Angels - The Sunday School Page

(Sunday School Class Notes From 1999)
Classification of Angels:
1. Arch Angel:
2. Fallen Angel:
Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:14, 16)
3. Messenger Angel:
4. Cherubim (plural), Cherub (singular)
5. Seraphim (plural), Seraph (singulgar)
Angel of the Lord is Jesus Christ (Christophany)
(Tabernacle Part I)
Cherubim (placed on the ark) to protect God’s holiness. The cherubim had 4 faces and
four wings with a hand underneath each wing, and also a foot similar to a calf.. The
faces were representatives of the following:
1. Son of Man (Reuben Tribe – South {man represent the branch – Luke}) a man’s
face. Referenced in Luke also found in Numbers 2:10
2. Servant (Ephraim Tribe – West {ox represent the servant – Mark}) an ox’s face.
Referenced in Mark also found in Numbers 2:18
3. Son of God (Dan Tribe – North {eagle represents God – John}) an eagle’s face.
Referenced in John also found in Numbers 2:25
4. Son of David (Judah Tribe – East {lion represents the king – Matthew}) a lion’s
face. Referenced in Matthews also found in Numbers 2:3
Cherubim accompany the glory of God. Sera. Seraphim had 6 wings. There were 3
seraphim with 1 face each: face of a man, eagle, lion, ox. Seraphim protect the
holiness of God. A description is given in Revelations 4:6-8
Christophany: A pre-incarnate of Jesus Christ (before he was born)
Theophany: A visible manifestation of a god. See Joshua 5. Joshua asked the
theophany (the man with the drawn sword) “Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?”
When the Angel of the Lord appears, it is always a theophany (a pre-incarnate of Jesus
1) Spiritual Being Classifications (Good)
a) Seraphim
b) Cherubim
c) Angels
2) Spiritual Being Classification (Bad)
a) Principalities (celestial hierarchy)*
b) Powers (celestial Hierachy)*
c) Age Rulers of Darkness
(Sunday School Class Notes From 1999)
Dominions (Colossians 1:16)
Angels (Fallen) (2 Peter 2:4)
Spirits in Prison (1 Peter 3:18-20)
Seducing Spirits (1 Timothy 4:1)
*Principalities (celestial hierarchy): a traditional hierarchy of angels ranked from
lowest to highest into the following nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities,
powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim
3) Principalities and Powers (3 great leaders)
a) Michael – in Daniel he is called a Prince. In Jude 9 he is called an Archangel
and in Rev. 12:7 he is in command of the angelic army of Heaven. His work
seems to be to deliver God’s people, particularly the Jews from the power of
Satan and to finally oust him and his angels from the Heavenlies
b) Gabriel – Mentioned in Daniel and in Luke. He seems to be associated with the
redemptive work of God. He announced the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus’
c) Satan – He is the source of all the anarchy and rebellion in the Universe. In
Ephesians 6:12 we are warned of the evil principalities and powers in the
heavens. He was an anointed cherub (such as the ones placed at the Garden of
Entrance to protect it entrance. Satan was also a guardian of the Throne of God.
The cause of his fall is given in Isa 14:12-20, where he is called Lucifer, Son of
the Morning. Satan sin was pride (treason), as he plan to rule over God.
4) The Tri-unity of God
a) The Father was present and spoke saying, “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I
am well pleased.” The Son was present in Jesus. And the Holy Spirit was
present in the form of a dove – Matthew 3:16-17. The triunity shows in Genesis
1:26 when we read, “And God said, Let us make man in our image.”
b) Man is a triunity. He is composed of spirit, soul, and body. In 1 Thessalonians
5:23 – he is a trinity because he was made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26). His
spirit corresponds with God the Father, his soul corresponds with God the Holy
Spirit and his body corresponds with God the Son.
5) The Spirits in Prison
a) The angels referenced in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6, as having left their first
estate and being reserved in everlasting chains under darkness are not Satan’s
angels. They are a special class of angels whose sin caused the flood. They are
the spirits in prison whom Peter speaks of in 1 Peter 3:18-20