2. Proposed sensor node architecture

Low Power Sensor Node for a Wireless Sensor Network
Akapeti Sravan, Sujan Kundu and Ajit Pal
Computer Science and Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur, India
sujank, apal@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
Electronic devices like sensor nodes which are also
called as motes are getting smaller, but their battery
charge density is not getting increased in the same
ratio. Since the life of a sensor network depends on the
life of the sensor nodes, the lifetime of the sensor nodes
have to be maximized. This can happen if the battery
lasts long. In this paper, we introduce a power aware
sensor node architecture and a battery-aware task
scheduling algorithm that uses both Dynamic Voltage
Scaling (DVS) and Reverse Body Biasing (RBB) to
maximize the battery life time.
1. Introduction
Wireless sensor networks are gaining immense
importance in today’s world with respect to the
innumerous number of applications in which they can
be used. These applications range from military
surveillance, environment monitoring, inventory
management, habitat monitoring, health monitoring etc.
Almost all these applications need the sensor network
to be alive for months even for years. So, the main
objective when the sensor nodes are deployed is that
the life of the sensor network has to be maximized, so
that it can last the duration the application demands.
The lifetime of the sensor network depends on the
lifetime of the constituent sensor nodes. Given that the
sensor nodes are battery powered and cannot be
recharged or replaced upon its complete discharge, the
sensor node lasts only till its battery lasts. So, in order
to improve the sensor network lifetime, the battery
lifetime of the individual motes has to be maximized.
Some of the approaches in improving the sensor
node lifetime are by using energy efficient sensor node
architecture, power-aware sensor network architectures
and power-aware protocols. The power dissipation in
sensor networks can be broadly divided into two parts.
They are the communication power and the
computation power. It has been observed that the
amount of energy consumed in the communication
process is much higher than the amount consumed in
the computation process. So, by using power-aware
protocols in the protocol stack, the amount of energy
consumed can be minimized. A lot of the research has
been done in the fields of power-aware routing
protocols and power-aware MAC layer protocols in [2]
and [3]. Some of the power-aware routing protocols [1]
are directed diffusion, EAR (Eavesdrop and Register)
and LEACH [11] (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy). Some of the MAC layer protocols are SMAC [2] and CSMA/CA [12]. A lot of research in
recent years has been done in the field of battery driven
system design for embedded systems [6]-[10]. The
research in this field can be divided into battery
modeling, power profiling, task scheduling and battery
A sensor network architecture is one of the most
important design criteria for sensor networks. Some of
the design features in sensor network architecture are
localization, clustering, synchronization etc. The other
design issues in sensor network architecture are
whether the communication is single hop or multi hop
and single path or multiple paths. The goal of a sensor
network designer is to develop power-aware protocols
for the chosen architecture.
The energy consumed in the sensor node can be
reduced by minimizing the amount of time the
hardware units are switched ON. The processor can be
put in various power states whenever it is idle. Since
most of the energy consumed is due to idle listening of
the receiver, the receiver has to be switched ON only
when there is some data packet for that node. So,
energy-efficient node architecture has to be designed.
We propose a node architecture that minimizes the
energy consumed by the receiver.
In most of the sensor nodes the power consumed by
the processor is reduced by using dynamic voltage
scaling. Dynamic voltage scaling mainly reduces the
dynamic power. In the coming years, with the feature
size getting smaller, leakage power will start to
dominate. So, the leakage power also has to be
reduced. Since the battery life has to be maximized, we
propose a battery aware task scheduler algorithm that
maximizes the battery life by scheduling the tasks
accordingly and also assigning the voltages such that
dynamic power as well as leakage power is reduced.
Our proposed battery aware task scheduling is an
extension of [9] where the slack is utilized by scaling
the voltage, where as we try to utilize the slack, by not
only scaling the supply voltage Vdd but also the body
bias voltage Vbs. We not only concentrate on reducing
the dynamic power but also the leakage power, at the
same time improving the battery lifetime.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the
next section we describe our proposed sensor node
architecture and also introduce our battery aware task
scheduler. In Section 3, we present the implementation
and results. The paper is concluded in Section 4.
2. Proposed sensor node architecture
The primary goal of the system architecture is to
design an architecture that is power-aware in every
aspect of the sensor application. The device should
capture the event driven nature of the sensor network
applications. The architecture of a sensor node can be
visualized as having three layers, application layer,
operating system (OS) layer and physical layer.
2.1. Application layer & OS layer
The application layer consists of the implementation
of the application. All network specific and hardware
specific details are abstracted to the application.
The OS layer provides the libraries and functions
through which the nodes can communicate with one
another and the hardware can be accessed. The OS
layer itself can be further divided into two layers. They
are: 1) Protocol layer and 2) Kernel level modules.
The protocol layer consists of the protocols for
infrastructure maintenance of the sensor network and
for communication between the nodes. When the nodes
are deployed, the infrastructure has to be built by
communicating among the nodes. The protocols for
building the infrastructure are Localization protocol,
Clustering protocol, Synchronization protocol, etc.
Apart from the infrastructure maintenance protocols,
the network protocols like CSMA/CA with RTS/CTS
for MAC layer and Directed Diffusion for the network
layer are implemented as communication protocol.
The kernel level modules are the operating system
components that directly access hardware. Since the
sensor node is very application specific, it should be
very compact and less complex. The sensor application
is characterized by its event driven nature. The task
scheduler is used to schedule the tasks in the system.
We propose our battery-aware task scheduler later in
this section.
The dynamic power management unit puts the
processor in one of the multiple power states (Normal,
Auto Halt, Quick Start and Deep Sleep) as specified by
the ACPI [4] and this maximizes the power savings for
the processor. When the processor is in the idle state,
there is no dynamic power consumption, but there is
leakage power consumption. So, reverse body biasing
has to be performed so that leakage power is reduced.
2.2. Physical layer
The physical layer consists of sensors, processor,
memory, power supply units, the transceiver and the
components like clock generator, DC-DC converter,
ADC etc. For our power-aware approach the processor
needs to operate at various voltages and so it needs a
DC-DC converter that changes the supply voltage of
the processor as and when required. The task scheduler
assigns the optimal values of operating frequency,
supply voltage (Vdd) and the body bias voltage (Vbs)
that give the least power consumption.
The power consumed by the transceiver can be
reduced by switching the radio from the ‘on’ state to
the ‘off’ state judiciously. The transmitter is switched
‘on’ only when there is some packet to be transmitted.
But the receiver monitors for external events i.e.
messages from other nodes always. But keeping the
receiver always ‘on’ hoping to receive some message,
consumes a lot of power. We propose to use an extra
circuit called a wake-up circuit that monitors for a
special packet called a wake-up packet transmitted at a
special frequency. This wake-up circuit is a very simple
circuit containing mainly an antenna. After receiving a
wake-up packet, the wake-up circuit triggers an
interrupt with an output voltage. The interrupt service
routine for this interrupt will switch on the receiver.
For implementing this design, a slight modification has
to be made in the MAC protocol. Before sending the
RTS, each node has to send the wake-up packet
indicating that a packet will come. The wake-up packet
is a small packet and thus is not an overhead compared
to the energy savings obtained by avoiding idle
listening of the receiver. The RTS/CTS communication
exchange can help further in reducing the power
consumption using a duration of communication field
in the message headers (see [12]).
2.3.Our proposed battery aware task scheduler
2.3.1 Battery Model. A rechargeable battery is
characterized by a maximum voltage and a cutoff
voltage. The battery is said to be fully discharged if its
voltage falls below its cutoff voltage. The available
capacity of the battery is the difference between its
maximum voltage and its cutoff voltage. This available
capacity is dependent on two phenomena [6] called rate
capacity effect (higher rate of discharge leads to lower
available capacity) and recovery effect (the battery
voltage recovers in the idle periods). The battery model
presented is a high level analytical model [9]. It gives
an analytical relationship between the current load,
discharge time and the corresponding charge slack at
that discharge time. Under the time-varying discharge
i(t), the battery model is given by the following
   i ( )d  2  i ( )e  
m 1
m 2 ( L  )
Where, L is the lifetime of the battery,  is a constant
that represents the total capacity of the battery and
 2 is
the diffusion rate within the battery. For a
constant discharge current (i(t) = I), equation (1)
becomes as follows:
1  e  m L 
  I  L  2
 2 m 2 
m 1
A small value of  represents that the load has to
be decreased for the battery to recover and a high value
of  imply that the battery acts almost like an ideal
power source.
2.3.2. The Task Scheduler. We follow the task
scheduler model presented in [9]. A task is considered
to be a 4 tuple with the parameters being the current
load Ik, the execution time Δk, the start time tk and the
deadline dk. Since our scheduler is a battery aware
scheduler, the objective of the scheduler should be to
minimize the battery discharge without violating the
deadlines of the tasks. Let T be the length of the task
profile, i.e. T = tn-1 + Δn-1. Then the charge consumed
till time T is given by the following equation.
n 1
   I k F (T , t k , t k   k ,  )
k 0
e   m (T  t k   k )  e   m ( T  t k )
F (T , t k , t k   k ,  )   k  2
 2m2
2 2
2 2
Here,  is the charge discharged from the battery
in time T. So Q =  -  represents the amount of
charge left after time T. We need to maximize Q by
minimizing the  . A negative Q at the end of a task
profile represents that the battery has failed at some
point with in the profile.
In [9], the task scheduler used dynamic voltage
scaling (DVS) to reduce the energy consumption and to
maximize the battery life. By applying DVS alone, the
dynamic power is being reduced, but the leakage power
does not reduce much. We tend to minimize the battery
discharge and energy consumption by applying the
combination of DVS and reverse body biasing (RBB).
The combination of DVS and RBB to minimize the
energy consumption is presented in [5]. We follow the
models in [5], to get the optimal pair of the supply
voltage and body bias voltage. This optimal pair is
generated by our task scheduler and is assigned when
that task runs.
2.3.3. Key Properties. Our battery-aware task
scheduling algorithm follows the three properties of the
battery discharge model as given in [9].
Property 1:
For a fixed voltage assignment,
sequencing tasks in the non-increasing order of their
currents is optimal when the task loads are constant
during the execution of the task.
Property 2:
If a battery fails during some task k,
it is always cheaper to repair k by down scaling its
voltage than by inserting on idle period before k.
Property 3:
Given a pair of two identical tasks in
the profile and a delay slack to be utilized by voltage
downscaling, it is better to use the slack on the later
task than on the earlier task.
2.3.4. The algorithm. Our algorithm works in two
phases. The first phase generates a feasible schedule
such that the tasks do not miss their deadlines. In the
second phase, available slack is utilized to minimize
energy requirement by down scaling both supply
voltage Vdd and body bias Vbs in an optimal manner.
Phase I: Generating a Feasible Schedule
The input to this phase is a set of task graphs. From
these task graphs, a feasible schedule is obtained.
First, using the Earliest Deadline First algorithm a
schedule is formed such that the task dependencies do
not violate. Next using this schedule and the Property 1
an another approach is used to reschedule the tasks so
that a non-increasing order of their current loads is
obtained, if possible, and ensures that they do not miss
their deadlines and violate the dependencies. Now,
starting from the first task, each task has to be checked
whether it completes its execution or the battery fails,
using the equation (4). If the battery fails, then failure
recovery is done by downscaling the supply voltage for
the task to a minimum level until the battery doesn’t
fail. Now the completion time of the task and its
successors have to be checked. If it crosses the
deadline, then its previous task has to be downscaled
and the same procedure is continued until the failing
task doesn’t cause the battery to fully discharge. If this
procedure goes all the way to the first task without
repairing the battery failure of the failing task, then the
schedule is not possible. The reason why, the tasks are
downscaled as little as possible is because it allows
greater amount of slack to be used by the latter tasks so
that they can downscale to a larger extent, thus causing
minimum energy consumption. This is according to
property 3.
Phase II: Slack Distribution
The input to this phase is a task schedule obtained in
Phase I, which survives the battery capacity. In this
phase slack is distributed among the tasks. Starting
from the last task, slack time, which is the difference
between the task completion time and the deadline is
calculated. This task is downscaled to the least possible
extent beyond which either the task deadlines are
missed or it is not possible to downscale further. While
downscaling, both supply voltage Vdd and body bias
voltage Vbs are considered. The optimal combination of
the Vdd and Vbs which causes the minimum energy to be
consumed is selected. Now if there is any further slack
then the remaining slack is distributed among this
task’s predecessors in the similar way. This procedure
is continued until no slack is available or none of the
tasks can be downscaled further.
3. Implementation and Results
The proposed battery aware task scheduler has been
implemented in C language. This uses the CMOS
power models given in [5] and the analytical battery
model given in the previous section. The proposed
battery aware task scheduler uses a combination of
DVS and RBB. The scheduler has been simulated
using the Transmeta Crusoe 5600 processor in both the
0.18µ and 0.07µ technologies. The battery capacity 
and the nonlinearity constant  are taken to be 36220
mA-min and 0.637 min-1/2, respectively for all the
simulations. The results of our scheduler have been
compared to the results of the battery aware task
scheduler which uses only DVS [9].
The simulations have been carried out using these
power models on many task profiles. One of the task
profiles is given below in table 1 for analyzing the
results of the simulation.
Table 1. Task profile with 4 independent tasks
Execution time
load (mA)
Table 2. Comparison of energy consumed by various scheduling
algorithms on task profile in table 1 in 0.18 micron technology
Without DVS
and RBB
With DVS
With DVS
and RBB
Percentage reduction
in energy
177.07 J
26.62 J
12.76 J
In the task profileof table 1, we have assumed that
all the tasks arrive at the same time and they are
independent of one another. The result of the
simulation of this task profile is given in table 2. The
above result emphasizes the gain obtained by using a
battery aware scheduler. When the scheduler uses DVS
alone, it gets a gain of nearly 85% and gets a gain of
nearly 93% while using a combination of DVS and
RBB. Our algorithm actually gives a gain of nearly
52% over the former algorithm when only these two
are compared. The gain obtained can be viewed from
the angle of average duty cycle of the tasks. The
average duty cycle of the tasks is the average of the
duty cycle of the individual tasks. This metric is of
more importance as the low-duty cycle applications can
leverage these batter aware algorithms to get a higher
gain. In Table 3 and Table 4 the results of the
simulation of the task profile for different duty cycle
given in Table 1 for 0.18 technology and 0.07
technology, respectively.
From Fig.1, it can be seen that the combination of
DVS and RBB gives more gain when the duty cycle is
less and starts to give lesser gain as the duty cycle
increases and when the utilization is above 75%, the
gain using DVS alone is almost equal to that obtained
using DVS + RBB algorithm. The analysis can be
made by dividing the graph into three zones.
Table 3. The simulation of the task profile in table 1 varying the
duty cycle in 0.18 micron technology
Avg. Duty
Without DVS
and RBB
With DVS
With DVS
and RBB
10 %
15 %
20 %
25 %
30 %
35 %
40 %
177.07 J
177.07 J
177.07 J
177.07 J
177.07 J
177.07 J
177.07 J
19.92 J
21.46 J
26.62 J
36.33 J
91.69 J
119.1 J
175.4 J
3.91 J
5.74 J
12.76 J
21.62 J
57.67 J
107.1 J
175.4 J
The first zone ranges from the 10% - 25% duty cycle.
In this zone, as the duty cycle is less, in both the DVS
and DVS + RBB algorithms, the supply voltages are
Table 4. The simulation of the task profile in table 1 varying the
duty cycle in 0.07 micron technology
Avg. Duty
Without DVS
and RBB
With DVS
With DVS
and RBB
10 %
15 %
20 %
25 %
30 %
35 %
40 %
43247 J
43247 J
43247 J
43247 J
43247 J
43247 J
43247 J
4530 J
4531 J
4536 J
5798 J
20557 J
27550 J
43245 J
80 J
81 J
127 J
187 J
9125 J
24952 J
43245 J
assigned less values, since there is a large amount of
slack. Additionally, in DVS + RBB, some more left
over slack is utilized by reducing the body bias voltage.
So the energy due to subthreshold leakage current is
also reduced. The second zone ranges from 25% - 35%
duty cycles. Here there is a sudden increase in the
energy consumption. Since the duty cycles are higher
here, the available slack is less and so the supply
voltages are higher. Since power is proportional to the
square of the supply voltage, the energy consumed is
increased drastically. Applying the body bias voltages
reduces the energy consumed as shown by the DVS +
RBB algorithm. The third zone ranges from 35% - 40%
duty cycle. Here, the utilization of the processor is
above 75%. So the available slack is very less. Both the
DVS and DVS + RBB algorithms apply high supply
voltages so that the deadlines are not missed. Also
applying body bias voltages cause the deadlines to
miss, so applying them is not useful at high utilization.
So both the DVS and DVS + RBB algorithms give
almost the same gain at higher duty cycles.
The figure 2 depicts the results in the table 4. Since
the simulations here are carried in 0.07µ technology,
the energy consumed is very high. But the pattern of
the energy consumed by DVS and DVS + RBB is the
same. The explanation is the same as the one given for
the simulations in 0.18µ technology. There is one
significant point that can be noticed from the figure 2.
When the average duty cycle is above 30%, the gain
obtained using DVS + RBB over DVS alone is almost
the same in Fig. 2 i.e. at 0.07µ technology, as the one
obtained in Fig. 1 i.e. at 0.18µ technology. But in the
duty cycles that are less than 25%, the gain is very
significant. The reason for this is that at lower process
technologies, like 0.07µ technology, the subthreshold
leakage current increases drastically which causes the
leakage power to increase. In DVS + RBB algorithm,
by applying the body bias voltages, the subthreshold
leakage current is controlled. So the gain perceived in
this duty cycle range in Fig.2 is higher than that in
Fig.1 where a higher process technology (0.18µ
technology) is used. On running 100 task profiles with
task graphs of varying number of tasks and averaging
the amount of improvement of DVS + RBB algorithm
over DVS and neither DVS nor RBB algorithms on
both 0.18µ technology and 0.07µ technology, we get
the graphs in figure 3 and 4 respectively.
So, it can be concluded that DVS + RBB can be
applied to the processor for low duty cycle
applications. Though it can never result in higher
energy consumption than the DVS alone algorithm, it is
not advisable to apply this at very high duty cycles.
This is because there is an additional hardware circuitry
that is used to apply the body bias voltage. This
consumes some extra energy. So, at high duty cycles,
considering this additional circuitry, the total energy
expended by the processor can be higher than the
amount expended by the DVS alone algorithm.
Figure 1. The graph for table 3
Figure 3. Improvement of DVS + RBB algorithm over DVS and
neither DVS nor RBB on 0.18u technology
Figure 2. The graph for table 4
Paradigm for Sensor Networks”, Mobicom’00, Boston 2000,
pp. 56-67
[4] www.acpi.info
[5] Steven M.Martin, Krisztian Flautner, Trevor Mudge, and
David Blaauw. “Combined Dynamic Voltage Scaling and
Adaptive Body Biasing for Lower Power Microprocessors
under Dynamic workloads”.
[6] K. Lahiri, A. Raghunathan, S. Dey, and D. Panigrahi,
“Battery driven system design: a new frontier in low power
design,” Proc. of the 15th International Conference on VLSI
Design (VLSID’02), Jan.2002, pp. 261-267
Figure 4. Improvement of DVS + RBB algorithm over DVS and
neither DVS nor RBB on 0.18u technology
4. Conclusion
In this paper we have proposed a power-aware
sensor node architecture and a battery –aware task
scheduling algorithm using both DVS and RBB to
maximize the battery lifetime. It has been observed that
for low duty cycle applications, our battery aware
scheduling algorithm can give very significant energy
Using 0.18μ technology, we can see that for a duty
cycle of 25%, we can get an improvement of above
40% over the algorithm that uses DVS alone. As the
duty cycle further decreases the improvement
increases. For 0.07μ technology, the improvement is
very high owing to the high amount of leakage power
our algorithm reduces compared to the DVS alone
algorithm. With downscaling of the size of the CMOS
circuits being the present trend, the leakage power
reduction becomes very necessary. So, our algorithm
gains more importance in the future. So, a combination
of the power aware protocols and the dynamic power
management schemes ensures that power consumption
is reduced and at the same time the battery lifetime is
increased, thereby increasing the network lifetime.
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