbrella (Fire
Control [Fire Missiles]) 6, Flying Bicycle (Flight) 8, Time Horn
(Stun Blast; Limit: Only effects those under 65-years old) 16.
Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance: Obsessive (Early 20th Century
Vamp: See below.
Wraith: See above.
Señor Muerte II (Philip Garcia): Strength 5, Agility 5, Intellect 4,
Willpower 4, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17)… Brawling, Knives;
Demolitions, Marksmanship; Finance, Gaming (Gambling)…
Equipment: Muerte Costume (Energy Blast [Electric]), Knives +2,
Firearms +4, Hand Grenades (Energy Blast [Explosion]), Flame
Thrower… Calling… Note: Philip is the brother of Jaime and the
deceased Ramon Garcia. He runs several illegal gambling casinos
with his brother Jaime. The brothers have often come into
conflict with Luke Cage and his partner Iron Fist. UNFINISHED
Señor Muerte I/ Señor Suerte I (Ramon Garcia): Strength 5,
Agility 5, Intellect 4, Willpower 4, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17)…
Brawling; Finance, Gaming (Gambling)… Equipment: Muerte
Costume (Energy Blast [Electric])… Note: Ramon is the brother
of Jaime and Philip Garcia. Ramon ran several illegal gambling
casinos. He went to great lengths to rid himself of rivals, often
bringing him into conflict with Luke Cage. Ramon first appeared
as Señor Suerte before donning his costume and becoming Señor
Muerte. He was electrocuted by his own equipment while
battling Luke Cage. UNFINISHED
Trait: With a successful Wrestling action, Slug may initiate a
garrote attack by suffocating his enemy in the folds of his fat);
Law; Finance, Intimidation. Body Armor +3, Resistance to Poison
+3, Swimming 1 (Unique Trait: Slug floats effortlessly).
Equipment: Custom Wheelchair (Lightning Speed 1), Firearms +4.
Calling: Greed. Hindrance: Physically Disabled (Unable to Walk),
Susceptible (Light). Note: Slug is drug kingpin. He was almost
killed by Nomad.
Señor Suerte II (Jaime Garcia): Strength 5, Agility 5, Intellect 4,
Willpower 4, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17)… Brawling; Thievery;
Finance, Gaming (Gambling)… Calling: Greed. Note: Jaime is the
brother of Philip and the deceased Ramon Garcia. He runs
several illegal gambling casinos with his brother Philip. The
brothers have often come into conflict with Luke Cage and his
partner Iron Fist. UNFINISHED
Slyde (Jerome Beacher): Strength 6X, Agility 9X, Intellect 5C,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Health 17. Chemistry, Physics. Costume
(Lightning Speed 3, Resistance to Ensnarement +12). Calling:
Greed. Note: Slyde is minor villain and foe of Spider-Man.
Snapdragon (Sheoke Sanada): Strength 6A, Agility 8A, Intellect
4D, Willpower 6D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Brawling,
Clubs, Knives; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Flinging, Martial
Arts; Espionage; Survival. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Infrared
Visor (Enhanced Senses [Infravision only]) 6, Bo Staff +3,
Dagger +3, Bola (Ensnarement 9) +1. Calling: Demolisher. Note:
Snapdragon is a foe of both Black Widow and Diamondback.
Shocker (Herman Schultz): Strength 6X, Agility 6C, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Gadgetry, Thievery.
Equipment: Costume (Body Armor +2, Resistance to Ensnarement
and Noise +14), Vibro-Shock Gauntlets (Vibration Control
[Disruption, Force Field, Safe Cracking, Vibro-Smash]) 12.
Calling: Greed. Note: Shocker is a minor villain and frequent foe
of Spider-Man.
Solarr (Silas King): Strength 5X, Agility 5X, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Absorption (Light;
Absorption Conversion) 15, Blinding 10 (Limit: Solar dependent,
in the absence of light, power intensity decreases by one point
per exchange), Energy Blast (Heat and Light; Limit: Solar
dependent, in the absence of light, power intensity decreases by
one point per exchange) 12. Calling: Greed. Note: Solarr was
slain by an alien villain.
Shockwave (Lancaster Sneed): Strength 11C, Agility 8C, Intellect
5C, Willpower 3C, Edge 1, Health 17. Boxing, Brawling;
Demolitions, Martial Arts; Electronics, Espionage; Military,
Performing (Carnival Performer). Equipment: Shockwave Suit
(Body Armor +4, Energy Blast [Electrical; Limit: Touch only] 12).
Calling: Greed. Hindrance: Overconfident. Note: Shockwave is a
minor, but dangerous mercenary, who most recently served with
the Masters of Evil.
Speed Demon (James Sanders): Strength 10D, Agility 8D, Intellect
6D, Willpower 4D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling; Fast
Exit; Chemistry; Taunting. Lightning Speed (Mach Control,
Power Slam, Run Up Walls, Waterwalking, Whirlwind) 17.
Equipment: Goggles (Protected Senses [Vision] 6). Calling:
Greed. Hindrance: Overconfident. Note: Speed Demon was
created by the Grandmaster. He is a frequent foe of SpiderMan.
Shriek (Sandra Deel or Frances Louise Barrison): Strength 6X,
Agility 8X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 8X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Emotion Control (Multiple Targets, Prolonged Emotions; Limit:
Negative emotions only) 14, Sonic Control (Energy Blast and
Leaping only) 12. Calling: Demolisher. Note: Shriek is a
madwoman and enemy of Spider-Man. For a time she was the
lover of Carnage.
Silvermane (Silvio Manfredi): Strength 15D, Agility 6C, Intellect
6D, Willpower 6C. Brawling; Marksmanship, Martial Arts;
Criminology; Finance, Leadership. Equipment: Cyborg Body
(Ability Boost [Strength] 15, Body Armor +3, Enhanced Senses
[Hearing] 5, Jumping 5). Calling: Vengeance (Cloak & Dagger,
Spider-Man) (Greed). Hindrance: Monstrous. Note: Silvermane
is the cyborg Maggia head.
Spider-Man Doppleganger: Strength 15C, Agility 14D, Intellect 1X,
Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Climbing, Natural
Weapons; Aerial Combat; Tracking. Additional Limbs (2 extra
sets of arms) 12, Claws +1, Teeth +1, Wall-Crawling 14, WebSlinging (Ensnarement, Razor Webbing [Unique Stunt – All of
Doppleganger’s webbing is razor sharp inflicting +4 damage]).
Calling: Demolisher. Hindrances: Frenzied, Monstrous. Note:
The Doppelganger was created by Adam Warlock’s nemesis the
Magus. He is the only one of the evil hero doppelgangers to have
Sin-Eater (Stanley Carter): Strength 5D (10D), Agility 5C,
Intellect 5C, Willpower 2C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Criminology, Espionage;
Intimidation, Law Enforcement. Ability Boost (Strength; Limit:
Constant and only as Sin-Eater) +5. Equipment: Body Armor +2,
Shotgun +5. Hindrance: As Carter, none; As Sin-Eater, Hateful
(Sinners). Calling: As Carter, Protector; as Sin-Eater,
Demolisher. Note: Carter suffered from multiple-personality
disorder. He apparently died at the hands of a SWAT team.
Spot (Dr. Jonathan Ohnn): Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 7C,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Dimensional Geography,
Physics. Teleportation (Gateway [Darkforce Dimension only],
Displacement [Unique Stunt: Spot can appear through any of the
spots he creates, thus manifesting different parts of his body in
different areas], Fusillade, Quick Turnaround, Window [as
Darkforce Control stunt]; Unique Trait: Spot creates two-
Slug (Ulysses X. Lugman): Strength 5D, Agility 2X, Intellect 6D,
Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Wrestling (Unique
dimensional Darkforce portals of various sizes, which he slaps
anywhere he likes, including mid-air) 10. Calling: Greed (ThrillSeeker). Note: Ohnn was a scientist in the employee of Kingpin
when he accidentally granted himself powers. Following his
defeat by Spider-Man he fled. Most recently he reappeared a
member of the Legion of Losers with Grizzly, Kangaroo II, and
Glove Blades (Poison [Damaging or Soporific] 15, Retractable) +2,
Boot Blades (Poison [Damaging or Soporific] 15, Retractable;
Unique Trait: Can use in conjunction with Martial Arts) +4.
Calling: Demolisher. Note: Prior to his death, Tarantula was
mutated into a giant spider with Strength 14C, Agility 9X,
Intellect 1X, Willpower 3X, Brawling, Climbing, Additional Limbs
[4 Legs] 14, and Ensnarement (Adhesion) 16. Note: Tarantula I
was a mercenary and terrorist.
Steel Serpent (Davos): Strength 8C, Agility 8B, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 7X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Martial Arts
Weapons; Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Martial Arts; Lore
(K’un Lun). Ability Boost (Strength; Limit: Fist strike only, Once
per day) 5, Chi 7. Calling: Vengeance (Iron Fist). Hindrance:
Hateful (Iron Fist). Note: Davos is the child of Iron fist’s sensei
in K’un Lun, who intense jealousy over Iron Fist’s defeat of the
dragon and investiture with the “iron fist” has caused him to
attack Iron Fist multiple times. His powers were recently stolen
by Junzo Moto, the new lord of the Hand. [by Shawn Carmen]
Tinkerer (Phineas Mason): Strength 3X, Agility 3A, Intellect 9A,
Willpower 5D, Edge 0, Health 10. Construction, Gadgetry,
Marksmanship, Repair; Electronics, Mechanics, Robotics, Weapon
Systems; Finance. Calling: Greed. Note: Tinkerer is the supplier
of criminal gadgets in the Marvel Universe. He almost never
directly involves himself in mischief of any nature.
Tombstone (Lonnie Thompson Lincoln): Strength 12A, Agility 6C,
Intellect 3X, Willpower 5C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing,
Brawling, Clubs, Wrestling; Acrobatics, Marksmanship;
Intimidation, Resist Domination. Body Armor +4, Cold Control
(Touch only) 3, Lightning Speed 3. Calling: Demolisher, formerly
Vengeance (Joe Robertson). Note: Before becoming empowered,
Tombstone’s Strength was 9B. Tombstone is a contract assassin
and racketeer.
Stiltman (Wilbur Day): Strength 4X (11X), Agility 4X, Intellect 7C,
Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3(17). Electronics, Mechanics.
Stilt-Man Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Body
Armor, Elongation [Seven Leagues Stride, Telescopic Attack;
Limit: Legs only], Firing Weapons [Rockets] +5, Loudspeaker,
Poison [Soporific; Poison Gas only], Resistance to Ensnarement
and Gases +11) 11, Powered Firearm (Bullets, Laser, or Torch) +5,
High-Powered Vacuum Cleaner (Air Control 5). Calling: Greed
(Demolisher). Note: Stiltman is a frequent foe of Daredevil.
Trump (Carlton Sanders): Strength 6B Agility 6A, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Garrote,
Clubs; Escape Artistry, Marksmanship, Sleight of Hand,
Thievery; Animal Handling (Domestic & Stage Animals),
Performing (Stage Magic). Equipment: Cane (Energy Blast
[Touch only] 12, Firing Weapon +3), Ensnarement Devices (Nylon
ribbons, metal rings, hand-cuffs, scarves) 6-9, Firearms +2 to
+4, Blinding Powder (Blinding) 9, Various other tools hidden about
cape, gloves, and boots (Unique Traits: +4 to Escape Artistry,
Sleight of Hand, Thievery, and Performing actions) +4, Trained
pigeons and tame rabbits. Calling: Greed. Note: Trump is a
stage magician gone bad.
Super Adaptoid: Note: See Roster Book #0.
Superia: Strength… UNFINISHED
Swarm (Fritz von Meyer): Strength 8X, Agility 5X, Intellect 6C,
Willpower 5X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Biology (Entomology);
Medicine. Animal Control (Animal Summoning [Swarm], Animal
Telepathy; Limit: Irradiated Bees only) 15, Energy Blast (“Bee
Blast”; Unique Trait: Actually the firing of hundreds of bees
from his form to sting a target) 12, Gestalt (Collective Mass) 15.
Calling: World Domination (Demolisher). Hindrance: Monstrous,
Susceptible (Smoke). Note: Swarm is the result of Meyer’s
experiments with irradiated bees gone wrong. Now his
irradiated skeleton serves to attract and irradiate bees and
serve as the host form for the bees and Meyer’s psyche.
Irradiated Bee Swarm: Strength 0, Agility 0, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 1X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Unique Trait: Attacks
as a group at intensity 12.
Typhoid Mary (Mary): Strength 6C, Agility 9B, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 2C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling, Swords,
Wrestling; Acrobatics, Flinging, Martial Arts; Performing
(Acting), Teaching. Fire Control (“Pyrokinesis”; Limit: No Blast)
2, Emotion Control (Prolonged Emotions) 4, Hypnosis (Sedation
as Telepathy stunt) 8, Resistance to Detection (Limit: Enhanced
Senses, Radar Sense, and Sonar only) +8, Telekinesis 2.
Equipment: Machetes +4, Knives +2. Hindrance: TriggeredPowerless (The Mary persona has Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Edge
0, Hand Size 2 [10], no powers, Calling: Peace of Mind, and
Hindrance: Physically Disabled – Sickly [As Legacy Virus, but
treat Mary as having no powers]). Calling: Demolisher. Note:
Mary is a split personality. As Typhoid she is a sometimes lover
and assassin for the Kingpin and enemy of Daredevil.
Tarantula II (Luis Alvarez): Strength 9B, Agility 10A, Intellect 5X,
Willpower 5C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Jumping,
Knives (including Boot Blades); Acrobatics, Contingent Attack,
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Military, Survival. Equipment:
Glove Blades (Poison [Damaging or Soporific] 15, Retractable) +2,
Boot Blades (Poison [Damaging or Soporific] 15, Retractable;
Unique Trait: Can use in conjunction with Martial Arts) +4.
Calling: Idealist (Demolisher). Note: Tarantula II is cruel agent
of his government.
Tarantula I (Anton Miguel Rodriguez): Strength 7B, Agility 9A,
Intellect 4X, Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling,
Jumping, Knives (including Boot Blades); Acrobatics, Contingent
Attack, Demolitions, Martial Arts; Military, Survival. Equipment:
Note: The U-Foes were put together by Utrecht, a wealthy
financier, in an attempt to recreate the Fantastic Four’s
accidents for their own misbegotten reasons. Though primarily
foes of the Hulk, the four have also fought the Avengers, Puma,
and Darkhawk, among others.
Ironclad (Michael “Mike” Steel): Strength 17C, Agility 5D,
Intellect 5D, Willpower 3X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling,
Wrestling; Piloting; Spacecraft (Rocketry). Body Armor +3,
Density Control (Limits: Higher only, Uncontrolled [Exposure to
cosmic radiation causes the Uncontrolled limit for an aura
duration]) 15. Calling: Greed. Hindrance: Monstrous.
Vapor (Ann Darnell): Strength 4X, Agility 5X, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 5X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Biochemistry (Life
Support Systems). Body Transformation (Gaseous Form; Limits:
Normal Form [Gaseous form is normal form, achieving a human
form for an aura duration is a superhuman action]; Uncontrolled
[Exposure to cosmic radiation causes the Uncontrolled limit for
an aura duration]; Unique Trait: Vapor can become any type of
gas, giving her such powers as Poison or the Force Field stunt
Suffocation) 16. Calling: Greed.
Vector (Simon Utrecht): Strength 5X, Agility 5X, Intellect 6X,
Willpower 6C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Finance, Leadership.
Telekinesis (Force Field, Forceflight, Multiple Effects [Unique
Stunt: Can do four effects at once, or up to six with a
challenging Intellect action; Limits: Repelling only [Vector can
only repel objects, not bring them to him], Uncontrolled
[Exposure to cosmic radiation causes the Uncontrolled limit for
an aura duration]) 13. Calling: Greed.
X-Ray (James “Jimmy” Darnell): Strength 6D, Agility 6X,
Intellect 4D, Willpower 3X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling;
Mechanics (Fuel Propulsion Systems). Body Transformation
(Energy Form; Hard Radiation; Limits: Uncontrolled [Exposure to
cosmic radiation causes the Uncontrolled limit for an aura
duration], Permanent) 14, Phasing 14. Calling: Greed.
Vermin (Edward Wheelan): Strength 11C, Agility 8X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 2C, Edge 1, Health 17. Brawling, Natural Weapons;
Survival, Tracking. Claws +2, Animal Control (Animal Telepathy;
Limit: Rats, wild dogs, etc. within 2 miles) 7, Enhanced Senses
15, Lightning Speed 2. Calling: Demolisher. Hindrances:
Frenzied, Monstrous. Note: Wheelan is the unfortunate victim
of criminal experimentation. As Vermin he is savage and cruel.
Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane: Note: See A
Guide to Marvel Earth.
Vibro (Alton Francis Vibreaux): Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect
2B, Willpower 2X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Electronics,
Geology, Physics (Lasers). Vibration Control (Earthquake, Flight,
Force Field, Resistance to Pressure and Quakes, Shockwave,
Tremors; Limit: Degradable by 1 for every 50 miles from a
geological fault line – including skyward) 11. Equipment: Body
Armor +4. Calling: Vengeance (Franklin Fortney and Iron Man).
Note: Vibro was created in a scientific mishap, which also caused
Vibreaux to suffer mental, as well as physical damage.
Viper II: Strength 7A, Agility 7C, Intellect 7D, Willpower 5C, Edge
3, Health 30. Boxing, Brawling, Whips, Wrestling;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Espionage; Intimidation,
Leadership. Equipment: Prosthetic Fangs (Poison 10), Darts +1
(Poison 10), Laser Pistol +5, Teleportation Ring (Up to three
miles) 8, Whip +1. Calling: World Domination. Note: Viper,
originally Madame Hydra I, is a madwoman bent on world
domination or destruction, the ultimate nihilist.
Viper I (Jordan Dixon): Strength 8C, Agility 6C, Intellect 5D,
Willpower 4C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons; Acrobatics, Flinging; Chemistry; Finance, Manipulation.
Claws (Poison [Damaging] 13) +2, Darts (Poison [Damaging] 13) +1.
Calling: Greed. Note: Dixon was the brother of the original Eel.
After combating Captain America several times, he was slain by
Viper II, who took his nom du guerre.
Vamp: Strength 6B, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 8X, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Clubs, Wrestling; Martial Arts;
Espionage. Body Transformation (Animus form with Crystal Club
only; Ability Boost [Strength] +9, Ability Boost [Willpower] +2,
Animation [Entrapment as Power] 13, Telekinesis [Force Bolt,
Forceflight, Object Swarm] 13; Crystal Club [Material Strength
20] +4; Limits: Animus must remain still – unable to dodge – to
use her Animation and Entrapment powers; Animus automatically
falls unconscious if her club is destroyed, reverting back to
Vamp) 13, Telepathy 8. Equipment: Absorbo-Belt (Power
Duplication; Limits: Strength, Agility, and related combat skills
only) 13. Note: Animus does not utilize the Absorbo-Belt.
Calling: Demolisher. Note: Vamp, a Corporation spy placed in
SHIELD, had her club destroyed by the Hulk, and was later slain
by Scourge.
Vulture (Adrian Toomes): Strength 10D (2D), Agility 10B (3B),
Intellect 7D, Willpower 5X, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Brawling;
Aerial Combat, Construction, Fast Exit; Electronics. Equipment:
Vulture Suit (Ability Boost [Dual Ability Boost; Strength &
Agility; Unique Trait: Dual Ability Boost is retained for hours to
days after the suits removal], Claws +2, Wings [Power Dive,
Protected Wings, Wing Buffet) 10. Defunct Equipment: Vulture
has at times used various firearms and energy blasters. Calling:
Vengeance (Greed). Note: Toomes is a long-time foe of SpiderMan.
Note: The Vulturions stole Toomes technology to go on their own
crime-spree. They were soundly defeated by Toomes and have
not been seen since.
Gripe: Strength 8D (10D), Agility 3X (5X), Intellect 3X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling. Calling:
Honcho: Strength 6X (8X), Agility 4D (6D), Intellect 4C,
Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship;
Electronics, Mechanics; Manipulation. Calling: Greed.
Pigeon: Strength 5X (7X), Agility 4C (6C), Intellect 3X,
Willpower 2X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Marksmanship,
Thievery. Calling: Greed.
Venom: * If deprived of the symbiote, Eddie Brock’s Strength is 5X,
Agility is 4X, Edge is 1, and Hand Size is 3 (17). Elongation
(Telescopic Attack) 7, Enhanced Senses (Circular Vision only) 4,
Teeth +6. Note: See Roster Book #0.
Alien Symbiote Costume: Strength 5D, Agility 14X, Intellect
1X, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Climbing. Body
Armor +2, Gestalt (Ability Boost [Strength; Limit: Strength 15]
+10, Ability Boost [Agility; Limit: Agility 15] +7, Ability Boost
(Unique Trait: Edge and Hand Size) +1, Detection [Symbiotic
spawn only] 8, Enhanced Senses (Circular Vision only),
Invulnerability to Spider-Man’s Danger Sense, Teeth +6, WallCrawling 14, Web-Slinging 14; Unique Trait: Each symbiote
develops additional powers such as Blending 15, Claws +6,
Elongation 7, etc.) 15, Life Support 15, Shapeshifting (Size
Alteration, Plasticity) 5, Web-Slinging 14. Calling: Vengeance
(Spider-Man). Hindrance: Fatally Vulnerable (Fire & Sonics).
Daily Globe: Note: See A Guide to Marvel Earth.
Sugar Face: Strength 6D (8D), Agility 4D (6D), Intellect 3X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling;
Marksmanship. Calling: Greed.
Vulturion Equipment: Blowguns (Poison [Damaging; Unique Trait:
Poison takes effect as an automatic contingent action with a
successful hit] 8) +1, Vulturion Suits (Ability Boost [Dual Ability
Boost; Strength & Agility] +2, Wings [Power Dive, Protected
Wings]) 8.
was defeated by the equally alternate time-line 1950s Avengers.
[By Shawn Carmen]
Cold Warrior: Strength 5D, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower
4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Politics. Equipment:
Battle Suit (Body Armor, Cold Control [Ensnarement]) 10.
Calling: Soldier. Hindrance: Obsessive (Destruction of
Communism). Note: Cold Warrior considered himself a patriot
and chafed under Yellow Claw’s control, despite his proclivity for
Electro: Strength 5D, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 5X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling. Energy Blast (Electricity)
14. Calling: Soldier. Hindrance: Monstrous. Note: A gleeful
Communist, Electro gladly assisted Yellow Claw.
Great Video: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 5X, Willpower
5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Mesmerism. Enhanced Senses
(Vision; Penetration Vision) 8, Psychic Blast (Unique Trait:
Vision-based) 16. Calling: Greed. Note: Gained in a lab
experiment, Video has no problem with using his gaze to kill
anyone who opposes him.
Skull-Face: Strength 12D, Agility 3X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling. Invulnerability to
Blinding, Life Support 15. Calling: Demolisher. Hindrance:
Monstrous. Note: Skull-Face is the skeleton of a demon who was
burned at the stake centuries ago and reanimated in the 1950s.
White Dragon: Strength 7B, Agility 7D, Intellect 5X, Willpower 5X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Boxing, Brawling, Martial Arts
Weapons; Martial Arts. Costume (Body Armor +2, Claws +2,
Energy Blast [Fire] 7, Poison [Soporific; Poison Gas] 14,
Resistance to Fire & Gas +4). Calling: World Domination (NYC
Chinatown). Note: White Dragon is a gang leader in Chinatown.
White Rabbit: Strength 3X, Agility 4B, Intellect 5X, Willpower 3D,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Fast Exit, Flinging, Thievery;
Manipulation. Equipment: Jet Boots (Flight) 8, Weapon Umbrella
(Energy Blast [Laser], Poison [Soporific]) 10, Razor Carrots +3.
Calling: Thrill-Seeker (Greed). Note: White Rabbit is an upperclass woman seeking the thrill of crime.
Walrus: Strength 12D, Agility 3X, Intellect 2X, Willpower 2X,
Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling. Body Armor +3. Calling:
Soldier. Note: Walrus was White Rabbit’s partner/flunky in the
Terrible Two.
Note: Zodiac I was a cabal of sinister businessmen and woman
who believed in astrology and world domination. After several
failed attempts to achieve their goals, they had all died or were
all slain by the first android Zodiac led by the still human
Scorpio, with the exception of Libra, who escaped.
Aquarius I (Darren Bently)/II (Zachary Drebb): Strength 5X,
Agility 5X, Intellect 4D, Willpower 4X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17).
Finance. Note: Aquarius I had the Manipulation skill, Imitation
(Limit: Zodiac members only), and Power Duplication (Limit:
Zodiac members only) 12. Aquarius II carried Water WristGuns (Energy Blast [Water]) 7. Calling: World Domination.
Aries I (Marcus Lassiter)/II (Grover Raymond)/III
(Unrevealed): Strength 5X, Agility 4X, Intellect 4D, Willpower
7X, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Finance. Equipment: Aries
Costume (Body Armor +1, Horns [Impalement] +2). Note: For a
time, Aries I carried the Zodiac Key (see Scorpio above).
Calling: World Domination.
Cancer (Jack Klevano): Strength 5B, Agility 3X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons, Wrestling. Equipment: Pincers (Ability Boost
[Strength] +2, Claws+2; Limit: No Thumbs [Unique Limit: 0
Agility for any action requiring manual dexterity]). Calling:
World Domination.
Capricorn (Willard Weir): Strength 3X, Agility 3X, Intellect
5X, Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Finance.
Equipment: Elastic Horns (Additional Limbs [Constriction,
Extension, Telescopic Attack]) 10. Calling: World Domination.
Gemini (Joshua Link): Strength 4X (9X), Agility 4X, Intellect
4X, Willpower 5D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling; Martial
Arts; Finance. Mind Control (Ability Boost [Strength] +5; Limit:
Damian Link only) 10. Calling: World Domination. Note: Joshua
Link’s brother, Damian Link’s statistics follow: Strength 5X,
Agility 4X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10).
Note: The Wild Boys are accomplished street thugs, who on
occasion have hired themselves out. They almost beat a
weakened Daredevil to death.
Jet: Strength 7B, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Clubs, Knives; Intimidation.
Equipment: Baseball Bat +3, Knives +2. Calling: Demolisher.
Spit: Strength 6B, Agility 6D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4D, Edge
1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Clubs, Knives; Acrobatics;
Intimidation. Equipment: Baseball Bat +3, Knives +2. Calling:
Worm: Strength 5X, Agility 5D, Intellect 3X, Willpower 6D, Edge 1,
Hand Size 3 (17). Escape Artistry; Survival. Digging (Direction
Sense, Earth Consumption) 11, Duplication (Long-Lasting [Unique
Stunt – Duplicate remain for as long as the Worm or any of his
duplicates remain alive, not just conscious]; Unique Trait:
Duplicates are created from severed parts of Worm) 15,
Regeneration 20, Teeth +1. Calling: Outcast. Hindrance: Phobic
(Bright Lights). Note: Worm is a master of the NYC sewers
along with his ally the Beggar King. [by Steve Kunec]
Yellow Claw: Strength 6X, Agility 5D, Intellect 10A, Willpower 12C,
Edge 2, Health 25. Martial Arts; Biochemistry, Genetics,
Occult, Robotics; Finance, Manipulation. Animation (Necromancy
only) 12, Claws +2, Illusion 7, Regeneration (Raising the Dead
only) 12, Resistance to Aging +10. Equipment: Body Armor +3, Id
Paralyzer (Hypnosis [Broadcastable, Multiple Targets] 5).
Calling: World Domination. Note: Yellow Claw is criminal
mastermind and foe of SHIELD.
Note: In an alternate time-line, Yellow Claw organized a team of
supervillains to kidnap President Eisenhower and ransom him. He
Marksmanship; Law Enforcement. Equipment: Handgun +4.
Calling: Protector.
Leo (Daniel Radford): Strength 5C, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 4D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Natural
Weapons; Finance. Equipment: Body Armor +1, Claws +3. Calling:
World Domination.
Libra (Gustav Brandt): Strength 6C, Agility 8B, Intellect 6C,
Willpower 6C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing, Brawling;
Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Martial Arts; Occult, Philosophy;
Finance, Military, Trance. Cosmic Awareness 12, Dimensional
Travel (Passengers; Unique Trait: Via the Inbetween only) 12,
Radar Sense (Back Attack) 12, Teleportation (Passengers;
Unique Trait: Via the Inbetween only) 12, Time Tracking
(Passengers, Time Tracking; Unique Trait: Via the Inbetween
only) 12. Calling: Guardian (The Balance). Hindrance: Physically
Disabled – Blind (Compensated by Powers). Note: Libra escaped
the death of his fellow Zodiac members. He played a pivotal and
beneficent advisory role in the Avengers Forever mission.
Pisces (Noah Perricone): Strength 4X, Agility 4D, Intellect 4X,
Willpower 2D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Underwater Combat;
Finance. Swimming 2. Calling: World Domination.
Sagittarius (Harlan Vargas): Strength 7B, Agility 5D, Intellect
4X, Willpower 3D, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Brawling, Melee
Weapons, Stunning; Martial Arts; Finance. Calling: World
Scorpio (Jacob “Jake” Fury): Strength 5D (10D), Agility 5D
(8D), Intellect 6B, Willpower 6C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25).
Brawling; Martial Arts; Criminology, Espionage, Robotics;
Leadership, Military. Equipment: Zodiac Key (Ability Boost
[Strength] +5, Ability Boost [Agility] +3, Absorption [Stellar
energy from the Zodiac constellations only; Unique Trait: Can
use energy to create LMD androids to replace destroyed Fury
and Zodiac LMDs], Animation, Body Transformation [Water;
Liquid Form], Energy Blast [Electricity or Force; Wide-Angle
Beam], Flight, Force Field, Magnetic Control, Sentience
[Intellect 5X, Willpower 10X], Teleportation [Passengers]; Note:
The Key grants its user the Ability Boost and Body
Transformation powers and allows the user access to its other
powers) 10, Wrist-Sprayers (Poison [Paralyzing]) 12. Defunct
Equipment: Scorpion’s Tail (Additional Limb) 8. Calling: World
Domination. Note: Fury is Nick Fury’s disgruntled younger
brother. Never measuring up, he turned to crime and leading
the Zodiac. Fury shot himself in the head following his defeat
by the Defenders. He has since been replaced by Life Model
Decoy androids with the same statistics plus Digging 8, several
Taurus (Cornelius Van Lunt): Strength 8D, Agility 4C, Intellect
5C, Willpower 7C, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Natural Weapons;
Marksmanship, Martial Arts; Criminology, Occult (Astrology);
Finance, Leadership. Taurus Costume (Absorption [Kinetic;
Limit: Only to absorb damage resulting from charge and use of
Horns] 6, Body Armor +2, Horns [Impalement] +2); Star-Blazer
Gun (Energy Blast [Stellar]) 15. Calling: World Domination.
Note: Lunt was the founder and most often leader of the
Virgo (Elaine McLaughlin): Strength 3X, Agility 3D, Intellect
5X, Willpower 5C, Edge 1, Hand Size 3 (17). Marksmanship;
Finance, Politics. Equipment: Handgun +4. Calling: World
Note: Zodiac II was made up of androids and led by the Scorpio
android armed with the Zodiac Key. There were three
incarnations of the android Zodiac. Their last battle brought
them into conflict with the Avengers.
Aquarius: Strength 5X, Agility 7D, Intellect 4X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Marksmanship. Body Armor + 2.
Equipment: Costume (Resistance to Electricity) +5, ElectroBlaster (Energy Blast [Electrified Water]) 10. Calling: World
Domination. Note: Aquarius is the only LMD to have served with
all three android incarnations of the Zodiac.
Aries I: Strength 8D, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons. Body Armor + 2.
Equipment: Horns (Impalement) +3. Calling: World Domination.
Aries II: Strength 10D, Agility 5X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons. Body Armor + 2,
Life Support (Air only) 15. Equipment: Horns (Impalement) +3.
Calling: World Domination.
Aries III: Strength 10D, Agility 5X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons. Body Armor +
2. Equipment: Body Armor +2, Horns (Energy Blast [Fire] 9,
Impalement) +3. Calling: World Domination.
Cancer I: Strength 5X (14X), Agility 5X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2.
Equipment: Powered Armor (Ability Boost [Strength], Air Shield
[“Air Bag”; Air Shield stunt of Air Control; Limit: Infrequent –
Usable once per combat], Body Armor, Energy Blast [Shoulder
Force Cannons], Protected Senses [Vision, Touch]) 14. Calling:
World Domination.
Cancer II: Strength 9X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 3, Life Support (Air
only) 15. Equipment: Claws +3, Steam Sprayers (Weather
Control [Fog Cloud, Heat Control, and Heat Wave only]) 8.
Calling: World Domination.
Cancer III: Strength 10X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Life Support (Air
only) 15. Equipment: Body Armor +3, Claws +3. Calling: World
Capricorn I: Note: Capricorn I died from imperfections shortly
after his creation.
Capricorn II: Strength 7D, Agility 7C, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Climbing; Aerial Combat. Body
Armor + 2, Life Support (Air only) 15. Equipment: Wing-Vanes
(Flight [Gliding only]) 7. Calling: World Domination.
Capricorn III: Strength 10X, Agility 6X, Intellect 3X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons.
Ability Boost (Strength; Limit: Legs only; Unique Trait:
Capricorn III’s Strength is 13X when using her legs for any
action) +3, Body Armor + 2, Leaping 6, Life Support (Air only) 15,
Lightning Speed 6. Calling: World Domination.
Gemini I: Strength 7X, Agility 7X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 2X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Duplication (Unique
Trait: When Gemini duplicates himself, one duplicate is pure
emotion, while the other is pure reason7, Resistance to Mental
Control +7. Calling: World Domination.
Gemini II: Strength 8X, Agility 6X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Size Alteration
(Growth Only) 4. Calling: World Domination. Hindrance:
Persuadable (Unique Hindrance: When presented with a
compelling argument, Gemini II must make an average Willpower
[Willpower] action, or be convinced of the argument).
Gemini III: Strength 9X, Agility 6X, Intellect 3X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Nemesis
(Mechanical and Skill Nemesis) 6. Calling: World Domination.
Leo I: Strength 10X, Agility 8X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Brawling, Natural Weapons;
Acrobatics. Animal Control (Animal Telepathy; Limit: Big cats
only) 4, Body Armor + 2, Claws +3. Calling: World Domination.
Note: Leo I served with all three android Zodiacs.
Leo II: Strength 13C, Agility 11X, Intellect 4D, Willpower 5D,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Climbing; Natural Weapons; Biology;
Tracking. Body Armor + 2, Claws +1, CommLink (Unique Trait:
implanted under wrist), Enhanced Senses (Vision, Hearing, and
Smell; Infravision) 15, Lightning Speed 5. Calling: World
Domination. Note: Leo II infiltrated the Avengers as Tigra for
the third android Zodiac.
Libra I: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 5X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Invisibility
(Intangibility; Limit: Short Duration) 5, Phasing (Airwalking) 18.
Calling: World Domination. Note: Libra I was a member of the
first two android Zodiacs.
Libra II: Strength 5X, Agility 5X, Intellect 4X, Willpower 4X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Flight 5. Calling:
World Domination. Note: Libra II was a member of the third
android Zodiac.
Pisces I: Note: Pisces I died from imperfections shortly after
his creation.
Pisces II: Strength 15X, Agility 5D, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Underwater Combat. Body Armor + 3,
Life Support (Air only) 15, Resistance to Cold and Pressure +3,
Swimming 3, Waterbreathing 3. Calling: World Domination.
Pisces III: Strength 6X, Agility 4X, Intellect 3X, Willpower 3X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Body Armor + 2, Life Support (Air
only) 15, Precognition 6, Swimming 4, Weather Control (Fog
Cloud only) 6. Calling: World Domination.
Sagittarius I: Strength 6X, Agility 8X, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Marksmanship. Body Armor + 2.
Equipment: Arrow Wrist Launchers (Regular Arrows +2 or Flame
Arrows +4). Calling: World Domination. Note: Sagittarius I was a
member of all three android Zodiacs.
Sagittarius II: Strength 8X, Agility 8B, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Archery, Contingent Attack,
Martial Arts. Body Armor + 2, CommLink (Unique Trait:
implanted under wrist). Equipment: Bows and Arrows +2. Calling:
World Domination. Note: Sagittarius II infiltrated the
Avengers as Hawkeye for the third android Zodiac. Following
his infiltration he had access to Hawkeye’s arsenal of special
arrows (see Roster Book #0 or Avengers Roster Book #2).
Scorpio: See Zodiac I above.
Taurus I: Strength 9D (13D), Agility 7X, Intellect 2X,
Willpower 3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons.
Body Armor + 4, Lightning Speed 4. Equipment: Powered Armor
(Ability Boost [Strength] +4, Claws [“Arm-Horns”] +4) 8. Calling:
World Domination.
Taurus II: Strength 12X, Agility 6X, Intellect 4X, Willpower
3X, Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Natural Weapons; Martial Arts.
Body Armor + 2, Density Control (Higher Density only; Limit:
Trance [Requires two exchanges of concentration]) 15, Horns
(Impalement) +2, Life Support (Air only) 15. Calling: World
Domination. Note: Taurus II was a member of the second and
third android Zodiacs.
Virgo I: Note: Virgo I proved impossible to activate.
Virgo II: Strength 4X, Agility 4X, Intellect 8B, Willpower 4X,
Edge 0, Hand Size 2 (10). Electronics, Mechanics, Weapon
Systems. Body Armor + 2, Life Support (Air only) 15.
Equipment: Various weapons to meet given prepared for
situations. Calling: World Domination. Note: Virgo II was a
member of the second and third android Zodiacs.
Gemini (Madison Jeffries): Strength 6D, Agility 4B, Intellect
7D, Willpower 9D, Edge 2, Hand Size 4 (25). Boxing; Gadgetry,
Piloting, Repair; Mechanics; Military. Detection (Madison
automatically detects the presence of his brother Lionel) 9,
Transmutation (Healing [as Regeneration], Rapid Assembly [as
Magnetic Control], Rapid Shift, Scrambling [as Magnetic
Control], Telekinesis; Limit: Metal, plastic, and glass only for
power and stunts) 18. Equipment: Firearms +4, Gemini Robot
(Strength 6D, Agility 4X; Boxing; Equipment: Firearms +4; Note:
Jeffries and his double make use of the Pile-On rules in combat.
Presumably, Jeffries can further empower his double with
powers as he did his Box armor). Calling: Vengeance (Alpha
Flight). Note: Jeffries was at one time the hero Box of Alpha
Flight, before being brainwashed by the Zodiac. [by Steve