Quiz- Revision lesson One

Quiz- Revision lesson One
Round one
Who am I?
1. I developed the Social Learning theory- Albert Bandura
2. I carried out a piece of research into culture and aggression- Ramirez
3. We conducted an experiment investigating aggression and video
games- Anderson and Dill (2000)
4. We just love the island of St Helena! – Charlton et al (2000)
5. We cannot decide how many TV channels to have!- Williams et al
6. I am all clued up when it comes to dealing with aggression in schoolsEd Psych
7. We are an authoritarian government- China
Round two
1. Name one case study that offers evidence of the link between the
brain and aggression. King (1961) and Charles Whitman (1966)
2. Give a weakness of the correlation found between hormones and
aggression. (P. 97)
3. Using the principles of social learning theory give an example of how a
child may develop aggressive behaviour.
4. What methodology did Ramirez et al use? Questionnaires
5. Why is having a small sample a bad thing? Unrepresentativeunable to make generalisations.
6. List four of the six ethical guidelines. Protecting participants from
harm, consent, right to withdraw, deception, debrief,
7. What were Anderson and Dill’s findings? The loudest blasts of noise
given by the ppts who played Wolfenstein 3D.
8. What was the IV in Charlton et al’s experiment? TV –before and
after its introduction.
9. Why did William’s et al and Charlton et al’s experiment have more
realism than Anderson and Dill’s? They are natural experiments so
not in an artificial setting.
What does chartered status mean? A psychologist has to
satisfy the requirements of the BPS and have sufficient
qualifications and experience to be called a psychologist.
Quiz- Revision lesson Two
Round one
1. I just love messing around with dogs! – Pavlov
2. They made me scared of all white fluffy things!!!- Little Albert
3. I tried to use the principles of classical conditioning to unlearn Peter’s
phobia- Jones (1924)
4. We asked loads of questions about animals- Bennett- Levy and
Marteau (1984)
5. I treat people who suffer with phobia- clinical psychologist
6. We researched cultural differences in fear- Henrichs et al (2005)
7. I freaked out monkeys in a laboratory experiment- Mineka (1984)
8. I managed to fool a blackbird- Curio (1988)
Round two
Using the correct terms, explain Little Albert’s fear of the rat.
Give an example of vicarious reinforcement.
How might our ancestors have an influence on fears we have today?
Give an example of a rank-style and Likert scale question.
What is a negative evaluation point of questionnaires? (P141)
List three of the ethical issues that need to be considered when
experimenting with animals. Causing pain and fear, social
isolation, numbers of animals, choice of species.
7. What techniques did Jones use to cure Peter of his phobia?
Deconditioning (systematic desensitisation) and social
learning theory (modelling).
8. What did Bennett- Levy and Marteau question the participants on?
Their fear of animals that moved quickly, move suddenly or
looked different from people.
9. Give an example of a hierarchy of fear.
List three of the treatments used to overcome phobias.
Systematic desensitisation, CBT, Exposure based CBT,
Hypnotherapy, and psychodynamic therapies.
Quiz- Revision lesson three
Round one
1. I investigated the link between adopted twins and aggressionMednick (1984)
2. I also investigated twins but in Denmark- Christiansen (1977)
3. I believe maternal deprivation causes criminality- John Bowlby
4. We carried out a natural experiment in a school, investigating the self
fulfilling prophecy- Rosenthal and Jacobsen (1968)
5. I discovered the names of the week can affect behaviour- Gustav
Jahoda (1954)
6. I conducted an pointless piece of research into chromosome
abnormality- Theilgaard (1984)
7. We discovered that attractiveness wins over the jury- Sigall and
Ostrove (1975)
8. I found out that it is down to parent’s expectations of their children
that causes children to drink alcohol- Madon (2004)
9. I was wrongfully accused of Rachel Nickell’s murder- Colin Stagg
I was the criminal profiler on Rachel Nickell and John Duffy
case- Robert Canter
I help to convict and treat criminals- Forensic psychologist
Round two
1. List three of the social explanations for criminality. Divorce, maternal
deprivation, family size, parental occupation. (3)
2. What are the three types of childrearing styles? Induction, love
withdrawal, power assertion. (3)
3. List two ethical and two practical problems of gathering information
from convicted offenders. (P.184) (4)
4. List three key bits of information that make up a criminal profile. Sex
of offender, race, age, marital status, occupation, intellectual
ability, possible criminal history and area the criminal lives in.
5. Give two ways in which Robert Canter’s profile of John Duffy matched
the facts about Duffy. (P.189) (2)
6. Briefly explain personal construct therapy. Identifying similar
characteristics of two people and one person that is different;
caring not caring, good- bad. The therapy aims to show
progress of individual using the personal constructs as a
benchmark to change. (2)
7. What three main characteristics affect the jury decision-making
process? Race, attractiveness and accent of defendant. (3)
8. Why is there not a definite conclusion as to whether biological or social
factors cause criminality? (2)
9. How is CBT used to treat sex offenders? Inappropriate thinking, or
lack of social skills, change the way a person thinks to help
alter behaviour. (2)
10. How can a forensic psychologist be involved in the convicting and
treating of prisoners? Offender profiling, setting up treatment
programmes and implementing them. (3)