World History

World History
Russian Revolution
Video Questions:
Vladimir Lenin – Voice of the Revolution
1. What are some various ways Lenin has been described?
2. How was Lenin’s memory used after his death?
3. Describe Lenin’s family life. Who were his parents? What kind of a life did he have as a child?
4. How was one of Lenin’s baby pictures altered? Why was this done?
5. What kind of a child was Lenin?
6. What problems existed in Russia for the peasants? For factory workers?
7. What event changed Lenin’s life?
8. Why did Lenin get expelled from law school?
9. Why did Lenin say the book, What is to be Done, “plowed him over”?
10. Where did Marx believe the socialist revolution would take place? Why not Russia?
11. When Lenin was sent to prison at age 26, what were the conditions like for him there?
12. After prison, Lenin was forced to go where? Then where did he move to?
13. Lenin said there were two kinds of people. Who were they?
14. What do the words Bolshevik and Menshevik mean?
15. What did Bloody Sunday ignite in Russia?
16. Why did Lenin stop listening to Beethoven?
17. Why was St. Petersburg renamed Petrograd?
18. What problem did Lenin have with the first revolution in Russia?
19. What two groups competed for power in Russia after the czar abdicated?
20.In what way could Lenin not compete with Alexander Kerensky?
21. Once Lenin gets into power, what changes does he immediately bring about?
22. Why did people think that a world-wide revolution was possible in 1919?
23. Why were the Russian people so shocked to hear of Lenin’s death?
24. What other leaders were influenced by Lenin?
25. What did Lenin’s ideas/beliefs set the stage for in the Soviet Union?