
教 育 部 資 通 訊 人 才 培 育 先 導 型 計 畫 -無 線 通 信 教 學 推 動 聯 盟 中 心
97 年 度 國 外 學 者 短 期 課 程
Convex Optimization for Wireless
Communications and Signal Processing
97/12/19~12/21 (週五~週日)
Convex optimization has recently emerged as a powerful technique in wireless
communications and signal processing. It has been proven to be an important tool for solving
problems arising from various applications, providing solutions to a broad spectrum of areas such
as multi-antenna and multiuser communications, networking, sensor networks, array processing,
digital filtering, compressed sensing, and biomedical engineering. Its prevalence may be
demonstrated by the fact that there have been various workshops, special journal issues, and
special conference sessions dedicated to this subject. There are two merits that lead to its present
success. First, many seemingly difficult, nonconvex optimization problems encountered in
applications can be reformulated as convex optimization problems, the globally optimal solution
of which can be numerically found by reliable, readily available algorithms (usually the
interior-point algorithms). Second, some very hard problems can essentially be approximated by
convex optimization in a high-performance efficient fashion.
Prof. Daniel P. PALOMAR
Dept of Electronic & Computer Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and
Daniel P. Palomar received the Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. degrees (both with honors)
from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1998 and 2003,
respectively. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic and Computer
Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, and a member
of the Center for Wireless Information Technology at HKUST.
Dr. Palomar received a 2004/06 Fulbright Research Fellowship; the 2004 Young Author Best
Paper Award by the IEEE Signal Processing Society; (co-recipient of) the 2006 Best Student
Paper Award at ICASSP'06; the 2002/03 best Ph.D. prize in Information Technologies and
Communications by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC); the 2002/03 Rosina Ribalta
first prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Information Technologies and Communications by the
Epson Foundation; and the 2004 prize for the best Doctoral Thesis in Advanced Mobile
Communications by the Vodafone Foundation and COIT.
Prof. Wing Kin, Ken MA
Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wing-Kin Ma received the B.Eng. degree (with First Class Hons.)in electrical and
electronic engineering from the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K., in 1995, and
M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees, both in electronic engineering, from the Chinese University of Hong
Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He is currently an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, CUHK. Since October 2007, he has been
appointed as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Day 1
9:30--12:00 am
Theory: Convex optimization basics
13:30--17:30 pm
Representative convex optimization problems in applications: linear
program, geometric program, second order cone program, and
semidefinite program; Lagrangian duality
Numerical methods: Interior-point methods, how to use practical
software toolboxes for convex optimization
Applications in wireless communications: MIMO transceiver design,
multi-antenna transmit downlink beamforming, power control in
cellular networks, MIMO detection, network utility maximization for
internet protocols
Applications in signal processing: digital filter design, norm
minimization (including applications such as compressed sensing),
robust beamforming for array processing, blind image separation,
sensor network localization
Advanced topics: primal/dual decomposition techniques, semidefinite
programming relaxation
Day 2
9:30--12:00 am
13:30--17:30 pm
Day 3
9:30--12:00 am
13:30--17:30 pm
1. 地點:國立交通大學 工程四館 B1 國際會議廳 新竹市大學路 1001 號
2. 費
用:原價 3,500 元,產學聯盟&全職教師 2,500 元,學生&聯盟中心種子教師 1,200 元。
3. 截止日期:請於 12 月 16 日(二)前完成報名與繳費(以郵戳為憑)
4. 報名方法:請洽詢電話:(03)573-1747 或(03)513-1450,傳真:(03)572-4956
5. 報名網址:http://cnc.cm.nctu.edu.tw
主辦單位:教育部 資通訊人才培育先導型計畫 – 無線通信教學推動聯盟中心、