Repeat Text (1882-1884) - USU Digital Collections

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Growing Ads & repeated text: 1882 issues
Last Updated August 2009
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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4th WARD CO-OP., under the management of C. B. Robbins, who will
make it a object for all wanting anything in the way of general
merchandise, to call on him at the 4th Ward Co-Op. Main Street,
half a block north of Z. C. M. I. Highest market price paid for
wool, and all kinds of produce.
$5 OUTFIT sent free to those who wish to engage in the most
pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new.
Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a day
and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over
night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once.
Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much
as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is
willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be
made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at
once will find a short road to fortune. Address H. Hallet &
Co., Portland, Maine. 23-ly
$10 OUTFIT furnished free, with full instructions for conducting
the most probable business that anyone can engage in. The
business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are no simple
and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very
start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as
successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many
have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a single
week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are
surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to
make money. You can engage in this business during your spare
time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it.
We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write
to us at once. All furnished free. Address True & Co.,
Augusta, Maine. 23-ly
$25 TO $50 PER DAY! can easily be made by using the celebrated
Victor well auger and rock boring machinery. In any part of the
country. We mean it, and are prepared to demonstrate the fact.
They are operated by either man, horse or steam power, and bore
very rapid. They range in size from 8 inch to 4 ½ feet in
diameter, and will bore to any required depth. They will bore
successfully and satisfactorily in all kinds of earth, soft sand
and limestone, bituminous stone coal, Slate, hard pan gravel,
lava builders’ serpentine and conglomerate rock, and guaranteed
to make the very best of wells in quick sand. The are light
running, simple in construction, easily operated, durable, and
acknowledged as the best and most practical machine extant.
They are endorsed by some of the highest state officials. We
contract for prospecting for coal, gold, silver, coal oil and
all kinds of minerals. Also for sinking artesian wells and coal
shafts, &c. We also furnish engines, boilers, wind mills,
hydraulic rams, horse powers, brick machines, mining tools,
portable forges, rock drills, and machinery of all kinds. Good
active Agents wanted in every country in the world. Address,
Western Machinery Supply Depot, 511 Walnut Street, Saint Louis,
Missouri, U. S. A. State in what paper you saw this. 46-ly
$66 a week in your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk.
Everything new. No capital required. We will furnish you
everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as
men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a
business at which you can make great pay all the time you work,
write for particulars to H. HALLET & Co., Portland, Maine.
A (top)
A. B. TAYLOR, attorney-at-law Third street, Logan.
attension given to land and water claims. 7-tf
A NEW lot of Winchester Rifles, cheap, at Z. C. M. I.
AGENT For The Singer, White & Victor Sewing Machines And dealer
in all First Class Sewing Machines, Parts, Findings, &c (etc.).
Wardleigh’s Pure Sperm Oil. Orders most promptly attended to.
Call on me and see for yourselves. Inspect the Goods and
ascertain the Terms and you will surely purchase. H.C.
Wardleigh, Main Street, - Ogden, Utah, Opposite Z.C.M.I.
AGENTS WANTED. I Want a General Agent For Cache And Bear Lake
Counties Or one for each county, or a local agent for each
settlement, for the Royce Reaper And Richmond Mower, Rakes,
Plows, Etc. Terms easy and profitable. Address A.J. Johnson,
Salt Lake City. 39H
ALBUM VIEWS OF SALT LAKE CITY. The Second Edition of these
Beautiful Views of Salt Lake City has arrived, and are reduced
in price from 75 cts. [cents] to 50 cts. [cents], each. Just
the thing to sent [send] to friends at a distance. The Album
contains 20 exquisite views of the most prominent places in the
city. The Wasatch Mountains, with letter press description of
each view. Published and for sale by James Dwyer, Wholesale and
Retail Bookseller and Stationer, Salt Lake City. Mailed to any
address throughout the United States for 50 cts. [cents], post
ALL western farmers and mechanics bear witness to the healing
power of Brown’s Arnica Salve. Sold by all druggists.
Dictionary). This useful and elegant volume is a complete
Library and Encyclopedia as well as the best Dictionary in the
world – superbly bound in Cloth and Gilt. It contains every word
of the English language with ???unreadable??? and a vast amount
of ???unreadable??? Library of References. “Webster’s
Dictionary costs $10.00 and The American Popular Dictionary
costs only $ ten times the money.” - N.Y. Times. “We have
never seen its equal, either in price, finish or contents.” –
???unreadable name???. “A perfect Dictionary and Library of
References.” - ???unreadable name???. One copy of the American
Popular Dictionary illustrated, the greatest and best book ever
published, postpaid to any address on receipt of only $1. Your
entire satisfaction guaranteed. Two copies postpaid for $2. A
Grand Holiday Present. This offer good for 60 days only and may
never appear again. 6,000 copies sold in two months. Agents
wanted. ???bottom line unreadable???
B (top)
BAILEY & PARSONS, (Successors to T. C. Bailey.) Land Agents and
Attorneys, Main Street, first door South of White House. Salt
Lake City, Utah. Contested land and mineral cases conducted.
Prepare promptly mineral applications for patents, and entry
papers under all agricultural land acts. Also, maps, tradings,
and lands of all descriptions. Answer all letters concerning
land matters when stamp is enclosed. P. O. Box 126. 38 tf
MR. N.B. SEBREE of the Bain wagon depot at Ogden and Salt Lake
arrived in our city yesterday, looking after the interests of
these celebrated Wagons, Machines, Oliver Chilled and Moline
Plows, etc. Mr. Sebree sells nothing but first class goods in
every particular, and everything is fully warranted. All of
these wagons, from the light carriage to the heavy freight
wagon, are carried in stock by the C. O. Foundry of this city,
which sells them at Ogden price, regardless of freight. Mr.
Wilson, Manager of the Foundry, is making large preparations and
has in course of erection a large warehouse with 100 feet front
to store these goods as the fast increasing trade demands it. We
can say from experience to the farmers, freighters and all those
wishing such goods, if they want the best at the lowest price,
call on or write to the C. O. Foundry. – Adv. (Advertisement).
BAKERY, W.G. Burton, Formerly of Evanston, Wyoming, desires to
inform the citizens of Logan and Cache Valley generally that
having opened a Bakery on 3d (rd) Street, next door to Farnes
Butcher Shop will have on hand Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies,
Crackers, Candies of the best kinds, Nuts, Fruits, and all goods
generally kept at a bakery. He will also be prepared to
entertain the wayfarer with Tea, Coffee, Lunch, On terms of Live
and Let Live. Orders Delivered Daily.
A BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT Of Any one can be made from a common
photograph or any ????. We will send ??? other kind of small
?????? descriptions, price, etc. to any reliable man or woman
who will act as our agent. To such a party we offer a permanent
and profitable business, of the “highest” dependability. Resale
Copying agents should address this by fuller printing
experience, quality of work they handle and prices paid. The
Auburn Copying Co. (Company), 80 & 81 Genesee St. (Street),
Auburn, N.Y. (New York).
BEST business now before the public. You can make money faster
at work for us than at anything else. Capital not needed. We
will start you. $12 a day and upwards made at home by the
industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to
work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only
or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home
and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well.
No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once.
Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and
honorably. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine.
BOOKS, STATIONERY! Wall Paper! I wish to remind the public that
my stock of Miscellaneous Books includes all of the Standard,
Historical and Literary Works, and Works of Fiction. I am
constantly receiving new books, cheap novels and literary works
for summer reading. If you want anything in the Stationery Line,
Give me a call, you will be sure to find what you want. Full
line of Blank Books cheap. A large stock of Writing Paper and
Photograph and Autograph Albums.
I have about 100 Different Patterns of Wall Paper, All of which
are new and priced low. Will be glad to have the public call and
inspect my stock and prices, whether they buy or not. James T.
A BOOM IN BOOKS!! Grand closing-out sale of books at greatly
reduced prices during conference week. Dwyer’s book store, Salt
Lake City.
BOYLE & COMPANY, dealers in fine & medium furniture wholesale
and retail. Also pictures, blinds and perambltators.
Upholstery a specialty, Main Street, Ogden, Utah.
BOYLE & CO., of Ogden, are well known throughout the Territory
for always having on hand a full line of furniture, for their
patrons to choose from.
Caution! Different versions! 1880-08-01
BROWNING BROS. (Brothers). (Illustration of a rifle). Agents For
Hallard & Marlin Repeating Rifles. Wholesale and Retail dealers
in all kinds of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sporting Goods.
Send for Catalogue. Main Street, Ogden.
Caution! Different versions!
BROWNING BROS. (Brothers), Main Street, Ogden City, Utah, Agents
for Ballard Rifles, Martin Repeating Rifles, Wholesale and
Retail dealers in all kinds of Shot Guns, Rifles, Revolvers,
Ammunition And Sporting Goods Of All Kinds. Lowest Prices Ever
Known. Write for Price List.
BROWN’S PEPSIN TONIC cures Dyspepsia. Don’t suffer longer. Try
it. Sold by all Druggists in Logan and Utah.
BROWN’S VEGETABLE Liver Pills, cure Biliousness, Sick Headache,
and Constipation. Try them. For sale by Ormsby & Riter.
BROWN’S RESTAURANT, Second Street, Logan. Opposite south
entrance to Tabernacle Square. Meals at all hours, nicely
served. Satisfaction guaranteed. Country patronage solicited.
Single meals 25 cts. Give the new restaurant a trial. 33-tf
BUY AT dealers’ prices. We will sell you any article for family
or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter
what you want, send for our catalogue, free–contains over 1,900
illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods
in the U. S. Montgomery Ward & Co. 227 & 229 Wabash Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
C (top)
Attention! Check names. This list is from issue 1882-01-06.
different list is below from issue 1882-07-07.
PROBATE JUDGE Milton D. Hammond.
SELECTMEN E. R. Miles, Smithfield; C. O. Card, Logan; Wm
[William] H. Maughan, Wellsville.
CLERK James T. Hammond.
RECORDER James T. Hammond.
SHERIFF Alvin Crockett.
CORONER Ezra D. Carpenter.
Logan Precinct.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Jas. [James] A. Leishman, Wm. [William] E.
CONSTABLES Jas. [James] Adams, Eli Bell.
Providence Precinct.
CONSTABLE William Reading.
Hyrum Precinct.
CONSTABLE Henry H. Petersen.
Paradise Precinct.
CONSTABLE John Bradley.
Wellsville Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Thos. [Thomas] Bradshaw.
CONSTABLE Thos. [Thomas] R. Leavett.
Mendon Precinct.
CONSTABLE Walter Paul.
Newton Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE – Wm. [William] S. Griffin.
CONSTABLE – Hans P. Larsen.
Clarkston Precinct.
Trenton Precinct.
CONSTABLE Noah Lindsay.
Lewiston Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Geo. [George] Leavitt.
CONSTABLE H. M. Rawlins.
Richmond Precinct.
CONSTABLE O. M. Stewart.
Smithfield Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Wm. [William] A. Noble
CONSTABLE Samuel Nelson.
Hyde Park Precinct.
CONSTABLE Absolom Woalf..
Benson Precinct.
CONSTABLE Wm. [William] Ricks.
Millville Precinct.
CONSTABLE Gilbert Weaver.
Petersborough Precinct.
R. M. Paulsen.
CONSTABLE- C. W. Maughan.
Check names.
This is from issue 1882-07-07
Probate Judge - Milton D. Hammond.
Selectmen – Andrew A. Allen, Hyrum, Preston T. Morehead,
Smithfield, Joel Ricks, Jr. (Junior), Logan,
Clerk - James T. Hammond.
Recorder -James T. Hammond.
Assessor and Collector – Lyman R. Mearineau.
Treasurer – S.F.
Bailiff Prosecuting Attorney – H. K. Cranney.
Sheriff – Nicholas W. Brookston.
Coroner - Ezra D. Carpenter.
Superintendent of District Schools – John Caine Jr. (Junior).
County Surveyor - Edward Hanson. ---Precinct Officers:
Logan Precinct:
Justices of the Peace - Jas. (James) A. Leishman, Wm. (William)
E. Partington
Constables - Jas. (James) Adams, Eli Bell.
Providence Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - John F. Madison.
Constable William Reading.
Hyrum Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - Charles C. Shaw.
Constable - Henry H. Petersen.
Paradise Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - Henry A. Shaw.
Constable - John Bradley.
Wellsville Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - Thos. (Thomas) Bradshaw.
Constable - Thos. (Thomas) R. Leavett.
Mendon Precinct:
Justice of the Peace – Joseph Baker.
Constable - Walter Paul.
Newton Precinct:
Justice of the Peace – Wm (William) H. Griffin.
Constable – Hans P. Larsen.
Clarkston Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - A. W. Heggie.
Constable - Adam Fife.
Trenton Precinct: J
ustice of the Peace - Clark Ames.
Constable - Noah Lindsay.
Lewiston Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - Geo. (George) Leavitt.
Constable - H. M. Rawlins.
Richmond Precinct:
Justice of the Peace – M.F. Bell.
Constable – James Johnson.
Smithfield Precinct:
Justice of the Peace – Seth Langton
Constable – Samuel Nelson.
Hyde Park Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - Niels Christensen, Jr. (Junior).
Benson Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - James Clark.
Constable - Wm. (William) Ricks.
Millville Precinct:
Justice of the Peace – John King.
Peterborough Precinct:
Justice of the Peace - R. M. Paulsen.
Constable - C.W. Maughan.
HATS, just opened at Z.C.M.I. Complete Stock of Gent’s, Youth’s
and Children’s Ready-Made Clothing. Our purchases of Spring
Goods are now arriving daily. Highest Market Price paid in cash
for Wheat & Other Kinds of Grain. AARON FARR, Manager.
CALL and see our choice varieties of the popular Prescott Organs
in our show rooms. 8-6m
CANNON THE TAILOR. I have just received the finest stock of
merchant tailor’s goods ever shown in Logan, including English
and American diagonals and cassameres, fall and winter goods,
and I cordially invite my gentlemen to call and examine my
stock, whether they order or not. Prices as low as the lowest.
Carl. J. Cannon. Tailor.
of Post Office. 6-tf
Third street, Logan, first door East
CARDON & THATCHER, Main Street, Opposite Tabernacle, Logan.
Furniture Department, wholesale And Retail. All kinds of
Furniture, House Furnishings, Upholstery, Oil Paintings, Steel
Engravings, Chromos, Frames, Mouldings, etc. Jewelry Department,
Wholesale And Retail. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and
Plated Ware, Specialties. All kinds of optical Goods, etc.
Repairing In All Branches.
CARL C. JOHNSON, Main Street, Logan. Music & Toy Dealer. I am
daily receiving a splendid stock of Organs! For the Fall Trade
and will shortly exhibit the largest and finest stock of
Childrens’ Toys! Ever seen in Logan. Orders by mail promptly
attended to. Sewing Machine Attachments Always on hand.
CARL J. CANNON is the “boss” tailor. He has just opened up a
fine selection of cloths, ready-made clothing, etc.
CARL J. CANNON, Merchant Tailor, Third Street, Logan. Has just
received a splendid selection of Fall and Winter Suitings, for
Gent’s Wear which he is prepared to make up at the following low
Cassimere Suits, $25, $28, $30, $32, $35
$35, $38, $40, $45
First Class fit Guaranteed. I have also received a large stock
of Gent’s and Boy’s Ready-Made Clothing, ranging in prices as
Gents’ Suits – From $6 to $20
Boy’s Suits - From $3 upwards
A Good selection of Gentlemen’s Hats is also in stock at my
establishment. Come and inspect. I am able to give full
CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS carpets and oil cloths Stanford House!
Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods and clothing, boots,
shoes, hats, carpets, etc. Groceries, glassware, queensware and
hardware. Joseph Stanford, proprietor, Corner Main and Fourth
Streets, Ogden, Utah. Orders along the line of the Utah &
Northern Railroad promptly filled. Staple and Fancy Glassware.
Staple and Fancy Glassware. 2d-ly
allowed. 9 tf
at Zion’s Board of Trade highest price
CASH! CASH! CASH! We will pay the highest cash price for
wheat and wool. Wholesale dealers in export flour, grain,
seeds, and woolen goods. Call and examine our immense stock of
flannels, cassameres, jeans, repelants, doeskins, blankets, etc.
Orders by mail will receive our undivided attention. Farr
Brothers, Fourth St., Ogden 4-lm
CENTRAL MILLS, Logan, Utah, are now completed and in first class
running order. We are prepared to grind Grists on short notice,
also to exchange with those living at a distance. We also keep
on hand, for sale, XXX and XXXX Flour, Chopped Feed, Graham
Flour, &c. Those wishing a No. 1 Article of Flour, and good
turnouts, will do well to give us a call. SYLVESTER LOW,
THE CHAMPION Monitor and Charter Oak Stoves give universal
satisfaction. Don’t buy your stove until you have examined
them. Carried only by Z.C.M.I., Logan Branch. a1-tf
CHAMPIOON ROOF PAINT, excelled by none. Manufactured and
applied by Wm. Smith & Son. This Paint is both fire and water
proof; it is the cheapest and most durable that can be applied
to wood or metal roofs. List of prices, $1.50 per square for
shingle roof; $1.00 per square for iron or tin. All orders
promptly attended to. P. O. Box 285. a1-3m
CHARTER OAK STOVES are always reliable.
CHARLES FRANK, United States Deputy Clerk Of The First District
Of Utah Issues First Citizenship Papers, Commercial Attorney,
Banker & Passage Agent, Drafts sold on the United States and
Europe, Prompt attention given to Collections. Logan - Utah.
CHAS. FRANK, United States deputy clerk of First District of
Utah, issues first citizenship papers. Commercial attorney,
bank and passage agent. Drafts sold on the United States and
Europe. Prompt attention given to collections. Logan, Utah.
CITIZENS OF RICHMOND: Call on John Gooch, and examine the
Mitchell Wagons, Woods enclosed gear mowers and twine self
binders. Peerless Combined Mowers, Droppers and self rakes.
Two cutter bars and three knives to each machine. Gates horse
hay rakes. Extras furnished for the above goods. We guarantee
all goods sold by Mr. Gooch. Paine & Mattison.
Logan City, Utah.
J. Douglass Groesbeck & Co., proprietors.
CONSUMPTION positively cured. All sufferers from this disease
that are anxious to be cured should try the Kissner’s Celebrated
Consumptive Powders. Theses powders are the only preparation
known that will cure consumption and all diseases of the throat
and lung–indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to
convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every
sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free trial box. We don’t want
your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative
powers. If your life is worth saving, don’t delay in giving
these powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for
large box, 3.00, sent in any part of the United States or
Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, Ash & Robbins,
360 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 27-ly
D (top)
DAVID JENKINS, (successor to Jones & Jenkins) dealer in general
merchandise dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, gents’
furnishing goods, etc. Highest price paid for produce. Store,
Third St., Logan, one block west of Z. C. M. I., where orders
may be left for coal or job wagon.
deal with the Studebaker Factory, receive their wagons direct
from the east, thus buying at easter manufacturers’ prices and
getting the lowest rate freight for themselves, saving
middlemen’s profits. 36 1m
DO NOT fail to send for our price list for 1882. Free to any
address upon application. Contains descriptions of everything
required for personal or family use, with over 1,900
illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices in
quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in
America who make this their special business. Address
Montgomery Ward & Co., 227 & 228 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
DON’T SUFFER LONGER with dyspepsia, headache and liver complaint
when a 50 ct. bottle of Brown’s ?? Tonic will certainly cure
you. Ask your druggists, Ormsby & Riter of its merits. 11 ly
DR. D. B. LAMOREAUX Surgeon and druggist, office at People’s
Drug Store, Logan, Utah. A full line of drugs, candies, etc.,
constantly on hand. 8-6m.
E (top)
Caution! Different versions.
EAGLE HOUSE! Salt Lake City, Utah, S. P. Teasdel, proprietor.
In the various departments of this institution may be found
every description of general merchandise, for trade of county
merchants and families is especially provided for. 1 tf
Caution! Different versions.
EAGLE HOUSE! Salt Lake City, Utah. To make room for an immense
Spring Stock, we are closing out Winter Goods at Cost, and all
kinds of Merchandise at Bed Rock Prices. The trade of country
dealers specially provided for in our several departments. S.
P. TEASDEL, Proprietor.
ELIJAH F. PIERCE makes Baskets in every style, Third Street,
four doors west of Z.C.M.I.
ENCOURAGE HOME TALENT. Having recently returned from Boston I
am prepared to execute portraits of all sizes, in oil, charcoal,
crayon or India ink from photographs. Terms moderate!
Respectfully, F. W. Hurst, Jr. 39-7m
ESTABLISHED 1846. Fire and burglar proof safes. Round corner,
smooth finish, combination lock, with conical break-off spindle–
cannot be driven in or pulled out. Also round screw door
burglar proof safes. Estimates furnished for bank work and
vaults. Beard & Bro. Safe & Lock Co., 918 & 920 N. 2d. Street,
St. Louis, Mo. Send for catalogue.
F (top)
F. JACOBSON & SON, BLACKSMITHS. Horse shoeing a Specialty. All
work done in the best manner, with dispatch, and at prices to
meet the times. Shop on the Island, Main St., Logan.
Home made harrows, equal in quality to and cheaper than the
FALL LIST ready Sept. 1. Money saved. We keep in stock the
largest variety of goods in the U. S. and can sell you any
article for personal or family use, in any quantity at wholesale
price. Whatever you want send for our catalogue (free) and you
will find it there. Montgomery Ward & Co. 227 & 228 Wabash
Avenue, Chicago.
FARM WAGONS. The finest farm wagon ever shipped to Cache Valley
is on exhibition at Paine & Mattison’s. Call and examine it. Two
full cars of these popular wagons just received direct from the
factory. For sale by Paine & Mattison, 3d (rd) Street, Logan,
FITS, EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS permanently cured–no humbug–
by one month’s use of Dr. Goddard’s Celebrated Infallible Fit
Powders. To convince sufferers that these powders will be all
we claim for them we will send them by mail, post paid, a free
trial box. As Dr. Goddard is the one physician that has ever
made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge
thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these
powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in every case or
refund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these
powders and early trial, and be convinced of their curative
powers. Price, for large box, 3.00, or 4 boxes, for $10.00,
sent by mail to any part on the United States or Canada on
receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D. Address, Ash &
Robbins, 360 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
$5 [FIVE DOLLAR] OUTFIT sent free to those who wish to engage in
the most pleasant and profitable business known. Everything
new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10
a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home
over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once.
Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much
as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is
willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be
made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at
once will find a short road to fortune. Address H. Hallet &
Co., Portland, Maine. 23-ly
FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS worth of gent’s furnishing goods, clothing,
&c., just arrived at David Jenkins. The stock includes new and
nobby styles of Flannel Overshirts, Collars, Fine Shirts, &c.
For CROQUETS, base balls and bats or marbles, go to the Book
Store. a1-3t
FOR HANDSOME fancy needle-work, rug patterns and materials, try
Mrs. A. Edwards , on Third Street. She also cleans, dyes, and
alters straw hats, &c.
4th [Fourth] WARD CO-OP., under the management of C. B. Robbins,
who will make it a object for all wanting anything in the way of
general merchandise, to call on him at the 4th Ward Co-Op. Main
Street, half a block north of Z. C. M. I.
paid for wool, and all kinds of produce.
Highest market price
and complete stock of General Merchandise, including Dry Goods,
Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Notions, &c.,
and every description of Family Supplies, Furniture, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints and Oils. Agent for the Studebaker Wagons,
Agricultural Implements, Harness and Saddlery. Highest Cash
Price Paid for Wool, Hides, and Furs. S. R. PARKINSON, SUPT.
FREE TO EVERYBODY! A beautiful book for the asking. By
applying personally at the nearest office of the Singer
Manufacturing Co. (or by postal card if at a distance) any adult
person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of
a new book entitled Genius Rewarded or the Story of the Sewing
Machine containing a handsome and costly steel engraving
frontispiece; also, 28 finely engraved wood cuts, and bound in
an elaborate blue and gold lithographed cover. No charge
whatever is made for this handsome book, which can be obtained
only on application at the branch and subordinate offices of The
Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co. Principal
office, 51 Union Square, New York. 42-9m
FURNITURE home made and imported. Family supplies and all kinds
of general merchandise. Co-operation The Manufacturing And
Building Company of Logan. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash,
Mouldings, Rustic, Tapered Siding and Furniture. This company
can offer Special inducements on building contracts. Planing
and Turning done on Short Notice. Prices of planing: Surfacing
35 cts. per 100 ft. Planing, 60 cts. per 100 ft. Planing,
Tongue and Grooved and Beaded 75 cts. per 100 ft.; Moulding
reduced 25 per cent. In our store on Third St., 3 blocks west
of Z. C. M. I. will always be found a complete stock comprising
all lines of general merchandise. And a large and varied stock
of Home-Made And Imported Furniture will always be found at our
furniture store, on Main Street, Logan. C. W. Nibley, Manager.
Henry Ballard, President.
G (top)
GENERAL DIRECTORY. CACHE COUNTY. Cache County was organized on
the 4th of April, 1857, with the following boundaries: All that
portion of Utah Territory bounded south by Morgan, Weber and Box
Elder Counties, west by Box Elder County, north by latitude
forty-two degrees north, and east by the summit of the Ridge
mountains, between Cache and Bear Lake Valleys.
The government of the County is vested in the County Court,
composed of the Probate Judge, who is ex officio the presiding
officer, and three selectmen who hold office for three years,
one being chosen every year. Regular terms begin on the first
Monday in each season of the year.
The judiciary power is vested in the Probate Court, presided
over by the Probate Judge, who is elected biennially and holds
his office for two years. This court is always open. The Clerk
of the Court is appointed by the Judge, and is ex oficio County
Elections are held biannually, on the first Monday in August, in
each even numbered year.
Present population of the county, about 18,000 County seat,
Logan City.
GENIUS REWARDED or the Story of the Sewing Machine a handsome
little pamplet [pamphlet], blue and gold cover, with numerous
engravings will be given away to any adult person calling for
it, at any branch or sub-office of the Singer Manufacturing
Company, or will be sent by mail, post paid, to any person
living at a distance from our offices. The Singer Manufacturing
Co. Principal office, 51 Union Square, New York.
GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! Full Line At The New York Store. Main
Street, one half block south of the Tabernacle.
GEO. BARBER & SON Main Street, Logan, Utah, general produce &
commission merchants, buy and sell fruit, grain and vegetables,
and keep constantly on hand farm and garden seeds, vegetables,
corn meal, oat meal, pearl barley, buckwheat flour, foreign &
domestic fruits, &c. We also handle the celebrated Schuttler
Wagon, and will keep on hand a good supply of wagon timber,
iron, bolts, grindstones &c., &c.
GERMAN CATARRH CURE. Never yet failed to cure any recent case
of Catarrh, Cold in the Head or Sore Throat when used with
Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Ioide [Iodide] of Potassium; old
chronic cases of Catarrh yield at once. All of Brown’s Family
Medicines are sold by Ormsby & Riter, Logan, and by all dealers
in medicine in Utah.
GOLD. Great chance to make money. Those who always take
advantage of the good chances for making money that are offered,
generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such
chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and
girls to work for us right in their own localities. Anyone can
do the work properly, from the first start. The business will
pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit free.
No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote
your whole time to the work or only your spare moments. Full
information and all that is needed sent free. Address, STINSON
& CO., Portland, Maine.
THE GREAT CARRIAGE manufacturing house of the world, Emerson,
Fisher & Co. Cincinnati, Ohio, make a good, substantial top
buggy for $100, and a strong, durable phaeton for $120. The
uniform excellence of these vehicles, resulting from care.
Selected material and good workmanship, has given their
carriages a favorable reputation throughout the Union, in
localities where they have been used for years by liverymen,
physicians, farmers and others requiring hard and constant use,
and has made the firm of Emerson, Fisher & Co. the acknowledged
leading carriage builders of the American continent. These top
buggies are in every state from Maine to California, and Great
Lakes to the Gulf and hundreds of testimonials have been
received from every part of the country evincing the entire
satisfaction of purchasers. Upward of 85,000 carriages
manufactured by Emerson, Fisher & Co. are now in use, attesting
their great and merited popularity, and in order to meet the
demand which has increased year by year, the facilities of their
mammoth establishment have recently been extended, enabling them
now to turn out in good style, during the busy season, about 400
carriages a week. The unequalled facilities of this firm
enables it to produce good carriages at a far less cost than the
work of small makers in country wagon shops, and that class are
now purchasing largely of us to supply their local trade. Send
for illustrated price list of carriages. Emerson, Fisher & Co.,
Cincinnati, O.
Guns and Pistols
Winchester Model, ’70, 44 Cal. (Caliber), Sharp’s Military, 45
Cal. (Caliber)
Winchester Model, ’73, 44, Sharp’s Black Hills, 45
Winchester Carbine, 44, Ballard, Pacific, 45
Burgess Sporting, 45, Ballard, Hunters, 45
Hotchkiss, Sporting, 45, Remington, Sporting, 45
Sharp’s Sporting, 45, Military, Good, 45
Sharp’s Business, 45, Marlin Repeating Rifle
Needle Gun, 50
Parker and English Breech Loading Shot Guns, Also English and
Belgium Muzzle-Loaders, Pistols and Ammunition of all Kinds. A
full line of Fishing Tackle.
Thomas Carter, 137 Main St. (Street), Salt Lake City.
H (top)
H. B. Clawson’s Implement and Machinery Depot headquarters for
Morrison hand and sulky plows. Harrrows, cultivators, ???,
superior grain & garden drills, lawn mowers, garden tools,
Empire reapers, mowers and twine binders, Coates Lock Lever Hay
Rake, rail road plows, chain tongue and wheel scrapers, portable
forges, tents, wheelbarrows, saw mills, grist mills, stationary
and portable engines, lath and shingle machines, brick machines,
??? scales, hazard powder & fuse. For prices and information
write H. B. Clawson, Salt Lake City.
H. C. WARDLEIGH, Dealer In Musical Merchandise, Pianos, Organs,
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Agcordeons, Etc. Wilcox & White
Organs, Palace Organs, Enterprise Organs, Wardleigh Pianos,
Music Books, Sheet Music, Genuine Italian Strings A Specialty.
Ogden City – Utah Ter. (Territory).
Caution! Different versions!
H. DINWOODEY Salt Lake City Utah, Full line of carpets!
Lamberquins, furniture! Cornices, lace curtains, upholster
goods, baby carriages, feathers and wallpaper.
Caution! Different versions! 1882-08-01
H. Dinwoodey, Salt Lake Cit – Utah. Full line of Carpets!
(Illustration of Building), Lambrequins, Furniture, Cornices,
Lace Curtains, Upholster Goods, Feathers and Wall Paper.
HANSON & CO. One door east of Tithing office, the pioneer and
leading merchant tailors of Logan. A fine stock of home made
and imported goods and ready made clothing kept on hand.
Gentlemen’s own material made up. First class work and lowest
prices guaranteed. N. B.–We pay the highest price for wool.
Temple and tithing orders will be taken. N. B.–Those owing the
firm will please settle with O. Hanson.
HARNESS. I Make To Order All Kinds Of Harness, And Fully Warrant
Material & Workmanship. I Also Keep In Stock Harness, Saddles,
Collars, Whips, Spurs, Hobblas And All Articles Pertaining to
the Business. In Zion’s Board of Trade Building, Main Street,
Logan. Severin J. Jeppeson .
HARNESS. Paine & Mattison have lately received a large stock of
California Concord harness, all hand made of oak tanned stock
and furnished with double cap Concord collars. They invite
conference visitors to call and inspect.
HARRIS BROS. (Brothers). Photograph of Harris Brothers Building.
Wholesale and Retail dealers in Groceries, Produce and Fruits,
Wooden And Willow Ware. Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry,
Butter, Eggs, And all kinds of Produce. Shipping a Specialty.
Eastside Main bet. (between) 4th and 5th Sts. (Streets). Ogden
City – Utah.
HAULING LUMBER for the Temple. The brethren of Logan Temple
District, the owners of teams, are invited to assist in hauling
lumber from the Temple Mill in Logan Canyon on donation; canyon
tickets can be had at the Temple office. C.O. Card, Sup’t
(Superintendent), Logan, June 26, 1882.
DEPOT, Fifth Street, Ogden. Where the most reliable and
approved Machinery and Farm Implements of the age can be
purchased at the Lowest Figures and on easy terms. When you are
in the city call and examine my stock of Farm and Spring Wagons.
Carriages, Buggies, Steel?, Chilled, Gang, Sulky Walking Plows
and Cultivators made of the Best Seasoned Timber, Best Iron, and
by the Best Manufacturers in the United States. Grist Mills,
Turbine Wheels, and Mill Machinery generally. Harvesting and
Threshing Machines. Stationary, Portable and Traction Engines,
and Saw Mills, including the Garr, Scott & Co. and Russel & Co.
celebrated Machinery, the Racine Chief Fanning Mills.
And The Monarch Of The Field The Cala (California) Wilcox
Improved Iron Harrow With Steel Teeth. (Text and Illustration
Printed Sideways) Strongest And Best Harrow Made, And So
Acknowledged By All Who Have Used Them. No Shrinking, Swelling,
or Rotting out. They will Last a Life Time. (Illustration of a
Harrow) Warranted To Do Better Work Than Can Be Done With Any
Wood Frame Harrow on all Conditions of Soil. Send for Price
List, Terms and Discounts for Cash &c. (etc.). I shall take
pleasure in furnishing same for any of my goods.
(Text Back In Vertical Position) What the Papers Say About it
West: The Farmers of San Jose and Sacramento Valley are elated
over the Wilcox Patent Improved Iron Harrow, it certainly
supercedes anything ever sold as a Harrow heretofore on the
Pacific Slope, for excellence in work, durability or worth. –
Granger Avalanche, Cal. (California) What Farmers Say About it
East: We, the undersigned Farmers of Cedar and Jones Co’s
(Counties), Iowa, having used the Cal. (California) Wilcox
Patent Improved Iron Harrow the past season, cheerfully
recommend it to the farming community as being in every respect
the best Harrow we ever used, and we have no hesitancy in saying
it cannot be surpassed in any of the qualities that go to make a
first class implement. J.M. Vanwormer, J.H. Dunts, B.A. Belcher,
Asa Ballou, Daniel Whitney, Allen Elijah, Jas. (James) Dexter,
Alexander Garrick, H.C. Frink. Sidney Stevens, Ogden, Utah.
General Agent for Utah, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, Eastern Nevada
and Western Wyoming. I will also pay the highest price in Cash
for Live Stock, Grain and all kinds of Produce, Dried Fruits, &c
(etc.), in car loads or less and take pleasure in referring to
the past as to the satisfaction guaranteed in the future to all
who may favor me with their patronage. Sydney Stevens, Fifth
Street, Ogden And North Ogden.
HEADS OF FAMILIES will find it to their interest to purchase
their grocieries and family supplies at Z.C.M.I. The most
complete stock of general merchandise in Northern Utah.
HELP yourselves by making money when a golden chance is offered,
thereby always keeping poverty from your door. Those who always
take advantage of the good chances for making money that are
offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not
improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men,
women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own
localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary
wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need,
free. No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly. You
can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare
moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free.
Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine 23_ly.
HITCHCOCK & Stover, Dentists, Logan City … Utah.
Jas. T. Hammond’s Book Store. Sep1l ly
Office over
HOME MADE HARROWS, equal in quality to and cheaper than the
I (top)
ICE-COLD soda water with choice syrups, is a specialty at the
Pioneer Drug Store.
IF YOU WANT to get a good Encyclopedia cheap, call on J. T.
Hammond, at the Book Store. He is almost giving them away. He
is also offering some rare bargaining in illustrated Bibles.
THE IMPORTANT QUESTION at the present time is what wagon shall
we buy that will do the most service, draw light, and stand
exposure to the Utah climate. We recommend the “Mitchell”, and
guarantee every wagon to give satisfaction. We sold over seven
hundred “Mitchell” wagons last year in Utah and Montana. We
were at less expense for repairs than any firm selling an equal
number of wagons. We have all the latest improvements; we buy
and ship all our wagons direct from the factory, and we can and
will sell as low as any house in northern Utah. Call and
examine our stock. Respectfully, Paine & Mattison. Third
Street, Logan, Utah.
No preparation has ever performed such marvelous cures, or
maintained so wide a reputation, as AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL,
which is recognized as the world’s remedy for all diseases of
the throat and lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful
cures in all climates has made it universally known as a safe
and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are
the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and
surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The
protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and chest
disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on
hand in every home. No persons can afford to be without it, and
those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge on
its composition and effects, physicians use the CHERRY PECTORAL
extensively in their practice, and clergymen recommend it. It
is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always
cure where cures are possible. For sale by all dealers.
INVENTORS address Edson Bros., attys-at-law and patent
solicitors, Washington, D. C., for references and advices sent
free. We attend exclusively to patent business. Reasonable
terms; reissues, interferences, and cases ?? in other hands a
specialty. Caveats solicited. Send model, or sketch and
description for opinion as to patentability; free of charge. We
refer to the Commissioner of Patents, also to ex-commissioners.
Established 1866.
J (top)
J. BROWN & SON, contractors & builders-marble & granite cutters.
Notice to he [the] public. We would like to call the attention
of our patrons and friends to the fact that we received every
prize and reward at the last annual fair held at Salt Lake City
in 1881, awarded to the trade. Our work was pronounced by the
best judges in the Territory to be ten years in advance in
design and workmanship. Orders by mail strictly attended to.
J. H. Brown & Son, Second Street, South of the Tabernacle
Square. Logan City, Utah.
J. H. BROWN & SON, Logan Marble Works. All kinds of Monumental
Head Stones, Mantles, Etc., Etc. Made in all grades of Marble or
Granite. For beauty of style and workmanship, we defy
competition. We received every prize and award at the Annual
Fair of Salt Lake City in 1881. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Orders
solicited and promptly filled. Marble Head Stones from $8.00
upward. Logan City, Logan.
J. M. WATERS, physician and surgeon, office with Hitchcock &
Stover, Logan, Utah. 11-tf
J. W. MCNUTT & CO. Ogden City, Utah, wholesale and retail drugs,
paints, oils and varnishes, window glass and wall paper, fine
Kentucky whiskies! Imported and domestic brandies, wines, gins
etc., etc., etc., imported Key West and domestic cigars. Orders
by mail promptly filled at lowest prices. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 8-tf
Caution! Different Versions!
J. W. MELEY, is prepared to do all kinds of plastering,
including cornicing and centre pieces, and one, two or three
cost work at lowest rates. All work warrated [warranted] or no
pay, to be received by any architect. Cornicing, 55 cts. per
foot. Centre pieces, $2 to $5 each. Apply by postal card or
opposite Charley Frank’s on the Island. 49 tf
Caution! Different Versions! 1882-08-01
J. W. Meley, Plasterer & Calciminer. All Kinds of Plastering
done, including Cornicing And Centre Pieces. All Kinds of
Available Pay taken.
JAS., H. MARTINEAU, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, civil
engineer and notary public. Surveys for mining claims made for
location or for obtaining patents. Deeds carefully prepared and
all kinds of Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on
Washington St. between First and Second Sts. Logan, Utah.
Caution! Different versions
JOHN ASH, dealer in guns, rifles, pistols, ammunition and
sporting goods. Give me a call for anything in the above lines.
Store, Main St., Logan. Guns and locks repaired. 10-tf
Caution! Different versions. 1882-08-01
JOHN ASH, Dealer In Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition and
Sporting Goods. Which he offers at the lowest possible price. He
has had an experience of 40 years in this trade, and is fully
competent to perform all kinds of gun repairing. Store – Main
Street, Logan.
Caution! Different versions!
JOHN BENCH, painter! Grainer and paper hanger, Logan City,
Caution! Different versions! (1882-07-07)
JOHN BENCH, Painter! Grainer and Paper Hanger, Plain and
Decorative Paper Hanger. Logan City – Utah .
JOSEPH DUCKWORTH, blacksmith. All kinds of job work done with
dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. Horse and mule shoeing a
specialty. Steam boilers repaired. All kinds of work on steam
boilers done in the most thorough manner. Shop, 2d Street, 4
blocks west of Main, Logan, City, Utah. 11-tf
THE JOURNAL Book and Job Printing Dept will be found replete
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy Type. We are now prepared to
execute, in the highest style of the art, letter heads, bill
heads, statements, notes, books, pamphlets, dodgers, ???, order
books, theatrical bills, and in fact all kinds of book & job
printing. Our prices will be found as low as any printing
establishment in the Territory; and our work equally good.
Address Journal Printing and Publishing Co., Main Street, Logan.
JUST ARRIVED. At P. A. Nielsen’s, a well selected stock of
Men’s Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods. The best ever
brought to Cache County. Prices low. 15-lf
JUST ARRIVED from the East, a large lot of bob sleds, and
attachments for sleds and sleighs, which will be sold at bottom
prices at Zion’s Board of Trade.
K (top)
KIRK’S CELEBRATED SOAPS, cheaper than ever before, at Z.C.M.I.
L (top)
LADIES’ coats, dolmans and ulsters from $6.50 to $25, a splendid
line, a Z. C. M. I.
LADIES will find the latest styles in dress goods, ribbons,
trimmings, &c, at Logan Branch. Be sure and call before making
purchases elsewhere. el-tf
LATHERS! LATHERS! Lathers who wish to contribute labor to the
Logan Temple should embrace the opportunity now offered them
while their services are so much needed and so much to be done
in their lines. More Carpenters can be used on the same terms.
LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Advertisements under this heading will
be inserted at the rate of five cents per line each Issue.
LOGAN CITY. Logan City was incorporated by an act of the
Territorial Legislature, approved Jan. 17, 1866, and it embraces
all that portion of Cache County contained within the following
boundaries, to wit: Commencing on the south bank of the Logan
River, at the mouth of Logan Canyon, thence in a northerly
direction along the base of the mountains three miles, thence
west to the Logan and Hyde Park Canal; thence southerly along
said canal to a point where the Hyde Park ditch is taken out of
said canal, thence west on the line of said ditch to the
southeast corner of the north half of the southwest quarter of
section fourteen township twelve north, range one west, thence
west one half mile, thence north one fourth mile, thence west to
the west bank of Little Bear River, thence south along the bank
to the mouth of Logan River, thence in an easterly direction
along the bank of said river to the place of beginning.
Its location is the best that could have been chosen in northern
Utah for a large city, with numerous commercial interests and
manufacturing establishments. Ample waterpower for any number of
mills is furnished by Logan River, with its branches, which
flows directly through the city. Being situated at the foot of a
grand range of mountains, and being the center of a number of
pretty villages, it presents a beautiful appearance. The Utah
and Northern Railroad passes through the valley on the west side
of the city.
Municipal elections occur biennially (even years), on the first
Monday of March. The city is divided into five municipal wards,
each of which is represented in the common council by any
Alderman chosen from the ward together with five Councilors
chosen at large. A complete list of the city officials being at
present as follows.
Mayor – Robt. (Robert S. Campbell.
Aldermen – 1st Ward, B.F. Cummings, Jr. (Junior), 2nd Ward,
C.D.W. Fullmer, 3rd Ward, W.E. Partington, 4th Ward, T.B.
Cardon, 5th Ward, J.Z. Stewart.
Councilors – T.X. Smith, Willard Maughan, L.R. Martineau, Aaron
Farr Jr. (Junior), Fred Turner.
Recorder – Wm. (William) E. Bassett.
Treasurer – George Hymers
Assessor and Collector - Geo. (George) T. Benson.
Marshall and Captain of Police – James Adams.
Supervisor of Streets and Watermaster. B.M. Lewis.
Supt. (Superintendent) Water Works – James Adams.
Quarantine Physician – O.C. Ormsby, M.D.
Chief Fire Department – E.M. Curtis.
City Surveyor – Edward Hansen.
Municipal Laws
W.W. Maughan, B.F. Cummings, Jr. (Junior), J.Z. Stewart.
On Finance
Aaron Farr, Jr. (Junior), T.B. Cardon, Fred Turner.
On Elections
C.D.W. Fullmer, B.F. Cummings, Jr. (Junior), W.E. Partington.
On Claims
L.R. Martineau, T.X. Smith, W.E. Partington.
Police And City Prison
T.X. Smith, J.Z. Stewart, C.D.W. Fullmer.
Public Grounds, &c (etc.)
J.Z. Stewart, T.B. Cardon, Aaron Farr, Jr. (Junior).
Streets And Alleys
F. Turner, W.W. Maughan, B.F. Cummings, Jr. (Junior)
Irrigation And Water Works
T.B. Cardon, L.R. Martineau, T.X. Smith.
Railroads, Telegraph & Telephone Lines
B.F. Cummings, Jr. (Junior), W.W. Maughan, L.R. Martineau.
Engraving And Printing
F. Turner, A. Farr, Jr. (Junior), C.D.W. Fullmer.
W.W. Maughan, J.Z. Stewart, A. Farr, Jr. (Junior).
W.ER. Partington, C.D.W. Fullmer, F. Turner.
T.B. Cardon, L.R. Martineau, W.E. Partington.
Fire Department
B.F. Cummings, Jr. (Junior), A. Farr, Jr. (Junior), T.B. Cardon.
Caution! Different versions! Change issue date as needed.
Page 1
THE LOGAN LEADER. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County, Utah
by Cummings Brothers. B. F. Cummings, Jr., Editor and Business
Manager. Subscription Rates: One Year $3.00 Six months 2.00
Three months 1.00 Single copy 10 cents Advertising rates very
liberal. The Logan Leader Vol. 3. Logan, Cache County, Utah,
Friday, April 7, 1882. No. 31. Job Printing by arrangements
recently made with a Salt Lake firm. The Logan Leader is
prepared to take orders for every description of Book and Job
Printing. At Prices and in a Style guaranteed to give
satisfaction. Leave Orders at the Leader Office. B. F.
Cummings Jr. Editor and Business Manager.
Page 2
THE LOGAN LEADER. Published weekly by the Cummings Brothers, at
Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Logan City, March 14, 1882.
Page 3
THE LOGAN LEADER. Logan City, March 31, 1882. This paper is
entered at the Post Office at Logan City, Utah, as second class
matter. All advertisements and correspondence must be handed in
not latter [later] than Wednesday to insure insertion in the
issue of the current week.
LOGAN MARKET. Corrected? up till noon This was from information
derived from the lending? business houses of the city
Wholesale prices.
Wheat, per bushel, $ .65
Oats, “ 100 lbs., 2.25
Flour, 2.75 to 3.00
Bran, per 100 lbs., .75
Potatoes, per bushel, .75
Eggs, per dozen, .25
Butter, per lb., .15
Wool, .14
LOGAN MEAT MARKET. Reader & Reading, Proprietors. The
undersigned, having purchased on December 6th, 1881, of Mr.
Edward Newberry, the above establishment, beg leave to announce
that they will conduct at the same stand a first class meat
market. The choicest cuts of beef, pork, mutton, &c., always on
hand. Also game in season. All debts due the former
proprietors of the Logan Meat Market are payable to the
undersigned. The patronage of the public is cordially
solicited. Robert Reeder, William Reading. 14-tf
LUMBER! LUMBER! Now is the time to haul the lumber for the
Temple. I wish to announce to all those who have a desire to
assist in the goodly work that the roads are now in good
condition to the Temple Mill. And as we do not wish to run any
risks in being caught in snow slides in the winter it is much
desired that the lumber be hauled before the snow storms come.
Good warm meals can be had at the mill for teamsters, and
stabling and sheds for teams. “Yankee Doodle do it.” Yours in
haste, C. O. Card, Supt. Logan, Nov. 21, 1881. 12-tf
Caution! Different versions!
LUNDBERG & GARFF. Door and sash factory. Corner Main and First
Streets, Logan. Special inducement given to dealers. All
grades of imported lumber, lath and shingles, at competing
prices. Planing in all its varieties done with dispatch.
Parties desiring to build will find it to their advantage to
consult. Correspondence solicited. Estimate furnished. 43-ly
Caution! Different versions – last sentence added 1882-08-01
Lundberg & Garff, Door and Sash Factory. Corner Main and First
Street. Logan City Utah. Special inducements Given To Dealers.
All Grades Of Imported Lumber, Lath and Shingles at Competing
Prices. Planing in all its Varieties done with dispatch. Parties
desiring to build will find it to their advantage to consult.
Correspondence solicited. Estimates Furnished. Agents For The
Celebrated Rubber Roofing.
M (top)
MARK FLETCHER blacksmith. All kinds of jobbing work done to
order. Horse, mule, and ox shoeing a specialty. Shop on Fourth
Street, one block west of Main, Logan, Utah. 8-3m
MARKS, GOLDSMITH & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fine
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Hats, Etc. Cor. [Corner]
Main and 4th Sts. [Streets], Old Co-op. [Cooperative] Corner,
Ogden City, Utah.
MATHEWS & PETERSEN, Coach, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters,
Logan City, Utah. Carriages painted in all styles and on
reasonable terms. Graining, Marbling, Staining, Paper Hanging,
Calsomining [Calcimining] and Fresco Painting, Etc. Terms to
suit the times. All work guaranteed. Shop at Oldsen’s old
furniture stand on 2d Street.
MEAT, MEAT, MEAT. Having recently become sole proprietor of OUR
MEAT MARKET, situated on Third Street, Logan, I respectfully
call public attention to the full stock of Beef, Mutton, Veal,
Pork, &c., which I shall endeavor to always keep on hand. I
will also keep Poultry and Game in season. Sausage a
Speciality. Call and see me. Eb. FARN’S.
MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN, wishing to extend their trade in
Northern Utah, Southern Idaho and along the lines of the U. & N.
R. R. could not do better than advertise in the LEADER. Rates
are low and made known on application. B. F. CUMMINGS, Jr.
[Junior], Editor and Publisher.
MIDNIGHT THE STALLION Will stand for the season of 1882 at the
barn immediately in rear of Goodwin Bros. (Brothers) Store. This
horse is of the Black Hawk Morgan Breed And received the Diploma
at our last Fair as best Roadster, also second recommendation at
the late Exhibition. For further particulars enquire on
premises. T.O. Angell, Jr. (Junior) .
MISS ANNIE BROWN is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking and
sewing, at J. H. Brown & Sons, opposite south entrance to
Tabernacle Square, Logan, Utah 7-tf
MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, Wis., manufacturers of farm and
freight wagons. The Mitchell standard platform spring wagon.
Also three-spring and four-spring wagons, and side-spring
buggies. The Mitchell Wagon is monarch of the road, only the
very best stock used in its construction and made by the best
wagon mechanics in the world. The spring wagon and buggy
department is entirely separate from the farm wagon shops. And
for the manufacture of this class of work we have facilities
unsurpassed. Send for catalogue and illustrated price list.
Mitchell, Lewis & Co., Racine, Wis.
A MODEL MUSIC STORE. In one of the stores in the Hooper &
Eldrige block, an imposing structure lately erected on Main
street, Salt Lake, the firm of Daynes & Coalter have opened by
far the finest display of musical merchandise, ever seen in
Utah. The apartment occupied by the firm is large, light,
cheery and commodious, and is provided with two magnificent
plate glass show windows in which is arranged such a splendid
display of musical instruments and goods as irresistably
attracts the attention of the passer-by. In one of these
windows stands a splendid organ called “the Albion.” The case
is of solid black walnut, six feet two inches in height, with
handsome extension top and double music post folio of unique
design, combining beauty with utility in perfect accord and the
entire case and top are finished in superb style. This organ
has nine stops, five octaves, and four sets of reeds, and ??
grand organ and knee ??. This splendid instrument is marked
$35, a mere fraction of the sum for which instruments no better
than this one are usually sold. Entering the store, a counter
extends along the left and on the shelves behind the counter the
thousand and one articles included in the stock are arranged in
appropriate departments. First comes the department of musical
books which are so arranged as to show the purchaser at a glance
the title cover of the work he wants, a neat and very convenient
plan. Next is the sheet music department which contains a very
extensive stock, carefully selected to meet the wants of
teachers and the general public. The music is placed in neat
cases that are a combination of drawer and portfolio. These
when in place look like tiers of drawers, and on each is
indicated in gold lettering the kind or class of music it
contains. Next is a glass case containing artists’ violins that
range in price from twenty-five to one hundred dollars.
Immediately below the violin case are strings for all kinds of
instruments, contained in air tight glass jars, so that their
quality is not deteriorated by exposure to the ?? here. The
next department consists of a nest of 34 drawers containing
fittings for violins, guitars, banjos, accordions, & c.; also
fifes, drumsticks, jew-harps, and a countless variety of small
articles, samples of each being attached to the outside of the
drawer. Above are packages of the same articles in dozens,
gross, etc. Next, for a space of twenty feet in length the
shelves are tacked with an immense stock of accordions in boxes
and above, on the cornice, nearly as many more of these
instruments are packed to supply the wholesale trade. Further
on, and extending across the rear of the store is a glass show
case 14 feet long and 9 feet high, filled with accordions taken
out of the boxes for exhibition. This is a splendid display,
and includes every variety of make, style and price, from $1.25
up. Returning on the other side of the store is a case of
shelves containing violins and guitar cases, and beneath these
is a large assortment of piano and organ stools. Next is a
glass case, 10 feet long and 8 feet high, filled with the
cheaper grades of violins. Next is another glass case of
similar dimensions containing guitars, banjos, music folios etc.
On the floor is the Sohmer piano, an instrument that is endorsed
by the leading artists of the United States and the best
musicians of Salt Lake city. Also the Estey, Story & Comb and
Sterling organs, the first being an old and well known favorite
in Utah. This firm can furnish organs cheaper, quality
considered, than they can be purchased elsewhere in this
Territory, the sample in their show window being an illustration
of this fact. Aside from the departments described are drums,
tambourines, violoncellos, and in short everything else in the
musical line. This establishment is well worthy of a visit, and
we advise our readers to call when they visit Salt Lake.
Remember, the place is midway between the Deseret National Bank
and Z. C. M. I. The firm will pay special attention to the
wants of brass and martial bands and will furnish catalogues and
any information to applicants.
THE MONARCH OF THE FIELD. The California Wilcox improved iron
harrow! With steel teeth. Strongest and best harrow made, and
so acknowledged by all who have used them. No shrinking,
swelling, or rotting out. They will last a life-time.
Warranted to do better work than can be done with any wood frame
harrow on all conditions of soil. The cut represents a harrow
frame that is indestructible, made entirely of iron, and ??
together by the teeth passing through malleable iron clamps, and
having screw threaded shanks on their upper ends, which bolts
the frame work securely together. This mode of constructing a
harrow frame dispenses with drilling or punching holes through
the bars of the frame, thereby giving greater strength and
durability to the frame of the harrow. These harrows are made
to any size to suit our customers–either three, four, five or
six sections. The cut represents our common size four section
harrow. Two good horses handle it easily. What the papers say
about it, West. The farmers of San Jose, and Sacramento Valley
are elated over the Wilcox Patent Improved Iron Harrow; it
certainly supercedes anything ever sold as a harrow heretofore
on the Pacific slope, for excellence in work, durability or
worth.–Granger Avalanche, Cal. What farmers say about it. East.
We, the undersigned farmers of Cedar and Jones counties, Iowa,
having used the California Wilcox Patent Improved Iron Harrow
the past season, cheerfully recommend it to the farming
community as being in every respect the best harrow we ever
used, and we have no hesitancy in saying it cannot be surpassed
in any of th equalities that go to make a first class implement.
J. H. Vanwormer, J. H. Dents, B. A. Belcher, Asa Ballof, Daniel
Whitney, Allen Elijah, Jas. Dexter, Alexander Gacrich, H. C.
Frink. Manufactured and sold under a recent patent, by A.
Wilcox & Co., send for price list to Sidney Stevens, Ogden. All
orders will receive prompt attention. Price List. No. 0 is one
section for one horse, in cultivating gardens, price $ 9.00.
No. 1 has two sections, 30 steel teeth, cuts 6 ft. Used with
two light horses. Price, 17.50. No. 2 has three sections 45
steel teeth, cuts 9 ft. Used with two medium horses. Price,
26.00. No. 3 has four sections, 60 teeth, cuts 12 feet. Used
with two heavy horses. (Represented in cut.) 34.50. No. 4 has
five sections, 75 steel teeth, cuts 15 ft. This is our three
horse harrow; can leave off one section and use two horses with
the same draft bar. Price, 43.00. No. 5 has six sections, 90
steel teeth, cuts 18 ft. For this size we use four horses
abreast, with two draft bars coupled together at the ends.
Adapted for large farms. Price, 51.50. Sidney Stevens general
agent for Utah, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, Eastern Nevada and
Western Wyoming. Ogden City, Utah 7-ly
THE MOST POPULAR of all sewing machines is the light-running new
home best made simple strong swift sure has no equal is always
in order and will last a lifetime surpasses all others. Johnson
Clark & Co. 30 Union Sq. New York Chicago Ill. Orange, Mass.
For sale by Joseph Daynes, Salt Lake City, Utah.
MRS. A. EDWARDS, Milliner, And dealer in Materials for all kinds
of Fancy Needle Work. Straw Hats and Bonnets Cleaned, Dyed, and
altered to any shape desired. Feathers Cleaned And Curled. Agent
for E.S. Frost Turkish Rug Patterns. Third Street – Logan, Six
Doors West Of Z.C.M.I.
MRS. DEMERS has just opened an elegant stock of ladies’
furnishing and fancy dry goods on Third street.
MRS. DEMERS, Ladies’ Furnishing Goods And Fancy Dry Goods.
Ladies Underwear, Artificial Flowers, Hosiery, Gloves,
Passementerie Trimmings, Infants and Children’s Clothing,
Notions, etc. Full line of the above articles always in stock.
Store, Third Street, Logan, Three fourths block west of Z.C.M.I.
MRS. I. BURGESS, Family Physician and Obstetrician. Office and
residence at Mrs. M. A. Maughan’s residence, Logan, Utah.
MRS. J. BEARBY, M. D., homeopathic physician and surgeon.
Diseases of women and children a specialty. Office for the
present at Mr. P. Cranny’s residence.
MRS. JAMES, Millinery, Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, Lace Goods,
Hosiery, etc., etc. 2-1/2 blocks West of Z.C.M.I., Logan.
MRS. JANE PALMER, MILLINER. All kinds of Millinery and Fancy
Goods Constantly on hand. Logan City, Cache Co., Utah.
MRS. LAMOREAUX, milliner, a well selected stock of the latest
styles of millinery goods, kept constantly on hand. One door
west of People’s Drug Store, Third Street, Logan.
To the citizens of Logan and vicinity: Having had many years
practical experience in the Eastern states in the tuning and
repairing of Pianos and Organs, I offer my services in that line
to the residents of Cache Co. I am a permanent resident of
Ogden city and am connected with the – MUSIC TEMPLE – of H. C.
Wardleigh, who always keeps on hand the largest and most
complete stock of musical merchandise in Utah. He is agent for
the celebrated Wilcox & White, Clough & Warren, Palace, Estey,
and ?? organs, and he offers to the music loving people of these
peaceful mountain vales the ?? plus ultra? Square Grand and
Upright Ward ?? pianos, and every one of the most popular items
in the East. These he will sell 25 percent lower than any music
house in Salt Lake.
I am a thorough tuner and shall visit Logan every 3 months. I
am not an itinerant tuner who would ruin your instruments and
then leave for parts unknown, but I guarantee all my work and
can always be found in Ogden. Those wishing work done can leave
?? with Carl C. Johnson at the Music Store, Main St. I shall be
around for 2 or 3 weeks. Respectfully soliciting your
patronage. [unreadable line] C. M. ??
N (top)
N. A. Lindquist, dealer in home made and imported furniture!
Including cheap, medium and fine qualities. Bed room and parlor
sets, bed steads, chairs, cupboards, &c., &c., and a full line
of all kinds of household furniture always on hand. Call and
see my stock before buying elsewhere. Store Third Street, one
door east of Tithing Office. Spring mattresses always on hand
and made to order. 26-6nt
N. P. JEPPESEN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, family supplies,
boots and shoes, and furnishing goods. Ladies’ shoes and
furnishing goods a specialty. Call in the new store, Main
Street, on the Island, and examine my stock. 14-tf
THE NEW GROCERY STORE. We hope our patrons are all aware that
we have removed to our new store on Main Street, where we are
now running in full blast one of the finest grocery
establishments in Northern Utah. We are determined not to be
undersold in prices, nor excelled in the quality of goods. We
have every facility for keeping all perishable articles nice and
fresh. Customers can depend upon getting such articles in prime
condition. Our patrons will always be treated well, when they
deal with us.
We shall wholesale a few fancy groceries and other articles to
our line, and will shortly be engaged in a general wholesale
grocery business, in connection with our retail department. We
will make green groceries a specialty.
Our store rooms are large, commodious and airy, and our sales
room is furnished with a nice water fountain. Our establishment
will be found attractive and interesting to visitors, and we
cordially invite all to call and see us and inspect our goods
and prices. The French, German, Danish and English languages
spoken at our store.
Ricks Brothers
Logan July 28th, 1882. Al-3t
A NEW lot of Winchester Rifles, cheap, at Z. C. M. I.
THE NEW VICTOR NO. 4, this machine has large arm, loose pulley
wheel for winding bobbins and self-setting needle. Light
running and noiseless. Every part adjustable! Large selfthreading schuttle [shuttle] and all the latest improvements.
The cabinet work cannot be beat by any machine in the market.
[missing] deal directly with the Factory, and can put sewing
machines with five drawers, drop handles, drop leaf and cover,
and nickel-plated fly wheel, with all the extras complete,
ruffler, tucker and hemmer, for the sum of $50. Bargains made
to suit the times. Drop me a postal card if you want a sewing
machine, or any repairing done. Extras of all kinds. I am also
agent for the Triumph stove-pipe shelf.–Agents wanted. Any kind
of sewing machines furnished at bottom prices. Address
[address] Robert Pringle, Logan City, Utah, Box 24. ml-10m
THE NEW Woods Enclosed Gear Mower is the Lightest Draft,
Stillest Running and Easiest Riding Mower in the World. For Sale
by John Gooch, Richmond, Paine & Mattison, Logan.
NEW YORK STORE. Dry Goods, Notions, etc. Main Street, half a
block south of the Tabernacle.
THE NEW YORK STORE Has taken the cake for Low Prices On Gents’
Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, etc. Main Street, one half
block south of Tabernacle.
THE NEW YORK STORE is well supplied with fancy dry goods and
notions. Ladies will find it advantageous to inspect.
NEW YORK STORE, Main Street, Logan, Having just opened with a
new and complete stock of Staple & Fancy Goods, Notions, Etc.,
Call your attention to our splendid line of Dress Ginghams,
Brocaded And Plain Silk, Lawns, Trimming Satins, Plain and
Dotted Pique, Merinos, Plain and Dotted Ecrus, Cashmere, Plain
and Dotted Swiss Grenadines, Check Lace, Brocatelles, Victoria
Lawn, Alpaca Losere, Tabre Linen And Mohair Plaids, &c. (etc.).
Parasols, Fans, Lace Curtains, Embroidered Collars, Corsets,
Lace Fichus, Hosiery, Embroidered Fichus, Kid Gloves, Lace,
Handkerchiefs and
Ties, Lisle Thread Gloves, Silk Cords and Tassels, Colored
Shirts, Embroideries and Lace, Bed Spreads, Ribbons, Buttons,
Braids, Silk Fringes, Fancy Soaps and Perfumery, also a nice lot
of Ladies’ And Misses Straw Hats, Ladies’ Muslin Underwear,
Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. All
of which we are selling at Greatly Reduced Prices. R.M.
Wilkinson, Manager.
NO PATENTS, NO PAY. PATENTS obtained for mechanical devices,
medical or other compounds, ornamental designs, trademarks and
labels. Caveats, assignments, interferences, infringements, and
all matters relating to patents, promptly attended to. We make
preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to
patentability free of change and all who are interested in new
inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our
“Guide for obtaining patents,” which is sent free to any
address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain
patents, and other valuable matter. During the past five years
we have obtained nearly three thousand patents for American and
Foreign inventors, and can give satisfactory references in
almost every county in the Union. Address, Louis Bagger & Co.,
solicitors of patents and attorneys at law, Detroit building,
Washington, D. C.
NO. 3 VICTOR. Simplicity simplified! Improvements September,
1878: Notwithstanding the Victor has long been the peer of any
sewing machine in the market–a fact supported by a host of
volunteer witnesses–we now confidently claim for it great
simplicity, a wonderful reduction of friction, and a rare
combination of desirable qualities. Its shuttle is a beautiful
specimen of mechanism, and takes rank with the highest
achievements of inventive genius. Note. We do not lease or
consign machines, therefore, have no old ones to patch up and
re-varnish for our customers. We sell new machines every time.
Send for illustrated circular and prices. Liberal terms to the
trade. Don’t buy until you have seen the most elegant, simple
and easy running machine in the market. The ever reliable
Victor. Victor Sewing Machine Company, Middletown, Conn.
Western office, 235 State St., Chicago, Ill. Southern Office, 8
North Charles St., Baltimore, MD.
Caution! Different versions.
NORTH STAR MILLS, Franklin, Idaho. Manufacture and keep in
stock Jeans, Linseys, Flannels, Kerseys, Repellants,
[Repellents] &c., &c. Stocking Yarn and Blankets are
Caution! Different versions.
NORTH STAR MILLS, S. R. Parkinson, Supt, Franklin, Idaho.
Manufacture and keep in stock jeans, linseys, flannels, kerseys,
doeskins, repellants, &c., &c. Stocking yarn and blankets are
specialties. Franklin Co-operative Store, S. R. Parkinson,
manager, keeps on hand a large and complete stock of general
merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, clothing, boots and
shoes, hardware, notions, &c., and every description of family
supplies. Furniture, crockery, glassware, paints and oils.
Agent for La Belle and Whitewater wagons. Agricultural
implements, harness and saddlery. Highest price paid for hides,
wool and furs. 1-ly
Conferred upon, tens of thousands of sufferers could originate
and maintain the reputation which AYRE’S SARSAPARILLA enjoys.
It is a compound of the best vegetable alteratives [alterative],
with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most
effectual of all remedies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood
disorders. Uniformly successful and certain in its remedial
effects, it produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula,
Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all
disorders arising from impurity of the blood. By its
invigorating effects it always relieves and often cures Liver
Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a
potent renewer of vitality. For purifying the blood it has no
equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the
health, and imparts vigor and energy. For forty years it has
been in extensive use, and is to-day the most available medicine
for the suffering sick, anywhere. For sale by all dealers.
NOW IS THE TIME – To get a bottle of that justly celebrated
remedy for Colds and Coughs. BROWN’S COUGH BALSAM. Try it and
you’ll use no other. 11-ly
NOW IS THE TIME to see that your roof gutters and conducting
pipes are in proper trim. Try E. M. Curtis for repairs or new
NOW that house cleaning time has arrived the “question of the
hour” is where I can get wallpaper. Try the Book Store. You can
get suited there.
NO.[NUMBER] 3 VICTOR. Simplicity simplified! Improvements
September, 1878: Notwithstanding the Victor has long been the
peer of any sewing machine in the market–a fact supported by a
host of volunteer witnesses–we now confidently claim for it
great simplicity, a wonderful reduction of friction, and a rare
combination of desirable qualities. Its shuttle is a beautiful
specimen of mechanism, and takes rank with the highest
achievements of inventive genius. Note. We do not lease or
consign machines, therefore, have no old ones to patch up and
re-varnish for our customers. We sell new machines every time.
Send for illustrated circular and prices. Liberal terms to the
trade. Don’t buy until you have seen the most elegant, simple
and easy running machine in the market. The ever reliable
Victor. Victor Sewing Machine Company, Middletown, Conn.
Western office, 235 State St., Chicago, Ill. Southern Office, 8
North Charles St., Baltimore, MD.
O (top)
O. C. ORMSBY. B. F. Riter. Pioneer Drug Store. Logan City,
Utah Ormsby & Riter. (Successors to O. C. Ormsby) wholesale and
retail dealers in drugs, medicimes [medicines], chemicals; dye
stuffs, perfumeries, toilet articles and all line of goods
pertaining to a first-class drug business, including paints,
oils, varnishes, putty, and painters’ articles. We keep a
complete and choice stock of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and
smokers’ articles. We are amply prepared to supply the
wholesale and retail trade with all of the above lines.
Investigate our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
The Pioneer Drug Store will remain open at all times, night and
O. L. ELIASON, dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, 142 Main
St., Salt Lake City. Special attention given to repairs. All
work warranted. 18-ly
THE OGDEN HERALD. The Ogden Daily Herald will cost you only
$8.00 per annum, post paid, $4.00 for 6 months or $2.00 for
three months. It is printed in time to reach Logan on the
evening of issue, hence, from it subscribers can get the latest
telegraph news, at least eight hours sooner than from any other
paper. It is printed in clean, new type, and contains, besides
latest telegraphic news, well-written editorials on current
topics, spicy local news, correspondence and special telegrams
from all parts of the Territory. Send your address for a
specimen copy. The semi-weekly Herald is issued every Wednesday
and Saturday and contains over 27 columns of reading matter in
each issue. It is in all respects a fine family newspaper.
Send $3.50 by money order or registered letter and get it for
one year, $1.75, 6 months, and 90 cents for three months.
Sample copies free to any address. Job week done in first class
style and on short notice. All letters and orders receive
prompt attention. E. H. Anderson, manager. Address: Herald
Publ. Co., Ogden, Utah. The Ogden Herald.
ORANGES, ORANGES, first two car loads of the season just
received in Salt Lake City by G. F. Culmer. Send in your orders
at $4.50 per box.
illustration sideways) The Best. (Illustration of a Farmer
Harvesting). Farrell & Barber, Have just received a large supply
of the celebrated Osborne Wire And Twine Self Binders. Also the
Combined Mower and Dropper. Also The Number Five And Seven
Independent Mowers. The Celebrated Coats Look Leaver Horse Hay
Rake. Purchasers are invited to call and inspect these Machines
at George Barber & Son’s Store, Corner Main and Second Streets,
Logan, Utah. For terms apply to George Barber & Son, Logan or to
George L. Farrell, Smithfield. .
OUR MEAT MARKET has on hand every morning a good supply of fresh
meat and being carried on the interest of the Logan Temple,
should be well patronized. Third St., bet. [between] Main and
Washington Logan City, Utah.
OUR TYPE Was Made By Central Type Foundry, St. (Saint) Louis,
Mo. (Missouri) With their Justly Celebrated Copper Alloy!
(Illustration of Copper Coins) Type Metal. Warranted to be far
more durable than any other type made. It is used exclusively by
all the St. (Saint) Louis daily papers. Republican, Globe
Democrat, Post-Dispatch, Anzeiger, Westlieke Post, Amerika, and
by the largest newspaper, book and job offices in he West.
Address all orders to Central Type Foundry, J.A. St. (Saint)
John, Treasurer, 115 N. (North) Third St. (Street), St. (Saint)
Louis, Mo. (Missouri).
OVER 500,000 Charter oak stoves have been made and sold in the
last thirty years.
P (top)
PAINE & MATTISON, agents for Mitchell farm and spring wagons
warranted first-class. Paine & Mattison, agents for Woods
enclosed Geer Mowers. Woods twine self binding harvestors.
Made by Walter A. Woods. Paine & Mattison, agents for Peerless
combined mowers, droppers and self-rakes. Two cutter-bars.
Light, strong, durable. Paine & Mattison, agents for Gale
chilled plow, Gale horse hay rakes. Paine & Mattison, agents
for Albion spring tooth harrow, broad cast seeder and corn and
potato cultivator combined. Paine & Mattison, also carry a fine
stock of harrows, cultivators, and the best farming implements.
We have in stock the celebrated California concord harness,
warranted all oak tanned. Send for catalogue and prices.
Warerooms, Third St., Logan. Paine & Mattison.
PAINE & MATTISON have a big stock of wagons of all kinds and
harvesting machinery on hand. Give them a call.
PAINE & MATTISON, Wholesale and Retail dealers in and General
Agents for Mitchel Farm, Freight & Spring Wagons. Walter A.
Wood’s Harvesting Machinery. Peerless Mowers, Droppers and Self
Rakes. Massillon Threshers, Farm Engines ands Saw Mills. Hay
Rakes, Plows, Cultivators, etc. Albion Combined Harrow and
Broadcast Seeder. Sole Agents For Our Celebrated California
Concord Harness. Main Street - Logan, Utah.
PATENTS. F. H. Lehmann, solicitor of American and Foreign
patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with patents,
whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly
attended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured. Send
for circular.
PATENTS FOR INVENTORS. S. W. Anderson. J. C. Smith. Anderson
& Smith attorneys-at-law, no. 700 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
No fee for preliminary examination. No fee unless patent is
allowed. Fees less than any other responsible agency. Books of
information sent free of charge. References furnished upon
PATENTS We continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats,
trade marks, copyrights, etc. for the United States, Canada,
Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We have had thirty-five
years’ experience. Patents obtained through us are ?? in the
Scientific American. This large and splendid illustrated weekly
paper $3.20 a year, shows the interest of science, is very
interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address Munn &
Co., patent solicitors, pub’s of Scientific American, 37 Park
Row, New York. Handbook about Patents free.
PEERLESS. We have just received Twenty-Two Peerless Combined
Mowers and Droppers and Self Rakes. Two Cutter Bars and Three
Knives with each machine; also Peerless Single Reapers and
Mowers; all warranted to do the best work and which we will sell
at Ogden or Salt Lake prices. Paine & Mattison.
PHOTOGRAPHY! David Lewis, From Liverpool, England, has opened
one of the finest Photographic Galleries in Utah Territory,
situated on Second Street, opposite Logan House. Only First
Class Work Issued. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Enlarging, Copying,
Coloring. And everything in connection with Photography done in
the best style. Card Photographs, $3.00 Per Doz. (Dozen),
Cabinets, $5.00 Per Doz. (Dozen). Other Work at Proportionate
Prices. .
PICTURES TAKEN in every style. Old Pictures Copied And Enlarged
As well and cheap as anywhere else, and Satisfaction Guaranteed
At The Cardon Art Gallery. Splendid assortment of Card Boards,
Wools, Mottos, Photo and Matte Frames, Albums, Fishing Tackle,
Glass, Canvasses, etc. One-half Block West of Z. C. M. I.
PILES! PILES! PILES! A sure cure found at last no one need
suffer! A sure cure for blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerated
piles has been discovered by Dr. William, (an Indian remedy)
call Dr. William’s Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the
worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need
suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothing
medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm
than good. William’s Ointment ?? the tumors, allays the intense
itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed) acts
as a poultice, gives instant and painless relief, and is
prepared only for piles, itching of the private parts, and for
nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. ?? of Cleveland says
about Dr. William’s Indian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of
Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never
found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as
Dr. William’s Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or
mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. Henry & Co., Prop’rs.
Cleveland, O. ??, Pitts & Co., Salt Lake, wholesale agents. 2-ly
PORTRAITS, BIOGRAPHY AND VIEWS. Portraits of Joseph and Hyrum
Smith, can be purchased at John Crookston’s, one door south of
Hon. [Honorable] Wm. [William] B. Preston’s, or at Sheriff Alvin
Crockett’s. Prices: solid walnut frames $3.25; shell walnut,
$3.00. Also at the same place, Biography of the late President
Garfield. Prices, Morocco, $??; cloth, $1.50. Also Views of
Salt Lake City, 50 cts. [cents], each, and indelible ink, first
quality, for marking linen &c., 10 cts. [cents] pr. [per]
bottle. 2t
PUMPS! PUMPS! David James is prepared to furnish all kinds of
Rumsey’s force & lift pumps, iron pipe and fittings. Water
pipes laid to order–Agent for the ?? iron roofing. All orders
for any of the above left with ?? ?? at the Temple.
[unreadable] Logan, will receive group ??
Q (top)
R (top)
RAILROAD MEAT MARKET Farnes & Thain, proprietors. First Street,
near the Depot. We propose to serve our customers with the
nicest and freshest of steaks, cuts and meats of all kinds at
the lowest prices, and we invite customers to give us a call.
REDUCTION IN PRICES! $100,000 worth of merchandise, including
dry goods, groceries boots and shoes, men’s clothing and
furnishing goods, and family supplies. Will be sold positively
at only 5 per cent above eastern cost! at P. A. Nielsen’s Store,
Main Street, Logan, Utah.
S (top)
S. F. BALLIF & CO., First door west of Logan Hall, retail
dealers in general groceries, foreign and domestic fruits.
a specialty of Choice teas. Family trade solicited.
S. W. DARKE. WM. FULLER S. W. Darke & Co., and office
attorney’s. Next door to Jennings’ Store, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Land claims, mineral patents, patents for inventions and all
legal business promptly attended to. The best facilities for
making collections, either local or foreign. 9-tf
SEVERIN J. JEPPESON, Harness Maker. Board of Trade Building,
Main Street, Logan. All kinds of Harness Made To Order And kept
in stock. Saddles, Whips, Collars, Hobbles, Nose Sacks, &c
(etc.), &c (etc), always on hand or made to order.
SHADE TREES. GEORGE Barber & Sons are agents for the shade
trees grown in W. F. Rigby’s nursery, Newton, and will keep on
hand at their premises in Logan, Honey Locust, Box Elder and
other varieties of trees of a suitable age for setting out.
Prices seasonable. ?? tf
SIDNEY STEVENS’ depot is headquarters for machinery at Ogden.
$66 [Sixty-six dollars] a week in your own town. $5 Outfit
free. No risk. Everything new. No capital required. We will
furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make
as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if
you want a business at which you can make great pay all the time
you work, write for particulars to H. HALLET & Co., Portland,
SKIN DISEASES CURED by Dr. Frazier’s magic ointment. Cures as
if by magic pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and
eruptions on the face, leaving the skin clear, healthy and
beautiful. Also cures itch, barber’s itch, salt rheum, ??,
ringworm ?? head, chapped hands, sore nipples, sore lips, old,
obstinate ulcers and sores, &c. Skin disease. F. Drake, Esq.,
Cleveland, O., suffered beyond all description from a skin
disease which a period on his hands, head and face, and nearly
destroyed his eyes. The most careful doctoring failed to help
him and after all had failed he used Dr. Frazier’s Magic
Ointment and was cured in a few applications. The best and only
positive cure for skin diseases ever discovered. Sent by mail
on receipt of price, fifty cents. Henry & Co., sole propr’s
Cleveland, O. For blind, bleeding, itching or ulcerated piles
Dr. William’s Indian Pile Ointment is a sure cure. Price $1.00,
by mail. For sale by druggists ??, ?? Co., Salt Lake, wholesale
agents. 9-ly
SMITHFIELD Manufacturing & Mercantile Institution. This
institution manufactures a great variety of leather goods
including the following lines: mens’ boots and shoes, light,
medium and heavy, fine calf skin boots and shoes; ladies’ and
children’s shoes in great variety. Harness made and repaired,
home made cloths of all kinds; doors and sash, lumber, shingles
and lath are specialties. Highest price paid for hides, felts
and wool. Orders for any of the above taken by F. R. Miles,
Supt., Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah, or by James Meikle,
traveling agent.
SOLOMON’S PROVERBS A wise man will hear and will increase
learning. Incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart
to understanding. With all thy getting get understanding. Hear
counsel and receive instruction that thou mayst be wise. One of
the best ways to carry out the above counsel is to read good
books, of which you will find a good supply at the Book Store.
SPORTSMEN! When you want anything in the line of guns, pistols,
ammunition, or sporting goods, write to Browning Brothers, Main
Street, Ogden, wholesale and retail dealers and manufacturers.
They are the only exclusive gun dealers in the country and will
give you lower prices and better goods than any one else. 11-tf
STANFORD HOUSE! Carpets and Oil Cloths. Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Carpets,
Etc. Groceries, Glassware, Queensware and Hardware. JOSEPH
STANFORD, Proprietor. Corner Main and Fourth Streets, Ogden,
Utah. Orders along the line of the Utah & Northern Railroad
promptly filled. Staple and Fancy Glassware.
STOVES! E.M. Curtis Is Daily Expecting A Car Load Of Cook,
Heating, and Parlor Stoves, Also A Lot Of The Celebrated Warwick
Ranges. All of which have selected especially for this market.
Be sure you see the new stove Zion, before purchasing any other.
Stoves and Prices are sure to suit. I have also a large stock of
Tinware, Stove Pipe, Elbows, Roof Cans, And Stove Pipe Safes
Constantly On Hand. Gutters And Conducting Pipes Made on Short
Notice. Orders from points on the line of the Railroad will
receive prompt attention. E.M. Curtis, Adjoining Hammond’s Book
Store, Main Street, Logan, Utah.
STOVES, HARDWARE & GUNS. We invite public attention to the
justly celebrated “Bismarck” ranges, “Emporium” and “Maud’s”
cook stoves. Warranted for coal or wood, to give satisfaction.
Our heating stoves consist of the “New Aldin,” a handsome parlor
cook; the “Clipper,” a perfect fireside stove, the “Silvio, a
fine self feed parlor stove, the “Echo,” a large bedroom stove
(coal or wood); the “Puck,” a splendid store or office stove.
The above lines of stoves we sell at wholesale or retail at
lowest possible rates. Our hardware department includes
builder’s hardware in great variety. Table and pocket cutlery,
lamps, and kitchen ware. Guns, pistols, ammunition and hunters’
hardware. Orders filled with care and dispatch. L. D. Wilson &
Co., Main Street, Ogden, Utah. 9-6m
STOVES. STOVES. E. M. Curtis, has just received a choice lot
of coo, heating and parlor stoves, also a lot of the celebrated
Warwick ranges; all of which have been selected especially for
this market. Be sure you see the new stove Zion, before
purchasing any other. Stoves and prices are sure to suit. I
have also a large stock of tinware, stove pipe elbows, roof
cans, and stove pipe safes constantly on hand. Gutters and
conducting pipes made on short notice. Orders form points on
the line of the railroad will receive present attention. E. M.
Curtis, adjoining Hammond’s Book Store, Main Street, Logan,
Utah. 6-7m
STUDEBAKER BROS. (Brothers) Mfg. (Manufacturing) Co. (Company),
South Bend, Indiana. (Illustration of a wagon). Central Branch
House at Salt Lake City, Utah Carries A Large And Assorted Stock
Of All Styles Of Carriages, Buggies, Farm, Freight And Spring
Wagons. Zion’s Board Of Trade, Logan City Are Agents for the
Great Wagon Company, and Receive Their Stock Direct From The
Factory In Car Loads.
Style 2 – Square 7-1/3 Octaves Price $600. (ILLUSTRATION OF
PIANO) Large size, rosewood case, with round corners, carved leg
and lyre over strung scale with iron frame, patent Agraile
throughout, Length 6 feet 9 inches, width 3 ft. (feet) 4 inches.
Style 3 - Square, 7-1/3 Octaves. (ILLUSTRATION OF PIANO) Price
$700. Rosewood case, square grand scale, front rounded corners,
extra large size handsome serpentine molding on case and plinth,
richly engraved lyre, overstrung bass, full front frame, patent
Agraile throughout. Length 5 ft. (feet) 9 in. (inches), width 3
ft. (feet) 4 in. (inches).
Style 4 – Upright 7-1/2 Octaves. (ILLUSTRATION OF PIANO) Price
$800. Rosewood case, overstrung bass and three string in treble,
French grand action, richly carved legs and fretwork panels.
Length, 4 feet 10 in. (inches); height 4 feet. The same piano
can be had in Ebonized case at same price. This beautiful
instrument is especially adapted for small rooms and is the
neatest, most compact and powerful 7-1/2 octave Upright Piano,
in medium sized case, ever presented to the public.
Style 5. Upright 7-1/2 Octaves, (ILLUSTRATION OF PIANO) Price
$650. Rosewood case, fancy panels with French walnut veneers,
overstrung bass, three strings in treble, French grand action,
richly carved legs. Length 5 feet 2 inches, height 4 feet, 4
reports of all home news and matters of local interest to the
people of Northern Utah and Southern Idaho, and a digest of the
important news of the world. It is interesting, lively, spicy,
and progressive. Subscribe for it. Terms $3 per year. B. F.
CUMMINGS, Jr. [Junior], Editor and Publisher.
SUNNY SLOPE SMALL FRUIT FARM. Spring catalogue and pamphlet now
ready. Send for it. Free to all. Superb stock of Strawberry
plants grown in and adapted to Colorado & Territories.
Wonderful ??? strawberries. Three ??? premiums on Strawberries
awarded us at State Horticultural Fair, June 1881. Plants worth
double those grown east. Choice varieties of hardy Raspberries,
Gooseberries, ???, Grapes. Prices reasonable. Stock sent by
mail or express. Correspondences solicited. CRAWFORD & CHASE,
Colorado Springs, Col. [Colorado].
T (top)
$10 [TEN DOLLAR] OUTFIT furnished free, with full instructions
for conducting the most probable business that anyone can engage
in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are
no simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from
the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women
are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums.
Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a
single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage
are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able
to make money. You can engage in this business during your
spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital
in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money,
should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address True &
Co., Augusta, Maine. 23-ly
TRY THE CELEBRATED Studebaker! Zion’s Board of Trade, F.
Turner, Supt., General Agent for Cache County. Sub Agencies at
Franklin, Wellsville and Hyrum.
in their ware rooms on Third Street, Logan, the Finest Stock of
Mitchell Farm and Spring Wagons, Mowers, Reapers, Plows, Hay
Rakes, Threshers, Engines, and General Stock of Farm Implements
ever seen in Cache County.
$25 [TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS] TO $50 PER DAY! can easily be made by
using the celebrated Victor well auger and rock boring
machinery. In any part of the country. We mean it, and are
prepared to demonstrate the fact. They are operated by either
man, horse or steam power, and bore very rapid. They range in
size from 8 inch to 4 ½ feet in diameter, and will bore to any
required depth. They will bore successfully and satisfactorily
in all kinds of earth, soft sand and limestone, bituminous stone
coal, Slate, hard pan gravel, lava builders’ serpentine and
conglomerate rock, and guaranteed to make the very best of wells
in quick sand. The are light running, simple in construction,
easily operated, durable, and acknowledged as the best and most
practical machine extant. They are endorsed by some of the
highest state officials. We contract for prospecting for coal,
gold, silver, coal oil and all kinds of minerals. Also for
sinking artesian wells and coal shafts, &c. We also furnish
engines, boilers, wind mills, hydraulic rams, horse powers,
brick machines, mining tools, portable forges, rock drills, and
machinery of all kinds. Good active Agents wanted in every
country in the world. Address, Western Machinery Supply Depot,
511 Walnut Street, Saint Louis, Missouri, U. S. A. State in
what paper you saw this. 46-ly
THE TYPE from which this edition is printed is from the Central
Type Foundry, St. Louis.
U (top)
U. O. FOUNDRY, machine & wagon manufacturing company, Logan,
Cache County, Utah, manufacture saw & shingle mills, feed
cutters, horse powers, wood turning, lathes, brass and iron
castings, etc., etc. Horseshoeing a specialty. Farmers,
blacksmiths and others will find it to their advantage to call
on us, as we have on hand, Coal, Iron, Bolts, Clevices, agent
for the Bain Wagon. Oliver chilled and Maine plows, Champion
mowers and Pitt’s threshers, etc. Special attention given to
repairs in Blacksmith, machine and wagon departments. Joseph
Wilson, manager, B. M. Lewis, President.
secretary. 24_ly
J. E. Carlisle,
UNION PACIFIC RAIL’D. Utah & Northern Division. On and after
Aug. 17, 1881. Northward. 6:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. 10:15 p.m.
2:00 a.m. 2:55 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m.
4:20 p.m. 6:20 p.m. Station. Ogden. Brigham. Logan.
Franklin. Arimo. Blackfoot. Eagle Rock. Beaver Canyon.
Spring Hill. Dillon. Melrose. Southward. 8:00 a.m. 6:55
a.m. 5:20 a.m. 3:05 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
2:25 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 10:10 a.m. 8:45 a.m. A freight train
leaves Ogden daily for Melrose at 1:00 a.m. giving daylight
rides through Cache Valley, and regular freight train arrives
daily at Ogden at 4:30 p.m. from Melrose. Geo. W. Thatcher,
UNITED ORDER OF Hyrum. Manufacturers of and dealers in lumber,
lath, shingles, etc. Flooring, rustic, mouldings doors, sash,
scantling, pickets, posts, etc. Correspondence solicited, and
parties who contemplate building, would do well to first consult
us. We are prepared to fill bills for white or red pine lumber.
We are prepared, at our planing mills, to do all kinds of
planing and wood turning on short notice. At our store we keep
full lines of all kinds of merchandise. Dry goods, groceries,
boots and shoes, clothing, etc. O. N. Liljenquist, president.
James Unsworth, secretary and business manager. 44-ly
THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT is that Brown’s Pepsin Tonic cures
dyspepsia. For sale by Ormsby & Riter Logan.
THE UTAH JOURNAL. Semi-weekly newspaper, published every
Tuesday & Friday evening. The Journal represents the best
interests of Logan City, Cache County and the inhabitants of
Utah in general. A live, independent progressive, reliable
newspaper, presenting ??? reviews of the day, truthful and
spicy. Local reports, latest telegraphic information,
correspondence from home and abroad and from all points of
interest in Utah. Interesting Tabernacle services, educational
notes, scientific miscellany, humorous anecdotes, gems of
thought, agricultural items, market reports, well selected
miscellaneous reading for young and old, &c., &c., &c.. The
best advertising medium in this region. ??? application at
office. Subscribe! Subscribe for the Journal and show it to
your friends.
One Year, (postpaid) $3.50
Six months, 2.00
Three months, 1.00
V (top)
VISITORS TO SALT LAKE would act wisely to call at H.
Dinwoodey’s, and look over his handsome stock of carpets,
furniture and upholstery goods.
W (top)
W. A. CROCKETT, bill poster!
Logan City, Utah.
W. A. CROCKET, is the authorized Bill Poster for Logan.
W. G. BURTON announces that he is prepared to supply “the staff
of life, cakes and general confectionery on terms of “live and
let live.”
W. H. OLSTEN, Ph G M. D., surgeon and physician, Richmond, Utah
W. H. STEVENS, jobber and dealer in tobacco, cigars, pipes, &
smoker’s articles gun, rifles, pistols, and ammunition. Fine
assortment of fishing tackle. A good line of smoker’s articles
and meersham goods. Fifth Street, Ogden. 8 5m
W. S. NORCROSS, M.D. HOMOEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon, Office
Logan House, Logan City, Utah. Special attention paid to
diseases of women and children.
WALL PAPER! A Large Stock! A Large Stock! New Designs, Low
Prices: At The Bookstore. My Stock of Stationary Is complete and
includes everything needed in the Office or School Room. Good
Stock! Prices Low! Blank Books, Pocket Books, Memorandum Books,
Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, in endless varieties At The
Bookstore. I Have a Large Stock of Standard & Miscellaneous
Books, Which I am selling as cheap as they can be bought
anywhere in this territory. Illustrated Bibles at Reduced
Prices. For the Spring Trade I have a full stock of Croquets,
Marbles, Archery. I Sell Everything Cheap. J.T. Hammond. .
Caution different versions! This version before 1882-07-07
THE WALTER A. WOOD Twine Binder is an entirely distinct and
different type of machine from all others. No other manufacturer
has the right to make it. Over 4,000 sold in 1880 and over
10,000 in 1881. Sample machines on exhibition and for sale by
James Gooch, Richmond, Paine & Mattison, Logan.
Caution different versions! This version in 1882-07-07
WALTER A. WOODS, Twine Self Binder and New Enclosed Gear Mowers,
The Best in the World. (Illustration of farm equipment).
Mitchell Farm & Spring Wagons, Peerless Combined Reaper and
Mower, Russell & Co. (Company) Massillon Threshers, California
Concord Harness, Repairs Always On Hand For The Above Goods.
Paine & Mattison. Warerooms, Third St. (Street), Logan.
(Illustration of farm equipment).
Wanted. A good girl to do housework in a small family. Address,
J.H. Ringo, Eagle Rock, Idaho.
WANTED AND OFFERED. Under this head we will insert
advertisements not exceeding five inches in length, for 25 cents
each insertion. Every additional line 5 cents.
WANTED. One Hundred Woodchoppers, to cut Ties on Weber River
and its branches, for U.P.R.R. For contracts and particulars
inquire of E. R. Young, Sen. [Senior], Wanship, Summit Co.
WHEN YOU WANT your fire-arms repaired, or desire to purchase
ammunition or other sporting goods, you may rely upon John Ash
doing the fair thing.
WM. DRIVER & SON Ogden, Utah, wholesale dealers in drugs,
paints, machine oils, wines & liquors orders by mail will
receive prompt attention. 7-5m
Wm. (William) H. Behle, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, at
residence, 2d (nd) Street, first door east of Presbyterian
Church. Consultations free. Calls promptly attended to day and
night. Logan Utah.
WM. RESOR & CO’S celebrated cook and heating stoves are worthy
of attention. They can be found at Z.C.M.I.
WM. (WILLIAM) RESOR & CO’S (Company’s) Celebrated Stoves Without
Exception the most Durable and Perfect Stoves Made. Cook,
Champion Monitor, Monitor, Champion And Normal. Heaters. Lilly,
Windsor, Pearl, Ivy, Ruby, Charm-Parlor Cook. Mystic, Crown And
Other Well Known Styles. – Thousands in Daily Use in the
Territory. Sold by Zion’s Co-op (Co-operative) Mercantile Inst’n
(Institution), Logan City, Utah.
X (top)
Y (top)
Z (top)
Z.C.M.I. carry the only complete stock of clothing in cache
Valley. We are now offering bargains in order to make room for
our fal purchases. al-tf
Z.C.M.I. has the best SOAP in the market.
Buy some while it is
Z.C.M.I. Have just opened a full line of Children’s and Youth’s
Ready-Made Clothing. Our purchases of Spring Goods are now
arriving daily. Highest Market Price paid in cash for Wheat &
Other Kinds of Grain. Aaron Farr, Manager.
Z. C. M. I. (At four corners of ad). Logan Branch, Importers And
Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Merchandise.
Highest Market Price Paid For Wheat, Oats, Butter, Eggs, And
Other Produce. All Orders by Mail Promptly Filled. Aaron Farr,
Careful! Different versions
ZION’S BOARD OF TRADE have just received some fo the finest and
best wagons ever brought to Utah. Parties thinking of
purchasing wagons will do well to call and examine. 11 tf
Careful! Different versions
ZION’S BOARD OF TRADE Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Agent for
the improved Studebaker Farm & Spring Wagons, buggies and
carriages, Buckeye machines, Furst and Bradley plows, harrows
and cultivators; South Bend chilled plows, keystone and Furst &
Bradley hay rakes. Also dealers in iron, steel, bolts. All
kinds of Hardwood and Wagon Material farm and freight fixtures.
Examine prices before purchasing elsewhere Fred Turner,