Drugged - laydownlife.net

My training in evangelism began at age six. Missionary training began at age
9. But, it was not until I took a “Christian Service Assignment” in Hollywood
and Los Angeles, at age 20, required by my Christian university, that I
began to learn about the hidden world within sophisticated America. I began
preaching on the street with a group called Open Air Campaigners. After
getting married, at age 21, I spent a lot of nights on “skid row” in Los
Angeles, to all hours of the night, preaching to the drunks, the pimps, the
prostitutes, to gangs of all types, to the drugged out, the homeless, and the
other such types that hung out there. I kept it up even until I was 9 months
pregnant with my first child. I worked in a nearby Rescue Mission, a soup
kitchen, where I preached to the street community who had come for a free
meal – if they endured the preaching. Later I preached in Long Beach on the
street with a full choir and other evangelists to gangs and prostitutes. In
Africa, over seven years, I preached many meetings in open air fields and in
churches, many evangelistic.
The greatest miracle of all is seeing someone born again – coming “out of
darkness into His marvelous light”. (I Peter 2:9) This is the greatest joy life
can hold for us – to see the miraculous working of the Spirit doing 40 things
instantly to transform a truly repentant person--taking them from the
clutches of Satan, and put them into the Kingdom of Light. There is no
greater joy – none!!!!! If you are not involved with spreading the salvation
of Messiah Yahushua to the world, you are living way below what you are
called to do, robbing yourself! There is no eternal life outside of the precious
blood of the Lamb and His resurrection. To love others, as He loved us, is to
share our testimony with them of the great salvation of our soon-coming
I went on to work in jails, youth detention facilities, prisons and “half-way
houses”. I learned the tricks of demonized people, many who used the
rhetoric of Christianity to get what they wanted. For in a drugged state, an
altered consciousness--by shooting up, snorting, chewing, or smoking, or
drinking cheap whiskey--all they care about is getting what they want. I
learned the mentality of these outcasts of society. Later I learned why so
many very educated and professional people ended up homeless, eating out
of garbage cans. I later entered a similar world of darkness, but did not take
drugs, trying to escape the horrors of my own reality. So, I understand what
goes wrong with a person that ends them up there.
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It is a fact that it is usually the very intelligent and highly talented, who end
up in such dire conditions because they can’t shut out reality that has
overwhelmed their minds. So, they leave family and friends and end up
eating out garbage cans--college grads, doctors, hospital personnel,
teachers, counselors, business men of all types, etc.
My education has been broad and varied. I’ve ministered in religious circles
and seen the incredible deception, hypocrisy, pride and masking. I’ve
ministered in hospital, nursing homes, and facilities for “special children” of
all types. My education has taught me humility--not criticism or judgment.
He took all religion and pride out of me. He humbled me, and I praise Him
for it!
In relating to you some of what I learned about the mind of a person on
drugs, I will transfer that knowledge over to the average American, or
citizen of the UK--wherever Greco/Roman culture has invaded with its
Lucifer-based mind programming. The cultures of ancient Assyria, Egypt,
Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece and Rome are all Lucifer/Satan-based, were
open portals for the coming and going of the fallen ones into the earth.
These 7 empires form the head of the “Beast” with his 7 heads, minus to
date the re-rising and joining of a composite Beast of all the cultures above,
making #7. The composite Beast is formed mainly from all the above
empire, but especially from characteristics of Babylon and Rome, since the
man-Beast/Apollyon comes from end-time Babylon, and his False Prophet
from Rome. These two together form what Revelation 17 call “the eighth
Beast”. [Refer to my article/study: “Nebuchadnezzar”]
Something called a “beast” refers to what devours, destroys, ruins and
spoils. These are the characteristics of all these great empires. Satan used
these portals to teach mankind his mind, and to bring in religion that would
suit his purposes.
I have written extensively with much documentation on the mind
programming of the American people, but I’ve noticed the same mind
programming across board in western culture as a whole. [Refer to: “Mind
Programming, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain” and “Quiet Wars
and Silent Weapons].
How this mind programming parallels those who are strung out on drugs or
alcohol is amazing! Today from babyhood and toddler age to death, most
Americans are in a process of being drugged so that their minds stay at the
age that the drugging begins – about age 3-4, i.e. as in the natural, so in
the spiritual. The ability of the intellect continues to gain knowledge. But,
one’s ability to make wise choices and relate to others is frozen—i.e. the
ability to relate to truth and embrace it, the ability to change, the ability to
face life and mature, the ability to handle negative emotions and discipline
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oneself to overcome them, personal responsibility to the Master/Creator, the
ability to think beyond one’s personal flesh-needs, agendas and ambitions –
the ability to mature and take charge over one’s thoughts and reactions. The
incredible self-centeredness and irresponsible nature that rules a child’s
mind continues and grows stronger.
A child thinks the world revolves around him and others are simply there to
serve him. Teens or adults locked into that state of immaturity are
vulnerable to the mind programming by those that use self-centeredness to
get people to make choices that will end in their destruction. The chronic
appeal to the flesh, from all corners of our culture, has caused the immature
to run after what they can get to satiate their desires. Therefore people are
in serious debt, into sexual perversions, gluttony, time-wasting
entertainment, and have little to no time for any reality that would grow
them up.
There is a running from any responsibility to a real Elohim. Most
intellectually enjoy learning ABOUT “God”, but to know Him personally takes
time and effort, and the drugging effect of the culture that begins with
babies, has left most people totally without desire to know Him. Personal
relationship gets in the way of their doing, thinking, saying whatever they
want to do, think or say.
Note this: It is a psychological fact that whatever age a person begins
seriously taking drugs is the age they freeze at. They stop their ability to
relate to normal life outside their drug culture, and so continue to think like
a drug addict--totally self-centered and irresponsible, even into old age.
It is also true of those who split into multiple personalities at a young age
due to extreme trauma--rape, other types of perverted abuse, things seen
that their minds can’t accept. Traumatized children are prone, as they get
older, to try to shut out the hurt, the emotional pain, the disappointments,
by taking drugs, staying drunk, or acting out in violence and retaliation
towards others. This is how the jezebel spirit is spawned also. Jealousy and
competition drive a person to take control of others. The manipulation
(witchcraft) takes many forms.
The mind programming of the American people into fantasy, illusion, and
deception, blinding them and deafening them from reality, has been a good
hiding place for the cruel experiments the Illuminati mind programmers have
done on the psyche of the people. People fear losing their security blankets,
their zones of protection they’ve created. It is more than fear – it is often
extremely traumatic. The programming of the American people into fear has
been methodical and cruel.
The constant bombardment of advertisements to get people on untested
prescription drugs and dependent on doctors has made us a nation of guinea
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By creating sicknesses, and even DNA changes, through additives to food, to
water, contamination of the air, putting destructive chemicals in clothes, in
cookware, poisons in vaccines, etc., the American people are the sickest and
most dependent people on “legal drugs” in the world. I’ve had people in
Europe comment on it, with sad faces. Fear-programming begins with
cartoons, children’s books, movies, or toys, oftentimes, even in homes of
normal parents who are not cruel or abusive. But, evil is masked, and few
see it for what it is. The messages of Satan are bombarding our children and
grandchildren, all masked by “cute”, “fantasy”, and “fun”.
Wise parents protect their children by shutting off the Satanic mindprogramming devices coming into their homes, and teach their children the
love of Yahuweh and Yahushua and the beautiful boundaries of Torah. [I
have written two articles on how good parents sacrifice their children to
Satan daily without knowing it: “Gentle Sacrifice” and “Cartoon”. You can
find almost all articles on laydownlife.net and the most important
concentrated ones on comeenterthemikvah.com]
Little ones are so often exposed to pornography early in life. The shock of
pornography on the naturally modest, naïve, innocent mind of a child or
young teen, is the same as with rape--a violation of their modesty.
Sometimes their minds even slit into other personalities, into a fantasy
mind-sets, to escape what they cannot live with. Tragically this goes with
them into their adult life – so are living in hallucinations without
hallucinogenic drugs.
Only by the “true new birth” – the Scriptural new birth – and the infilling of
the Spirit of Yahuweh, the infusion of the Word daily, and dwelling in His
Presence, can the Spirit begin to work to cleanse the mind of the person so
that they have a chance of being free. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”]
But, it has been said that pornography is 6-8 times more addictive than
cocaine. I can believe that.
Demonic spirits enter a person through mind-altering drugs, through
pornography, which often accompanies the taking of drugs, from sexual
abuse, and other traumatizing things that freeze the minds relationship to
the outside world. These abuses open portals to the entrance of demons.
Unless the Spirit of Yahuweh sets them free, they are bound in a box of their
own mental and emotional pain all their lives. I lived with such a one. I have
compassion, yet great understanding. So many are afraid of losing their
witchcraft powers they have from the dark kingdom. Many are so fearful
because their identity will be lost if they lose their powers. I’ve counseled
several like this. Tragically they hide in Christianity or the Messianic
The ability to love others is taken away with drug addiction. Anger,
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bitterness, hate, and revenge, jealousy and competition often take the place
of learning to love and reach out to others. These negative emotions are
very, very deep, especially if they are taken in when a person is very young.
Demonic spirits ride on negative emotions. In rejecting the freedom of the
nature of Yahuweh, Yahuweh cannot help these people, for He is Light.
Some of the characteristics of one who has frozen in their maturity by taking
addictive drugs is irresponsibility, running from responsibility,
laziness/lethargy, no motivation to improve one’s condition, apathy, a “freewheeling” attitude – undisciplined, a “flying the seat of one’s pants” attitude
(no sense of time-keeping, or of other people’s need to keep time), totally
self-centered so that they manipulate and use others to do for them without
care about anyone else. The ability to love is not there, not real love – to lay
down one’s life for a family or others who are suffering. They usually have a
hard time keeping a job, if they even get a job. They love to sleep until late
in the day, and stay up all night. They talk about themselves profusely. They
think like a teenager – as in “it’s all about me”. They don’t think about
others – because all they think about is themselves. If they relax, they often
lapse into talking in a “low-life” street type of verbiage, because this is the
way they view life. They gravitate to the negative, and often fake emotions
to get self-pity. Many have hair-trigger tempers, for they have buried deep
anger, hate and bitterness.
There is no little to no understanding of, or relating to, people who work for
a living, provide for a family, take vacations, love, laugh, and enjoy the
simple beauty of a normal human life, let alone people who minister to
others with pure minds and unhidden motives. If they are older, they often
view people of their own age group as silly—because in their mind they are
still a teenager or a kid in their 20s. They view the normalcy of precious love
as something to loathe and mock. They see only the down and dirty, and in
their bitterness, they despise what is precious to others. Therefore, to lie,
steal, even kill, is of little importance, as long as their needs are met.
They cannot communicate with those who are pure of heart for they only
know how to relate to those like themselves. They are frozen in place in a
mentality that has then totally under the control of the evil one. So, many
end up on the streets, or in poor conditions.
What is so blatant is that so-called “believers” can sit laugh at sin on TV. The
show America’s Favorite Home Videos – often shows people and animals
who are obviously hurt, and everyone laughs. Only one strung out on drugs
would laugh at someone being hurt. The drug effect bypasses compassion,
tenderness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and true caring love. These
characteristics of Yahuweh and Yahushua are almost totally gone from
planet earth. So the killing of children, the murder of people in general that
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is seen on TV from morning till night, does not phase those who are so
hardened and cold. So, most act just like a hard-core drug addict – without
any caring for anyone else – even mocking those attributes of the Creator.
If a person does not have the nature of Messiah—i.e. Galatians 5:22-24 for
example, ready to lay down their lives for others in need – then they are not
Yahuweh’s children! “By their fruit you will know them” …
I have seen very few so-called believers, no matter how well they perform
outwardly, who have the nature of the “God” they say they believe in. Their
nature is more like the god of this world, king of darkness. Therefore, in the
days to come, the “few” of Matthew 7:13-14 will be very evident.
There is a spiritual blindness that has blanketed western nations, that has
spread throughout the world. Most people act normal—the men go to work
on time, they provide for their families, they enjoy their children, etc. --yet
they are blinded to the evil around them, and so on the inside they are
quickly dying from being disconnected from the life that is only found in the
Presence of the real Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak and Ya’cob.
Hurt as a child so often results in a deep cavern being carved in a person
that they fill with bitterness, hate, anger, and a desire to get back at in
some way for being hurt. They may try to suppress their hidden anger and
bitter venom, but it comes out if they feel pressured or pressed to think or
do anything they don’t want to do. [Refer to II Corinthians 11:13-15]
Abba once spoke to me: “Christianity is the mask of Satan”, for its tolerance
of evil and its rejection of Yahuweh’s Torah has caused it to be a perfect
mask for ones who hide. But, the Light will expose the darkness!
Because of the tremendous gap in communication between the world of the
drug addict and those of normal society, the one who froze in maturity is
often shunned, for there is no understanding between those who have been
on addictive drugs and those who have not.
These who have been on drugs so often view people as usable. Few men on
drugs have respect for women, for example. They are something to use and
throw away. They talk about body parts, rather than seeing the person as a
real human.
It takes the power of the Spirit of Yahuweh to deliver one and transform
them into the nature of Elohim – and I’ve seen Him do it to hard-core drug
addicts. I know that Jackie Pullinger in Hong Kong saw many desperate
cases totally set free by the power of the Spirit. There has to be deliverance,
by Yahuweh’s power, from the demonic spirits that accompany drug
addiction or alcohol abuse, or those who have been addicted to
pornography, to violent music, violent movies, and abuse of others. It is not
just a matter of getting “saved” and going to church or trying to be good.
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I worked for years in the area of deliverance of people from demonic
powers. I understand that it is a process. Unless a person wants to be free,
and remarkably few do, there can be no deliverance.
We are in the time when the foolish virgins are realizing the Master is
coming, so they’re off trying to buy oil. The thing is, because they do not
respect timing and prepare, they return only to find out they have been shut
out of the wedding feast, and therefore also the Kingdom. It is amazing that
multi-millions of so-called believers are in that category. They’ve wasted
their lives with one foot in the world and one foot in the church world, and
not prepared by knowing the Master. So, they’ve missed the time of
preparation and it is almost too late to catch up to the wise virgins. Perhaps
it is too late – but I don’t discourage anyone from trying to build a
relationship with Him, by seeking Him with all their heart!!!
Yahuweh does not wave a magic wand over a person and take them from
being totally self-centered to being a radiant blameless person, walking in
the nature of the Creator. It takes daily obedience to the Word, discipline,
using the will to seek Him and His Presence, to study His Word TAUGHT BY
HIM, and to learn to fear Him, know Him, know His nature, ways and
thinking. The walk of a bond slave, a disciple, a follower of the Lamb is not
some quick fix. People in western society want a quick fix, want a quick
meal, want a quick solution to problems, want quick money, etc. etc. – it
comes from a drug mentality of wanting a “fix” – a high, an escape.
Be aware: There is a “too late”, a cutoff point. In the story of the ten virgins,
five were prepared, and five were “lazy fools”, and when Messiah came to
call the guests to the wedding feast He said to the lazy ones: “Truly…I do
not know you”. Does He “know” you intimately, in relationship?
Someone on crack cocaine, or LSD, or other such mind-altering drugs, can
lose their humanity. New drugs are being introduced all the time with more
and more horrible side effects. These can lead one to cannibalism and to do
horrible things that the natural mind cannot think of, because in that
drugged state Satan possesses them. The National Guard has been trained
for an outbreak of cannibalism in America. Demon possession is on the
increase. We are also being invaded by hybrids, trans-humans, Nephillim
reincarnated--all in preparation for the coming of the son of destruction –
son of Lucifer--Apollyon/Osiris/Nimrod.
Messiah said that in our day “…because of lawlessness (Torahlessness) the
love of many will grow cold”. Because the world has rejected Yahuweh and
His Torah, His boundaries for life in His Kingdom, including Christians, few
care about anybody else but themselves and what comprises their own little
world. Tragically most Torah guarders are the same – they are so proud of
their intellectual knowledge that they won’t even share the Good News of
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salvation with others--they have rejected the mandates of Messiah for their
rabbis’ opinions. Many have forsaken the beautiful instructions in the “New
Testament”, where Torah becomes a living reality in the Spirit.
I have written these stark realities to show you some of the effects of the
mind- programming done to YOU, which is similar to the effects on those
taking mind-altering drugs. Our whole culture is stripping off its façade, to
reveal the ugliness of its nakedness. But, few even care as long as no one
disturbs their plans for their dinner, their shopping spree, or their vacation.
The HAARP pulse waves, the other e.l.f. waves hitting the earth (extra low
frequency) from outer atmosphere sources, the poisons in our food, water,
and air, and even clothing now, are all geared to YOUR destruction. You are
the guinea pig for all types of experimental substances, and technology. So
much destruction is bombarding us daily, affecting body, mind and
emotions, and few even care anymore.
Most of you know that the Greek word for drugs is “pharmakia” –
from which we get “Pharmacy”. The Greek word means “sorcery,
In Abba’s Kingdom, the solution is spiritual warfare bringing deliverance, and
daily coming into His Presence with thanksgiving, praise and worship. I am
staying in worship now more than ever. It is the most powerful spiritual
warfare of all!!!
The condition is fast coming: Revelation 9:20-21: “And the rest of
mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of
their hands, that they should not worship the demons and the idols…And
they did not repent of their murders, nor of their drug sorceries, nor of their
whoring, nor of their thefts.”
America is the leader worldwide of the growing and selling of addictive mindaltering drugs. The leader of the violent music and violent movie industries,
the pornography industry, the sex-slave market, child pornography, and the
use of children (and adults) to work in fields and factories in third world
nations for as little as 30 cents a day for 12 hours labor. Truly, as
Revelation 18:11-13 tells us, this end-time Babylon trades in “the bodies
and the souls of men”.
Therefore, we are/will receive the backlash of judgment from a righteous
Elohim. The nation is now surrounded by Russian, Chinese, and North
Korean military. Within are 30-100 thousand Russian troops who are training
for our takeover, along with the Chinese, the Iranian and Iraqis--Muslims of
all types, along with heartless mercenaries and hardened criminals, chipped
soldiers, and violent gangs, all ready to destroy the American people.
Executive Orders have been signed so that your property, as well as your
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children can be taken from you at will. Abba is allowing the use of the
HAARP technology that has created the fires, the storms, the hurricanes and
tornadoes, the freezing and the extreme heat, the destruction of the food
crops, as our punishment. All the while, the people are being drugged into a
state of non-reality, into apathy and lethargy, going to work like mindless
slaves to pay bills they’ve run up because the programmers have told them
what to buy to be happy.
Hallucinogenic drugs cause a distortion of reality so that people see things
that are not there, or see things that are there but invisible to the natural
eye, because drugs puts one into a dimension that is controlled by
Satan/Lucifer and his fallen ones. They actually go into an altered
consciousness and see demons. They are either scared out of their wits, or
think they are nice--like seeing ET and thinking he’s cute.
The mind programming we’ve been subjected to puts us into a similar state
of non-reality, and we see demonic activity but so often think nothing of it.
Do you notice that the “dress” of most westerners is becoming more and
more undress? More and more skin is showing in public. It is far worse in the
UK and Europe than even the US. But, the US is getting there. I found out
lately that even so-called “believers” rebel against modesty, men too. This is
a drug related mentality. Getting naked while taking drugs or being drunk, is
part of their brand of “normal”. Therefore the emphasis that has overtaken
our society aimed at having a sexy appearance. People are being degraded
to no more than whores – animals – people without a spirit.
Men are getting more and more feminine and women more and more
masculine. Sexual perversion abounds! Crazy hairdos and dyes, the
tattooing of the body (which is forbidden by Torah), body piercing, fighting,
filthy thinking – all are more than just “flesh”, they are satanic.
Many are investigating contacting the supernatural world, through things like
the Ouija board, eastern mysticism practices, “horror” movies, violent music,
sexual perversion, practicing out of body experiences, and contacting spirit
guides. When I say “many” I include the Christian world. These things open
portals to the demonic world--yes, yoga, karate, and acupuncture included.
It is a fact that Satanism in the U.S. military has grown to an enormous
level! Did you know that? That hints at how secure we really are!
He commands that we be set-apart as He is set-apart. But, to do so requires
discipline of the mind, and the body. Few are even strong enough to rally
their will in even desire to be disciplined. Most are so overcome by the
crushing of the python spirit in America, they are just surviving.
Sin separates one from Yahuweh. Most have never connected with Him in
reality. So we are in the time of the “raging insanity” spoken of in II
Timothy 3:1-7, and Romans 1:20-32.
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I have seen this to be a growing nightmare in churches and Messianic
congregations, where people mask their rebellion under fake spirituality and
correct rhetoric, but if crossed their vengeance is cruel, with no conviction of
wrong – no “I’m sorry”--just haughty pride that reflects the nature of their
true father, Satan. The jezebel spirit has risen to enormous proportions, and
that spirit (in both women and men) is being tolerated, just as Yahushua
warned the assembly of Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)
To practice sin willfully, carries heavy penalty. We come against the Judges
of the Universe--Yahuweh and His Word, and Yahushua and His salvation. In
the Tenach willful sin is punished by death. After Messiah, willful sin is
punished by loss of eternal salvation. Read I John 3--it is very plain.
Messiah said to the woman caught in adultery, “go and sin no more”. There
is no salvation without first repentance. Repentance is a gift. It opens the
portal of His being able to forgive. But continuing to sin brings judgment.
In a drugged state, sin is blurred--treated as a “mistake” or “fooling
around”, but justified in some way. Drug addicts have no consciousness of
sin. Sin is part of their lifestyle, using people to satiate their lusts. But, in
churches now – “sin” is a dirty word that runs off “seekers”. It is more
blasphemy in the face of Yahuweh!
II Peter 2:18-22: “For speaking arrogant nonsense they entice--through
the lusts of the flesh, through indecencies--the ones who have indeed
escaped from those living in delusion--promising them freedom, though they
themselves are slaves of corruption. For one is a slave to whatever
overcomes him. For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world
through the knowledge of the Master and Savior, Yahushua Messiah, they
are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end of them is worse
for them than the first. For it would have been better for them to not have
known the way of righteousness, than having known it to turn from the setapart command delivered to them. For the proverb has proved true—`a dog
has returned to his own vomit’ ”...
Hebrews 6:4-6 is very plain, also Romans 1:28-32; 8:6-8, 13-14;
Galatians 5:19-20, Ephesians 5:3-7; I Corinthians 6:8-11; and so
many passages tell us that we can lose our salvation if we do not maintain
the new life that He has given us. He sent ten of the tribes of Ya’cob into
captivity for 2, 730 years because of sin. He kept the whole generation that
came out of Egypt from entering the “promised land” because of their
rebellion/sin (except for Joshua and Caleb). He is Light. Light cannot tolerate
darkness in its presence. How close can darkness get to a light bulb? Yet
people expect “the consuming fire” to tolerate their sin. Insanity!
Salvation is by faith, following repentance of sin. But the walk of faith
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mandates obedience to Yahuweh’s Word. We are born again into His service,
as bond servants of a Master, in training for reigning. At the new birth, we
embrace discipleship--following the Teacher, the Spirit of Yahuweh. “You are
not your own, you are bought with a price”. (I Corinthians 6:20; 7:23)
The price was the blood of the spotless “Lamb of Elohim”!
We are mandated to be set-apart from the world, and its fleshly
enticements, unto Yahuweh our Elohim, or else He cannot be our Elohim (II
Corinthians 6:14-7:1) He can only dwell with the humble and contrite. He
won’t allow the prideful and the rebellious in His Presence!
Western religion has made many loop holes so its members don’t have to
obey Yahuweh, or Messiah either. This “freewheeling” Christianity of the
Greco/Roman culture is an anything goes fun game … with no personal
responsibility to a Covenant, leaving everyone’s beliefs and actions up to
them. It produces a drugged state of being!!! It produces an illusionary
belief. Therefore, many think they are going to “heaven”, but they are not.
He does not know them. The cheap “gospel” is an easy belief-system that
gives people assurance of getting out of hell, while requiring no obedience to
their Savior--giving an illusionary image of the “God” of the “Bible”. People
think they can sin, while God pats on the head and smiles. There are no
boundaries. Like the world, the church has thrown off the “bands” of the
Creator (Psalm 2). There are over 5,000 denominations and organizations,
and over 350 translations of the Bible into English, and any time someone
doesn’t like what the church teaches, they can go to another one, or start
their own. It is a religion for drugged people with a false security. Religion
produces a drug-induced state of hallucinations that rivals drug addiction!
Truth demands change! Truth demands a clear mind, and pure heart.
At the true new birth, one becomes a totally new creation – “old things have
passed away, behold ALL THINGS become new”. Thus, the truly born again
have the nature of Messiah, and are diligent to grow up to be like Him in all
ways. Those who do not know Him are more and more manifesting the
nature of their father, Satan. (Jeremiah 3:3; John 8:44)
I’ve written an article recently entitled “Evil – Crossing the Threshold” but I
have written more about the takeover of evil since the unleashing of it that
happened between July 27 and August 12th. I have had a lifetime of
education on seeing evil and understanding it-- how it works, and what it is
doing right under everyone’s nose--but few see it. It is very clear to me, and
to those who have been in the dark kingdom. But to the drugged ones, evil
is becoming easy to accept. The drugging effect has made people run from
truth into their fantasy non-reality. Excuses are made for evil. Anyone
speaking truthfully and plainly are usually called “judgmental”, “critical”, or
“unloving”. Tolerance of evil is reigning, and most of Yahuweh’s people are
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going along with the tolerating of it. This “herd mentality” will lead people to
take the “mark of the Beast” without caring.
“Woe to those that call evil good and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20). We have
been raised on cute little characters since the late 40s. The practicing
Wiccan witch, Walt Disney, has programmed almost all of us into fairy
godmother thinking.
In the world of hallucinogenic drugs, a person taking them can be what they
want to be, and believe what they want to believe. All boundaries are
removed – the boundaries of Yahuweh for our good are thrown away. At the
Olympics, the call for “freedom” took on a new meaning – Psalm 2 gives
that meaning. In the world of those taking mind-altering drugs, there is no
morality, no code of ethics. If they want to run around naked, participate in
orgies, kill someone, rape, steal, vandalize, destroy – it is all OK – they are
“free”. This is the freedom that Satan offers, and tragically even those in
Yahuweh’s family are falling for this type of freedom, the drug being
Because reality is coming so fast and furious, most adults are running like
scared ostriches and sticking their heads in the sand. To protect their
imaginary security, they are making their philosophical theological “God”
say what they want Him to say, often taking one Scripture verse out of
context to back their personal thinking. Like Adam and Eve, most blame
their sin, their apathy, and their disobedience on someone else – a spouse,
their parents, their upbringing, a friend, etc. The taking of personal
responsibility is foreign to those on drugs, and to those drugged spiritually.
More and more people are being reduced to a zombie state. If you are
wasting your time watching the major mind-programmer--the TV--you will
get what you deserve: For out of it is coming “sound of silence” waves that
can blind, deafen, scramble your mind, and bring you to a state of total
shutdown, where your will has been taken over. [Refer to: “Digital TV –
Beware!”] All the time you have been opening your mind to Satan’s mind
programming, you could have been in the Presence of the Creator of the
universe. What a nonsensical substitution.
The Olympics was all about the substituting of Zeus and Apollo for Yahuweh
and Yahushua. But, so-called “believers” do the same thing every day-substitute His Word for the words of man, the entertainment of man, the
advice of man, etc. Yet they are slaves of their lusts. They do not know Him
– “whom to know is life eternal”. They make themselves gods in their own
minds--trying to control their lives and the lives of others. That’s part of the
jezebel spirit. Yet, they live in fear of losing control.
I have reported firsthand on what the sound of silence waves did to Saddam
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Hussein’s finest soldiers. I was in Jordan in 2003 when America went into
Iraq with that technology. The whole of the finest of Iraq were taken over in
seconds, as the sound of silence was used, reducing the army to a bunch of
emotional babies, who put their heads on the shoulders of the American
soldiers and cried.
When a major crisis happens, of course everyone in the world who has a TV
will be watching it. At some point, the sound of silence rays will be used.
But, right now they are slowly being used at a low frequency.
I have dedicated my life to trying to help people get out of this drugged
state, but fewer and fewer have even the will to free themselves.
Statistically it is a fact that 95% of people refuse to change--most like
themselves the way they are. I wrote in a recent article “What is Satan
After?” about the power of the will. But, now, even people’s will is being
taken from them, slowly but surely. Only those who have taken the time to
be steeped in His Word TAUGHT BY HIM, and stayed in worship in His
Presence, have clear minds – for they have avoided the mind-programming
devices, and obeyed the Master, and are on the move serving Him--following
the Lamb wherever He goes. (Revelation 14:10-5)
It takes a strong will to fight against the drugged state. Unless a person is
demon possessed, or dead, they still have their will. But, the mindprogramming/takeover technology being used now has the power to shut
down the will. While you have your will left, will you fight against your being
taken over by the drugging actions of the enemy?
Will you take the time to know the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob as
He is, and side with Him, worshipping Him, seeking Him with all your heart,
obeying Him without any balking or excuses? Will you give yourself to Him
to help you out of your drugged state into an alertness and clarity of mind
that comes from the study of the whole Word with Him to teach you?
Abba gave me this word a few years back, while I was in Jordan: “Tell My
people that praying “the sinner’s prayer” does not insure their salvation. They are
depending on this prayer to save them. Only their absolute adherence to Me and
obedience to My Word will save them in these days to come. My wrath is blazing hot
against the lukewarm. Take sides! Take sides, I say! For I would rather you be a total
heathen--totally cold toward me--or a flame of fire for Me, than to be lukewarm”.
Yes! Take sides! Since I returned from “My Declaration Assignment” to Rome
and Greece in early August, I have felt a strong sense of having “sided” – a
tangible sense. The plumb line has been dropped, and the spirit of Eliyahu
(Elijah) has gone forth with a repeat of II Kings 18--the contest on Mount
Carmel. Do you see how much effort those of “Ba’al” had to put forth to call
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for Ba’al to send fire from heaven? They worked themselves into a frenzy,
and still Ba’al did nothing. Eliyahu mocked them. His prayer was very short
and to the point, but when he finished Yahuweh sent the fire.
Today the world is rallying multi-millions, even billions by TV, as during July
27-August 12th at the Olympics, to call for the coming of Lucifer and his son
Apollyon, and the fallen angels--the gods of the ancient world, the Nephillim.
During this time, world over, the ancient indigenous people, the Druids, the
New Age movement, the hierarchy leaders of the Illuminati (Vatican,
Masons, and “Black Royalty” of Europe), the Morovingian bloodline, the
Satanists and worshippers of Lucifer, all joined in the rejection of Yahuweh
and His Son and His Torah in public display, in symbols and in direct speech
to the dulled ears of billions. Yahuweh heard and now His reaction is also
unleashed. Yet He calls His tiny little remnant of set-apart ones to call out
“Come Yahushua Come!” to invite Him to return to take over this earth. All
He needs is a few.
At the Democratic Convention a major American Muslim group associated
with the Muslim Brotherhood, has been invited to have a program, in which
over 20,000 will join in prayer in Charlotte, North Carolina, and other
events. Why would such a thing be allowed? It is totally Jew-hating, and
Christian-hating, and openly touting takeover of America? Have you been
reading my articles? Read “Launching the Chaos” (2011) for starters.
The person who wants to be re-elected is directly associated with the Muslim
Brotherhood, and is dedicated to creating the chaos that is needed to bring
in the war against Israel, world chaos, and the new world order out of that
chaos. That whole theme was a big part of the closing ceremony of the
London Olympics. Go back and read the four articles I wrote during that
time. Pray much for His understanding of all that you see and hear.
And a tiny but powerful handful of Yahuweh’s people are lifting their voices
to call out His praises and calling for His Son to come. But, He only needs
the “few”!!!
I plead with you – please plead with others to wake them up.
Romans 13:11: “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time
to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we
believed. The night is far spent. The day is at hand. Let us therefore
cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light…put on
the Master Yahushua Messiah and make not provision for the flesh to
fulfill its lusts”.
Shalom, in His love,
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