File spelling homework activities

Spelling Homework
Directions: Each week, spelling should be practiced at least 3 times in the blue spiral
notebook and turned in on Friday. Homework should be completed using current spelling
words on the Peek of the Week sent home each Friday and also available on your
teacher’s website.
Suggested Activity Menu:
Rainbow Words: Write your words in 3 colors.
Silly sentences: Use all your words in ten sentences.
Picture Words: Draw a picture and write your words in the picture.
Ransom Words: Write your words by cutting out letters in a newspaper or magazine and glue
them on a paper.
Pyramid Words: Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be
a pyramid shape of words.
Reversed Words: Write your words in ABC order—backwards!
30-Second Words: Write a TV commercial using all the words from your list.
Other handed: If you are right handed, write with your left, or vice-versa.
Choo-Choo Words: Write the entire list end to end as one long word, using different colors of
crayon or ink for different words.
Secret Agent Words: Number the alphabet from 1-26, then convert your words to a number
Type your Words: Type your words at least 3 times each on the computer and print them out.
PowerPoint: Make a PowerPoint presentation with one word on each slide showing a picture to
represent the word and/or include a sentence using the word.
Dictionary time: Look up the definition of each word in a dictionary. Read the definition out loud.
Then write the word and tell if it’s used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.
Thesaurus time: Use a thesaurus to find a synonym or antonym for each word. Make a list of the
words with their matches. Label them as Synonyms (same meanings) or Antonyms (opposites). If
there isn’t one, tell if it’s used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.