
How to Introduce Scrip to Your Group
Scrip Introduction Meeting
Preparations before the Meeting:
Some general suggestions for an effective presentation.
Create Excitement! The week before the meeting make signs for the
entranceway to the school. One school prepared letter size sheets
asking, “Got Scrip?” Which were laminated, stapled to paint stirrers and
placed at the edge of the sidewalks and driveways to the school, on
entrance doors and along hallways. Flyers were then sent home to
announce how to find out how to “Get Scrip!” at the meeting.
Gather shopping bags from vendors and use as a table display, grocery
bags with groceries, etc.
Use visual aids whenever possible. Include scrip samples, overheads or a
PowerPoint Presentation.
Bring a few gift cards and certificate samples to show your audience. You
can make a copy or scan certificates into your computer, then print and
cut to use as borders around bulletin boards or posters.
If you have any families that have used scrip before, ask them to share
their experiences with the group and tell others how easy scrip is and
how well it works.
Be enthusiastic and be positive. Your attitude is infectious.
Be brief and respect your audience’s time. Don’t hand out your retailer
list until the latter part of the program. Your audience is eager to see it,
and once you hand it out they’ll read the list and not pay attention!
Ask the leader of your group to introduce you. Ask the
person introducing you to make some general positive comments about
this exciting scrip program. Once introduced, tell your audience how
pleased you are to share this exciting news. Smile. Share your
What is Scrip? Scrip is the Latin Term that means anything used
instead of cash. Our Grandparents might have been paid in Scrip if they
worked in a Mill or fought in the War in Europe. They used the Scrip to
pay for goods at the Company Store. In our program we will use Gift
cards or gift certificates instead of cash. You can show the gift
certificates and cards to your group as examples of Scrip. It helps
audiences to understand that these are the same gift cards and
certificates that one would buy if one walked into the Retailers Stores.
o Explain the basic concept behind scrip:
Because the Scrip is purchased on behalf of non-profit
organizations by UnitedScrip, in large quantities, the
retailers sell the certificates at a discount to UnitedScrip.
Our Families will order the Scrip from our Group, at full
face value, which can then be redeemed at the Retailers
locally or Nationally for the full face value. Our Group will
buy the certificates ordered by our family from UnitedScrip
at the discount listed on the order forms.
Our organization keeps the difference as revenue.
It is common for people to wonder “what’s the catch?” The catch – if
there is one – is that you have to plan your purchases a little bit. That’s
How much can we earn? A dramatic way to show the power of scrip is
through audience participation. Working with a PowerPoint Presentation
(available on line) or a overhead projector ask for input using the
following questions as guidelines:
o How many of you spend $25 a week on gasoline?”
o “How many of you spend at least $75 a week on groceries?”
o “How many of you spend $50 a month on clothing?”
o “How many of you spend $50 a month dining out?”
As you are discussing these typical spending patterns, jot them on your
blackboard. Total them up and write the sum on the board. After you’ve
written down the total, ask your audience if they think these numbers
are reasonable. Use $ amounts that apply to our group. Now, convert the
weekly expenditures to monthly expenditures. Your black board should
look something like this:
Food $75/week x 4 =
Gas $25/week x 4=
Dining out
$500/month x 12 months= $6000/year
Now write a great big “5%” on your blackboard. That’s the average
portion of each scrip purchase that is earned by an organization with
every scrip purchase. So, an average family, using these modest spending
levels, would earn $300 each year for their non-profit organization. A
family that works at the program by focusing their spending on scrip
participating retailers can earn much more! With 75 families you can
expect (Use the Excel Sheet available online and insert your group
What will happen to the proceeds? Every non-profit organization uses
their scrip proceeds differently. Make sure your families know how your
non-profit will use the scrip program proceeds. We have found that the
programs that have the greatest participation are groups that give the
families a reason for using the program, and the best motivation is
something that they feel will benefit their child directly in some way, or
their family. See Tuition Reimbursement Plan, available upon request or
Your Organization’s Scrip Program Hand out whatever introduction
materials, flyers or newsletters that you have explaining your scrip
program. We have several options available online to assist you. Go over
the specifics of your program: Ordering schedule, and pick up schedule.
Questions and Answers
People will have plenty of questions, so allow
plenty of time. Answer each question patiently. You may have to explain
the program again in simple terms.
Scrip program retailers: Hand out the Retailers List. Point out some
highlights. Emphasize the wide choice of retailers; point out some of the
higher discounts. Also, use this opportunity to remind families that
these merchants are doing something very generous for your
organization. Ask them to show their appreciation by sending their
shopping dollars to the retailers that support your organization!