BHCC Visual and Media Studies ART HISTORY Instructor: Laura

BHCC Visual and Media Studies
VMA 112
Art History I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art (3cr)
Spring 2010
Instructor: Denise O'Malley
Email: or
Telephone: 617-228-2014, mailbox 6668
Office hours: On Mondays, by appointment; Meeting place to be arranged.
Drop-off box for assignments: B-113
Class meets: Monday and Wednesday, 2:30-3:45 p.m. Rm. E171
Course Description: An introductory art history lecture and discussion course examining
art and architecture from the Paleolithic era to the Middle Ages. VMA 112/AH I is a broad,
multicultural survey focusing on major monuments, masterpieces, and styles from Egypt,
Greece, Rome, the Near East, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. The course teaches
the student to appreciate the process of human creative endeavor, to grasp expressive
content in works of art, and to become familiar with a wide variety of artistic media. We
look at how social, political, and cultural contexts influence artists and the production of art.
The course stresses elements of the language of art through examining visual concepts and
terms such as composition, space, rhythm, symmetry, perspective, and by interpreting
subject matter. This class provides a solid, richly illustrated introduction to the History of
Art through lectures, written assignments, journal entries, identification and essay exams,
presentations, group projects, and Museum visits that will develop the student’s ability to
approach, see, and analyze works of art.
Prerequisites: ENG095 (Writing Skills II) or placement in ENG111 (College Writing I) or
above, and placement above MAT090 (Foundations of Math).
Required text:
Vol. One. Prentice Hall, Revised Third Edition*
ISBN: 9780132345538
 The BHCC college bookstore
 See Text Book Assistance Program in BHCC Student Activities to borrow a copy
for the semester (a great alternative!)
 Online: (new and used copies)
 Barnes and Noble Bookstores
 A copy will be on reserve in the BHCC library
*Used copies of the Revised Second Edition are acceptable. The page numbers might be a
little different, but the chapter titles and overall content usually stays the same.
Supplemental readings, handouts, and lesson review sheets will be provided by
the instructor.
General Education Component:
Requirement Area 6 Description
The student will explore the dimensions of the human intellect and imagination and
develop an informed appreciation of the diverse modes of creative expression.
Students will learn how people have come to understand and express artistic,
aesthetic, moral, spiritual, and philosophical dimensions of the human condition.
BHCC Visual and Media Studies
VMA 112
Art History I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art (3cr)
Spring 2010
Assigned reading: The course syllabus provides you with the general topics and chapters
that we are covering each week. I will sometimes assign specific pages to read and will give
you material that supplements the textbook. Please make every effort to do as much
reading before class. This will give us more time to discuss and explore the material. I will
provide you with images and review notes for study purposes either via a class webpage or
through some other easily accessible medium.
Because poor attendance generally results in poor grades, students must attend all
regularly-scheduled classes and laboratory sessions. Students having
attendance difficulties should discuss this matter with their faculty members
and advisors.
Students who know they will be absent for three or more consecutive class
sessions because of a family emergency or personal illness should report the
extended absence to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. The Dean will
notify the faculty of the absence. Upon returning to class, students are
responsible for discussing with their faculty members the completion of all
course requirements. If the faculty member and student find it impossible to
complete all assigned work, the student may need to withdraw from the course
(2009-2010 BHCC Student Handbook 75).
Attendance at each class meeting is expected and counts as class participation. I will allow
two absences without penalty, but if you miss more than two classes without discussing it
with me, your grade will suffer. You are responsible for making up any missed work, for
keeping up with assigned readings, and for obtaining copies of class materials distributed
when you were absent. I ask you to sign an attendance sheet at every class. If your name
does not appear on that sheet, I will consider you absent. Remember that attendance
counts toward your class participation grade.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism (copying or using somebody else’s work as if it were your own or
failing to identify the source of material that you quote either directly or indirectly) is a
serious offence and is not tolerated at BHCC. Please refer to the list of Disciplinary
Offenses in the BHCC Student Handbook 2009-2010, Acts of dishonesty, p.45.
Coming to class late (tardiness): I will begin each class on time. If I distribute handouts,
I will always leave extra copies on the first desk at the front of the room. If you arrive late,
please do not interrupt me or the class with questions about what you have missed. You
can email me to find out what you have missed or to arrange to meet with me in person.
Late assignments: Late assignments are strongly discouraged and, at the instructor’s
discretion, may result in a grade reduction or may not be accepted at all.
No cell phone use in class. Please turn off audible ring tones (this applies to me
too). Also, no texting and no facebook- no social networking in class aside from
what we do for the class!
BHCC Visual and Media Studies
VMA 112
Art History I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art (3cr)
Spring 2010
Your grade for this course will be calculated according to the following percentages:
Class participation
Oral Presentation
All Written Assignments
Midterm exam
Final exam
COURSE SCHEDULE: Subject to change with notice.
Week 1
1/25 Introductions, goals, expectations, and course description. Discussion: What is art? Art
history timeline, and art term glossary handouts provided and reviewed.
 1st written assignment (see handout) distributed. Due next class.
1/27 Lecture and discussion: What is Art History? The Language of Art. Review 1 st
assignment in class.
 Stokstad, Getting Started and Introduction.
Week 2
2/1-2/3 Prehistory and Prehistoric Art in Europe
• Stokstad, Chapter 1: Prehistoric Art in Europe
 Presentation topics and schedule discussed.
o Format for Quiz I explained.
Week 3
2/8-2/10 Ancient Near East
• Stokstad, ch. 2: Art of the Ancient Near East
o Wed. 2/10: QUIZ I: Prehistoric Art in Europe
Week 4
2/15 Presidents Day. No class. College closed (makeup day February 19)
2/17 Egypt
• Stokstad, ch. 3: Art of Ancient Egypt
 Abstract writing assignment and Egypt articles given out. Due on Wed., 2/24.
BHCC Visual and Media Studies
VMA 112
Art History I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art (3cr)
Spring 2010
Week 5
2/22-2/24 The Classical World Pt. 1: From Minos to Alexander.
• Stokstad, ch. 4 & 5: Aegean Art & Art of Ancient Greece
o Egypt abstract assignment due on Wed., 2/24.
Week 6
3/1-3/3 The Classical World Pt. 2: Rome and Empire
 Stokstad, ch. 6: Etruscan and Roman Art
o Midterm Review sheets and slide list handed out: Ancient Near East
through Ancient Rome.
Week 7
3/8 Jewish, Early Christian & Byzantine Art
• Stokstad, ch. 7
3/10 MIDTERM EXAM (Ancient Near East through Rome)
 Topics for final paper distributed.
Week 8: 3/15-3/21 SPRING BREAK
Week 9
3/22-3/24 Islamic Art
• Stokstad, ch. 8
Week 10
3/29-3/31 Art of South and Southeast Asia Before 1200
• Stokstad, ch. 9
o Museum visit (MFA, Boston) and assignment given.
o Details of Museum visit to be arranged.
Week 11
4/5-4/7 Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279
• Stokstad, ch. 10
o Museum assignment due on Wed., 4/7.
o Format for Quiz II explained
Week 12
4/12-4/14 Japanese Art Before 1300
• Stokstad, ch. 11
 Wed., 4/14: Quiz II, Early Byzantine & Islamic Art
Week 13
April 19: No class. Patriots Day – college closed (makeup day April 23)
4/21 Art of the Americas Before 1392
• Stokstad, ch. 12
Week 14
4/26-4/28 Art of Ancient Africa
 Stokstad, ch. 13
BHCC Visual and Media Studies
VMA 112
Art History I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art (3cr)
Spring 2010
Week 15
5/3-5/5 Early Medieval Art of Europe and Romanesque Art
• Stokstad, ch. 14 & 15
Week 16
5/10-5/12 Gothic Art of the 12th and 13th Centuries and 14th Century Art in Europe
Stokstad, 16 & 17
 Slide List for Final Exam distributed
Week 17: May 17-May 21. Final exam week for Day/Evening classes
***FINAL EXAM: Wednesday, May 19, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. ***
Meet in our regular classroom.