A People and A Nation, Chapter 20
Omaha Platform
Gabriel’s Utopia
class notes and activities
Gilded Age Politics: Key Questions.
1. What shaped Gilded Age politics?
2. How did each political party view the role of government? Why?
3. What emerged as national issues and how were they addressed? In what ways were there
competing interests and conflicts?
4. Why was there agrarian unrest? How did farmers try to resolve their problems and to what
degree were they successful? How and why did populism emerge on the political scene?
What reforms did they seek and why?
5. What led to the Depression of the 1890s? How did the Depression of 1890s affect the
economy and what challenges/protests arose against the status quo?
6. Whose interests ultimately achieved success with the Election of 1896?
Key Terms from APAN, Chapter 20.
Gilded Age
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Interstate Commerce Act
tariff controversy
‘Crime of ‘73’
Nat’l Woman Suffrage Assoc
Grange Movement
Alliance loan plan
James B. Weaver
Coeur d’Alene strike
Eugene V. Debs
Election of 1896
Gold Standard Act 1900
waving the bloody shirt
Munn v. Illinois
Maximum Freight Rate
monetary policy
Bland Allison Act
Susan B. Anthony
Farmers’ Alliances
Populist Party
Depression of 1890s
Karl Marx
Jacob S. Coxey
Wm. McKinley
Grand Army of the Republic
Wabash case
Alabama Midlands
currency controversy
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Ignatius Donnelly
“Gabriel’s Utopia”
American Woman Suffrage Assoc.
subtreasury plan
Omaha Platform
Cleveland-Morgan deal
Daniel DeLeon
free coinage of silver
Wm Jennings Bryan
Other Key Terms.
spoils system
Honors U.S. History - Textbook Noteguide – Gilded Age Politics 1877-1900
I. Intro and the Nature of Party Politics 573-576
- Mark Twain, The Gilded Age
- 3 factors that shaped Gilded Age politics
- popularity of elections
- political coalitions
- role of government
- national parties
- party factions
II. National Issues 577-580
- sectional conflict
- civil service reform
- railroad regulation
- tariff policy
- monetary policy
- woman’s suffrage
- legislative accomplishments
III. Agrarian Unrest and Populism 583-588
- agrarian revolt
- problems facing agriculture
- Grange movement
- Farmers’ Alliances
- Subtreasury Plan
- Populism and Omaha Platform
- 1892 elections
IV. Depression of 1890s & Protests 588-591
- economic downturn
- currency problems
- new economic system
- workers and strikes
- socialism
- Coxey’s Army
V. Populists, the Silver Crusade, and the Election of 1896 591-597
- race and politics
- Free Silver
- Election of 1896