Website Content Management System Training Manual

Internet Content
Management System
User Guide
Getting started _________________________________________________ 2
Starting work on the website __________________________________________ 2
Create a page _______________________________________________________ 7
Insert pictures _____________________________________________________ 12
Add a hyperlink ____________________________________________________ 19
Insert anchored links ______________________________________________________ 21
Storing images and documents _______________________________________ 25
Checking the status of pages _________________________________________ 32
Troubleshooting _______________________________________________ 34
No publish button __________________________________________________ 34
New site has no template on homepage ________________________________ 38
Getting started
The system uses Windows authentication to prevent unauthorised access to the website.
Therefore each user who will be working on the website must have a Napier University user
account to log onto the network. The user must also be assigned roles within the website.
The roles on the website are:
The role you are assigned will determine which tasks you will be able to carry out on the site.
For example, an author can create pages, but is not permitted to approve pages to go live on the
website; whereas an administrator can carry out all tasks possible on the website including
assigning roles to users. An editor has some approval responsibility over pages, documents and
images in their own site(s).
The Marketing & Communications Web Team are System Administrators so please contact them
in the first instance to arrange or change your roles.
Starting work on the website
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Go to the following address:
If you wish to bookmark this link, you will have to take the following steps:
Open URL in Internet Explorer
Choose File > Send > Shortcut to Desktop
Find the icon on your desktop and right-click on it
Go to Properties
Paste the URL above into the URL box and choose Ok
When you double click on this shortcut now it should open a new editable site for you.
See the Sign In dialog at the top left.
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3. Enter login details and choose OK
Note that you should enter your login details in the following format:
Napier-mail\username (this is your network user name and password)
If you are a valid user and have been assigned a role in the website, then the live site will be
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displayed and the Site Actions console will be displayed at the left of the page. You will be able
navigate through the site and view published pages. At this stage you will not be able to edit
Site Actions
4. If you wish to add/edit/remove a page, navigate to the page you need to find (in this example
we wish to create a page in the Prospective Students area).
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5. Go to the Site Actions Console. The options which are displayed in the Site Actions
Console determine which tasks you may perform on channel/page. Instructions on how to
perform specific tasks are given in subsequent sections.
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Create a page
7. To create a page, select Create Page from the Site Actions console.
To create
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8. Enter information in the Title & Description boxes. In the URL name, replace spaces with an
underscore. For example, About the University becomes About_the_University.
Then you should select the Page Layout you require. There are many page layouts to choose
from and the page layout indicates where the page is located on the site and what the title of the
page is.
In the example below, the page is located in the About Us section of the site – the page is called
About the University. It is very important that you select a page layout that corresponds to the site
that you are in and that the title of the page corresponds to the title of the page you are creating.
However, if a template that you want to use is not available please contact the Web Team to
discuss your requirements.
For Faculty & School pages, there is more flexibility in that the title of the Content pages is
defined by the person editing the content.
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9. Now you can start adding content to the pages – this starts with keyword meta data and the
meta description. The keyword data should contain relevant phrases or words separated by
commas, and the description should summarise the content of your page. For more information
and guidance see the Guide to writing for the web document.
To add content to the page, select the Napier University Rich Text box Edit Content link.
To add content,
click on this link
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Once you click,
you can add
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10. Now you are ready to add the content on to the page which you can do by copying and
pasting or writing new content. The CMS editor allows you to carry out various tasks like using a
word processor – by pointing your cursor at them the functionality is displayed.
CMS editor
CMS editor bar: options, from left to right (top line):
Insert hyperlink
Remove hyperlink
Insert image
Insert reusable content
Insert table
Edit table
Show/Hide Gridlines
Table operations (e.g. insert row, delete column)
Merge cell
Rich text box
Edit Html Source
Remove inline styles
Left to right
Right to left
CMS editor bar options, from left to
right (bottom line):
 Formatting element
 Styles
 Apply paragraph format
 Font face
 Font size
 Bold
 Italic
 Underline
 Align text left
 Centre text
 Align text right
 Numbered list
 Bullet point list
 Decrease indent
 Increase indent
 Text colour
 Text highlight colour
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Insert pictures
11. To insert pictures on the page to compliment the text.
Select the insert picture option on the editor bar – the following page will be displayed.
The Alternate Text should be a factual concise description of the image – this is included for
accessibility and allows screen readers to describe the image to a visitor who cannot see the
content. The layout options allow alignment on the page and the other options allows the amount
of white space to be included around the graphic. It is recommended that you select ‘5’ for these
options to provide suitable spacing between the text and the graphic. Your graphic should already
be the correct size so you do not need to utilise the resize option. Once you have done this then
select ‘Browse…’.
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12. Select your graphic – you can select a local image you have uploaded or an image from the
corporate image gallery
For a local image that you have uploaded:
Select the insert picture option on the editor – locate the image you wish to insert and select ok.
(instructions on how to upload your own images to the site can be found in paras 18-20).
For an image from the main site library:
The following dialog box will appear. You will need to navigate to the correct image library using
the instructions below.
Select the ‘Up’ folder icon in the top left of the screen.
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This takes you to a list of all the libraries in the Napier site. Use the link at the top of the page to
scroll through these until you find Images.
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Double click Images to open folder
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This will open the Image library and display all available images.
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This location should now be saved as the default for the next time you want to add images from
the main site library.
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13. The graphic appears on the page.
To change the positioning of the graphics, double click on it and the graphic positioning window
will open.
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Add a hyperlink
14. Decide which text you want to use as your hyperlink (something descriptive), and highlight it
in the edit box. Then select the hyperlink option from the editor bar.
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15. There are two ways to insert a hyperlink: if you know it, you can type the URL directly into the
Selected URL box; or you can Browse to find a page or document contained within the site.
If you want to use an email link then enter mailto: in the URL field, followed by the address you
wish to send email to. For example:
The tooltip (similar to the alt text for graphics) provides a description of the link when you hover
your mouse over it or in an aggregated table of links for visually impaired users. It important that
you enter an appropriate and descriptive link here for accessibility reasons.
After entering the information select ok and the link will appear on the page.
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When selecting browse, the following options appear:
Select from the options on the left to access pages or documents.
Insert anchored links
Anchored links are a trick used when you have long pages of information that it does not make
sense to split into separate pages. It allows you to create a ‘bookmark’ somewhere on the page,
and then link to it from a table of contents at the top. This is commonly used in FAQ pages where
information is presented in a long list.
To create the bookmark, decide where in the text the user should go when using the link at the
top. Highlight this and open the ‘Insert Hyperlink’ box. The ONLY form that should be filled in is
Bookmark, with a meaningful title.
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Then decide on the text which you want to link to this bookmark with, select it and again open the
Insert Hyperlink box. This time you should complete the URL and tooltips fields only. The URL will
be a hash character followed by the name of the bookmark.
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Check Spelling
16. Once all content has been added to the page, you can check the spelling of the content. To
do this, select Site Actions > Edit page. The tool bar appears along the top of the page. Select
Tools > Spelling for the spell checker.
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Storing images and documents
Documents and graphics are stored in the Site Manager to allow you to publish them on the site
17. To access the Site Manager tool – select Manage Content and Structure from the Site Actions
drop down list.
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18. The Site Manager provides access to the site you are currently working on. You should
navigate to the folder you have access to add/remove images from.
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19. You will be able to see the images in the folder.
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20. To add an image. Select ‘New’ from the Site Collection Images options.
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21. To select the document, select ‘Browse’ and upload the image from your local machine.
Images should reside in the “Site Collection Images” library.
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22. You can upload multiple images at the same time but remember these should be sized
correctly before uploading.
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23. Once content has been added, it must be published AND approved otherwise it will not
display on the site.
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Checking the status of pages
24. To check whether content is published and available to view on the site go to the appropriate
library, i.e. documents, images, pages and workflow tasks. Here you will find descriptive data
about all of the information held in your site.
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25. Select the appropriate item (in this example default) and use the Actions tab to perform tasks
such as publish, unpublish, approve and so on.
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No publish button
26. If you are not able to publish pages, you need to switch the workflow process off.
Set Workflow OFF:
1. If you do not have the “Publish” button option and need to set off the workflow, do the
2. Go to site actions menu and click the “Manage Content and Structure” option at the
bottom of the list.
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3. Go to your “pages” folder under your site that needs the workflow turned off.
4. Click the “Settings” tab and select the “List settings” option.
5. Click the workflow settings option on the next screen.
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6. Click the “Parallel Approval” option.
7. Uncheck the two options at the bottom of the page “Allow this workflow…” & “Start this
workflow….” Press Next
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8. Go back to your site and you should now have the “Publish” button
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New site has no template on homepage
When you create a new site, this automatically generates a new default page with no template
applied – it does not know what you want the site to look like.
You will have to create a new page and apply the template to it, then set it as the default page.
To change your default page, go to Site Actions > Manage Content & Structure.
The select Welcome Page under Look and Feel
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Browse to the new page that you want to be the default homepage for your new site. It must be a
page contained within the site you are editing, the page cannot be held elsewhere in the system.
You can check which page is your homepage by going to Site Content & Structure where the
chosen page with say ‘default’ in brackets after the page name. From here you can then delete
the auto-generated blank page with no template applied by hovering over it and using the drop
down menu, and rename your new homepage to be called ‘default’.
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